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rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
9 Sep 2011 /  #91
yet few do.

I do ..:)

Your story is funny though, I can just imagine the look on her face :O, shock, horror! Did you go on a second date?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2011 /  #92
A Singaporean salesman, LOL. An expert on Polish affairs but I think I know who you really are ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Sep 2011 /  #93
Your story is funny though

I confess to getting a certain kind of satisfaction out of my real life 'skits'. It makes life more of an adventure but it's also my study of human nature which I enjoy so much.

Another time I'll tell you about the young woman who was seated with a skirt so short that I could tell her the color of her underwear. More than half of her bosom was also popping out. What did we talk about? Can you believe that a portion of the conversation had to do with her pretending to be upset that men look at women as sex objects? I'll admit to intentionally seeking such confrontations but only if the person in question deserves it.

Did you go on a second date?

No, nor did I wish to ask for one. Not surprisingly, she never called me again although I have seen her a couple of times at a private club but no words were spoken between us.
beckski  12 | 1609  
10 Sep 2011 /  #94
I suggested that the whole bill go on her card and I would pay her the difference in cash

I'm surprised you didn't suggest that she wash the restaurant's dishes, in exchange for her meal.
rat_eater  - | 4  
10 Sep 2011 /  #95
The truth hurts, eh? Don't be upset, all the money you earn from pimping out your skanky woman will greatly benefit your economy. lol.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
10 Sep 2011 /  #96
No, nor did I wish to ask for one.

Zimmy, why the heck did you have dinner with her in the first place ?
If she had paid for your meal would you have considered a second date with her?
You tested her but maybe she was testing you?
In my opinion the person no matter woman or man who initiates a date at a café or restaurant should pay the check in the same manner that someone who invites you over at his/her home for lunch or dinner pays the groceries and prepares the meal.
Turbulencja  - | 5  
10 Sep 2011 /  #98
The amount of sexism and racism in this thread is unbearable.

Fact one: you all are, permanently or from time to time, in relationships with Slavic women because you couldn't afford British/American women. If not, why aren't you in relationships with women from your own countries?

Fact two: those of you who married "materialistic" Polish women did so voluntarily and now whine like puppies about having to exchange old windows. Am I supposed to assume that British people do not usually exchange old windows and instead let their butts freeze off in winter?

Fact three: those of you who pay for Polish women's clothes/shoes/accommodation - you are their partners and do so in exchange for sex. It still pays off, apparently, if you wish to continue the experiences. If it isn't worth the effort, go celibate or come back to your native countries where women expect just the same, only the prices are higher.

Fact four: if Polish women had sex with you in exchange for absolutely nothing, you would swap the word "gold diggers" for *********" and complain that they have no self-esteem and you would still feel sorry for yourselves for having sex with inferior creatures from the third world who don't realize that no pleasure in life is for free. The golden rule in business is: a man never respects the things he gets for free, be it the goods or the services sector.

Fact five: if you invite a woman to a restaurant, you are supposed to pay. Tea and a cake is a fair price for the obvious gratification you expect in the long run. If not, hookers are available, just like in every other country, including the country in which rat-eater was raised.

Fact six: a man who is desperate about having to pay for a woman's meal had better not get anyone pregnant, because children are very expensive. Dates often end with sex. Sex often ends with pregnancy in most unexpected cases. Obvious conclusion for a woman: get good contraceptives before you have sex with a man who whines about having to pay for your meal, because you won't be able to earn money for a long time once you have a baby.

As for myself: I have about 50 pairs of shoes. If I want to, I will but 50 more. I have always paid for all my flats, all my clothes, all my shoes, all my holidays, all my entertainment by myself.

I have only allowed men to pay for my tea. I have occassionally allowed my boyfriends to pay for my dinner, but, on the other hand, they often ate at my place for free. The same goes for other Polish women I know, so if you foreigners pick up strange women in bars and start desperate relationships with them either to escape loneliness or simply to have sex , don't be surprised they are after your money and, most importantly, do not make offensive verbal generalisations on the Internet. They are simply painful to read.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #99
1) Couldn't afford a British woman? What utter drivel! How is that a fact at all? What makes you think Polish women are lower maintenance?

