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12 Jan 2013 /  #331
Clearly, you have a lot of money/your girlfriend though you were well off and she simply thought that she can milk you. Happens everywhere mate


What a sorry sack of losers, busily bemoaning their fate at landing in the middle of the biggest "moneygrabbers" in Europe.

Honestly, I thought this was an attempt at humor on the forum.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
12 Jan 2013 /  #332
I've dated many women

From agencies? You are not very bright are you?

europes scum.

just stick to wanking boy stick to it!
TommyG  1 | 359  
12 Jan 2013 /  #333
simple advise , ,,, date a woman of your nationality or higher

Simple advise... You are a loser. I'll send you a spoon so that you can literally eat my 4ss. ok?
If Polish girls take your money and leave you then that is your failing as a potential suitor.
They obviously have found someone better than you. And leave you you as soon as they can.
Are you now bankrupt? ha ha ha:D

I'm living here. I meet lots of women every day. I have no complaints... Very nice friendly girls... good friends too:D
14 Jan 2013 /  #334
I meet lots of women every day

Yeah, right, that's why you spent hours and hours on this forum,
insulting everyone around, and making hundreds of posts every day...

because you meet a lot of women EVERY DAY, yeah... totally right :))))
Hipis  - | 226  
14 Jan 2013 /  #335
neither me nor any of my english female friends are 'moneygrabbers' - without exception we have our own businesses or good jobs.

Come come rozumiemnic, I was just generalizing in response to the generalizations made by the OP. You should know the rules of insult and counter insult on PF by now ;) Anyway, I have bitter experience to draw on, I married an English lass much to my regret. Won't be doing that again in a hurry ;)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Jan 2013 /  #336
lol Hipis, I married a Polish man and have the same regret......
kaz200972  2 | 229  
14 Jan 2013 /  #337
LOL Well I had a relationship with one and I think it highly unlikely I'd ever have another Polish partner, BUT would we really have missed the experience??? NO

Some things aren't meant to be but I'm glad I we tried to make a go of it. I'll never forget the drunken sod or the good bits!
15 Jan 2013 /  #338
it’s always “men” when they do something bad.

But when men do something good they are not called men.
It’s “workers” or “engineers” or “personnel”

For example: in 2013, we had 2012 dead soldiers serving our country in

(not dead "men" but dead soldiers)

this is being done in our media, showing that by gender neutralizing the headlines men have been reduced to non entities, at the same time putting women on pedestals. This brings about a collective guilt in men for being men. The end result is a majority populace where women hate men, men hate men, and some men even hate themselves.

natasia  3 | 368  
15 Jan 2013 /  #339
Have you seen 'Seksmisja'? : D Men aren't that bad : )

I married an English lass much to my regret. Won't be doing that again in a hurry ;)

15 Jan 2013 /  #340
Seksmisja... yes that is the the future.... awesome real movie
9 Jun 2013 /  #341
You were just stupid and had no balls, so she stepped all over you. I would have done the same thing to you if I was in her shoes. If she is a 10 and you are a 2, then it all makes perfect sense. Go to the gym and burn that fat of your ass and belly! put some muscle and grow some balls!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
9 Jun 2013 /  #342
it's always "men" when they do something bad.But when men do something good they are not called men.It's "workers" or "engineers" or "personnel"

this observation is not something I can discredit. Thanks for the wake up call.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Jun 2013 /  #343
One of the hits of the Sopot Top Trendy festival was a song 'Blokes are pigs' (Faceci to świnie). Even when they try to be nice they are still pigs, the song alleges.

Sure it was tongue in cheek, but nevertheless the Środas, Nowickas and Kazimiera Szczukas of this world would probably burst a blood vessel if someone performed a satirical song saying 'Wszystkie baby to maciory' (All women are sows).
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
10 Jun 2013 /  #344
Even when they try to be nice they are still pigs, the song alleges.

AFAIK the song was performed by men. So keep your hat on! ;-)
19 Jun 2013 /  #345
Find a women who doesn't love money ; Money + Sex women love those two things no matter where they from and it's a fact based on a research.

