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Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait?

southern  73 | 7059  
1 Aug 2009 /  #31
awful taste in men (unable to recognise a 'loser'),

That's why I get them easily.

1) Do Magdalena's expectations meet her reality?

Of course not because polish girls want the sky with the stars.(They have unrealistic expectations and commonly absurd).
johncardwell  3 | 110  
1 Aug 2009 /  #32
southern: Of course not because polish girls want the sky with the stars.(They have unrealistic expectations and commonly absurd).

Exactly. Absurd to the extreme. A product of fairy tales, woman's magazines, television, movies, etc, etc.

And it could get worse because they are relatively new to the methods of mass media.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
1 Aug 2009 /  #33
i'd rather date a slightly less confident or attractive guy

who is a nice person rather than some cocky, arrogant tosser who judges everyone by their looks

Hmm so you're dating someone 'cos he doesn't judge by looks, but then you're the one judging him by his 'less attractive looks'. :D
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
3 Aug 2009 /  #34
can you stop stalking me around the forums weirdo? don't twist my words you know exactly what i mean. it's not a task to distinguish between someone physically attractive to you and someone average or unattractive, all that depends on personal preference but still, you can tell whom you fancy straight away and whom you don't. what i said is i'd never go for someone who is drop dead gorgeous but an empty shell with no soul or personality, it will never last. sadly for you, you you're neither attractive nor nice. you should just move on and get a life instead of quoting my posts all the time.
plk123  8 | 4119  
3 Aug 2009 /  #35
Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait?

they are all just a bunch of whor3z..
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
3 Aug 2009 /  #36
you sound like a bitter fvck3r tonight plk123... lol
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Aug 2009 /  #37
and realised that they both degenerated into massive negativity!

Absolutely, i have a polish gf and she degenerated into massive negativity too!

can you stop stalking me around the forums weirdo?

You're just angry because you're going to degenerate into massive negativity soon.

irish girls are very optimistic,

Thats because they're drunk.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
3 Aug 2009 /  #38
degenerated into massive negativity

surprised she hasn't commited suicide yet lol
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Aug 2009 /  #39
See? Now you're just being negative, its happening already!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
3 Aug 2009 /  #40
i'm being realistic
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #41
all that depends on personal preference but still, you can tell whom you fancy straight away and whom you don't.

this sentence is correct apart from the omission of the words (you think) between the whom and the you. When you first meet somebody you can say to yourself 'yeah i like her/him, a really nice person and a looker to boot' however it rarely turns out that you actually do fancy them, or like them anymore than just a mate.

So to tie this in with the negative traits and Poland, i saw one of my ex-girlfriends and thought like JustysiaS would 'yeah i like/fancy her' anyway as time went on and a relatinoship developed it did not to turn out how i had thought. She was a lovely woman/girl in many ways but she was a bit negative. I'm not saying it is a Polish trait but she was more negative than any British girl i have ever been with. If you asked her the question, is the glass half full or half empty, for sure the empty answer would be ticked. She was also more than a little paranoid, in the end it got to me so much that being around her just frustrated me. Not only did she find trust difficult with some people but she found it difficult with me (he partner). I'm one of the most honest/open people your likely to meet and if she couldn't trust me then i don't know who she can trust in the future.

I could never get my head around why such a lovely person could have such a negative frame of mind, it spoiled the person she was/is.

