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Polish Girl Friend (Im Turkish)

13 Sep 2016 /  #1
First of all thank you for helping;

My girlfriend is polish and she is afraid that people will beat her and her family because she is dating a turkish boy. Will people care for that? Is there any chance to get over this problem. Im even eager to learn polish and talk with her parents in time.

I will appreciate it if you can give me advice and any known situations. related to families and people around.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
13 Sep 2016 /  #2
"she is afraid that people will beat her and her family because she is dating a turkish boy. "

Plenty of Polish girls date turkish boys, some get married and live a happy life in Poland, so no problem.
OP Guest  
13 Sep 2016 /  #3
While we were walking in Poland some people called her some very bad words in polish, Im trying to explain her that all will be fine but its not so easy. We love each other so much but she is so afraid. She insist that her family is so strict and will never accept us. And Im saying in time all will be fine.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
13 Sep 2016 /  #4
To be honest I have seen Polish / Turkish families in Poland, but mainly in the cities, Wroclaw seem to have many Turkish people living there, here where I live (Rural Village) we have one Turkish family and everyone gets on well especially the kids.

Maybe a mixed couple may get some problems from random lunatic football hooligan types, or there may be Polish families which are not happy having their kids married to an outsider (Very common in Muslim and some Asian cultures).

My grandmother was not happy with me marrying an English girl, she never came to the wedding

Give it a go , If it does not work out you could try UK,Germany or France where mixed race couples are more common.
nothanks  - | 626  
13 Sep 2016 /  #5
Another Polish girl ditching her heritage huh. In one years time she will be posting on Facebook about political issues in Turkey, pork is gross and refugees are welcome! Same garbage different day. Brb, catching a flight to Anatolia to get myself a Turkish girl. Chances are I'll return in a body bag.

One of my cousins married Turk. Great guy but the cultural differences are always there. We are mortal enemies with Turkey. These girls are spitting in the face of our ancestors. Should be fun when it's time to decide whether to circumcise the son. I have no pity for the "good little wife" role your GF is walking into.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Sep 2016 /  #6
I will appriciate it if you can give me advices and any known situations.

Are you muslim?
OP Guest  
13 Sep 2016 /  #7
Its not ditching her heritage. And also I understand that you dont want refugees and you dont have to. I agree on one thing that if a country/people doesnt want refugees its their right. In your stiuation EU forced you to have them, it was not your decision.

Yes I am, but my family and I dont care if she is a christian/muslim/jew/hindu
Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Sep 2016 /  #8
Yes I am

Then if her family is strict you have a problem.

family and I dont care if she is a christian/muslim/jew/hindu

But for some reason your family would care if non muslim man wanted to marry your sister/female cousin. Talk about double standards...
mafketis  38 | 10911  
13 Sep 2016 /  #9
We are mortal enemies with Turkey.

Actually Poland has a mixed, but mostly positive history with Turkey.

Of course things are going to go to hell with Erdogan turning the country into an Islamic Republic (the more theocratic the government the worse life is in muslim countries). I wonder if he's going to reintroduce the Ottoman script (one of the ultimate symbols of Ataturk whose work he's so determined to undo).

If sensible turks can get rid of this pious thief then their country has great potential. If not, then a decline to third world standards will quickly occur.

stick to the topic please
nothanks  - | 626  
13 Sep 2016 /  #10
I have seen Polish / Turkish families in Poland

How many Polish Male + Turkish Female?

How many are somewhat practicing Catholicism?

The problem with Turks is they have a very strong culture. One does not simply marry a Turkish male and live in a multicultural household. Large and old fashioned families, rich history and yah Islam = she's clearly giving up her heritage and even possibly her family. That is just how it usually ends up. Family objects to something, girl chooses husband and there goes the relationship. A Polish girl dating/marrying a Muslim is already gullible. Doesn't take much effort to further brainwash her "Whites are evil! Look at how they treat Muslims! Why can't they see they aren't all bad, like my husband!"

Muslims are smart for not allowing their females to stray. Other cultures like Asian understand this too. Whites are increasingly suckers.

OP, you sound like a good guy but you have to wonder what a level headed girl from Poland is doing dating outside her race.....
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
13 Sep 2016 /  #11
"Yes I am, but my family and I don't care if she is a christian/muslim/jew/hindu"

Sorry I didn't realize you were a Muslim, if non practicing then there may be no problems, but the reality is that there are many of the Muslim faith who have proclaimed Jihad against the non believers, The Poles through the media are very aware of the terrorist acts , murders and punishments currently being dealt out in the name of Islam.

Given the current climate of hatred and murder towards non believers, I would say that the majority of Poles would be very wary of any liaison between a Muslim and non Muslim, Many people including children of mixed marriage are currently being radicalized and used as terrorist weapons.

