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Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait?

rich55  3 | 49  
14 Aug 2009 /  #181
Jeez JC, every country has it's cesspools...is there a country that doesn't? I think you'll find that often the countries that try and hold themselves up to be somehow better than the rest are simply in denial or utterly hypocritical. And maybe I'm nitpicking a little, but isn't that profile image of yours a little offensive if it is, as it seems to be, 'the finger'?... aren't you worried that some people of the 'Polish and Catholic Culture' might feel that you are making life a little less pleasant by posting this image?....
Alx123  - | 180  
14 Aug 2009 /  #182
I don't think there is distinction between shy and bold girls.The distinction is between party girls and librarian types.Many times party girls are more difficult to get.

Among the main types of girls I've come across are:

1) uneducated sexy-but-dodgy looking girls who seem to go exclusively for 'dresiarze' (vulgar addidas-wearing skinhead guys). In Krakow, some ex-pats call such girls 'Hutas' because many of them come from the poor industrial district of Nowa Huta.

2) Confident, classy, slightly more more mature girls who don't often go to clubs. Usually engaged or married.
3) simple, young, often shy and naive 'librarian-type' village girls that frequent the cheap student clubs like Carpe Diem
4) slightly above-average looking party girls with v little personality who go to posher clubs and think they hotter than they are (we just call them 'deluded')

5) Girls who like and hang around exclusively with foreigners. Most of them are rather average in the looks department (not an expression I use, but I've come across the term 'language wh***s')

6) Hippies, freaks, wierdos, bisexuals etc. Can be found in gay-friendly clubs like Kitsch. Unpredictable.

The decent, classy ones are the hardest ones to find, especially if they're single, but those ones are girlfriend-material. The most difficult ones are the Hutas, unless you have a shaven head, look like the Hulk without the green, and can say 'kurwa' after almost every word. The village girls are definitely the easiest to approach but their deep inferiority complexes make you almost feel guilty about shagging them.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
14 Aug 2009 /  #183
The village girls are definitely the easiest to approach but their deep inferiority complexes make you almost feel guilty about shagging them.

you make me cry LOL
anger_lodz  1 | 4  
14 Aug 2009 /  #184
Who says polish girls are negative. i don't believe this. they are decent, very beautiful and smart. I've seen so many incrdibly intelligent girls. and it's true. i like our girls very much. they are so cute and innocent at least this is my honest experience so far.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Aug 2009 /  #185
they are so cute and innocent

??? They are woman..wake up and smell the quaffy! (oh sorry that was sooooo New York)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
14 Aug 2009 /  #186
Who says polish girls are negative. i don't believe this. they are decent, very beautiful and smart. I've seen so many incrdibly intelligent girls. and it's true. i like our girls very much. they are so cute and innocent at least this is my honest experience so far.

When I read you text it seems like you think all Polish girls are the same. You should know that it's not true. Some Polish girls are nice, beautiful and intelligent. Some Polish girls are not.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
15 Aug 2009 /  #187
Is this a case of disguised identity?

What you are saying sounds just like what I have head 100 of times from Polish girls. And yet each of them failed to prove Alex point wrong: that in many ways THEY ARE "all the same".

If you are real, then I would call that the new foreign guy in town syndrome. You are getting some little success with Polish girls that is a big improvement from what you had back home.

I went through that myself. Very nice, but at the same time short lasting. The follow up phase, is unfortunately a little more cynical.

You will see...
johncardwell  3 | 110  
15 Aug 2009 /  #188
Alx123: Among the main types of girls I've come across are:

Thank you for this post.
I saw the same thing in Krakow but I could not write it like this.
LukeXX  4 | 75  
16 Aug 2009 /  #189
negative: compulsive lying. I think they learn it from environment. Her so-called male "friends" may not be friends. Perhaps something to do with general national attitute, or Jesus messes up with their minds.

Sadly I agree with what you say 100%. From my experience compulsive lying among Polish girls is not the exception but the norm.

To me it must come down to religion, and most young people going to sunday mass. I mean, how can one pretend to believe in the virgin mary, the invisible man in the sky all that bllshite with a straight face?

In the dark ages it probably make a little sense, but in this day and age that is the mother of all lies.
Alx123  - | 180  
16 Aug 2009 /  #190
most young people going to sunday mass

I think so-called confession in the Catholic church surely must give the people a get-out-of-jail-free card. They can commit whatever petty 'sins' they want, go and confess to the 'Lord' and everything is all right. That may allow them to handle the guilty feelings better than others.
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2009 /  #191
In orthodox church it is much better.The more sins you have the more blessed you become after regretting.(see Rasputin).
jump_bunny  5 | 236  
25 Aug 2009 /  #192
I stand corrected, the girls i've read multiple times are common as muck, that means Justysia and Wyspianska, the first is a classical Polish "village girl" and the other is the classical stuck up who thinks she's hot.