As i've said before though i would not say 'all' Polish girls are negative but to me this is the worst trait i've seen in a Polish girl.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
4 Aug 2009 /  #42
maybe some guys just have a 'talent' of bringing out those negative traits in women? i don't believe that someone who appears te be lovely and cheerful just turns out to be a pesimist moaning cow all of the sudden, something must be triggering it. some people are not good together and that's that, they will never be happy and satisfied no matter what. i mean i can still remember what i was like when i was with my ex, i tell ya i could be such a miserable cow sometimes... i think that once you feel that you can't put any good energy into a relationship, or you see the other person being negative and always bracing themselves for the worst possible outcome, it is time to either have a proper conversation and get to the bottom of this issue or just end it. working and socialising with both English and Polish women though, i have to say Polish girls have much more sparkle and get up and go than the English ones!! so maybe it's something you guys are doing wrong?

ps: physical appearance is the first thing that attracts you to a person, it is undeniable especially if you don't know them yet or you have only just met and haven't spoken properly. if a relationship is bound to work, it is crucial that there is physical attraction or so called chemistry.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #43
maybe some guys just have a 'talent' of bringing out those negative traits in women? i don't believe that someone who appears te be lovely and cheerful just turns out to be a pesimist moaning cow all of the sudden, something must be triggering it.

yes she was/is lovely but i never mentioned she was the life and soul of the party. I think the fact she was under a lot of pressure from home to do well in University may have been the trigger, rather than myself as you pointed too.

I tried so many times to help her see the positive side of something, the 'what happens if you achieve' rather than the 'what happens if you fail' In my job i have to do a lot of motivating, talking up, showing the positives to so many people and i actually think i'm good at it, in fact the results show this :):). If i can motivate children, friends, footballers etc i don't know why i had a problem with her. I guess sometimes your not always on top form, or maybe i just made a mess, heck i'm human and we make mistakes.

some people are not good together and that's that, they will never be happy and satisfied no matter what.

i think your right here, i first pointed this situation out to you and the rest of the forum in reply to your sentence about knowing/thinking you fancy somebody as soon as you meet them. Looking back on it i don't know why we were ever together, i have a feeling it was because of a thing called 'circumstance' we were in the same place at the same time, in the same situation facing the same pressures, i guess we just banded together. The funny thing about the whole situation is that even though the relationship went tits up, we both achieved very good results, go figure (because i can't :) )

i mean i can still remember what i was like when i was with my ex, i tell ya i could be such a miserable cow sometimes...

you probably still can be :):)) hahaha (J/k)

working and socialising with both English and Polish women though, i have to say Polish girls have much more sparkle and get up and go than the English ones!! so maybe it's something you guys are doing wrong?

i would not call it 'sparkle' as such, i think they have a lot more drive and a better work ethic, (the Polish girls) thats how i see it anyway.

If i did something wrong then i did, we all fcuk up sometimes, its just part of life. She could have fcuked up too, i guess i will never get to the bottom of it as we don't speak anymore.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
4 Aug 2009 /  #44
Ha ha well my sweet mourning krówka. I'll take you out of the pasture if no-one else wants you! :D
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #45
what on earth or who on earth is that aimed at?? its more like a random chat post.
plk123  8 | 4119  
4 Aug 2009 /  #46
you sound like a bitter fvck3r tonight plk123... lol

:D :D :D
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #47
i guess physical is important but i think chemistry and a persons make up is more important in the long run, looks are not permanant but the other two are. The old saying about judging a book by its cover could not be more relevant here

Ha ha well my sweet mourning krówka. I'll take you out of the pasture if no-one else wants you! :D

i hope your not calling any female members of the forum 'mmmoooooooowwwww cows' that is out of order and you need to have a word with yourself, you bad excuse for a man.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
4 Aug 2009 /  #48
No no no nic random chat - just read Justy's post again! :P

To stay on topic: my ex Polish girlfriend could be really negative but she was fun (and positive) as well. And the girls I met in the Warsaw hostel were really positive, so I don't think the 'pos-neg-thing' has too much todo with nationality.

Hmm ok maybe English gals are more relaxed. But still I think the Polish aren't yet always negative, aren't they..? :o ;-)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #49
To stay on topic: my ex Polish girlfriend could be really negative but she was fun (and positive) as well. And the girls I met in the Warsaw hostel were really positive, so I don't think the 'pos-neg-thing' has too much todo with nationality.

i totally agree with you on that point, it cannot be based on nationality, positive and negative flows through all nationalities.

