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Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Sep 2011 /  #61
Scotts, is this a family of some sort? Do you know Walter?
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Sep 2011 /  #62
Scots how do you say it?Anyway Polki seem to have an affinity towards pienadze so they usually find their way towards the karman or the pockets which are also close to the final destination.I would call this fullfillment.But european quality because Russkaye are the wild ones.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Sep 2011 /  #63
How many banks have you robbed to keep them happy, southern? ;0
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Sep 2011 /  #64
Now I understand why russian men tend to become gangsters.
adriokor  - | 5  
7 Sep 2011 /  #65
You trained her, live with it or move on.
f stop  24 | 2493  
7 Sep 2011 /  #66
I read the comment and I was sure it was Zimmy.
antheads  13 | 340  
7 Sep 2011 /  #67
I don't get it, why would you be in a marriage or serious relaitionship with someone if you think they are a financial leech. The 'polish women are the most beutifull' line sounds a bit superficial.

And seanus is the polki desc common in the pommy/scot circles or do you just use it> ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2011 /  #68
Come again, antheads?
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
8 Sep 2011 /  #69
I have to make my wife pay for the windows. I've just paid a tidy sum for new doors and I'm getting fed up of always dipping into my pockets.

Come on Seanus, you ll benefit too from your new windows ,new doors and anything you invest in your home! What else would you use your money on? Lol

Traditionally women will take care of the groceries, their clothes , kids ' stuff and whatever is not considered "a big investment" in lasting goods, husbands take care of lasting goods usually don't they?
bullfrog  6 | 602  
8 Sep 2011 /  #70
I have difficulty in understanding married couples who keep separate accounts.. IMHO, all earnings should be pooled together and all expenses, both common and individual, funded from the common pot.. However I do recognize it can be an issue when the spending habits differ too much (taste for expensive clothes or cars..)!!
Stu  12 | 515  
8 Sep 2011 /  #71
Not strange at all, bullfrog.

My wife and I have three accounts: one for me, one for her and a common account.

Our salaries are transferred to our private accounts. From there we transfer money for the bills, shopping, etc to our common account.

My wife earns 4 times less than me, so I chip in 3 quarters and she one quarter. Besides that we try and put something aside for a rainy day.

The rest of the money that is left can be spend relatively freely.

This way we also keep track of our spendings.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
8 Sep 2011 /  #72
Well, the difference in earnings between my wife and I is (much!) higher than yours but we put everything in our joint account which is used for all type of expenses (house, shopping, personal..). and it works fine, I don't remember my wife and I ever having an argument about money (about other matters, sure!). But I guess that I am lucky to have married a very reasonable polki who deson't spend millions on clothes or shoes..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Sep 2011 /  #73
LK, I buy most of the groceries. We don't have kids :( Her last clothes were bought by me.

If marriage is to be a shared thing then, well, costs have to be shared ;)
bullfrog  6 | 602  
8 Sep 2011 /  #74
If marriage is to be a shared thing then, well, costs have to be shared ;)

Well said Seanus, couldn't agree more..
8 Sep 2011 /  #75
costs have to be shared

What is this,..er..."state the bleedin obvious" time?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Sep 2011 /  #76
Hence the wink mark but it needed to be stated. It seems to be my money when a joint purchase is to be made but her money is hers and not used as often as mine.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
8 Sep 2011 /  #77
her money is hers and not used as often as mine.

I as wondering,Are there any prenup contracts in Poland?
The sorts that distinguish the possessions of the wife or the husband ?
Let's say, if someone who owns a house gets married to someone who does not and they later decide to split , the value of the house does not have to be shared.?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Sep 2011 /  #78
I have difficulty in understanding married couples who keep separate accounts.. IMHO, all earnings should be pooled together and all expenses, both common and individual, funded from the common pot..

I must remind you that the female mind is different from yours. For example; women 'feel' that any money a man makes is half theirs (or more) and any money the woman makes is all hers. That is their definition of "equality".

I have to make my wife pay for the windows. I've just paid a tidy sum for new doors and I'm getting fed up of always dipping into my pockets. If she wants new windows, she can save up for them.

See above comment.

If marriage is to be a shared thing then, well, costs have to be shared ;)

No, no, no. that's real "equalilty" which is a concept alien to the modern woman who has been taught to keep all the traditional privileges and not giving them up while conversely demanding more and more from men in areas they 'feel' slighted. IF real equality was demanded of women they'd go back to living the culture of the 1950's in a New York second.

It seems to be my money when a joint purchase is to be made but her money is hers and not used as often as mine.