Well to be honest before i met my polish wife i dated Russian, Hungarian, Canadian, British and Norwegian but you know what Polish is the best. They are not too much outgoing, they respect their husband or partner, They cook good, look after their husband/partner very well

yes there are some naughty polish girls too but you can find them everywhere.
David_18  65 | 966  
19 Jun 2013 /  #346
I just love it how the OP accuses all polish women to be "moneygrabbers" because of one woman ;)

I think you got issues mateyyyy
Klopsik81  - | 2  
22 Jun 2013 /  #347
No more a money grabber than anyone else. Quite the opposite in my case :D I have to try persuade her to spend money on herself!!
22 Jun 2013 /  #348
As I've been following this thread somewhat, I'd have to concur that Polish women are no more or less moneyGRUBBERS (not "grabbers"LOL) than any other group. Admittedly, post-Communism has not been terribly kind to either the Poles, the Czechs or certainly the Russians, hence their runaway, croniest capitalism on steroids plus:-))) Only perhaps the Hungarians with their "goulash" Communism escaped the fate of much of Central and Eastern Europe!

The Poles had a rough deal under Gomułka, women were enticed by the 'big, bad West' and, yes, often forced into situations where in order to plain survive they had to compromise their sexual promiscuity. This though should not serve to justify the stereotype that ALL Polish women are ****** etc.., ought to chisle and fenagle.

In that way, they're no different from woman the world over!
Rysavy  10 | 306  
22 Jun 2013 /  #349
So in this OPs case was there even money to grab?

I give people my hand me down laptops and PCs all the time. I give my fine jewelry away when it stays unworn more than a year (except heirlooms). I am not rich. Simply comfortable.

Ex's dad called me a gold digger when ME(job, trust fund, home, car)/HIM ( a rich grandma who MIGHT leave something to trickle down, drove moms hubbies car, quit school, lived with mom). My ex's dad; who ironically married and bilked two women of good family and finance, and left them broke; is also a tool if one can't guess

In OP 's case it sounds like if she was a gold digger? she was not the sharpest pencil in the box since all OP seems to have had was Fool's Gold >_<

Man oh man! I agree with

just stick to wanking boy stick to it!

Ironside  50 | 13034  
22 Jun 2013 /  #350
In OP 's case it sounds like if she was a gold digger? she was not the sharpest pencil in the box since all OP seems to have had was Fool's Gold >_<

Most of those complaining are often-than bit fools who pulled a girl on their real or imagined riches just to be dumped anyway. As even their money couldn't hide ugly, dull and flat character of a guy.
master  17 | 22  
11 Sep 2013 /  #351
Merged: are polish woman so hungry for money

my wife only pays council tax bill £130 a month but she comes home with 900 pound per month she will not pay anymore because she says I own everthing its not hers I pay the mortgage and the electric .gas.water.phone I did have the house before we got together just feel am being used what do guys think I could understand if wasn't working I would have to support her but she working
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Sep 2013 /  #352
she will not pay anymore because she says I own everthing its not hers I pay the mortgage and the electric .gas.water.phone

am about to marry my polish girlfriend she tells me she want name on bills and my morgage wich she as not put any money into the house and name on my business which i have been doing for 20 years before i met her any advise to me thanks

She wants name on bills, morgage, and business

You can't have it both ways and complain.

Looking at the threads you have created, I recommend you go to marriage counselling.
11 Sep 2013 /  #353
I would send her packing as it doesn't seem like your happy

I would not put her name on the house as she sounds like a user and will take you to the cleaners as soon as she has rights to half your stuff get rid of her and find a nice girl
f stop  24 | 2493  
11 Sep 2013 /  #354
"master".. I'm curious about your name. What are you a master of?
Rysavy  10 | 306  
11 Sep 2013 /  #355
You again... ?
It isn't "polish women" and in this case not even "women" . It is YOU.

You were told long ago here; if you felt iffy - don't marry her. It did seem she was not as into you as she should be when you first were posting here. But you pushed it through instead of letting her go (if she is such a using troll, I must assume she is first woman that thought you are worth bedding! Or a sexual Olympian you are addicted to).

