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Polish girls attitudes towards sex.

Englishman  2 | 276  
17 Dec 2013 /  #541
'sex is allowed after marriage only, for procreational reasons, and any act of "self-rape"

'Self-rape'? FFS! That's a terrible thing to say to any girl or woman. Surely no sexual act is less like rape than female masturbation. It's an activity that says that a woman's sexuality belongs to her, and not to a man, and it carries zero risk of STDs or unwanted pregnancy. If the RC church is really concerned with the wellbeing of its flock and avoiding promiscuity it would encourage girls and women to masturbate and not create the crazy situation described by my friend where a woman gets horny and calls her boyfriend because she thinks it's disgusting to please herself.

Also, AFAIK the Bible says that male masturbation is immoral (the story of Onan, in Genesis), but it says nothing against the female version. So the church is just trying to repress women, not spread the word of God.
17 Dec 2013 /  #542
Who wouldn't? ;)

I am actually starting to believe that so many of these boys posting on PF claiming Polish women are sexual deviants, must have lived sheltered lives...
Meathead  5 | 467  
18 Dec 2013 /  #543
And that obviously has nothing to do with Poland boardering with Germany :-)

Yes, Poland bordering Germany and the fact that there is such a disparity in wealth between Germany and Poland. Women are attracted to large check books.
smurf  38 | 1940  
18 Dec 2013 /  #544
We have a lot of American women here of Irish descent and a lot of them are quite pretty.

Hahaa, yea most of the pretty, smart people leave, why stay on a rain-sodden windy island when there's a world of opportunity out there? :D

Maybe I'm being too harsh on our womenfolk..... of course there are good ones, but in my experience continental Europeans are better looking and far more open about their sexuality.

claiming Polish women are sexual deviants

Not deviants, just have a nice, high hunger for lots and lots of it ;)
18 Dec 2013 /  #545
It beggars belief a man would ever challenge the 'booty call' xbox and game boy have a lot to answer for...
McDouche  6 | 282  
19 Dec 2013 /  #546
@Warszawski: No need to be rude when even studies confirm there is some truth to Polish women being more open about sexuality than their western counterparts.

19 Dec 2013 /  #547
We have been over this old chestnut before, the study was focused on Polish women in the UK. I repeat for your info NOT Polish women, if you wish to see how British women behave on vacation then have a look at some of the UK tv series.

From your profile McD you are in the USA if you had any idea about UK media then you would not use the Daily Mail as a reliable source especially about things Polish.

McDouche  6 | 282  
19 Dec 2013 /  #548
the study was focused on Polish women in the UK

So? Still Polish women...

you would not use the Daily Mail as a reliable source especially about things Polish.

Irrelevant. The study was conducted by a Polish woman at a Polish university.
19 Dec 2013 /  #549
So? Still Polish women...

The sociocultural group to which the women belong is Polish, living in the UK as economical migrants on lower income levels.
Only a fool or troll would suggest Grazyna Czubinska research is based on Polish women as a whole.

Irrelevant. The study was conducted by a Polish woman at a Polish university.

More a study center than University you may want to check out Puna. The Daily mail have a history of negatively stereotyping Polish migrants to the UK.
jon357  72 | 23518  
19 Dec 2013 /  #550
Only a fool or troll would suggest Grazyna Czubinska research is based on Polish women as a whole.

Spot on. They simply aren't a representative group. All left Poland for a reason and those reasons differ. In some cases people doubtless wanted to leave the oppressive atmosphere of villages where the local gossips start to tittle-tattle if a woman just smiles twice at someone.
Englishman  2 | 276  
19 Dec 2013 /  #551
if you wish to see how British women behave on vacation then have a look at some of the UK tv series.

Being British myself I do not see either the Daily Mail (lower middle class Little Englanders) nor the Guardian (metropolitan liberals) as purveyors of the unvarnished truth about my country. In fact I would argue they are polar opposites, especially on a subject such as immigration.

There was recently a good piece in The Economist that argued that British people dislike immigration but quite like most individual immigrants. Stereotypically, we think of Polish people as hard-working, honest and family-minded. Britons' main objection to mass immigration from Poland is that these very virtues make Polish immigrants more attractive to employers than British chavs, giving the latter an excuse not to work and instead to spend their lives eating cheap food from Iceland and watching giant TVs from Argos, funded by the taxes contributed to those of us who have to work. Which summary probably indicates that most of us are closer to the Daily Mail world view than the Guardian one.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Dec 2013 /  #552
^ ^ good post englishman, spot on
McDouche  6 | 282  
19 Dec 2013 /  #553
Only a fool or troll would suggest Grazyna Czubinska research is based on Polish women as a whole.

The Daily Mail's title for the article clearly states that it's about Polish women moving to the UK.

Also, the OP stated he was talking about his British friend dating a Polish woman. I'm going to assume this took place in the UK.

So the church is just trying to repress women, not spread the word of God.

Well, I think it has more to do with how Poles treat religion. Spain and Italy are Catholic-majority countries but Spaniards and Italians don't make a big deal out of female masturbation.

