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Polish girls attitudes towards sex.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 May 2010 /  #391
They are even worse? Niemożliwe! They are prissy little tarts who could use a swift hoof up the arse. I can't stand whimsical and vain little princesses.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
14 May 2010 /  #392
Very selfish, when they want it only. If you don't oblige, they mutter expletives at you. Some of the most self-centred women I have ever met.

Good point, KP. Vain, moody and ignorant. They possess those qualities in abundance. Valiant and heartfelt Celts they are not! Give me a passionate Celtic woman anyday.


Seanus, aren't you married to a Polish woman? :)

And you think you can escape so easily from the Russkayas?

I think they're more likely to run from you than the other way round :)

it depends on the girl man, not the nationality. Generalizing is idiotic and so the generalizers are.

ShawnH  8 | 1488  
14 May 2010 /  #393
They are prissy little tarts who could use a swift hoof up the arse. I can't stand whimsical and vain little princesses.

Not getting any?
Paulina  16 | 4403  
14 May 2010 /  #394
I was thinking the same thing :)))
king polkakamon  - | 542  
14 May 2010 /  #395
You just have to listen more to russian rap.I also get mad sometimes when Polki start speaking on mobile to bfs and other men in front of me or they say to me how good they were duped by other men but in these cases I remember the dignity of Cesky and smile.Because the IMF will take care of us.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 May 2010 /  #396
Paulina, yes I am. It's very much a work in progress ;)

Shawny, plenty wine, yes. Thanks :)

Sex dear? Who dear? Me dear? No dear :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
14 May 2010 /  #397
Shawny, plenty wine, yes

Who is doing the whining? You or the better half?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 May 2010 /  #398
When the wine is flowing, it sure as hell ain't me ;) She's asleep anyway, she has a 12-hr day ahead of her.

I've conditioned myself to take it or leave it. Wine and music will always hold precedence, always :)
king polkakamon  - | 542  
14 May 2010 /  #399
When the wine is flowing, it sure as hell ain't me ;) She's asleep anyway, she has a 12-hr day ahead of her.

This is the difference between the Scott and the Greek.The Scott stays home and drinks the Greek goes clubbing.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 May 2010 /  #400
Not entirely true. Many Scots are avid clubbers. Anyway, this is about sex. They seem to like a good rogering like any other but the moods are always just around the corner.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
15 May 2010 /  #401
moods are always just around the corner.

Often like clockwork. Quite predictable, really.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
15 May 2010 /  #402
You just have to listen more to russian rap.

Is Russian rap your source of knowledge about the world and its inhabitants? :)))

I also get mad sometimes when Polki start speaking on mobile to bfs and other men in front of me


And what's wrong with that? Women don't have right to speak to other men and their boyfriends in your presence? ;D

or they say to me how good they were duped by other men

Funny, I don't meet such Polish women though I live in Poland :) Maybe you have bad taste in women and mingle with wrong sort of people.

Or maybe you're simply jealous? :)

Paulina, yes I am. It's very much a work in progress ;)

And what? Is your wife selfish, self-centred, vain, moody, ignorant and mutters expletives at you? :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
15 May 2010 /  #403
moods are always just around the corner.

Not if you drug them up first ;)

Edit: Disclaimer; I do not condone drugging them up first in any case, unless its with copious amounts of vodka!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #404
Shawny, you would think but......

Paulina, she reads PF so I'd better not say ;) ;)

Davey, never tried that but I love tips :)
Paulina  16 | 4403  
15 May 2010 /  #405
Paulina, she reads PF so I'd better not say ;) ;)

And she knows what you're writing here about Polish women? So what harm there would be if she knew what you're thinking about her?

It looks like you're not honest with her.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
15 May 2010 /  #406
Paulina, she reads PF so I'd better not say ;) ;)

I didnt know this....hmmmmmmmmmmmm;)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
15 May 2010 /  #407
Shawny, you would think but......

There are those moods you can count on, and then there are the ones that just seem to pop up.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2010 /  #408
Paulina I don't think any man would appreciate being on date with polish women and their mobiles ringing all the time by their boyfriends.No man also likes to hear his gf telling him how nice complements her Italian sponsor made for her sex abilities.Polish girls have no tact at all,Czech girls take you into account they avoid telling stuff that will bother you.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #409
Paulina, the truth hurts :) There needs to be more circumspection generally.

Shawny, true. It's the latter that fox me.

Sex is just gratification for some and I don't go in for that.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
15 May 2010 /  #410
Sex is just gratification for some and I don't go in for that.