No no no nic random chat - just read Justy's post again! :P

ok it was a joke, i apologise for my last post directed at you.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
4 Aug 2009 /  #50
i tell ya i could be such a miserable cow sometimes...

Uh...so you're not a miserable cow anymore?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #51
what has JustysiaS done to anybody?? what is this kind of reaction for, can nobody take criticism??? The girl just told me straight up that i fcuked up my relationship and that i was the one in the wrong but i did not reply with sly and spiteful comments.

Come on guys this is a lady you are talking to not some drunken yob outside the pub
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
4 Aug 2009 /  #52
Aah Justy could dodge some bullets, and she prob likes the attention (secretly). :P

I just thought about one thing why my ex-p-girlsfriend was sometimes negative, and that was because it was hard for her to get a good job in the UK and to make a living, although she had a good education.

I think if you move from Poland to the UK it could be hard to find your way, and those things could make you negative.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #53
Ah Justy dodge some bullets, and she prob likes the attention (secretly). :P

ow well maybe i have not read far enough back in the thread to know what you mean, i will have to take your word for it.

I just thought about one thing why my ex-p-girlsfriend was sometimes negative, and that was because it was hard for her to get a good job in the UK and to make a living, although she had a good education.

i think mine/your ex had a few things in common, mine did not have any problem with getting a half decent job (as she was doing her education here) she just lacked the belief sometimes to equal her potential talent, i sometimes thought 'what a waste of talent'. I would not call myself stupid, nowhere near, however she had more in the bag than i did. The difference was i have a lot of self belief, positivity, well motivated and driven. I felt sometimes that she lacked a few of these traits, i did my best to boost them but nothing seemed to work.

I think if you move from Poland to the UK it could be hard to find your way, and those things could make you negative.

i think your onto something there and it could also have contributed why we got together, maybe i was something to help her find her feet and on my side, the company, interaction etc etc of somebody who is going through the same thing is me (uni in this case) two heads are better than one :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
4 Aug 2009 /  #54
well no surprise there at the comments of tomek and sokrates, funnily enough tornado you're ready to agree with them but i expect that's just male coalition! i never said looks were all there was to a person but initially they do get your attention, is that not true? you don't look at girls and think 'oh she looks like someone with a nice personality' ha ha do you? you think more along the lines of 'she looks well nice i wanna speak to her'. same goes for us girls really, you see someone you like and then eventually you get to know them and take it from there... you click or not.

and as for negativity it really depends on the person and the person you are with. if somebody can make you think positive thoughts, feel happy and put a smile on your face even if they are not with you at the moment then that is something truly amazing and i believe there is someone like that for every one of us out there. some people clash personality wise, beliefs wise, culture wise and so on and that often causes the negative feelings, hopelessness, lack of enthusiasm, no drive, just passive all the way. you get to the stage where you feel it can only get worse and you would actually be surprised if things got better one day. i've been to that dark place for quite some time and never want to feel like that again.

obviously you can't rely on other people to motivate you all your life, but having that special someone for whom you want to become a better person day after day, want to make them proud... that certainly helps a lot.

oh, and i can be a miserable cow yes, but only if i don't like you.
plk123  8 | 4119  
4 Aug 2009 /  #55
^^^ very much in touch with your feelings, i see. :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
4 Aug 2009 /  #56
of course, most females are
beckski  12 | 1609  
4 Aug 2009 /  #57
Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait?

I'm usually very positive, approximately 3 weeks out of the month. Yet, during that one lovely week of the month, I may have a tendency of growing fangs.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
4 Aug 2009 /  #58
Yet, during that one lovely week of the month, I may have a tendency of growing fangs.

Dont worry about it Beckski, men feell like that four weeks out of four!!!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
4 Aug 2009 /  #59
Yet, during that one lovely week of the month, I may have a tendency of growing fangs.

