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Polish girls attitudes towards sex.

king polkakamon  - | 542  
15 May 2010 /  #482
Yes,there are polish girls zloto diggers.They call you skarbie.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 May 2010 /  #483
Paulina - I don't know you and vice versa I guess. I felt the need to connect with people so I signed up for this site. I disagree with Seanus 90% of the time, well maybe 89% of the time so it's funny I find myself defending his actions here. Not that he needs defense but some of this pertains to all men.

First of all, a PRIVATE MESSAGE (PM) is a private message! - between you and Seanus and no one else. Always and with no exceptions. I've gotten some personal requests for advice via the PM system and not in a million years would I've ever thought of sharing it with you or anyone else. Even if the messages were absolutely trivial - PRIVATE means private which in my view espouses show of trust AND respect. You didn't show him any respect by talking about his private messages here. Not sure what gadu-gadu is but if it's similar to skype than the same applies here - it was a private conversation and you violated his trust. If I ever get a message from you (doubt I ever will now after my diatribe here lol) I can assure you that I will NEVER share it with anyone unless you specifically ask me to do so.

Often the reason men and women struggle with their relationships is because they don't show respect for each other. God knows I'm just as guilty here. My ex-wife loved me and adored me and I took her for granted and never had any time for her when she needed me the most. She had some psychological conditions which caused her to be more sensitive than others yet I was too busy for her, my job was more important than anything. Well, that was my way of disrespecting her. I regret it today and decided to learn from it; whether there'll be another lady in my life some day in the future or whether I'll be talking to a friend - I'll always attempt to show my respect even if I'm annoyed or busy or pissed off. Doesn't matter. Respect means accepting differences. In this case you disrespected Seanus by disclosing a private conversation and in my humble opinion he deserves an apology from you. Enough about that.

Now, I've read what was being said between you two over and over again and must say that if all women think the way you do then I'm as clueless as it gets and get even more nervous about talking to someone from the opposite sex. It's very hard for me to relax enough to keep a conversation with a lady, especially one I barely know. What he said is the typical stuff I'd have said just to keep a conversation going and trust me, I have no intention of getting into your pants.

Frankly, it's tiring how often women lump all men into one category and think that each time a man talks to a woman he wants to have sex with her. Sure, we're overflowing with testosterone, something you women do too just in smaller quantities BUT we (and you) also have brains. Well, most of us do.

Yes, it's perfectly possible for a guy to say "...so where do you live? ...do you live with your parents or by yourself? ...yeah, I have my own house..." without wanting to get into her pants.

...and if he does then so what? Don't you ever have a "dirty" thought about a guy you're having a conversation with? Does that make you a bad person? I don't think so.

The beauty of the human brain is that we can differentiate between our thoughts, desires and dreams and our actions. So stop judging us by what youassume we're thinking about and instead judge us based on our actions - not your ex-husband's or ex-boyfriend's or worst yet your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend's actions. ...no, judge us by OUR individual actions because we're all individuals. In my very biased and testosterone influenced view yes, many of us actually ARE good guys.

While I'm at it, are you single? ..so what are you wearing? (no, I'm not flirting, I'm net'ing ;)

PS. Unless you're a black Polish lady you may not write "I can see you don't want to answer why you aksed me that question..." EVER, EVER again! LOL It's a joke, I hope you don't take it the wrong way... ;)
STFU  - | 39  
16 May 2010 /  #484
Moderator can delete my post if what I've done violates the rules of this forum.

It violates international privacy laws, to be exact. Now, leave the guy alone. He's got a gorgeous wife (Yes, he has! I don't mean this in a pervy way!) and he's obviously very happy with her. He already told you he didn't have any intention of starting something with you on the sideline, so you should leave it at that.

First of all, a PRIVATE MESSAGE (PM) is a private message! - between you and Seanus and no one else. Always and with no exceptions.

Refreshing, someone with manners and common sense! (Please stay here, you could keep me from going insane!)

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 May 2010 /  #485
I think all Polish girls are virgins with a tendency to holiness and have only heard of sex as some dirty perverted invention of the decadent West.



M-G (new tune nearly done)
Zbyszko  1 | 25  
16 May 2010 /  #486
The beauty of the human brain is that we can differentiate between our thoughts, desires and dreams and our actions. So stop judging us by what you assume we're thinking about and instead judge us based on our actions - not your ex-husband's or ex-boyfriend's or worst yet your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend's actions.

Couldn't have said it any better.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 May 2010 /  #487
Polish women

Men come from Mars and women from Venus. Polish women however, come from Uranus.