The sad truth is that given the current hostility of a significant minority of Muslims against those who do not believe , many of us in the west are afraid of any contact as we do not want this war, we wish to live in peace with all faiths and races.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
13 Sep 2016 /  #12
Sorry I didn't realize you were a Muslim, if non practicing then there may be no problems

This was partly my point (that the insufferably stupid moderator didn't get).

Traditionally many in western Turkey have a very..... loose relationship wtih Islam (similar to many in western countries who claim to belong to a religion they mostly don't follow).

But that's changing for a bunch of reasons. If the OP is, for example, a supporter of Erdogan than he would probably make a very poor husband to a non-muslim woman. If he's more.... moderate in practice then maybe things could work out.

How many Polish Male + Turkish Female?

It happens. Things are mostly kept kind of low key because of the number of violent maniacs who call themselves muslim but I've known of a number of non-Arab non-Pakistani muslim women married to non-muslim women (with their families' approval).

Attitudes toward muslim women in relationships with non-muslim men are also a good barometer for general ability to live in the west (outside of a self-imposed ghetto).
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
13 Sep 2016 /  #13
Guest, I trust you plan on learning Polish. Turkish won't get you too far in Poland these days:-)
Marsupial  - | 871  
14 Sep 2016 /  #14
If you can't speak and write polish your life will be worthless. Polish is not an easy language think carefully now.
14 Sep 2016 /  #15
Depends on many indicators however regardless from those factors, if religion is part of your life, do not waste your and her time.
nothanks  - | 626  
14 Sep 2016 /  #16
He could convert her. She has already accepted a difficult challenge by dating out of race. Often religion is even less noticeable physically while out in public (which OP is concerned about).
14 Sep 2016 /  #17
Hi ,
I came across this by chance and to clarify few things ...the reason why its not allowed in Islam for a Muslim women to marry non muslim men is that a non muslim man will not have any religious commitment for respecting Muslim woman prophet or her religion yet Muslim men are committed to respect the people of book ( Christians and Jews ) Monotheistic faith and prophets. So it is a matter of keeping a muslim woman faith rather than the so called "double standard".

Some Christians also do not agree to let their women marry non Christian men because they believe they have to be Christians. So if a Christian girl decided not to follow this then that doesn't mean it is part of Christianity any ways. So again it has nothing to do with the double standard rule.

The second thing, regarding the Jihad, Crusade, terrorism and politics... It's very plain and simple to realise that religion is how a person understands it, Europe for centuries suffers from Christianity extreme and fanatics and terror until full separation of church and state happened.

So unlikely to what people might think that a practicing Muslim is an evil terrorist Muslim, if a Muslim is a healthy person and read his book correctly and understands it in the right way, away from an extreme mentality ( which can easily applied to all religions ) - he actually should behave and be a better/ good person and do all what it takes to be a role model for other Muslims and other people in this planet as a "good person".

I love Poland and I Think Poland is one of the best of not the best country in the schengen area. I only want from people over here to not to rush and be driven with the media and the political war that is happening right now in the Middle East to label Muslims and Islam with terror because of that, Just like Muslims should not label Christianity with terrorism only because GW Bush invaded Iraq or USA bombed Japan with the atomic bomb ...etc or to label Judaism with terrorism because a jewish state was implanted in Palestine by armed force and is terrorizing and threatening the whole world with destruction if people want to reverse it back from a purely jewish "Israel" to a religion and ethnically diverse state"Palestine".

As for the OP, I have all sympathy for you bro and I hope things going to workout with her. I personally think the first thing you should do now is to meet up with her family as soon as possible for you to decide what will happen next. Trust me it's the only way to go. If they welcomed you then everything going to be easier if they did not, then you must reconsider everything and act accordingly ( even if the girl was turkish or muslim girl family is important in sthis case ).
mafketis  38 | 10911  
15 Sep 2016 /  #18
the reason why its not allowed in Islam for a Muslim women to marry non muslim men is that a non muslim man will not have any religious commitment for respecting Muslim woman

how could you (or anyone else) possibly know that?

Muslim men are committed to respect the people of book ( Christians and Jews ) Monotheistic faith and prophets

This is absolutely not true in practice. the rights of religious minorities in places with large muslim minorities tend to only be respected when the minorities are under the stated or implied protection of a monarch or dictator. the increasing humans rights abuses against Christians in Egypt and abuses against non-traditional muslim groups like the Alawites or Ahamdis show that muslims tend to hate any minority and do their best to wipe them out.

rather than the so called "double standard".

