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Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch.

Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #31
They have their moments. As HP say, the best things come to those who wait. My wife sometimes just does her own thing and appears aloof but I know she is just in her own space and planning her next creative thing. Give them their space! When they are affectionate, they really are. Waking up to sb squeezing and hugging you is nice. No smushy stuff here, just the pure enjoyment of laying next to sb.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #32
Usually polish girls let me touch them after 5 minutes of pick-up sometimes intimate.They also let you touch their friends and cousins.Polki are very touchy like small cats.

Oh really? I'll take stock in your comment.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
25 Sep 2010 /  #33
Tell her you have 100 zloty in your underwear....its hers if she finds it.....that should get things going a bit....
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Sep 2010 /  #34
No smushy stuff here, just the pure enjoyment of laying next to sb.

True words. But there is a difference. You are in a committed, caring relationship between two adults, poor Popcorn is in a relationship with a leech.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #35
Isn't this forcing me her feel as if there is a contract for friendship? I wanted to avoid something like this.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #36
Take stock 'of' your comment.

Play head, shoulders, knees and toes.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Sep 2010 /  #37
I wanted to avoid something like this.

You need to confront her with your feelings for her. If she doesn't feel the same way, your life will be filled with misery.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #38
Offer her a massage. It's legit! Those who don't like massages are 'touched' in the head.

I have offered her a massage. I even said, a legit one. I know she likes them, because of something I cannot say... but she tells me that maybe some unattractive person we are acquainted with may want one.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Sep 2010 /  #39
Yeah, I do have a problem understanding girls

Well, join the club. But for you to say that American girls don't play games seems a bit naive.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #40
You should play the 'guess what's in my pocket' game. The reward is in the confirmation :)

I played a similar game, and we laughed. But, still, no confirmation.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Sep 2010 /  #41
I have offered her a massage.

Ask her at a more opportune moment. Who knows, maybe this will have a happy ending.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #42
So you do have a broken I phone?

To be honest, I think you are wasting minutes with her. Kick her sorry butt outta there.

Would she just prefer to leave on her own? I would think that would be the best idea if that's what she wanted. I mean, I guess I just wouldn't be myself.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Sep 2010 /  #43
Isn't this forcing me her feel as if there is a contract for friendship? I wanted to avoid something like this.

I don't think it's forcing anything except her hand. There's nothing wrong with asking someone if they have feelings for you. And I assume that if she doesn't that you'd then want to alter yours and hers situation. Because at this point it seems one sided. From over here anyway...

Would she just prefer to leave on her own? I would think that would be the best idea if that's what she wanted.

She's not going to leave until you press the issue. Why should she? She's got it good the way things are.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Sep 2010 /  #44
Would she just prefer to leave on her own? I would think that would be the best idea if that's what she wanted. I mean, I guess I just wouldn't be myself.

It all comes down to what you want. If you want a relationship with her, and she doesn't, then why support her? She is milking you for all you got. That's not right. Let her find some other place to live. What are you, a charity?
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #45
Quoted content removed

They have their moments. As HP say, the best things come to those who wait. My wife sometimes just does her own thing and appears aloof but I know she is just in her own space and planning her next creative thing. Give them their space! When they are affectionate, they really are. Waking up to sb squeezing and hugging you is nice. No smushy stuff here, just the pure enjoyment of laying next to sb.

I agree. Touching can be overdone. And, just being next to someone is nice in and of itself. But have you ever heard of those infants that were deprived of human touch? They just locked them away from the human hand and warmth of the body. They died. I think there is something seriously wrong, when a person doesn't want touch. They either feel repulsed by the other person or just don't know how nice it really is. Even just a little.

Tell her you have 100 zloty in your underwear....its hers if she finds it.....that should get things going a bit....

That sounds very amazing, but something already unbelievable happens when I give her money... something astounding... something mind blowing and magical... Poof! she disappears! Now, why don't you try to touch some one who vanishes into thin air!

I don't think it's forcing anything except her hand. There's nothing wrong with asking someone if they have feelings for you. And I assume that if she doesn't that you'd then want to alter yours and hers situation. Because at this point it seems one sided. From over here anyway...

I have asked. She becomes expressionless, almost slightly irritable. Even if calm, and sweet in the asking, she avoids eye contact and says nothing. She will even walk away without saying goodbye. She has done it several times. I feel as if I didn't try to contact her, we wouldn't be talking today. I know that is seems like she is being selfish, but there just seems to be something else there causing it, but maybe I'm wrong. I'm not one to assume I know everything, otherwise I couldn't have learned this much.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #46
Poles touch a bit less than Latin Europeans but still much more than Asians. Japanese people have problems with real contact in their society but are a bit more adventurous behind closed doors.