Nonetheless, Catholicism is not a sola scriptura religion. The Bible might not specify female masturbation as being a sin, but the Catechism of the RCC does.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Dec 2013 /  #554
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2433654/Polish- women-UK-promiscuous-new-study-shows.html

Some dude wrote this in the comments section: "At last, something good to come from uncontrolled immigration."
20 Dec 2013 /  #555
Also, the OP stated he was talking about his British friend dating a Polish woman. I'm going to assume this took place in the UK.

Good to see you back-peddling...

Your quote buddy...

Polish women being more open about sexuality than their western counterparts.

You are focusing on Polish women over western counterparts, allow me to educate you Poland is in Central Europe and part of the European union since 2004 which is part of the western world, western counterparts are which countries can you provide a reliable source which substantiates your claim.
Crow  154 | 9556  
20 Dec 2013 /  #556
key, i mean crucial question here is question of `orgasm`. What orgasm means to Polish woman?
McDouche  6 | 282  
20 Dec 2013 /  #557
You are focusing on Polish women over western counterparts

I'm talking about Polish women in the context of the thread topic. The OP was talking about his British friend dating a Polish woman (and probably in the UK).

Also, some of the article's claims can be applied to Polish women in Poland. For example, you see one Polish woman in the article talking about how British men are more attractive than Polish men. Polish women might not be sexually turned on as much when their only options are Polish men.
20 Dec 2013 /  #558
So now explain the point about Polish women and western counterparts. I as a European consider Europe part of the western world can you please explain how Polish women who hold EEC passports are not part of the western world?
smurf  38 | 1940  
20 Dec 2013 /  #559
how Polish women who hold EEC passports

There are no people on the planet with such passports.
Most Polish people have Polish passports, a small minority have German ones put that's a matter for another day.
Also, just so you know, the EEC was abolished in December 2009 with the Lisbon Treaty.

It beggars belief a man would ever challenge the 'booty call' xbox and game boy have a lot to answer for...

I fail to see what gaming consoles have got to do with the sexuality of Polish women, especially since the Gameboy went out of production in 2003. Did Polish women play a lot of Gameboy games when the handheld was popular? *scratches head

Poland is clearly part of Western society, but within Europe, Poland as a Central European country isn't seen as a Western European country. Geographically it isn't so obviously it can't be.

Also, you may have heard of the Warsaw Pact, that treaty did a lot to people's impressions of Europe, many still consider Poland to be actually an Eastern European country because of it.
20 Dec 2013 /  #560
Also, just so you know, the EEC was abolished in December 2009 with the Lisbon Treaty

European Economic Community was renamed European Community in 1993 The EC existed in this form until it was abolished by the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon, which merged the EU's former pillars and provided that the EU would replace and succeed the European Community.

EEC,EC.EU and common market all in common usage today unless someone really wants to be anal retentive about it.

On all member red passports it states European Union.

I fail to see what gaming consoles have got to do with the sexuality of Polish women


Also, you may have heard of the Warsaw Pact

The Warsaw pact ended in 1991

Poland is clearly part of Western society

McDouche suggested Polish women are more sexually active than women of the Western world. Central and Eastern Europe being a part of the West in that Central European, Southeastern European and Baltic countries such as Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia are now part of the European Union and NATO, which mostly comprise Western countries and share sociological values and culture especially Poland.
McDouche  6 | 282  
20 Dec 2013 /  #561
McDouche suggested Polish women are more sexually active than women of the Western world.

Well, those moving abroad are. As for Polish women in Poland, probably not. However, I think in the cities they are since they're exposed to more attractive foreign men.

which mostly comprise Western countries and share sociological values and culture especially Poland.

Poles don't completely have the western mindset though. Maybe those in the cities do, but those in the villages certainly don't. The other day, I tried to explain to a Polish woman the advantages of the Blu-Ray media format over the standard DVD. She just couldn't understand the convenience of it. This is something a Westerner wouldn't have trouble understanding.

You also don't seem to have much of a western mindset either since you brought up Gameboy. I'm in my 20s and I remember that thing being popular when I was a little kid here in America. Perhaps it's just getting popular now in the former communist countries of Europe?
21 Dec 2013 /  #562
You never heard of retro. McDouche you may be a great kid but better to understand the culture before defamation of Polish women.

Poles don't completely have the western mindset though

As far as capitalism is concerned the Poles could teach the Americans and the Brits a few things. I really don't know what your beef is with Polish women, it is something you could seek help with.
McDouche  6 | 282  
21 Dec 2013 /  #563
defamation of Polish women.


I really don't know what your beef is with Polish women

I have no beef with Polish women. I'm not sure where you got that from. Stating things based on evidence found from a study done by a Polish woman does not mean I have beef with them.
23 Dec 2013 /  #564
McD You quoted the daily mail as source please do not lie...
McDouche  6 | 282  
23 Dec 2013 /  #565
What lying? Did you look at the link and where the Daily Mail got that information? It was straight from a study done at a Polish institution by a Polish woman.
23 Dec 2013 /  #566
Have you ever heard of literary journalism a well known practice of the Daily Mail.
jamshaid  2 | 20  
30 Dec 2013 /  #567
Yes I know many polish grils are married but they like sex with other mens...... why??? Not all girls may a percentage but big ratio like it?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
13 Feb 2014 /  #568
it was combined with a high sex drive and a belief that it was his job to meet her sexual needs, whenever they arose.

Smart woman. He wasn't aware how lucky he was.

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