And you wish you had one of them.
Salomon  2 | 436  
25 Aug 2009 /  #193
Polish girls are sluty ... i is not the secret

Poland isn't in bad situation ... all in all you can get good girl in Poland

or you can go to Bielarus or Ukraine and there you can get everything but if you marry one there is kind of risk ...

Anny way I am not poor and slutty (greedy) girls are everywhere ... I've traveled a lot and I've noticed that many girls when they notice that you have some money move on you (not all of course) ... :)
renata  - | 3  
26 Aug 2009 /  #194
Polish grf definitely positive personality and huge honesty, so you exactly know where you are. I have never had Polish bfd because I just cant get well on with them even having small talk at the very beginning, I suppose English guys are just lucky because Polish girl have just wonderful personality traits, I have been to 3 long term relationships and I left so they were happy with me re x
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Aug 2009 /  #195
Polish grf definitely positive personality and huge honesty,

Huge honesty?Yes,maybe saying I met this guy again is honesty.
Michallikes  10 | 34  
29 Aug 2009 /  #196
Personally Ive had two polish gfs, long term.. and realised that they both degenerated into massive negativity!

It could be the company that they are in that makes them negative, maybe it is you that needs to change or else simply you are the wrong person for them and vica versa.
misskend  - | 26  
30 Aug 2009 /  #197
When expectations don't meet reality, unhappiness is the result.

Brillant post mr caldwell - I think you have nailed it,
you could write the same post for polish men me thinks.


As an Irish woman in Poland having grown up and in Ireland there are some things I really like about being a woman in Poland -

Its ok to be feminine - Irish and english women try to keep up too much with the guys, the result is a pisshead, with a foul mouth who has no respect for herself and then complains because guys don't she she is girlfriend material - 'act like a lady be treated like a lady' I can't imagine any man being impressed with a woman who can drink him under the table, he can play that game with his friends. These tough act girls are hard going. Women and men are not the same, thats whats so great about the attraction and I like being a woman and love being feminine, but thinks its easier here than in Ireland.

I think that Polish women have a great sense of style and I like going out here, I like to wear feminine sexy clothes which I can look a bit too dressed up in, in ireland. Maybe its the weather but its a different style completely in ireland and england, women are way more casual, I like to relax too but its nice to push the boat out every now and then.

However Polish woman are a bit too insecure about weight beauty e.t.c and even for me a girl having to listen to them going on about the various flaws e.t.c and never actually enjoying a meal, is hard going. A bit more self acceptance would be much more attractive. Its important to take care of yourself, but its not the only thing a guy goes for, so its good to be a bit relaxed and be able to not obsess all the time. Moaning on and on about weight is soooooo boring.

Polish women never ever pay their own way and this is not good and explains why alot of them are a bit slutty - 'there is no such thing as a free lunch' if a guy has been forking out for you all night he expects something.... fact. I like the going dutch approach or if someone asks you out then its ok but expecting the guy to pay for everything is a bit weird and creates a pressure thats not good. many of the girls I know do this and then get pissed off when the chips are called in at the end of the night. Pay your own way ladies and you won't have this problem !!!
31 Aug 2009 /  #198
However Polish woman are a bit too insecure about weight beauty e.t.c a

True lol........most women are at some point. Just depends on the time of the month too <grin>

Moaning on and on about weight is soooooo boring.

Dieting is a Multi-Billion pound Business and women are brainwashed by all the media too! It's not only Polish women who moan about it....same the World over I reckon!

Polish women never ever pay their own way and this is not good and explains why alot of them are a bit slutty

I would call that old fashioned rather than slutty ? I suppose you mean they have to' sing for their supper' <so to speak> LOL

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 Aug 2009 /  #199
I suppose you mean they have to' sing for their supper'

I don't think she means that, but if it's the, say 20th time you meet up for dinner, and she is making a big fuss about having to pay her share, I think that is not of this time anymore, especially when she earns quite a good salary herself. Same goes for drinks, etc.

I experienced it that even after a year of dating the same girl, we went out for dinner, she ordered just about the most expensive thing on the menu and when I suggested she'd pay part of the bill, she was all upset and angry -didn't speak for days to me and her mama on the phone cursing and swearing at me that I didn't treat her daughter right. She had the nerve to say when the bill came: "you are the man and the man has to pay." Crap attitude, I think. I don't mind the first few times, but after a year...Come on...

M-G (speaks from experience)
31 Aug 2009 /  #200
I don't think she means that,

I think she does ?

explains why alot of them are a bit slutty - 'there is no such thing as a free lunch' if a guy has been forking out for you all night he expects something..