Tease whatever's bothering her out. Maybe even try some alcohol to loosen her up. Be careful with that, though, as it can amplify deep-seeted insecurities. Play it by ear :)
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #47
It all comes down to what you want. If you want a relationship with her, and she doesn't, then why support her? She is milking you for all you got. That's not right. Let her find some other place to live. What are you, a charity?

You're right. I shouldn't support a person who feel so little for me. It takes away opportunity for something real to happen. I'll have to find a way to confront her without destroying the possibility that things have value in pursuing.

Tease whatever's bothering her out. Maybe even try some alcohol to loosen her up. Be careful with that, though, as it can amplify deep-seeted insecurities. Play it by ear :)

I never thought to tease her. She like to laugh. I actually haven't tried that.

Would you recommend a good Polish beer, something she may like?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Sep 2010 /  #48
Dude, the girl is using you.

She has done it several times. I feel as if I didn't try to contact her, we wouldn't be talking today. I know that is seems like she is being selfish

I think you got your answer.

I shouldn't support a person who feel so little for me. It takes away opportunity for something real to happen. I'll have to find a way to confront her


without destroying the possibility that things have value in pursuing.

Only in your mind, son. I think friendship is the only possibility between the two of you. But then she's already showing you what kind of friend she is... Time to face facts.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #49
Ooh, it's a matter of preference. What's good for me may not be good for her. For a girl, Redds or Desperados. Straight out beer? Perła or £omża as they are crisper. Polish girls come alive more than many when tipsy.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Sep 2010 /  #50
Polish girls come alive more than many when tipsy.

Good to know! :D
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #51
But then she's already showing you what kind of friend she is... Time to face facts.

I really need to hear this. Thanks. But first, I will teaze. If that doesn't work, this relationship is off... like pants in the dark.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #52
Yeah, I must say that there is a bigger difference between a sober Pole and a tipsy Pole than with other nations I have noticed. Drink is the glue which brings Poles together. Bars tend to be lively and attitudes relaxed. I feel much safer here too. When they are sober, the claws are out and they are more argumentative. Drink really loosens things up.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #53

Thanks. Now hopefully we don't become a couple of drunken, outrageous, alcoholics, but if it means we touch, I guess all medications have their side effects.
25 Sep 2010 /  #54

Maybe she has some bad experience with men that's why she afraids of touch. You has to talk with her honestly about what does it mean for her to be close with someone. Maybe if you set a good atmosphere then she tell you what problem she has.

It's definitely not a cultural thing.

I had a friend who had her first sex with wrong guy. Later she felt really abused, so she didn't let her next boyfriend to touch her for long time.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #55
Better the devil you know :) I'm on heavy medication for a cold and I really doubt its efficacy. Alcohol is tried and tested :) :) If she interprets your gesture as sleazy then she is doubting your sincerity.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Sep 2010 /  #56
I'll have to find a way to confront her without destroying the possibility that things have value in pursuing.

Remember, some women like a challenge. If they can't get what they want, they try much harder to get it in other creative ways. If you hold back, or come off like you don't really care, that may motivate her to pursue you. This is radical therapy, and you should consult an expert in the field before you try this at home. Southern is always ready to help.
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #57
If she interprets your gesture as sleazy then she is doubting your sincerity.

She should know better than to take me that way, it would only mean is soemthing she added. I can joke about it, but I'm not that way, especially about someone I obviously have true feeling for.

So, I will sincerely teaze her.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Sep 2010 /  #58
Keep it all legit. The worst thing I have heard of is spiking. I'm not implying that you would do it as I don't know you. If she likes you, she will drink with you. Simple!
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Sep 2010 /  #59
Drink really loosens things up.

Very interesting. In some places drinking leads to fighting...

I'm on heavy medication for a cold

I thought you seemed a little off today. :)

I have heard of is spiking. I'm not implying that you would do it

Now don't go giving the boy any ideas!
OP popcorn  1 | 27  
25 Sep 2010 /  #60
Southern is always ready to help.

Ok. But I fear this is radical because of how it can be interpreted, as if I have little or no attraction to her. And reasonably, who would want to be with someone who had little or no interest in them? It seems like a manipulative game done by the jealous, the untrusting, or the desperately ignorant. I would imagine it may attract a game player or a victim who will eventually discover the shallow truth of such scurrilous methods that are not naturally in the motivations of true romance. I am open to another interpretation, but I've never operated on this level due to my preference for honesty and the high price that it pays. Deception is for the cheap. Honesty is very expensive. I prefer to build things on truth.

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