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I'm a Polish girl (my boyfriend is British) and I'm proud

26 Aug 2015 /  #1
Hi, all you r saying is big **** :) I am polish, and I know what I am saying -

my bf is english- he said that polish girls are not as demanding as english - why? I don't want him to buy me whole world, and paying for everything I do.

About the babies - sorry , I don't want to have a baby - cos I am just not ready (I am 24) and not married - it is important for me - first want to get married of true love - then have a baby and start family - if i don't have true love, i don't get married and not going to have a babe in this case

I think I am much more caring than british girls, and don't treat sex like sport - as I can see loads of british girls treat it - If I have sex with somebody there have to be chemistry between us, I am not jump to every men bed to have one night stand, actually I never had one night stand in my life - doesn't mean that other polish dunno - and have to highlight I LOVE SEX - but that no everybody can have it with me makes sex with me special for sure

I am not a princess - it is why I treat my man with respect, and don't demand everything, I want to be his best friend and lover in one - cos I love him, and I respect everything and everybody I love - and appreciate as well,

I know what is worth - and if somebody is worth I will give everything to the person - can cook, make cleaning - everything - i don't mind - but as long as he loves me, and work of corse - cos it is what is important for me - I have to be fine, when I am alone - cos I am independent.

What more - I have degree, as most polish girls - we want to be intelligent, we like to study, be smart, and care about our knowledge - so don't be surprised when you meet polish girl and she will speak about every 'intelligent staff' - probably she have minimum bachelor, and watching news every day - about whole world, reading a lot of books, know her traditions, history of a lot of countries and have enough experience with people to clearly know if you are a cheater or not and if you are and she decided to take you she gonna change you and your life, that you start to be fair, honest to her, you going to love her and want to spend with her whole life or even don't want other girl then polish one, for sure you stop to be a cheater and you don't even notice it how she change it - cos we are really intelligent ;)

and about how we look like - we are smaller and thinner then british - that is true - we are normally around 5,38feet and 120pounds we can be blonde, brown or black hair they can be straight or wavy, our skin is in a lot of shadows of white skin, and we can have, blue, brown or green eyes, or one blue and one green... we don't wear as much make-up as british, normally we don't use false eyelashes, hair extensions, and false nails - a lot of us have natural beauty - natural long nails, hair, eyelashes - and still our make-up is mostly natural -we can eat a lot of - but we do enough sports to stay thin, and well... my Mum is 47 - and she still looks like 28 :)

that is my own experienced fact - you can disagree - but try polish girl - and you will understand
Englishman  2 | 276  
26 Aug 2015 /  #2
@ Polish_girl, your boyfriend is a very lucky guy. And you've explained very well precisely why British guys are attracted to Polish girls :-)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Aug 2015 /  #3
What more - I have degree, as most polish girls - we want to be intelligent [...] - cos we are really intelligent ;)

I was giggling all the way while reading this part :-) I'm glad if you fit into this description but your wishful thinking that most Polish women do as well rather calls this into question ;-)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
26 Aug 2015 /  #4
we don't wear as much make-up as british,

Jardinero  1 | 383  
26 Aug 2015 /  #5
I cannot understands why anyone would not want to go for British women - they are gorgeous... and such a variety, too!
jon357  72 | 23706  
26 Aug 2015 /  #6

Double cough. Did you know that Poland is the largest consumer of hair dye in the EU?
Jardinero  1 | 383  
26 Aug 2015 /  #7
...with the highest number of kosmetyczka/salon fryzjerski/solarium per capita? ;-)
InPolska  9 | 1796  
26 Aug 2015 /  #8
Most (= not all) Polish (young) girls are over made up (with cheap cosmetics) and further east (for instance Russia, Ukraine ...) it's even worse. The "natural" or "nude" looking make up is preferred in the West where too much make up is considered vulgar.

Basically too much make up (most often of poor quality) and padded bras (hard to buy non padded bras in Poland) because most Polish girls are flat (until they get old..)