Men have this too. but they go hide when it happens.. lol


Some great points


absolutely spot on

I think you have valid points, surroundings have alot to do with it too.

its kinda unfair in a sense to just point out women in general are negative.

if men keep thinking this way, I am pretty sure women will think its negative
to think so negative about women in general, even though women in general
a great majority dont think negative, but yet are thought to think negative so
why think at all??

just do it!! :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
4 Aug 2009 /  #60
funnily enough tornado you're ready to agree with them but i expect that's just male coalition!

nothing of the sort, i write whatever 'I' believe, i'm not a sheep who follows others way of thinking. I'm an independent guy with his own views, i just happen to agree with a few points that Tomek made about experiences we have both had with 'a' girlfriend.

its kinda unfair in a sense to just point out women in general are negative

my dear Patrycja19, i was not talking about every woman on the face of the earth, just the one i had those experiences with. Do you really think i'm the sort of person to box all women together with the same label on??

wow there is a lot of reference to the word 'negative' in that paragraph, i get your drift and i also agree with you, however once again i would like to point out the fact its not just men who think some women are negative, i'm sure there are women who think some men are negative.

i never said looks were all there was to a person but initially they do get your attention, is that not true?

If your on a night out and approach a girl, then yes it probably has a lot to do with it, in any other situation where you interact and develop a relationship/friendship/acquaintance it is more to do with what the person is actually like. How they speak/sound/personality/language and even smell if you get that close.

you don't look at girls and think 'oh she looks like someone with a nice personality' ha ha do you?

again i totally agree with you, however you don't meet every girl in a club and start a conversation. Sometimes circumstances bring you together or in contact with women, social clubs, workplace, university etc etc. That initial contact is not made because of looks its made because of circumstance. This gives the traits you mentioned above a chance to shine through better than if you were doing your thing on the dance floor and looking to see who you are going to approach.

you think more along the lines of 'she looks well nice i wanna speak to her'. same goes for us girls really, you see someone you like and then eventually you get to know them and take it from there... you click or not.

3rd time in thee sentaences i'm going to agree with you. As i said before though your situation seems more suited to being on a night out and not everyday meetings with people in other circumstances.

I've only ever met one girl in a club i've gone on to 'get involved with' and the rest have all been met in other circumstances.

some people clash personality wise, beliefs wise, culture wise and so on and that often causes the negative feelings, hopelessness, lack of enthusiasm, no drive, just passive all the way.

i would like to believe the resason for her 'negativity' was not 100% down to me, that of course was never my intention butit seems to me your pinning the badge square on my chest. if anything i would say in most cases its 50/50 surely??

you get to the stage where you feel it can only get worse and you would actually be surprised if things got better one day. i've been to that dark place for quite some time and never want to feel like that again.

i've been there and i can tell you for sure, I'M NEVER GOING BACK THERE, i tried to hard for to long to save something that was impossible to rescue. I wasted a lot of time and effort doing that with no reward. I don't blame her, i actually look back on it and think 'you should have just got out' but to me thats giving up and that is not written into my personality.

obviously you can't rely on other people to motivate you all your life, but having that special someone for whom you want to become a better person day after day, want to make them proud... that certainly helps a lot.

dosen't look like i've met that special 'someone' yet then, lol.

oh, and i can be a miserable cow yes, but only if i don't like you.

what abot when you get stuck in a traffic jam for four hours, surely your a miserable cow then?? :) Or when that cycle comes round once a month, all girls are cows then :) they can't help it but still it counts lol.

of course, most females are

females are much better at being in touch with their emotions, i find as a man sometimes i'm crap at it, maybe sometimes i don't admit how i feel so i don't seem weak/vulnerable to those around me. I also defy my emotions sometimes, for example i really liked this girl once but i convinced myself i didn't because she was such a cock!!!!

just do it!! :)

all royalties to Nike :)

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