Come on, Sex for Sex Sake can be fullfilling. Nothing like a quickie now and again, when it's least expected!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #411
And that neatly gets me to the point. You can't just be impulsive here. You try it on and they blow you off (in the wrong way) ;) They are so happy to deny you and I've seen it with different Polish women.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2010 /  #412
Basically what strikes most negatively about Polki is their ungratefulness,the blatant lying and this cold heartedness.For example they tell you please give me the money otherwise I will die from hunger and when you give it they don't say thank you because they think it is obligation of a man to support them.But in poor man's opinion such a help equals at least two royal BJs.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #413
Spot on, southern. I concur wholeheartedly. With this opinion, you show your insight. Some of the most ungrateful people I've ever met are from here.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
15 May 2010 /  #414
Paulina I don't think any man would appreciate being on date with polish women and their mobiles ringing all the time by their boyfriends.

Was king polkakamon writing about dating?
If so, why on Earth was he dating girls who have boyfriends? o_O

No man also likes to hear his gf telling him how nice complements her Italian sponsor made for her sex abilities.

Southern, have you been dating a prostitute? ;D

Polish girls have no tact at all,

Bull...t :)

Czech girls take you into account they avoid telling stuff that will bother you.

Southern, in every nation there are all kinds of girls. I just don't buy that in some nation girls are good and in other girls are bad :) That's just stupid, sorry.

And I know Polish women, work with them, talk to them, hang about with them.

Basically what strikes most negatively about Polki is their ungratefulness,the blatant lying and this cold heartedness.For example they tell you please give me the money otherwise I will die from hunger and when you give it they don't say thank you because they think it is obligation of a man to support them.But in poor man's opinion such a help equals at least two royal BJs.


Southern, where do you live? :)
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2010 /  #415
Polki now will eat us alive.But really Ukrainians are not like that.Ukrainians can get tears in their eyes if you do sth for them and will try to repay you multiple times.I think gratefulness is part of the orthodox culture we appreciate generosity.

As for Paulina I don't think polish girls have too much tact.They say some things which if said by our local girls would cause them to get slapped.And how many polish girls start crying in front of you?All of them.But Czech girls never cry in front of you to avoid your feeling bad.Ukr girls have also no tact worse in this regard than polish girls.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
15 May 2010 /  #416
Were you just joking? I've never cheated on anyone before and I had many opportunities. Not all women cheat.

I believe you even though your screen name says otherwise... LOL Just kidding.

Several years ago I read about this Swedish survey (was raised in SWE) which was contradictory to what I'd always believed. I tried to google the survey but couldn't find it. It wasn't so much about cheating per se even though some conclusions could be made. In a nutshell they interviewed some 10,000 adults about their sex habits. I wanna say they divided them into 5 year groups: 15-20, 21-25, 26-30, etc. They started with 15 because that's the legal nookie age in Sweden ;)

Anyways, to my great surprise younger women <30 had much more sex and with more partners than younger guys did. (yeah, I was definitely a late-bloomer lol). Then it sort of evened out and after 35 or maybe 40 men had more sex and more partners than women did.

I was surprised because as a guy I always heard we were the horndogs but maybe the ladies are more secretive about their exploits? Either way, as a younger guy I was too shy around the ladies so I'm hoping the survey was right on the money about the later years. Well, maybe not so much about the many partners but the frequency would be nice... My Casanova days are still ahead of me! lol

...and before anyone accuses the Swedish women of being "loose" - you can find easy women AND men within each and every nationality so please let go of that argument.

I'll keep looking for the survey, maybe other Swedish speakers here heard of it? I believe it was a Chalmers survey...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #417
In general, what I have gathered is that more Poles go out to dance and have a good time than to get laid. That is more of a British thing. Polish women tend to put themselves at the centre of things by ingratiating themselves in one way or another. Their ego tends to take center stage and then they are off and running. Sex is on their terms ;)
Paulina  16 | 4403  
15 May 2010 /  #418
Paulina, the truth hurts :)

Not being honest, cheating - hurts more, in my opinion.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2010 /  #419
Oh, I fully agree, Paulina. That is why I feel that they cheat themselves more. If my wife cheated on me then I wouldn't be overly angry as she would have cheated herself and blackened her own conscience. Maybe she could live with that, I don't know. I could never cheat, it's not in my blood. Besides, no offence, many Polish women are just not compatible with me. I don't find their 'jibe' alluring and there is no real connection. It's not a language thing, that's for sure.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2010 /  #420
Yes,they put themselves at the center of things but that can be funny.All this complaining.But generally they are open to our advances good for them.Western women just take what they like from you and leave you the bones.

And conversation with polish girls is rather difficult because there is no chit chat.Of course we Balkans impose beautiful silence but without experience of Russkayas and Ukrainkas we would be lost.

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