Unfortunately too many (immature) guys like the sl###tish look.

@Jon: and be aware that they most often buy their hair coloring for 10 ZL at Rossmann or Biedronka. I know several 14-year old girls coloring their hair. I know one who even has ... pink hair (she colors hair in white and then in red...).
Jardinero  1 | 383  
26 Aug 2015 /  #9
most Polish girls are flat

Is that a fact or just an observation? Never noticed that, I must admit... There was a study done once and apparently British women came up as the bustiest....
befranklin  1 | 41  
26 Aug 2015 /  #10
(hard to buy non padded bras in Poland) because most Polish girls are flat (until they get old..)

This statement is incorrect my "most" Polish girl is 32" D cup, I wouldn't call that flat!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
26 Aug 2015 /  #11
@Jardinero: as a woman, I know ;). It is very difficult to find non padded bras in Poland (or maybe at Marks & Spencer's.).

Polish girls or women are NOT a homogenous block so I suppose immature guys in PF when talking about "Polish girls" have in mind the 22 year-old fake blondish bimbos with chicken's IQ that they meet in bars for expats but fortunately most Polish girls/women are different ;). Nevertheless what I say about bras is true. Polish women when older get fat with huge breasts so they have serious problems to buy bras ;).

@Befranklin: how often do you buy bras in Poland? ;). Believe me, I know what they offer in stores.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Aug 2015 /  #12
"most" Polish girl is 32" D cup

LOL, source please.
befranklin  1 | 41  
27 Aug 2015 /  #13
Wulkan, it's my "Most" Polish girl not all the others, even though I know there are others Polish, girls, women, who fit the description or in this case that size. Given the state of affairs in the world, no country would fit InPolksa description that most women are "flat"

@Befranklin: how often do you buy bras in Poland? ;). Believe me, I know what they offer in stores.

Yes, I've bought one but I would agree with you that there isn't as good a selection in Poland as compared to here in the U.S., that's why a Victoria Secret store would probably do well in perhaps Warsaw or Krakow. Hmmmm, that's not a bad idea!
27 Aug 2015 /  #14
I really hope the OP is just a troll, but if she isn't, I can't say I'm surprised.

One of the most unattractive features many Polish women possess are their massive egos which often don't live up to their credentials.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Aug 2015 /  #15
@Befranklin: 32D does not exist in Poland (and in Europe). Obviously you don't know situation in Poland and you do not live in Poland. In Polish stores, a lot of ... 75A (padded) bras. Unless no breast, who buys 75A???

@Irish: Yes, most probably a troll and immature guys buy crap without thinking half a second.
smurf  38 | 1940  
27 Aug 2015 /  #16
32D does not exist in Poland (and in Europe)


of course 32D exists:

We can go to DD if you want:
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Aug 2015 /  #17
@Smurf: in Polish stores, they go the European way: 75 (smallest), 80, 85, 90, 95... A, B, C, D. As I said, most bras are padded and most sizes are very small. Don't tell me it's not true, I live in Poland, am a woman and buy some 12/15 bras per year every year. 32 is a (North) American size. I'm not sure but I believe it's very small.

Anyway, most Polish girls when very young have hardly any breasts but they do get huge breats after their 40's-50's.

@Befranklin: you live in the US and I live in Poland where I do all my shopping so I got to know ;).
Englishman  2 | 276  
27 Aug 2015 /  #18
It seems to me that Polish girls/women vary quite a lot. Some go for the natural look, minimal make-up, no padded bras, no fake tan, no hair colouring. Others look like explosions in cosmetics factories. And many others are somewhere between the two.

This may be stereotyping but I suspect the more educated and socially upscale are less likely to do a lot to change their looks. So the OP, being a graduate, probably favours the natural look.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Aug 2015 /  #19
@English: Hi! Of course, women (and men) vary alot within any nationality. This morning while waiting for the bus (over 1 hour ;)), I was observing girls and women (cf. this post) and they were all different from each other. Unfortunately immature Western men are obsessed by the anorexic fake blondish bimbos from Eastern Europe they meet in bars and think the whole female population is like that ;). Fortunately most Polish girls/women don't look like bimbos. I think it's also insulting to girls/women to see "all" women this way.

