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I Love a Polish Girl (I'm from India)

16 Jul 2013 /  #1

Im from India and want to share something with you all, want to have a bit of advice from you guys about this. So i started talking to this girl on facebook, it happened around 1 year back, and since 6 months, we have really started loving each other. I know its not a lot of time, and i have not met her personally yet, but will meet her next year in Poland. We talk everyday, on facebook and skype, and do video calls, do a lot of chatting, and its very hard sometimes for both of us when we think that we cant meet personally at the moment. And cant express feelings in any other way.

Now the problem lies here, she is not so good in English. She can write english, i can understand her very well, but she has problems speaking it. She sometimes panics when she thinks about it, especially when it comes to her mind that we wont be able to be together just because of the language problem. She has improved a lot, but she still says that speaking English is tough for her.

She is ready to come here to my Country, and ready to do everything to be with me. We dont have any problems with this, my parents will agree, her parents will agree, so the family problem doesnt really gets in between here.

Im really worried about the language problem. She gets very disappointed due to this. We both are 24 now, and we have a lot of time to get married ( 2-3 years ) and a lot of time for her to learn the language.

I have a feeling we will go very well with each other. But when i think about the language problem, i become very sad sometimes.

Should i really be this much worried about the language problem ? I mean, i dont know much about if anybody can learn english in 1 or 2 years perfectly. I dont want her to be grammatically perfect, i just want her to be able to communicate with a person in english verbally.

Many thanks for reading, and if anyone has any experiences they could share it would be very nice to read them.


Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jul 2013 /  #2
Should i really be this much worried about the language problem ?

No, please be not this much worried about the language problem.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
16 Jul 2013 /  #3
my parents will agree, her parents will agree,

You mean that you are putting a lot of hope in this?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
17 Jul 2013 /  #4
Of course ya would. An upgrade is an upgrade.
OP Tuhin  
17 Jul 2013 /  #5
Yes, Im putting a lot of hope in this. I dont know, this what, we both are doing, is stupid or not. And it will be very much painfull for both of us to end this after a certain amount of time. I sometimes feel, i should have never met her here on the Internet and never cared to send her the first msg.

My only concern is her english. She says she will do it, but then again says, she isnt having improvements in her english despite reading a lot. I feel really good when i see some one saying me, not to worry much about the language hehe.
local_fela  17 | 172  
17 Jul 2013 /  #6
you don't need to be! i have been with my first polish gf like this- i mean via web and same stuff are you are going through.. but it has been a good one. language is not really a problem as long as you can even learn a fair minimum of polish as well.

GL ;)
OP Tuhin  
17 Jul 2013 /  #7
I cant learn Polish, Im sorry to say. And its because learning Polish is of no use. I will explain. Im going to live in India my entire life. We have a bussiness here, so i dont want to leave a well settled life and go to, say Poland and do a job there. I know, it may sound harsh, but i cant just leave India and earn in some other country.

And English is a universal language, everybody knows it everywhere. So learning english is of prime importance. If she comes here, she needs to interact with other people too here, who will know only english. :)

@ Local fela
You still with her ? Please tell me something about your experience :)
Polson  5 | 1767  
17 Jul 2013 /  #8
And its because learning Polish is of no use.

Not even curious? For your own culture? Not saying you have to be bilingual (that would be sort of pretentious), but knowing some can help.

Learning a language, even just a bit, is never really useless.
OP Tuhin  
17 Jul 2013 /  #9
I agree. I meant from the above comment, that learning Polish isnt the top priority now. I want to be with her, and learn Polish later on. My entire life remains for that hehe :)
17 Jul 2013 /  #10
I cant learn Polish, Im sorry to say. And its because learning Polish is of no use. I will explain. Im going to live in India my entire life. We have a bussiness here, so i dont want to leave a well settled life and go to, say Poland and do a job there. I know, it may sound harsh, but i cant just leave India and earn in some other country.

If you won't learn Polish you will never respect her culture, on that basis I would say stop now while you have the happy memories and just be friends.
OP Tuhin  
17 Jul 2013 /  #11
^ Dude, i said that i will learn Polish, but that's not a top priority now. Its not important now. Im not even saying her to learn my language, which is Hindi. If she doesnt learns Hindi, im okay with that. Its not about respecting each other's culture, its about doing what is important at the moment, and what is important for us to be together.

Learning English is way too much important at the moment where our relation is. I have my whole life to learn her culture, her language and everything. But at the moment, i want to do what is really necessary so that we can be together. Everything else is a secondary. :)
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539  
17 Jul 2013 /  #12
Learning English certainly should be your priority right now, and not Polish. Oddly enough, I agree one-hundred percent with you!
Only thing is, your intended beloved is Polish, rather than English, Canadian, Hindustani or American. English therefore may prove of little avail. Her English may be allright, then again, it may be great/good enough, and then again it may stink.

In the end, you have to be the judge which language you will use between yourselves:-)
Henry R  - | 18  
18 Jul 2013 /  #13
Please, leave that Polish girl alone before you both get traumatized. She is not yours.

Anyway, what do you plan to do with her? Are you going to take her to India, or are you going to present yourself as a precious gift to Poland/Europe through her?