The beauty of the human brain is that we can differentiate between our thoughts

That is true, my friend. Sometimes I think of a beautiful Spring morning in June and then, just a few seconds later, I think of a ham sandwich and then a few seconds later again, I am thinking about how I forgot to buy coffee as there isn't anything left and then I think about how much more beautiful this morning could have been if there only was some coffee and then again a few seconds later I think about the fact that it's not that bad at all as there still is tea and then I think about how tea is much better for your health anyway and the next second I think that this only goes when you drink Green Tea and then the next second I think that actually Green Tea is pretty gross and then a moment later I come to the conclusion that his morning isn't so beautiful after all.


M-G (bored)
STFU  - | 39  
16 May 2010 /  #488
Maybe you didn't noticed but the subject is already finished, I think :)

I didn't notice. But good! This shouldn't be a forum where people ruin eachother.

Paulina  16 | 4403  
16 May 2010 /  #489
Men come from Mars and women from Venus. Polish women however, come from Uranus.

Is there gold on Uranus? I feel like digging some.

P. (sleepy)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 May 2010 /  #490
Is there gold on Uranus

No. But there is ice and gas. Perhaps a feasible alternative?


M-G (wants the new tune to be finished)
Paulina  16 | 4403  
16 May 2010 /  #491
No. But there is ice and gas. Perhaps a feasible alternative?

Maybe. Poland would need some gas and getting it from Uranus is probably more feasible than getting it from Polish soil :)
And ice we could use for drinks or something.


P. (going to bed)
STFU  - | 39  
16 May 2010 /  #492
These Google adds are funny sometimes. Paulina used the word golddigger, and look at the Google add underneath her posting!

''Seeking Rich Women: Wealthy Ladies Are Seeking You! Elite Dating At Its Best.''


A-J (Thinks some women want guys to become golddiggers aswell.)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 May 2010 /  #493
So I didn't feel obliged to show respect to a such person.

Sleasy? I wouldn't know Paulina even though I find his 9/11 conspiracies sleasy. Oooh, that felt goooood... ;)

If you felt the way you did you could've told him that via PM or even on the forum but without revealing his PRIVATE messages to you. Still think he deserves a simple "sorry" from you.

I don't think you violated any rules here. I'm simply talking about respect for others - private or prywatne (I think?) means just that. Whether a compliment, a rebuke, flirtatious comment or sexual innuendoes - a private message is private.

I'm sorry, it was an insider joke. Many blacks here in the US (I find the term African American insulting and refuse to use it) speak with their own dialect which frankly originated in the lack of education due to the abhorrent past of slavery. It's typical to leave out prepositions, to shorten words and occasionally to reverse letters in the spoken language. One of the most common words in the Ebonics (official term for the dialect) vernacular is "aks" - to aks or ax someone a question rather than to ask someone a question.

I knew you misspelled it (I have slight dyslexia so I sympathise ;) but chose to poke fun at you, that's all. LOL.
Note!!! My "poking" at you is totally asexual. :)

Here for your pleasure (no, not in the sexual way Paulina! ;)


...and if he does then so what? Don't you ever have a "dirty" thought about a guy you're having a conversation with? Does that make you a bad person? I don't think so.

Skysoulmate, if I were married it wouldn't be good, I think :)

Paulina, I'm sorry, I missed this quote earlier.

You're joking right? Not sure if you're being sarcastic but if you're serious then I totally disagree with you.

I'm a Lutheran and I guess pretty conservative in certain ways but in my view fantasies are absolutely normal and a healthy part of human sexuality. If you think getting married means you'll stop fantasizing about having sex with other people you're wrong. It happens and there's nothing wrong with it. I did it sometimes and so did my ex-wife, I know because she'd tell me and I'd tell her and often we'd play those FANTASIES out - just her and I. (dressing up can be fun;)

What's wrong is when fantasies become realities and people start cheating! No excuse for that. So keep your fantasies where they belong, between you and your loved one.
STFU  - | 39  
16 May 2010 /  #494
I'm a Lutheran and I guess pretty conservative in certain ways but in my view fanasies are absolutely normal and a healthy part of human sexuality.


So keep your fantasies where they belong, between you and your loved one.

Unless you're both honest and open-minded. (It's risky though, there's always a chance someone might regret it.) I wouldn't even tell my loved one my fantasies. (Yes, they're *that* bad!)


I bet some people are curious now. Well, too bad!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 May 2010 /  #495
Polish women however, come from Uranus.

Saturn actually.... because of its pretty moons...

OK... i'd read more here and follow up, but you all are just dirty flirts... period!
16 May 2010 /  #496
I was picking on her earlier proclivity on thread of seeing sexual innuendos in each and every comment a man can make

Oh, ya, she’s a pure menace

;) I'm sure she’ll exact revenge for that remark later. :)

I prefer lights on Bzibzioh lol

Too much information ;)

(what does your name mean anyways?)

