JustysiaS:i don't think i want to move back to Poland
JustysiaS, I have an idea. why don't you stay in UK.
In fact, why don't you divide your time between the USA and UK.
You are perfect for both of these countries.
Loud, arrogant, feminist, irrational, uneducated, obnoxious.
You could even claim persecution by Poland against you for your feminist views and the USA might take you on in their political asylum program.
They do this for persecuted homosexuals from other nations, they might do it for you.
Poland is just not right for you.
Why even visit?
In fact, why even be on this forum?
Does anyone care what you have to say?
Does anyone care what kinds of guys you like?
Have you thought about that?
Your problem is that you have become a consumer.
In your case, a consumer of alcohol, attention, men, and forum bandwidth.
I will make you a deal.
I will trade you my US Citizenship for your Polish Citizenship.
I was much happier when I left the USA and moved to Czech Republic.
I think I am even going to be happier when I move to Poland and live with the nice Conservative Catholic People.
I think you will be happier living in a place like say, New York where there are more people like you.
What do you say?