Could you ask her what is it that she found in you that her Polish counterparts lack? Goldilocks?
18 Jul 2013 /  #14
Its not about respecting each other's culture, its about doing what is important at the moment, and what is important for us to be together.

Dude, its everything about respecting one and others culture, you want to bring her to India, therefore you will expect her to follow certain Indian culture and traditions.What about her culture you expect her to leave in on the tarmac before she boards the plane to India?

With your attitude your relationship is doomed to fail, I second what Henry as to say, leave the girl alone allow her to live her life and stop harassing her with conditions.

Secondly, how can you love a girl you have only met over the internet for gods sake man grow up.
Polson  5 | 1767  
18 Jul 2013 /  #15
Please, leave that Polish girl alone before you both get traumatized. She is not yours.

None of your business.

Are you going to take her to India, or are you going to present yourself as a precious gift to Poland/Europe through her?

You so wish it was the latter. But if you made the effort, you'd know the answer to this question already. Here's a hint: scroll up.

Could you ask her what is it that she found in you that her Polish counterparts lack?

People don't always make friends (and more) depending on their race, religion, planet. Please open your mind. I promise it won't hurt.
OP Tuhin  
18 Jul 2013 /  #16
I agree with all of you here. I also agree that we both are stupid to get into this. So what should i do now ? Should we both, end this ?

It will be very painfull for both of us to do so, and im really worried about her. She often says me that she will cry and be sad a lot if we wont be able to be together.

Im not actually worried about myself, I will tackle that anyhow. But im really worried about her. She sometimes cries very easily, she is too innocent and i dont want her to see her sad, and disappointed.

Please help in this. And thank you for commenting here. I know this all is my mistake, i want to see her happy all her life, doesnt matter if we are together or not. Please help.
moly520  - | 1  
18 Jul 2013 /  #17
good luck ,man~~
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
27 Jul 2013 /  #18
Visit her, or pay for her to visit you. In my experience, long term relationships dont mean much. Get to know each other before you commit. Before I met my current girlfriend and the mother of my son - I was a fiend for sending out a late night hail mary and telling a girl that I really liked her, so she should call around. Lol

You gotta meet this girl and see if its for real and not just lust. Meet up somewhere for a holiday, spend some time together and get to know each other personally. If you still feel the same about each, fcuking deadly - then take it to the next level. Plan from there.

If the spark is missing - that sucks. But at least you found out early, rather than attempting to build a life together based on facebook and skype. And you shall remain good friends. Nowt wrong with that.

Not one for internet dating and that lark, but if it works for yourself - bula bus.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
31 Aug 2013 /  #19
Secondly, how can you love a girl you have only met over the internet for gods sake man grow up.

Forget it. Social Darwinism is in play. Better she leaves to India and never returns than bringing non-Polish children back.

In simplest terms, she is abandoning her culture for financial stability. It's the Westernizing of Poland. If they ever have children, the poor kids will never even know what a Kielbasa is.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2013 /  #20
the poor kids will never even know what a Kielbasa is.

Hardly a bad thing if your children don't know what fatty, greasy meat is.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Aug 2013 /  #21
Says the British foreigner whose own godforsaken corner of Blighty has given the world such Epicurean delights like the deep fried Mars bar and whose national dish is a gruesome stodge of ground-up animal organs stuffed in its own stomach.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2013 /  #22
Says the American who routinely cooks everything in butter or bacon grease, as well as being from the country that gave us biscuits and gravy and other delicious heart-stopping treats.
jon357  72 | 22979  
31 Aug 2013 /  #23
he deep fried Mars bar and whose national dish is a gruesome stodge of ground-up animal organs stuffed in its own stomach.

Both delicious.

the poor kids will never even know what a Kielbasa is.

And be healthier for it.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Aug 2013 /  #24
America was founded by the same ancestors as your own. You are the one who shares the same DNA, culture, and approach to cuisine as Americans not me.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
31 Aug 2013 /  #25
Epicurean delights like the deep fried Mars bar and whose national dish is a gruesome stodge of ground-up animal organs stuffed in its own stomach.

PMSL - so the Polish make the same stuff into soup! what is the difference?
Delph why so anti -American? what problem is it you have with our cousins from across the pond?
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
31 Aug 2013 /  #26
Delph why so anti -American? what problem is it you have with our cousins from across the pond?

Whatever similarities white Americans had with white Brits, I think that is long gone now. Other than music and obsession with pop culture, I don't really see much in common. Needless to say USA is no longer white and Britian is not too far behind in that regard. So cousins? Not at all
1 Sep 2013 /  #27
Dude, its everything about respecting one and others culture.

Can't believe this guy is going to "DUDE" somebody and doesn't respect the Polish Culture or people, but he wants to love one, total ******** if you ask me. If India man wants a trophy go play a sport, DUDE
5 Sep 2013 /  #28
I have polish girlfriend.. i am indian guy.. we are planning for marriage... which place is easy for our marriage india or poland if we want to marry... my parents will not be agree for this marriage.. can anybody tell me that it is compulsarly of my parents's permission for our marriage? Please somebody give good suggestion?

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