It means to confuse :)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 May 2010 /  #497
Saturn actually.... because of its pretty moons...


Pretty moons and meteorite rings.

pgtx - the third one from the top left corner - is that you?? Dang girl, you are pretty! lol
...oh, boy, I must be flirting?

Seriously, Saturn does have some beautiful moons.

Oh, ya, she's a pure menace

Of course not. On the contrary BUT I'd have been on her side had another poster, man or a woman, disclosed her private messages. I realize there were no secrets in what she chose to share with us all, it's just the principle of trust and respect I believe in. My post was not against Paulina at all but rather against the action she took. That's all.

;) I'm sure she'll exact revenge for that remark later. :)

I'm sure she will. I'm digging a bunker in my backyard as we speak. ...and it's going to be very deeep! :)

It means to confuse :)

Well, you could've used a simpler screen name such as woman, lady, dziewczyna, etc... I'd be just as confused... lol
16 May 2010 /  #498
it's just the principle of trust and respect I believe in.

I'm with you on that one. I had situation not long ago that someone on this forum I was PMing with got mad after a disagreement and was threatening to disclose my private info. Private should stay private.

Well, you could've used a simpler screen name, woman, lady, dziewczyna, etc

But I don't do simple. Ask my husband :)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 May 2010 /  #499
Pretty moons and meteorite rings.

i used to date an astronomer... damn, he didn't teach me much...

Ask my husband :)

hint after hint after hint...

everybody needs to expose if they are married or not so things won't get nasty...

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 May 2010 /  #500
I'm with you on that one. I had situation not long ago that someone on this forum I was PMing with got mad after a disagreement and was threatening to disclose my private info. Private should stay private.

Exactly, otherwise PM would be SPM, Somewhat or Semi-Private Message.

But I don't do simple. Ask my husband :)

Of course you don't. The Y chromosome which you women do not have is also called the "simple" chromosome. So you're all complicated by nature. LOL
16 May 2010 /  #501
i used to date an astronomer... damn, he didn't teach me much...

But I'm sure he enjoyed showing you the stars ... :)

Of course you don't. The Y chromosome which you women do not have is also called the "simple" chromosome. So you're all complicated by nature. LOL

You see, pgtx, he gets me :)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 May 2010 /  #502
i used to date an astronomer... damn, he didn't teach me much...

Hopefully you got to experience the supernovae? lol

Actually, I enjoy astronomy, that's what got me interested in aviation I suppose.

everybody needs to expose if they are married or not so things won't get nasty...

Hmm, maybe besides the male/female category we should also be able to chose other qualifiers: single, engaged, married, semi-married & looking, looking, desperate, confused, flirty but nothing else than flirty, etc., etc. :)

I'm not sure I like that category. But I'd bet serious money that a lot of guys do!

Bzibzioh, you'd be surprised how many women do too. Several years ago I was asked by a friend I'd know for many years if I'd ever shared a woman with another man? I asked what she meant and she said that she along with her husband wouldn't mind if I'd joined their "love circle!" I almost fell off my chair; this was a lady I'd known for years and never, not even once would I've ever imagined her being a swinger. She was pretty too. I told her I appreciated the "offer" but that some things are just too precious to be shared. Have had very hard time having conversations with her ever since (used to live close to each other) but I promised her I'd never share her secret with our mutual friends and I haven't and never will.

PS. I was joking about creating those categories here. Instead I'd prefer: likes Poland a lot, likes Poland somewhat, hates Poland, etc. :)
Paulina  16 | 4403  
16 May 2010 /  #503
If you felt the way you did you could've told him that via PM or even on the forum but without revealing his PRIVATE messages to you. Still think he deserves a simple "sorry" from you.

OK, you're right. I let out the steam yesterday and I'm much less bit*hy today so I can apologise if he didn't like that I wrote about his private messages.

Exactly, my point is do what you expect from us men - don't lump us all in the same category.

Skysoulmate, it was my little revenge for what is written here about Polish women (and not only about Polish ones, actually). And look how men reacted :) All the indignation :)))

I wasn't writing from my own experience. That's just "common knowledge" that men's nature is poligamic. I think many women think this way ;)

Note!!! My "poking" at you is totally asexual. :)

Here for your pleasure (no, not in the sexual way Paulina! ;)

I can see I joined the club of members with weird obsessions - like Crow and his Slavic thing LOL Now I'm the One Who Sees Flirting Everywhere ;)

Oh, ya, she's a pure menace

;) I'm sure she'll exact revenge for that remark later. :)

No, I can be a menace sometimes ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 May 2010 /  #504
Another instance of dissatisfaction manifesting itself here. I was told by Polish men to try certain things and they virtually guaranteed what the reaction would be from your standard woman. They were right! I've seen some Polish women try and catch me out and even turn things into my fault when it was blatantly theirs. There are so many disgruntled and conniving sods, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. I've had numerous episodes over the years where a Polish woman has turned against me but their own emotional turmoil and desperation has caused them to lash out. One went against her boyfriend and tried it on with me. When I showed her that I wasn't interested, she turned against me. I only refused her, nothing more.

