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Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait?

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 Aug 2009 /  #121
arrogant, sexist

Justitia, sweetie, that would be me, I think...


M-G (always willing to lend a helping hand)
johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Aug 2009 /  #122
JustysiaS:i don't think i want to move back to Poland

JustysiaS, I have an idea. why don't you stay in UK.

In fact, why don't you divide your time between the USA and UK.

You are perfect for both of these countries.

Loud, arrogant, feminist, irrational, uneducated, obnoxious.

You could even claim persecution by Poland against you for your feminist views and the USA might take you on in their political asylum program.

They do this for persecuted homosexuals from other nations, they might do it for you.

Poland is just not right for you.

Why even visit?

In fact, why even be on this forum?

Does anyone care what you have to say?

Does anyone care what kinds of guys you like?

Have you thought about that?

Your problem is that you have become a consumer.

In your case, a consumer of alcohol, attention, men, and forum bandwidth.

I will make you a deal.

I will trade you my US Citizenship for your Polish Citizenship.

I was much happier when I left the USA and moved to Czech Republic.

I think I am even going to be happier when I move to Poland and live with the nice Conservative Catholic People.

I think you will be happier living in a place like say, New York where there are more people like you.

What do you say?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
11 Aug 2009 /  #123
In fact, why don't you divide your time between the USA and UK.

What are you trying to say? Just because you don't agree with her she is perfect for either the UK or the USA? You sound very narrow minded and limited in you grasp of individuality. Just because someone doesn't conform to your opinions doesn't mean they aren't welcome wherever they wish to go.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
11 Aug 2009 /  #124
there we go again. A bunch of frustrated men who cannot find girlfriends and Justy, who says how it is.
If only those men had some common sense and use up the energy they use to bich about women to actually look at the mistake they make with them, the world would be much nicer.

But NO, they come and recycle the same stories over and over again.

No- village girls are to naive, but there in NO other woman who would even look at them, unless there were naive. Pretty sad. Kudos to Justy for standing her ground and no kudos to mods who miss the abusive, sexist, self pitying of so many men on this thread, who personally attack her ( for the lack of better target)

lack of assessment to those men, since they cannot help themselves, or can they?
johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Aug 2009 /  #125
I forgot to emphasize one thing.

That in four years in Prague and many years in the USA I never had such good conversations that I had with Polish Girls.

Art, Music, Literature.

Conversations on many topics.

It was excellent.

A real intellectual connection.

The problem was the inferiority thing lead to strange emotional reactions.

And also unknow to me, some of these girls had boyfriends.

And this information was dumped on me at bad times.

So of course I had to leave the situation.

And it caused me to lose trust and confidence in the group.

Too bad.

But my experiences were with only around 10 girls outside Poland.

This does not really represent the country.

And of course for a guy who spent most of his life in the USA, Polish Girls are a big step up in looks.

That goes without saying even though I said it.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
11 Aug 2009 /  #126
and some other persons

Sometimes I get the feeling that some people on this forum (incl. you) have problems to figure out, and understand, how other people feel and think. This is an essential social skill. Maybe it's time to try to think outside the box? Some people find this more difficult than others, but it's not impossible, and it's very healthy.

I am interested in a Polish Girl.
You are only Polish by birth.
And not much else by what I can see.

So, all Polish girls are the same? All kinds of personalities exist in Poland, as well as in all other countries.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
11 Aug 2009 /  #127
This thread is super-harsh. Is this some sort of European mating ritual that I am unfamiliar with? (takes cover... waits for barrage.)
johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Aug 2009 /  #128
SzwedwPolsce: So, all Polish girls are the same? All kinds of personalities exist in Poland, as well as in all other countries.

For sure no.
She is just like no other that I have ever met.
She is super-americanized.
What a waste.

Tymoteusz: This thread is super-harsh. Is this some sort of European mating ritual that I am unfamiliar with? (takes cover... waits for barrage.)