Of course; you must live by the "take it like a man" rule when it suits the 'modern' women. Yet, so many feminist fellow travelers, at least in the western world, constantly proclaim their "empowerment"

in areas that they find advantageous. In short, they want it both ways. That's why the long term prognosis for women is dismal. That cultural bubble must burst of its own double standard petards.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
8 Sep 2011 /  #79
women 'feel' that any money a man makes is half theirs (or more) and any money the woman makes is all hers.

please don't judge all us women by the couple of bees with itches you have had the misfortune, sorry, misjudgement, to choose, ZIMMY
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Sep 2011 /  #80
Generally slavic women never pay for anything.But then again this is part of the fun.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Sep 2011 /  #81
please don't judge all us women by the couple of bees

It should be evident by now that I refer to feminists and feminist fellow travelers in my critiques. In previous threads I've quoted quite a few women who actually like men.

You also underestimate the amount of women who play the double-standards. If it were only a "couple of bees" then this wouldn't even be a topic of discussion.

you have had the misfortune, sorry, misjudgement, to choose,

You have a common syndrome that seems to afflict many women and some men. You assume that there is something personal about my reasoning. There isn't. You make the mistake of assuming something without a shred of evidence because that seems to be the only way you can skirt the issues at hand. My opinions are based not only on experience, but much more so on common sense and facts. There is a higher good then the one we all individually experience. This objective good is pursued by me.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
8 Sep 2011 /  #82
This objective good is pursued by me

A philosopher or even worse.. a marxist??
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
8 Sep 2011 /  #83
You have a common syndrome that seems to afflict many women and some men. You assume that there is something personal about my reasoning. There isn't

absolutely, ZIMMY in common with your own remarks, which I really CBA to dig up now, but something very similar to what I just said about the Bees, something like 'congratulations on picking a bad boy and blaming everyone else for your situation,like a typical woman'

Are you really really sure you do not have a personal agenda?
I am convinced you do. Not that I really care that much...xx.... I just like ranting on forums, same as yourself.
If you don't like women, stop moaning about them and go gay.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Sep 2011 /  #84
A philosopher or even worse.. a marxist??

Charles Dickens and Joseph Conrad inspire me because they understood the human condition.
As to Marxism, evidently you have not read my frequent defenses of individualism and free enterprise.

Are you really really sure you do not have a personal agenda?

Your interest in my private affairs is endearing but 'let it go' after a while.

I am convinced you do.

If that is your preferred delusion then stick with it. Seems that is the small fishbowl you prefer to be swimming in.

Not that I really care that much.

I picture you lighting candles in my honor.

If you don't like women,

Typical comment, no surprises there.

go gay.

I believe you are the 4th female to suggest that to me in these forums. Small people talk like that. Perhaps you can use the "women and children" defense?

This thread deals with a woman's failure to pay her "fair share" which seems to be endemic to women in general. Seems like modern "empowered" women stumble quite-a-bit when it comes to money issues. That's when they become "traditional' again. Smart men don't play that game.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
9 Sep 2011 /  #85
4th female to suggest that to me in these forums. Small people talk like that. Perhaps you can use the "women and children" defense?

well maybe there's something in it. Zimmy you very little little man, I have never used any defense like that, I don't need to, I pay my way all right. You "Let it go", and get down the gay club you know you want it!
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Sep 2011 /  #86
No wonder why gays are better well off than heterosexuals.Too few spending unless for their gardarobe.
rat_eater  - | 4  
9 Sep 2011 /  #87

lol, in slavic countries like Poland, the women are all either gold diggers or hookers. As they say, no money, no honey, baby.
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Sep 2011 /  #88
They just have this weakness for pienadze.Not sth that cannot be treated though.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
9 Sep 2011 /  #89
lol, in slavic countries like Poland, the women are all either gold diggers or hookers. As they say, no money, no honey, baby.

Utter nonsense.. Money Honey is not even a Polish song, it's American..
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Sep 2011 /  #90
I pay my way all right.

Almost every woman I've met claims that, yet few do.

I still chuckle over a date I had some time ago and it bears repeating. On a first date I took a woman to a very nice restaurant and over dinner her feminist verbalizations became so pronounced that I decided to elicit her opinions on 'equality'. Her observations were standard feminist hokum. I could have repeated everything she said better than she could but I edged her along. "Yes, yes" she said when asked her if gender is a social construct and that there were no differences between the sexes, etc. At the end of the meal, I picked up the check and told her what her half of the dinner cost plus tip. She looked bewildered and said something about me being "cheap". I told her that it was only fair to split the bill because after listening to her, I understood that she was an "empowered" woman who didn't need a man to pay for her entertainment. She became incredulous. I saw her reactions coming and indeed, looked forward to them. Never before had this woman been told to live up to her rhetoric. She assumed that I was another male patsy. When she said that she didn't have enough money on her I politely asked her if she had credit cards. She took one out and I suggested that the whole bill go on her card and I would pay her the difference in cash; this way she'd have adequate money with her. By this time she was aghast and simultaneously fidgety. It was one of the best 'first dates' I ever had and as you can guess, not the only time I called women on their hypocrisy when it comes to money issues.

There is a reason why the term "gold digger" is used so often. Women have only themselves to blame for it.

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