Then there was the episode where the 2 Polish girls were late to work, thus I couldn't get in (they had the keys for the bottom door). I rushed to get up the stairs but they were 20 mins late. I had no time to photocopy. I let the copier make copies and then went off to make a quick coffee. They blamed me for time wasting. No apology for being late and they had the gaul to accuse me of time wasting, LOL. You can't rush into teaching, it doesn't work! They are pathetic bits of sh*t under my shoe!!

No, I don't expect an apology at all. I think it proves what I thought and goes to show that certain Polish women are headcases and don't respect privacy. Anything for an attack and a low/cheap one at that. You should feel ashamed but, being a specific type of Pole (quite prevalent), you'll likely deny that you did anything wrong. I have a good impression of many here but acknowledging wrongdoing and being grateful don't enter your vocab so I expect nothing!

It is NOT my intention to tar all with the same brush. There are many gems here and I've met them. I just know your type and will tread with caution from now on.

OK, I've just read your post. Everyone can let out steam sometimes so that's cool if you were pent up. We all get cranky and like that from time to time and I don't wanna lock horns over the net. Frankly, it's petty. I didn't read your definition of a man ;) ;) ;) ;) but one conception of mine is that I will discuss it face-to-face with those I know, esp men. I'm a big lad and man up when I have to. You are a woman that I don't know so it makes no sense for me to let this linger/continue. Let's move on!

Some women are golddiggers and others aren't. The same everywhere. I expect defensiveness here, don't worry.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
16 May 2010 /  #505
I joined the club of members with weird obsessions

The only one not obsessed is me my Majesty.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
16 May 2010 /  #506
OK, I've just read your post.


Better late than ever, I guess ;)

I will discuss it face-to-face with those I know, esp men. I'm a big lad and man up when I have to.

I just wonder, Seanus, whether you tell those Polish women face-to-face what you think about them. Because I don't think anyone likes to be talked about behind his/hers back (like many do that here on this forum, not only you). I don't think it's pretty either.

And some women maybe would change their ways if you were honest with them :)

can we call an end to this please. it's off topic.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
16 May 2010 /  #507
Paulina if you suggest that polish women are faithful,I am ready to eat my scalp.I have to turn you to order.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 May 2010 /  #508
I can see I joined the club of members with weird obsessions - like Crow and his Slavic thing LOL Now I'm the One Who Sees Flirting Everywhere ;)

Well, it could be worst. We could put you in the "man-hater conspiracy" camp. ...but we know that's not who you are. So enjoy your club and wink at us every now and then. ;)

OK, you're right. I let out the steam yesterday and I'm much less bit*hy today so I can apologise if he didn't like that I wrote about his private messages.

Fair enough and I see that seanus accepted your appology. Admitting making a mistake speaks volumes about you and I like what I'm hearing.

Skysoulmate, it was my little revenge for what is written here about Polish women (and not only about Polish ones, actually). And look how men reacted :) All the indignation :)))

You're right, there are many pretty stupid comments here about the Polish women or women in general, ...or men, or America, etc., etc. Yeah, basically about everything. When I get ticked off I look for another thread or create my own. lol

I wasn't writing from my own experience. That's just "common knowledge" that men's nature is poligamic. I think many women think this way ;)

I agree with you that many women think this way about men but I disagree with the premise of this selective truth Paulina. You believe what you've been hearing in the past because you want to believe it.

Yes, many men do cheat - that's a fact. However, many women also cheat - that's another fact.

In the past the perception was that men cheated more often because they were "polygamic" however now when women don't have to worry about old taboos such as being a virgin when getting married, or becoming pregnant, or hiding their desires, etc., etc. we're finding that women are just as aggresive in their pursuit of sexuality as men are.

It's possible that men still stray more than women do but unless you and others drop old assumptions about the two sexes our societies will never change.

So again, judge people on their individual actions and not their gender, age, race or whatever divider you pick.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
16 May 2010 /  #509
And I didn't think I would make a good nun ;)

Nor do I.Nuns have certain needs.These polish nuns must suffer a lot.

Some are faithful

Yes,the ones you don't get.I know.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
17 May 2010 /  #510
Polish girls attitudes towards sex.

What a question!...They enjoy if their needs are taken into consideration.

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