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How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls?

irishguy11  6 | 157  
16 Aug 2012 /  #61
That would make me German Irish, not Irish. Like the 40 million American Irish
fez0130  1 | 48  
17 Aug 2012 /  #62
If your Born in Gemrany but your parents are Polish it would make you German mainly with Polish roots
Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Aug 2012 /  #63
It makes him a troll. Do not feed the troll.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
17 Aug 2012 /  #64
Are these real immigrants who came with a self build float to Europe or are these Brits, with roots in this countries??

Mainly those first ones, the English girls are for them almost imposible to get when the dummy Polish girls seem to be an easy catch.

You must live in a real shite hole then cos i dont see it.

Yes indeed, I live in infamous Birmingham. Now I've been living in a nice area but I used to live in a very dodgy ones.
OP rankalee  2 | 56  
17 Aug 2012 /  #65
Mainly those first ones, the English girls are for them almost imposible to get when the dummy Polish girls seem to be an easy catch.

Okay, thats sick .. cause I know this kind of foreigners, how they think, why they are here and what they "work" .. I was volunteering and many Somalians with Aids needed help, cause they were forced to sell cheap weed and they were looking for a breakfast every morning .. I mean .. thats sick if they really met those guys xD In which language they talk together, about what they talk together?? Is Poland so bad, that they live in some British deprived areas with 4 or 5 Arabs, Africans or whatever in a room instead of moving back, after seeing that it is rather difficult to became a millionaire in the UK?

I was several times in Bytom, in a real bad neighbourhood with some crazy thugs there ... it was not a paradise .. but come on ... it was not so bad. I guess, Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Gdynia, Lodz .. tthese cities must have many nice places.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
17 Aug 2012 /  #66
Is Poland so bad, that they live in some British deprived areas with 4 or 5 Arabs

In most cases those girls come from very backward villages in eastern Poland

In which language they talk together

One time I was on the bus and I saw a Polish girl with some African and all of the sudden she opened her mouth, pointed her finger at it and said to him "mee Hangree" (i'm hungry) I almost choked myself laughing lol it looked so funny.
jon357  72 | 22979  
17 Aug 2012 /  #67
I was several times in Bytom, in a real bad neighbourhood with some crazy thugs there

Poland has its share of dog rough people.
18 Aug 2012 /  #68
As long as the man is white, it is quite acceptable for a Polish woman to date a foreign man.

One time I was on the bus and I saw a Polish girl with some African and all of the sudden she opened her mouth, pointed her finger at it.

It must have been an infuriating sight to witness this repulsive case of racial treachery. A white woman can only be created from the loins of a white man. We should not tolerate our women being preyed on by blacks. The black man hates white people and only goes after our women as a way of attacking our race. Unfortunately there are many stupid women who are easy prey to these vile individuals. It is the white man's duty to protect his women.
jon357  72 | 22979  
18 Aug 2012 /  #69
You've misquoted me. As well as writing nonsense. Kindly delete right away.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
18 Aug 2012 /  #70
The black man hates white people

Aint this the truth. A few hours in the company of non whites is an enlightening experience. They foooking despise us.
20 Aug 2012 /  #71
You are the most prejudiced, rude and pathetic being on the internet, seriously. I am female, I am Polish (and half Silesian) and I live in Poland. I can assure you that not every girl from Poland wants a rich, foreign husband - some of us don't want to get married at all! I know, you don't live in Poland and only see freakin immigrants (and weird people among them) but you can't generalize. And even if a Polish girl was dating a foreigner, what's wrong with that? This might sound unbelievable but we actually are human beings with hearts and stuff. We do fall in love and we are attracted to men (or women) who are not Polish, if we find them attractive - that seems obvious to me.

Also, Polish girls might be attractive for western men because of household managing. Most of Polish women can cook, clean and do other household chores - I guess it's the upbringing. I'm not saying that men want to have Polish slaves but I guess having a good housewife is still desirable. And some women enjoy it. So why are your thoughts based on distant observationsand your relatives' opinions?