2) Materialism wasn't in the contract at all. It snuck in ;)

3) Pay for sex? That's utterly absurd! One of the most ridiculous things I have heard. Sex is mutually enjoyable so remember that.

4) I am not like that at all. I hate that hypocrisy as much as you do. I'm not into labelling people or haven't you heard?

5) If you invite, then yes. You are a sex-obsessed goon, Turbulencja

6) The truth hurts, right?

Sorry to say it but you just can't accept true stories as they don't square with your logic. Offensive verbal generalisations, LOL. Another defensive twat who can't accept any stories which don't show the sun shining out of arses here. Get a life!
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Sep 2011 /  #100
do not make offensive verbal generalisations on the Internet

I couldn't agree more.
Your other remarks were highly offensive to me. I adore my Polish wife and want only her happiness.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #101
I somehow doubt that. My wife is also very precious to me and for so many reasons.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
10 Sep 2011 /  #102
Bravo Turbulencja! Hihi
I agree with all your Facts from 2 to 6 exept number Fact number 1 because i think that Love is Love and those chaps could maybe "afford" someone from their own country but Polish people ( women and men)are super charming and irresistible for many...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Sep 2011 /  #103
Turbulencja Today, 11:54 Reply / Quote #102
The amount of sexism and racism in this thread is unbearable.

some good points turbulencja
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #104
I chose Poland as my workplace first and foremost. The contact with women came later. My wife and I are highly compatible and that is the most important thing. Not all the waffle you gibbered on about, Turb.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Sep 2011 /  #105
I somehow doubt that.

You doubt that I want only her happiness? Ok, her Cornish pasties are terrific and I wouldn't want to give them up.

I have about 50 pairs of shoes.

Who needs men when you've got fifty pairs of shoes?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
10 Sep 2011 /  #106
As for myself: I have about 50 pairs of shoes.

rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Sep 2011 /  #107
Not all the waffle you gibbered on about, Turb.

she got to you didn't she sheep? Some valid points?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #108
Cornish pasties, nice :) Nah, I don't think you were that offended. What did I write that was so bad or inaccurate?

I just don't like people who, in their cushy lives, can't see that others have it differently. No names mentioned here.

Many things are valid to a point as I'm not a black&white thinker, rozum. However, I know the truth of my situation and I won't get embroiled in petty generalisations as it's for more limited thinkers.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Sep 2011 /  #109
I won't get embroiled in petty generalisations

fair enuff sheepy..;) on the internet, other people seem to know more about us than we do!
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Sep 2011 /  #110
Nah, I don't think you were that offended. What did I write that was so bad or inaccurate?

Not you. Imelda Marcos.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #111
Fair point, rozum. I just can't stand what I call matchbox or magazine thinkers. I don't read that 'advice' as I find it to be hopelessly textbook garbage and one size fits all. Life is complicated and our behaviour isn't always logical. Simplifying things away with 'facts' is to deny the whole picture or, as you said, to assume that some know better. I don't profess to have the wealth of knowledge on anything but I know love when I feel it and I've been a loving person for as long as I can remember. I care not for Kelloggs cornflakes packet wisdom.

Imelda Marcos?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
10 Sep 2011 /  #112
Zimmy, why the heck did you have dinner with her in the first place ?

She was very attractive and at the time I thought she was smart. It's also the way I roll. I enjoy fine dining and a nice 2 hour dinner with wine gives me plenty of time to get to know how someone reacts, eats, thinks, etc.

If she had paid for your meal would you have considered a second date with her?

That would have been a shock with this particular woman since that idea was alien to her. But if she 'saw the light' and wanted to pay then just maybe there would have been some redemption for her. I'd give her another shot.....

You tested her but maybe she was testing you?