However, the 'natural" or "nude" make up is more something to be found in the West. Not long ago, a (highly educated and career minded) Russian client of mine told me since we were talking about that "if I spend over 1 hour to put my make up on, I want people to look at it"... In the West, most women want their make up to be discreet.

As to the OP, if not a troll, I doubt that she is "highly educated". Someone "highly educated" would not write such a post and also what is the "I am proud" for? What's the pride of being Polish, Greek, Bolivian, Tanzanian, Nicaraguan or .... Martian???? Nobody chooses their place of birth.
Englishman  2 | 276  
27 Aug 2015 /  #20
Russian client of mine told me since we were talking about that "if I spend over 1 hour to put my make up on, I want people to look at it"... In the West, most women want their make up to be discreet.

I agree with you about Russian women - typically they're heavily made up, and also prefer clothing such as leopard-skin dresses and real fur coats that would be seen as trashy in the West. It has occurred to me that Poland's geographical location and history may mean it is pulled in both directions, so the style and tastes of its women might depend on whether they're from the west or east of the country and how international they are in their outlook (correlated to education levels).
27 Aug 2015 /  #21
32D does not exist in Poland (and in Europe)

in Polish stores, they go the European way: 75 (smallest), 80, 85, 90, 95... A, B, C, D.

As I said, most bras are padded and most sizes are very small. Don't tell me it's not true, I live in Poland, am a woman and buy some 12/15 bras per year every year.

Talking bull... in your all-knowing, I'm-always-rigth tone of voice again?
The 32D does exist in UK (still part of Europe the last time I checked.
The smallest bra I found is 60A (not 75 as you claim) and the biggest (in terms of letters) was 60M Source: Samanta.pl

It is very difficult to find non padded bras in Poland (or maybe at Marks & Spencer's.).

No women with big breasts would buy bras at a normal clothes shop because simply they don't have the sizes needed. It's easy to buy a bra when you're A or B but try buying a bra with 70J and you are up against great task (not to mention great expenditure).

But you as an expert on everything of course know better.
Visit sites with Polish producers of lingerie like:
Samanta.pl or Gorsenia.pl
I don't care if Polish girls have on average big or small breasts that doesn't have anything to do with their value as women but I hate BS
jon357  72 | 23706  
27 Aug 2015 /  #22
Remember that many bras are ill-fitting - people buy what's available and what they can afford. Many women have never been properly measured. What's available on allegro or at the more expensive shops doesn't necessarily reflect what is most easily available and most often sold.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Aug 2015 /  #23
I have noticed too that Russian women are often dressed in a "different" way and sometimes their clothes could not be worn in the West ;). I have noticed that in the mountains Russian women could also be recognized by their shoes/boots. Whereas Polish (and Western) women wear boots suitable for walking in the snow, Russian women wear high heels (mystery to me how they can walk and not fall). This is of course when Russian women keep their "Russian way" because of course some are completely westernized. The client I have referred to buys some of her things in Poland and the rest in Moscow so mixed style ;).

In Poland, it depends upon a lot of factors. When older, in Poland B and also poorer, Polish women are less "westernized". Although Poland is homogeneous as per its ethnicity, the differences in dressing/living are huge as per Poland A vs. Poland B, income, age, education... and that is the reason why it is completely stupid to say "Polish girls" since not a block. In remote areas of Poland B, older (let's say after their 40s') women are dressed (even different hairstyles) in ways not seen in Western Europe and it's amazing what we see in stores even these days. Very ... Eastern (or communist?) indeed! ;)
27 Aug 2015 /  #24
Remember that many bras are ill-fitting - people buy what's available and what they can afford. Many women have never been properly measured. What's available on allegro or at the more expensive shops doesn't necessarily reflect what is most easily available and most often sold.