Besides, if you don't live in Poland (I mean, if you were born in Germany and never really lived in Poland), you have no right to decide for ourselves and choose Polish people's destiny. If you don't want Poland to turn into the USA, stay away from the borders. I've met many Polish-American people (living in States for decades and not willing to come back) saying "I don't want Poland to have this and that, it doesn't fit the country"/"I don't want Poland to turn into USA"/"I miss the times when there was no XYZ in Poland". I'm sorry, but you guys don't live here anymore and we do. Don't tell us what we should and shouldn't do.

Of course, there are many lovely people who left Poland for many reasons and are not jerks. Just told you about the type I hate the most.

As well as writing nonsense. Kindly delete right away.

I believe it was sarcastic.
milky  13 | 1656  
20 Aug 2012 /  #72
anyone come up with the exact number yet??
Kind of reminds me of this bob classic moment
Piorun  - | 655  
20 Aug 2012 /  #73
Kind of reminds me of this bob classic moment

Ah the beauty of being able to choose your own little conflicted views and turn them to the answer to life the universe and everything by providing a specific number, genius.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
20 Aug 2012 /  #74
I've met many Polish-American people

Please post this regularly on every thread, eve.
milky  13 | 1656  
20 Aug 2012 /  #75

who? me or bob?
JimmyH  1 | 21  
23 Oct 2012 /  #77
I grew up in Brooklyn where it was very common for Polish girls to date Italian guys and Jewish guys. Me being half and half of the latter two, I dated a few Polish girls in middle and high school. Polish girls in Brooklyn just found Italian/Jewish guys very irresistible. Although, Polish guys were not too fond of us taking their ladies. I did notice the Polish guys rarely dated non-Polish girls.
Yoshi  - | 60  
26 Oct 2012 /  #78
And, here's a Japanese man who is about to marry a Polish girl.

We live in a fairly uncivilised part of Manchester, and Polish/non-Polish couples are quite common around here.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 Oct 2012 /  #79
And, here's a Japanese man who is about to marry a Polish girl.

Do you intend to go back to Japan?
Yoshi  - | 60  
26 Oct 2012 /  #80
Not really. I can't prepare myself to 15 hours of work every day.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
27 Oct 2012 /  #81
Czesc Rankalee,

Interesting question you're asking, but isn't it more interesting to find out about the increase of Polish people married to foreigners?
Especially Polish women and foreign men.
I can say from observations that Poland has become very popular as a destination for sex tourism for African, Indian and Turkish males.

I strongly doubt if this is what the majority of Polish people wants. Who wants to see his daughter with a Nigerian or Turk?
What healthy-minded Polish guy likes to see foreigners walking away with the hottest Polish girls?

How about you Rankalee?
Yoshi  - | 60  
27 Oct 2012 /  #82
but isn't it more interesting to find out about the increase of Polish people married to foreigners?

What's so interesting about it? Moreover, what is there to be discovered? It's bleeding obvious that many more "young" polish people live abroad, especially since Poland joined the EU, so it's statistically likely to see more Polish women marrying non-Polish men. My neighbourhood has literally been saturated by Polish immigrants.

I know two female Polish biochemists (both with a PhD). One of them married a Mexican man with an MBA. The other married an Irish barrister. My other half is a civil engineer who is about to finish another degree in Architecture, and I am a materials engineer with a PhD from Japan. Then, a male Polish biologist, also with a PhD, married a Japanese woman who is also a scientist of some sort. All this took place in Manchester since 2004.

But, the cafe just down the road from here is full of Polish, Slovak and Czech women with Turkish, Iranian and Romanian Gypsy men. They don't even speak any intelligible English. It's a mystery how they communicate to each other.

I guess everyone knows it's been more or less like this, and it's no secret.

I can say from observations that Poland has become very popular as a destination for sex tourism for African, Indian and Turkish males.

Are you saying that it's fine as long as the sex pests are white men?

I strongly doubt if this is what the majority of Polish people wants. Who wants to see his daughter with a Nigerian or Turk?