It's the exact defnition of "double standard". Not to mention that it assumes women are the property of groups and not moral agents.

if a Muslim is a healthy person and read his book correctly

If you look at the muslim word today the only possible interpretation is that a large majority of muslims are not healthy and/or do not read the koran correctly.
Crow  154 | 9260  
15 Sep 2016 /  #19
Don`t make her impure by imposing Islam on her.
15 Sep 2016 /  #20
Will you accept Your sister or aunt to marry a polish catholic man ?
is it common in Turkey for women to convert to other religion for a foreign spouse ?
jon357  72 | 22979  
15 Sep 2016 /  #21
Why would his relatives' marriages be an issue for you. Have you none of your own?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
16 Sep 2016 /  #22
Why are you so unconcerned with the values that non-westerners bring to western countries (for the sake of this argument, Poland is 'western')?

Do you think that everybody in the world is just waiting to become a liberal in search of social justice? I hate to break it to you but a great many people in the developing world are attached to a great many destructive dead-end ideas and will continue to pursue them if they make it into a western country.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Sep 2016 /  #23
Why would you worry about what religious background someone's spouse has?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
16 Sep 2016 /  #24
To give accurate advise that he asks for?
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Sep 2016 /  #25
Do you think that everybody in the world is just waiting to become a liberal in search of social justice?


Why would you worry about what religious background someone's spouse has?

Don't play naive. Cultural differences/norms are always taken into account in the West. "Do our dinner guests eat X or which topics are better to avoid?". This is ignorantly avoided in Poland because overwhelmingly people practice the same social and even cultural norms. It is actually us in the West that are subsciously racist because we constantly experience differences. The ice breaking period in social settings and especially work environments (often it never occurs) is a long one. You have to remain cautious with even their immediate family: brothers/sisters. Who they are dating. It's such a headache sometimes.
aa1395  - | 2  
16 Sep 2016 /  #26
how could you (or anyone else) possibly know that?

Christians and Jews are not COMMITTED and do NOT believe in Islam as religion came from God almighty. It is very known and a common sense. Bring me one source that said the other wise. I repeat, therefore they are not "COMMITTED" to respect muslim women "PROPHET OR RELIGION". -

So do not selectively take part of the sentence and modify it out of context.

"mafketis (wrote) - This is absolutely not true in practice. [...] that muslims tend to hate any minority and do their best to wipe them out."

This is your opinion and I don't agree with it.

Don`t make her impure by imposing Islam on her.

Un-understandable sentence!
In Islam (Verse in Quran) it is forbidden to impose religion to any one. What this has to do with impurity anyways?!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
16 Sep 2016 /  #27
I repeat, therefore they are not "COMMITTED" to respect muslim women

Western (non-muslim) governments are very "committed" to respecting Muslims' rights (far more so than most muslim governments).

This is your opinion and I don't agree with it.

But I can back it up with examples, here are three...



aa1395  - | 2  
16 Sep 2016 /  #28
Western (non-muslim) governments are very "committed" to respecting Muslims' rights (far more so than most muslim governments).

Funny, Western government will marry Muslim women - very laughable! Are we talking about governments or individual faiths beliefs and relationships?!
Are we talking about Muslim "rights" or believing in Islam as a divine religion from God and the prophet of Islam was sent by God?!

Since you brought it, good example of Western (non-muslim) governments are very "committed" to respecting Muslims' ((rights)) countries like france, slovakia, Hungary and many other governments that show this so called commitment (Sarcasm). Never forget a country like USA with their western countries allies who killed raped and tortured Millions of Muslims in Iraq and afghanistan and in the holy land....etc countless examples of their commitments to the Muslim human rights.

But I can back it up with examples, here are three...

Yea, thats why wikipedia is the strongest source in the internet when any one can add and modify in it. Specially from some extreme groups and some people with biased agendas.

I repeat, This is your opinion and I don't agree with it. Stop making wikipedia your only source and/ or stop adding or modifying in it.

Anyways, This thread about a brother who wants help in his relationship and if you want to discuss minorities persecution in some part of the world you can make a separate topic outside the "love" section. Obviously your rage and hate towards Islam and Muslims will turn this love section into a "Hate" section.

Will you accept Your sister or aunt to marry a polish catholic man ?

I have answered that in my first post. Thanks.
Marsupial  - | 871  
17 Sep 2016 /  #29
Lets face it unless something changes turkey is finished as a civilized country.
Crow  154 | 9260  
17 Sep 2016 /  #30
and that their habit to behead and impale people. Don`t forget, head of Polish King Władysław Warneńczyk and head of greatest Polish hero Zawisha Czarny still rotting under the legs of Turkish sultan.

Don`t give anything to Turks. Nothing. Especially not girls. Sc*** those evil monstrosities in every opportunity.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Polish Girl Friend (Im Turkish)Archived