Don't worry.
This is like a small collision between old-patriarchal and new-matriarchal ideologies.
So a little volatile.
It will pass.
And besides, it is good for the ratings of the forum...
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Aug 2009 /  #129

I have wrote in your threads that polish girls are the same with czech girls in a different cover.Everything is the same apart from minor details.Get real man.We talk about slavic girls here,what differences do you expect?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Aug 2009 /  #130
i just say it how it is, always, i'm very outspoken. i know a fair share of Polish women like that as well. we're not all sweet innocent little creatures who flutter their eyelashes and have pathetic, desperate western guys like you dropping everything just to kiss our feet. it's hillarious. how stupid do you have to be to fall for that? American chicks screwed you over, Czech girls screwed you over, now Polish girls are doing the same and you're lapping it up! what a failure you are, John!
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
11 Aug 2009 /  #131
She is super-americanized. What a waste.

I would be angry about that remark if I didnt know what you meant. Damn you sir for saying it aloud!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Aug 2009 /  #132
it's just his desperate attempts to get back at me for telling him where to go. i know a rat when i see one and johncardwell definitely is one. he failed with women all his life and now he thinks that Polish girls are the answer to his prayers. last thing Polish women are is submissive, and he definitely needs someone who can validate his self worth and make him a man. try Thailand or Japan, those women will be perfect for you and treat you like a god. European women will just use you and laugh at you, and that is only cos you let them.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
11 Aug 2009 /  #133
This thread is super-harsh. Is this some sort of European mating ritual that I am unfamiliar with? (takes cover... waits for barrage.)

In Europe we call it rubbish.
johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Aug 2009 /  #134
southern: I have wrote in your threads that polish girls are the same with czech girls in a different cover.Everything is the same apart from minor details.Get real man.We talk about slavic girls here,what differences do you expect?

Not the same.

But probably with time as religious convictions are cast aside will be almost the same.

And after Krakow I have more experience.

For a representative sample.
Polish Girls Vs Czech Girls:
Much better communication skills
Better educated
More physically healthy
Much better workers
Promiscuous but not as much as Czech (but I think this will change in the future as religion and guilt are cast aside)
Inferiority complex but not as much as Czech Girls.
Physically bigger than Czech Girls.
Less tattoos.
Less silicon.

For now I think a typical Polish Girl would definitely make a better wife than a Czech Girl.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
11 Aug 2009 /  #135
I just call it "TRolling!

I married a strong independent woman seventeen years ago. She is evil and could destroy you all with one look! I will say that "iron sharpens iron" and would not trade our clash of titans marriage for the world.
johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Aug 2009 /  #136
Don't you have some young guy to torment and dominate?
I thought you had a boyfriend?
Where is he?
Did you kill him?

You are right.
I like submissive.
So leave me alone.

Your posts for me are like flashbacks to a horrible life I had in the USA when I was surrounded by American Girls like you.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Aug 2009 /  #137
you just don't like strong willed women, and let me tell you a secret, they are everywhere not just in America and England. and they will kick your ass and make you cry just like all the other ones did :)

oh my bf is alive, just about. i'll let him live another week cos i need to come up with an alibi. i'll just flutter my eyelashes and everyone will believe me anyway.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
11 Aug 2009 /  #138
Justy. Can you handle a strong willed man?
johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Aug 2009 /  #139
JustysiaS: oh my bf is alive, just about. i'll let him live another week cos i need to come up with an alibi. i'll just flutter my eyelashes and everyone will believe me anyway.

Oh my God.
The poor man.
He must be an angel to be able to bear this cross.

He must have infinite patience.
I think he should be made a saint.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Aug 2009 /  #140
Justy. Can you handle a strong willed man?

oh yeah

He must have infinite patience.
I think he should be made a saint.

i can be nice really, i let him be the boss ;) (edit: let him think he is)
Alx123  - | 180  
12 Aug 2009 /  #141
I like submissive.