If that's what those women want to do, then who the hell are you, or indeed so-called the majority of Poles, to butt in their business and decide what they should personally do? I don't think those women need any democratic mandate with regards to their choices of partners nor have any obligation whatsoever to educate themselves about their entirely private behaviour. Besides, if the Nigerians are so s###e, who are the real losers here?

Then, assuming that it's indeed bad for whatever reasons to allow those foreign vandals to come over and steal "your" women, there's really nothing that can be realistically done other than completely disallowing people of certain ethnicity to visit Poland. Can you leave the EU and the Schengen Zone and then introduce racial profiling for visa applicants?
JimmyH  1 | 21  
27 Oct 2012 /  #83
^Just to be clear, that Jarnowa guy is Belgian, not Polish.
Yoshi  - | 60  
27 Oct 2012 /  #84
All right.

Then, it's really not his bloody business whom Polish women deal with.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
27 Oct 2012 /  #85
What's so interesting about it? Moreover, what is there to be discovered?

If you had read better, you would have understood that i was not talking about migration of Euroropean people within European territory.
I was focussing on something that gets neglected by p.c. media: sex tourism to Poland by males from countries outside of Europe..

How do you explain the fact (just look around if you don't believe me) that 99% of Africans, Turks, Arabs and Indians in Poland are single males between 20-40 (or males who are married in their own country but didn't bring their wife for obvious reasons)?

Whereas groups of Englih males return home after a weekend of partying and at least pay for sex (they usually don' find a gf within 2-3 days), these non-Europeans stay in Poland long-term so they are the real sex tourists.

Are you saying that it's fine as long as the sex pests are white men?

European (and also Japanese, Chinese) tourists to Poland come in all categories: male, female, young, old, singles, couples, families. Neither me or other male white foreigners that i know came for the purpose of dating as many Polish chicks as possible and eventually marrying one.

So i think it's fair to say that most sex tourists coming to Poland are nonwhite.

If that's what those women want to do, then who the hell are you, or indeed so-called the majority of Poles, to butt in their business and decide what they should personally do?

Did i write that i want to forbid Polish females to contact those non-European males? You're right, as a foreigner myself it is not my business.

But are you saying that i am not free to open Polish people's eyes about what's happening in their lovely country?

There is a reason that cities in Western & Northern Europe are much more unsafe for women than cities in Poland or other countries who (so far) escaped mass immigration of non-Europeans.

I love Poland enough to not want this country to suffer the same fate as my country (Belgium).

Then, assuming that it's indeed bad for whatever reasons to allow those foreign vandals to come over and steal "your" women, there's really nothing that can be realistically done other than completely disallowing people of certain ethnicity to visit Poland.

Poland should acknowledge that people from Africa and Middle East misuse tourist/study/temporary work visas to get their feet into Poland/the EU.
So Poland should just stop issuing visas to people from African/Middle East/muslim countries.
Or at least increase the prices by 800% so most wannabe immigrants can't afford it.

The EU should be for European people only.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
23 Feb 2013 /  #86
Wow! somebody else who has seen the future, look also to UK and see how these savages have destroyed society there too (good thing though is that Black people and Pakistanis mostly kill each other in gang wars), but they do also prey upon young girls and use their religion/culture to get away with it...Police dare not proceed against them for fear of being called Racist Nazis. So don,t let them in, they will form ghettos and then spread out and push local people from their homes eventually taking over whole suburbs which then become no-go areas for police etc..in effect they make a little part of their own savage lands within other countries. Or they will simply marry Polish girls imregnate them then make a run for the rest of the EU tightly clutching their passport to leech off the state. Now in temperance I will add that they are not all bad and some are intelligent and cultured......but they are few, such a small percentage of them and these good ones are most times, the 'foot in the door' for the savages and Poles will understand this when I say that they do stick together family wise.....if a good intelligent Pakistani is asked by his family to 'engineer' a passport for some waste of skin, illiterate cousin...he will do it....regardless of the consuequences (one time when the family system is not a good thing). I am an Englishman married to a nice Polish woman (look to an old film Ptaki Ptakom, she is the girl at the beginning of the film who shoots the German) she is the best woman I have found in all my travels all over the world. We live in the Podkarpacie region....poor but beautiful.