That's why I don't know a single women with big breasts buying their bras at a McDonald's style big branch. When you want such bra you go to small, local lingerie shop with a helpful shop assistant that will adjust the stripes and all.They are advertised by words of women with big breasts. Last time I was buying bras while I was there (half an hour) the owner sold lingerie for about 1 500 zl. Of course the more unusual item (or size) the bigger the prize. But Gorsenia is cheaper version and pretty good.

Besides the fact that women wear wrong bras has nothing to do with the untrue claim of InPolska as an expert.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Aug 2015 /  #25
@Shaman: thanks for your concern ;) but I can buy from normal stores ;). I just don't like padded bras. Most often I go to TkMax because they usually have nice Italian non padded bras

Why insulting me? No, I'm no expert but I happen to live in Warsaw and buy 99% of my clothes there. And yes, I buy from big chain stores.

@Jon: absolutely! Most younger girls just go to places like ... H&M where they can get a bra for 39zl. Sometimes I do too buy bras from H&M. I'm sure that most Polish (and other) women go to chain stores. When I go to supermarkets, I see quite a few women buying bras.... Unless a particular problem, no need to go to special shops. Well, if some want to spend more, let them but no need to insult the women who don't spend so much...
27 Aug 2015 /  #26
I insult you not

the women who don't spend so much...

. And I do that for a very specific reason- you're talking bollocks and acting like all knowing entity at that.
My sister can buy a bra for a 19 zl from Triumph but that is mostly in the small shops where they have old unsold collection that they want to get rid off. I'm all for nice cheap bras and I wish they made such bras for my size but they don't so instead of you buying 13-15 bras a year like you did I had 2-3.

All women I know buy bras at a small shop. Supermarkets? Mostly teenagers with sizes 70 A-B.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Aug 2015 /  #27
@Shaman: yes, you are insulting but never mind! I live in Warsaw, I do ALL my shopping in Warsaw so I know what they have in (normal) stores. I admit I do NOT go to specialized shops since I go only to big chains (like most women, not only in Poland but elsewhere) and what do they have? From 75 A to sometimes 100 (for instance at Khapal (a Norwegian store whose name I cannot spell) or Kubus (another Scandinavian store), max. D cup. Their offer corresponds to what most customers buy. In case of very small or very big breasts, need to go to specialized stores.

As far as I am concerned, I mostly buy from Tk Maks where I can find what I want so no need to go on and on ...

For sure, a good bra from a specialized store must be better and more comfortable (like any other piece of clothes anyway) but I am happy with the non padded bras I can buy for max. 60 ZL at TK Maks'... ;). So why bother??? ;) Do you think most Polish women can spend 150, 200 or more on a single bra?
27 Aug 2015 /  #28
There are beautiful people the world over, the only difference I find between British and Polish women is Brit girls tend to be a touch more edgy and laddish - which I find more appealing. I am not really into opening doors or sending flowers and please don't get me started on name days.
27 Aug 2015 /  #29

First you get all condencending and all knowing and then you get offended when someone calls you on this. As I said- not a singe female I know does her shopping in chains like tk maxx and so on. and I'm in my 20's so not "old, fat with huge breasts". There is simple cure for your problems- make sure you know about subject before you act like an expert. I don't mind your experiences and where you choose to buy your bras as long as you don't talk about what and where Polish women buy, what is available in shops when you clearly have no idea.

I could also dig into your claims about make-up (that Biedronka crap) but I won't since I'm not that much qualified- I rarely wear make-up and even though my friends buy make up at Rossman or Natura they still don't buy so much that I feel comfortable making any big statements.
27 Aug 2015 /  #30
The biggest problem with Polish women, apart from crappy passive attitude, is their faces. They tend to have too big noses, either hook or potato shaped, and receded chins. To those not familiar with statistics I am talking about average person. Of course there are some beauties but it is a fraction of female population in this country

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