She says so ?

but if it's the, say 20th time you meet up for dinner

Lol, you'll probably be living together by that stage so will be sharing everything <j/k>

M-G (speaks from experience)

If so, then you maybe need to change the women you date LOL or sign a pre date contract where it states categorically who pays for what on the next date........terms and conditions etc.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 Aug 2009 /  #201
If so, then you maybe need to change the women you date LOL or sign a pre date contract where it states categorically who pays for what on the next date........terms and conditions etc.

I personally think that if it's any time after the 5th time you meet, the tab should be shared, this is normal where I come from when the woman earns her own money. Why should I pay if she invites me to go out when she has plenty of dough herself? Why should I have to leave things because she wants to go out with me, while it doesn't cost her a penny? I am really not on the penny, but I think it's part of normal life that the woman pays as well if it's not the first few times you meet. It's just normal behaviour and doesn't need to be made ridiculous. I think many men would agree with me.

Has nothing to do with not being a gentleman or something, but everything with using the guy, especially when she makes a decent living herself.

And by the way, I agree with the fact that most Polish girls here in Dublin are maybe not slutty, but for certain "over-the-top". It's just a little too much: too wild dancing, too kitschy dressing up, too much...

M-G (likes Serbian girls though)
misskend  - | 26  
31 Aug 2009 /  #202
Slutty was not the best use of words to be honest, but I was not sure what exactly what to say. Old fashioned is not the word either, because if that was the case they would maintain this stand on all areas, ie not have sex until the engagement ring was in place, more liberal attitudes are taking in some but not all areas.

I speak with alot of my female friends who complain about men taking assumtions at the end of a night, but don't connect the guy paying for everything giving him a feeling that 'hes in there' with friends I would never expect the guys to pay my way - we always pay our own way, they would stop hanging out with me if they had to pay for me everytime.

re the relationship one year down the line, my polish male friends also complain about this and say that so many Polish women are conservative in that area and that it causes problems. I have one polish girlfriend who complained constantly when she got married that all her husband seemed to do was work, however she wanted holidays, meals in nice restaurants and didn't seem to make the connection between having to work and earning the money to pay for all these nice things, she was such a princes, I was really tough on her, she spent all her wages on clothes beauty e.t.c she really thought he was neglecting her but did not understand that the poor guy was trying his best to give her everything she wanted. hence why its important to chill out - relationships are a partnership - however you still have to surprise your man every now and then and not get too chilled out but see the small things that he does, breakfast in bed wins me over everytime - money isn't the key. many polish women think that the guy shows his love by spending, i'd have his time over the roses anyday.

my observations anyway.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 Aug 2009 /  #203
Slutty was not the best use of words to be honest

Well, some are just plain sluts. No matter how you turn it. But most of them are over the top, like said: dress up too kitschy, dance too wild, drink too much, etc. They are easy when drunk, hence a great deal of them are called party-wh*res and get invited very frequently for parties. Not because they are liked so much, but more as decoration. And the thing is: when in the West, they want to use all the benefits the West has to offer, but maintain a mentality that is not of this time anymore. Unless they are among Polish.

M-G (not only my ex, but I have seen it much more often than I liked.)
Bogart  - | 2  
1 Oct 2009 /  #204
Polish girls are sweet :)
beckski  12 | 1609  
1 Oct 2009 /  #205
Especially when we're alseep, lol.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
1 Oct 2009 /  #206
yeah they look so cute, the best thing about it though is that they've got their mouths closed :):):) thats even more cute because then you don't have to listen to them, instead you can just watch and admire them.
movie  - | 3  
4 Oct 2009 /  #207
As I come from a polish back ground, i do notes polish woman in my family to be a little negative some times. I have 2 polish girls for friend that are somewhat negative, and 1 that is very positive. I recently had, and note how i say "had" I had a polish girlfriend and was dating her, she was mostly snapping ****** negative. And she always thought everything i was about to say to be negative things.

So to label all Polish girls to be negative i would say no. Polish girls can PMS 24/7, but can also be positive and loving some times, and note how i say "some times"
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #208
Let's try sth positive. They are highly domesticated and have an eye for changes around the flat/house. This is an important skill.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
5 Oct 2009 /  #209
yeah thats ok i guess but cooking wise, Jesus H Christ, that needs a little work!!!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #210
Really? My fiancee is a wizardess in the kitchen. She can whip up all kinds of things. Her latest was sajgonki, those Vietnamese spring rolls. Sushi, mince n tatties, soups and pierogi are just some of the things that she can do.

Sorry torny, the smart ones know what they are doing in the kitchen.

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