I,m not sure I understand your point, but in UK Pakistani people (along with Indians) have made a big contribution in that many of them have used the UK school system and university system to acheive highly, thereby making a good contribution to society and to their own wellbeing by gaining good jobs......but if you look at it in another way not all of a family of 6 or 8 can become chemists and doctors and not everyone can be a high achiever, In Pakistani culture it is very normal to marry a first cousin and of course this happens over generations, some UK doctors did make a case a couple of years ago that the health services in certain areas (Pakistani ghettos) were being overwhelmed in the pediatrics departments by babies born with many defects due to this form of marriage. They are also more likely to marry someone from their own village thereby bringing more people in from outside and again having more babies. Where a UK family or Polish family might have 2/3 children a Pakistani woman will churn out 6/8 babies. Once they get in they will eventually overwhelm certain areas and eventually a whole Western country simply by outbreeding them. Pakistanis are also liable to send much of their wealth back to their village/town rather than put it into the country whose facilities they are using to better themselves (they do of course pay their taxes)(This particular argument has been used by some against Poles working in the UK?) Pakistanis in particular rarely mix with other cultures and create ghettos of their own population thereby slowly but surely forcing people who have lived there all their lives to move because they feel uncomfortable surrounded by people who do not share their local culture, dress very differently and speak another language. Indeed in some towns in Northern England there are actually no-go areas where it is known that the 'elders' Police their own people under 'Sharia' law and the UK Police just do not go there.......indeed it has gotten so bad in some areas that how could they change things? the only way to reclaim would be with bombs and bullets and that will not happen in a so-called civilised country. The English made their own downfall in these areas, by expecting all these Asian/African cultures to 'Play Cricket'.....some of them do actually play cricket but in the game as in life... they seem to invent their own rules as they go along....the degree of rules changing just gradually overwhelmed UK, it would be a shame to see it happen in Poland. The Australians have a system that is much better, if you want to come to Australia you have to have a job that needs you and only you, you cannot put a native Australian out of work, you must learn the language and fit in and if you behave badly you will be sent back to your own country. You cannot bring Grandma and Grandad and several cousin 'hangers on' with you as Pakistanis do in UK. I think the Germans and the Turks had a simlar deal as it was explained to me way back in the 70,s when I lived there......A German told me "we allow Turks to live and work here and use the health service etc...but we give them no power to vote or change things....if one of them is bad the whole family is sent back to Turkey" "In effect they Police themselves for if for instance a young boy seems to be going bad, then he is sent back to Turkey by his family, perhaps to live with relatives? they would not want the better lifestyle of the whole family to be jeopardiesd by this one bad boy" I thought it sounded like a very good system and I wished we English had used this kind of system in dealing with all of the commonwealth and African natives that we let in to swamp our culture...if so UK would be a much better place in my opinion. NOTE: I seem to be answering a post that has been removed??? or was I seeing things?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Nov 2014 /  #87
we English

Yes - it's always the "We English" who are the racists, isn't it?

That a question tag, by the way. And it wasn't an actual question, but you wouldn't know.

But you do know that you are as English as my dog is - and so please defer from speaking for we English.
25 Nov 2014 /  #88
please defer from speaking for we English.

i suppose you mean 'desist'
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
25 Nov 2014 /  #89
In Brazil there is a lot of Polish guys that married Brazilian woman.

Actually one of our biggest cities (Curitiba) is almost entirely made in that way:

Polish Male + Brazilian female (with Italian/German/Ukrainian background, which are the 3 biggest colonies in the south of Brazil)

So that is why everytime a Pole accuse me of "steal" (!!!) a polish girl (my gf) i say

- Come on... we (Brazil) are losing this game by something like 300 000 X 1.

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Nov 2014 /  #90
Thank you - but at least I can paragraph, punctuate, and spell. And I never pretend to be anything but a paying guest in this country, whereas that Pole tries to pass himself off as British and garbles some juvenile racial nonsense. . Lol.

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