Ironically, confident women are 'easier' than shy, submissive girly types. Most guys go for the shy ones because they think they are easier so you end up competing with every loser out there. With the smart confident type, it's easier to make a connection - you just have to be a little cockier than them or just boldly honest. You don't have much to lose - if she's hot at least you tried and plus you're gonna be competing with much fewer guys. Took me a long time to learn that.

So leave me alone.

Well you kind of asked for it mate. :P
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
12 Aug 2009 /  #142
With the smart confident type, it's easier to make a connection - you just have to be a little cockier than them or just boldly honest. You don't have much to lose - if she's hot at least you tried and plus you're gonna be competing with much fewer guys. Took me a long time to learn that.

that is some very good advice right there. shy and submissive girls are often less approachable and hard to connect with. i love it how people are always surprised to find i'm actually very friendly and approachable once they get to know me ha ha. maybe i'm more intimidating than i thought i was.

Well you kind of asked for it mate. :P

he loves it
Yeni2009  - | 14  
13 Aug 2009 /  #143
Hmmmm. I find this all very interesting....all this stereotyping and whatnot. All I can do is laugh (especially at the comments about American chicks). I AM as red blooded, obnoxious, ambitious, siliconed, bleach blonde, Benz driving, divorced and loving it, as West coast girls can get. Although I am not mindless, feminist, or slutty. I am currently involved in an on-again-off-again thing with a Polish guy from Tarnow. I remember how hesitant he was with me at first. He would tell me how much he wanted to be with me, but given his upbringing he would be too controlling for me, and that I was "too much for him"....everything from my profession (pilot) to my lack of modesty. I wrote him off for a long time, only to later realize that I had fallen in love with him....and now I find myself on forums like these trying to decipher what Polish guys like, and are used to....but you guys paint a horrible picture (in my opinion) of poor Polish girls. You guys condemn them for being demure, yet praise that as one of their best attributes, talk $**t about how they are undereducated and uninteresting, yet praise them for how good they can run a household ( what else do you expect from a HOUSEWIFE???). I dont get it, and maybe its not for me to understand. Anyway, it seems clear to me that no matter how much Polish I learn, posts I read, or church services I attend....I'll never even come close to being a Polish girl...or at least "Polish-guy-friendly." haha. oh well. Aforementioned Polish guy is just going to have to settle for Jenny: a Spanish/Rom hybrid, born and raised in the U.S. of frickin A. Thanks for the research, guys!;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Aug 2009 /  #144
I am currently involved in an on-again-off-again thing with a Polish guy from Tarnow.

He is a highlander. Not to paint him with one brush but there are pretty traditional men, even in Poland, so you got yourself an opposite of who you are. Good luck.

Be who you are.
Yeni2009  - | 14  
13 Aug 2009 /  #145
;) thanks, aphrodisiac. HIGHLANDER...haha....I'll keep that in mind.
johncardwell  3 | 110  
13 Aug 2009 /  #146

I think you would less unhappy with a nice atheist, submissive, American Man who would want to listen to you and think it is his duty.

If you can't find that, try another girl.

Many American Women go this route and they less unhappy than they are with a man.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Aug 2009 /  #147
Many American Women go this route and they less unhappy than they are with a man.

that only says something about some American men, no? ;)
johncardwell  3 | 110  
13 Aug 2009 /  #148
Or American Law and Society, or some of both.

What is your point?

I hope you are not another competitive boy-biotch trying to strut your peacock tail and show off for the young girls on the forum.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Aug 2009 /  #149
I hope you are not another competitive boy-biotch trying to strut your peacock tail and show off for the young girls on the forum.

no, buy you just gave me an idea, thanks:)
Yeni2009  - | 14  
13 Aug 2009 /  #150
um....NO. Why the personal attack?
I am not giving up on my "Polish boy." Especially not for another woman or a random white guy. Chill out, J.C. sheeeeesh. Oh, and I am not unhappy, BTW......

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