She certainly was unhappy about the final test score (lol).

the person no matter woman or man who initiates a date at a café or restaurant should pay the check

That's good in theory and I concur with it. Here's the problem though; men are still expected to initiate dates and that puts them in a "Catch 22". Men are still expected to ask for the date and ergo, they pay for it.

Even when women do the asking they still expect the men to pay. Let's be honest about this.

he amount of sexism and racism in this thread is unbearable.

Are you a women's studies major? lol The ones I've met 'feel' that everything is unbearable if it doesn't go their way. If asking women who demand equality to pay their fair share is unbearable then the world you live in must exist outside the sphere of logic.

a man who is desperate about having to pay for a woman's meal had better not get anyone pregnant....

You suggest that a man is "desperate" under that circumstance. What do you call women who always expect men to pay while they never or rarely do? They must be way beyond "desperate".

you all are, permanently or from time to time, in relationships with Slavic women because you couldn't afford British/American women.

What an incredible insult to Slavic women. In effect, you are saying that they are somewhat less than human...and you are the one concerned with "sexism"?

I have about 50 pairs of shoes. If I want to, I will but 50 more

Another shoe obsessed female fetishist eh? Shoes seem to be a security blanket for lots of women.

I have only allowed men to pay for my tea.

You have "allowed" eh? Interesting choice of words.

most importantly, do not make offensive verbal generalisations on the Internet.

Heal thyself first.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #113
Exactly, ZIMMY. I think she thinks she sent one glory post and can bow out but she just showed her capacity to generalise and not much else. All people are born equal but some are more equal than others ;0 ;)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Sep 2011 /  #114
What an incredible insult to Slavic women.


Another shoe obsessed female fetishist eh? Shoes seem to be a security blanket for lots of women.

true too, my little sister has 285 pairs!!!! ( I usually have ONE)
the Zimster is the voice of reason (sometimes!!)
C'mon ZIMMY we want more stories about knicker flashing non sex objects.....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #115
The third world part was below the belt too. It is direct evidence of either a complex or an insulting character.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
10 Sep 2011 /  #116
the Zimster is the voice of reason (sometimes!!)

My army of converts is growing; :) Today, the Polish Forums; tomorrow the world! :)
I know that the Macedonians are with me........

C'mon ZIMMY we want more stories about knicker flashing non sex objects.....

Coming soon to a theater near you.....

The third world part was below the belt too

That was indeed, ugly.

southern  73 | 7059  
10 Sep 2011 /  #117
Fact one: you all are, permanently or from time to time, in relationships with Slavic women because you couldn't afford British/American women. If not, why aren't you in relationships with women from your own countries?

Mostly due to appearance and attitude reasons of local women.

It is the balance a subtle concept.What you get in comparison to what you pay.Or promises.However I have to admit that Polki are more economical than Russkaye and in par with Ukrainki with the advantage of superior appearance.

if Polish women had sex with you in exchange for absolutely nothing

It happens but in this case they expect the big kahoona like marriage.

Tea and cake would be a heaven's thing.Mostly we talk about expensive meals,cocktails and a variety hopefully Polki do not tend to dine in expensive places like their other slavic cousins.

a man who is desperate about having to pay for a woman's meal had better not get anyone pregnant, because children are very expensive. Dates often end with sex. Sex often ends with pregnancy in most unexpected cases. Obvious conclusion for a woman: get good contraceptives

As you know very well a mass of slavic women never take contraceptives and if you ask for it they are prone to immediate separation.Some even refuse use of condoms however I have to admit that when the fatal happens it is always due to man's fault(although they can use some sneaky ways but you have to show self constraint).
rat_eater  - | 4  
11 Sep 2011 /  #118
Or maybe it's simply because Polish women will do anything to move to a more prosperous country. I know a few Japanese gentleman whose Polish wives later absconded with their money.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Sep 2011 /  #119
A true story or provocation?
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Sep 2011 /  #120
I suppose slavic women lose their wallet frequently.Hopefully we are there with our generous offers.

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