If she ever stumbled on here I bet we could hear an earful on the whys of her behavior (and that is granting you benefit that she has acted EXACTLY as you described)

Your whining suspiciously smacks of looking for reasons for justification...

will put this out- my own little story quoted by ME (luckily not all men or Russians are the same or I would have become a lesbian after my marriage. I am only giving an example of you never know the other side)
In my case.. with My Monster X... (who tried to poison me for insurance):
He was happy to take my under-table money in contacting. waitressing, etc.
And talk only about my stated earnings as "my part" (which was a subject that came up AFTER I married him. He even tried to make a prenuptial contract 3 months after we married-which got voided later-lol).
When I earned more and started throwing MY financial weight around like he had done to me? Oh the crying!
Things that were in my name alone? Heresy!

He popped the question because I was LEAVING as well. And I regret 5 seconds a day every day of my life that I didn't say NO. And I probably did give a ration of misery while miserable myself. Least I hope so. My friends and family were too far away and later I was too young and too Catholic in our first years to divorce him... I only wish the internet had been as flourishing then! I make my own decisions; but people with examples why it would have been a bad idea; would have been useful to hear.
If I had a hundred dollars for EVERY time I met someone from his work or new family that said "Gee, you are NOTHING like I imagined... your are (_nice_,_pretty_,_interesting_.._adj here_)" ; I could invest in a self business!

He made mistake of being caught talking at an office party while dissing me. Somebody in business who was close to his mom overheard and pointed the camera his way.
Holy crap...! In that conversation, I was basically a 300lb troll with no education or manners that sat at home eating bonbons all day while he slaved to keep up the bills and was a terrible housekeeper! ( he kept up?nada!) His mom was so glad he wasn't gay and could kick him out of her home to be MY problem (she had full time extra maid just to clean up after him and his sister) she was giving us a maintain allowance of 20k a year "stress money", so he could go to college while working up his experience and that we could be a "couple and have a family".
And using the bash an ethinic card was harder for him because I'm mix.
But normally he would still go on with Lazy Fat Mexican (um that kin is PORTUGUESE) or Lazy Indian.
Otherwise it was Money grubbing Bohemian or Jew (but only one Weisz was Jewish). Or being a poor Catholic Democrat Libtard from the wrong side of tracks. <_< My Dad was in Who's who. His dad was a hack!
His mums 5th hubby was the Social Register guy and he lived with his dad growing up. I was a Democrat the year he met me. Period.
Yeah...would any of you here think I was a Libertarian in the making? >_<

But point of story is a person can really exaggerate or cover what their spouse was. If not for OUTSIDE witnesses.. no one would ever have suspected my X was control freak that attempted to kill me on more than one occasion.
Why, gee...he only followed me because he loved me and I asked him. Not because he used money to stalk me all across US 4 times and twice to other countries. He even followed me into the Army! Same Unit.
So don't be so fast to judge the "MASTER's" wife. The fact he made a name like that speaks volumes by itself.

From ALL the copious posts of one sided complaining You have made your bed... lay in it!
At first you came off as some dummy getting used by a sharp girl. But over time you are presenting yourself as a whiner, a control freak, possessive, a bad partner. You come here to bad mouth her and Polish girls in general.

You seem to looking for permission or justification to do something you instinctively know will be looked at as a douche move.

Dude, you need to MAN UP and act like a partner, mate and lover. I suspect it is probably too late at this point.

Right or wrong? My advice, IMHO, is if you still have no kids ...just take your lumps!
Pay your price for separation and move on, so she can find someone who loves her for who she is, not simply wants to own her. And you? you can find that perfect little doll that lets you do everything you want and does everything you say-good luck.

"With kids" complicates it...but even so, if counseling can't help- End it!
noreenb  7 | 548  
12 Sep 2013 /  #356
When you are in marriage you just have to pay half cost of living and half cost of bills.
For some people it's too simple, so they tend to complicate their life.
Sometimes, when one partner earns a lot more he can pay a bigger part of bills and more costs of living.
When people can't agree in this case it just means they should talk more and discuss the issue.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
12 Sep 2013 /  #357
Dude, you need to MAN UP and act like a partner, mate and lover. I suspect it is probably too late at this point

I like you rysavy...:)
Englishman  2 | 276  
12 Sep 2013 /  #358
"master".. I'm curious about your name. What are you a master of?

Baiting, I suspect...
master  17 | 22  
12 Sep 2013 /  #359
I just hope all polish woman are not the same after reading your post I am sure glad I didn't meet you are you still single?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / ARE POLISH GIRLS GOLD-DIGGERS?Archived