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Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl.

OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
15 Jan 2010 /  #91
Thanks wildrover, as it happens i know BSL but she knows something similar to Makaton but im sure we can work it out :D
wildrover  98 | 4431  
15 Jan 2010 /  #92
My Russian lady tells me they have a saying in Russia.... The best way to learn a language...is to fall in love...
Englishpoznan  4 | 99  
15 Jan 2010 /  #93
@ Wild Rover: How are things going with your Russian lady? have you met yet? What advice could you give Andy McRae on moving forward??
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Jan 2010 /  #94
Things are going perfectly...we have spoken every night for several hours since we first met on the internet on 19th november , we have exchanged gifts , got as close as two people can get via a computer , but no...we haven,t met yet...that epic moment comes in March when we spend a week together in Lwow Ukraine....Neither of us have any doubt its going to be just great....

In the summer she is spending the school holidays at my farm in Poland....probably she will move in not long after....

Of course our meeting could be a total disaster....but i think probably not....
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #95
Of course our meeting could be a total disaster....but i think probably not....

Trust me, if you have chatted that often, it won't be a disaster. I know what I am telling you ;)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Jan 2010 /  #96
it won't be a disaster.

I think its pretty certain we already like each other very much...its going to be wonderfull...we both know it....
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #97
its going to be wonderfull...we both know it....

Sounds like you've (YOU, Wildrover, YOU) planned lots of ....thigns with her.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Jan 2010 /  #98
yes...we have very much in common...like the same things , the same places...and we have made many plans....The tough part is going to be trying to turn my old Polish farm into a nice home for us , fortunatly she likes old farms , and when i sell the house in UK we will have a new wooden house built here....We have no silly dreams , we know its going to be hard work...but we both want to do it....

I guess we have both found the person we were looking for...just a bit tricky we are one thousand miles apart....
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
16 Jan 2010 /  #99
All right, but that's a great way to become paranoid.

All true, yeah, you're right - use lots of common sense. I sure hope this couple will make it though! Sounds like the real thing to me.
strzyga  2 | 990  
16 Jan 2010 /  #100
I sure hope this couple will make it though! Sounds like the real thing to me.

I certainly hope so too :)
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
16 Jan 2010 /  #101
Thanks i do too, but has she slipped up or is it just me reading between the lines??

6 Days ago she told me she lived alone in 1 room flat.

Last night she told me she shared a flat with her friend in a 2 bedroom flat.

Should i question it or leave it for now and see what happens...
wildrover  98 | 4431  
16 Jan 2010 /  #102
They say if you are going to be a liar , then you need a good memory....you need to remember what lie you tell , or its easy to get caught out....Of course you have to bear in mind that its very easy to get the wrong end of the stick when you are comunicating with somebody in a different country....I myself have had experianced anger or disapointment with somebody over something they said , only to find out later that they did not mean what i thought they meant.....Its difficult to see how she could mistake living alone in a one bedroom flat , with a two roomed flat shared with a friend , but don,t assume she is lying just yet , wait and see , the truth will come out eventually....

Its not actually important what her flat arrangements are , so for now i would not question her on it , but maybe watch out for any other mistakes that might show she is telling lies....If everything else feels ok , i would not worry too much about it....
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
16 Jan 2010 /  #103
Ok thanks, i see what you mean about mis communication espescially as you say were in different countries... cheers for the advice i'll hold back and see if she makes any more mistakes or if it was a one off ;-)
Floripa  3 | 39  
16 Jan 2010 /  #104
What wildrover says is quite true.

I had quite a few problems with my Polish GF because of language and cultural misunderstandings. It's not easy when you're using a language that is not your own.

I suggest you take everything at a nice easy pace. If there are discrepencies in what she says, let her carry on and within a short period of time she'll dig a hole so big she won't be able to get herself out of it. If she's a genuine person, then they'll iron out over time.
Ogien  5 | 237  
16 Jan 2010 /  #105
Why a Polish girl? You can still meet local girls by Internet if you have such a problem in real life.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
16 Jan 2010 /  #106
Why not? i'm open to other cultures. :-) i have used the net for local girls and the ones who have been in touch are only interested in 2 things, 1 being money the other s**.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #107
Having read all advices, i can say these

- getting her mobile and talking on the phone? wont prove anything. she will talk, she will say normal words, etc.

- webcam? wont prove anything. sometimes, they dont work alone. his/her friend may appear on the webcam

- internet tracking such as email, ip tracking, etc? wont help. times are not real times, but servers times.

- meeting in person? wont still help. his/her friend can meet you. when you meet a person in bar or in a club even off-the net are you sure about her/him? they seem to be even real serious people. i met one off-the net, at a fair stand, a real one who has a serious position at a company, sent her a gift or two after a month or two. and, i am still not sure if she was a scammer or not. hmm, they are called golddiggers when they show themselves? ok. anyway, she was unable to dig me. i got my gifts back, except the plate and am still after the plate she hasnt returned. i trying to understand why she hasnt done that..

at the end, i found the best solution, andy. i trying to pull suchs to such forums. they dont like to spend their times on such forums as it requires much time.. i feel she showed her face/words once or twice, but, she hasnt showed herself up really. btw, see people why i am here on this forum. anyway, andy, why not to try to pull her here to this forum? or, hang on here. maybe, there is another one who you may like better. however most of girls on this forum are poles living abroad, that means they are probably regretful of leaving poland.
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
16 Jan 2010 /  #108
i feel she showed her face/words once or twice, but, she hasnt showed herself up really.

Its funny you should say that as i am getting that feeling now!!! i have just been on IM with her and after 15 minutes she just stopped talking and accused me of being too busy so she was going. at the moment i have talked to her for 40 minutes and not had 1 reply yet she is online...

Also she has refused to give me her address apart from the street name???
nomaderol  5 | 726  
17 Jan 2010 /  #109
Also she has refused to give me her address apart from the street name???

it is two-way.. maybe, she is thinking you are a fake scammer? and maybe she has a lot of questions in her mind like you do.. you can ask her to participate this forum and have her discuss about serious issues? so that you can be sure about her?... ok, we are already only a few people here who can discuss serious things seriously, but, we are growing in quantity and quality.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
17 Jan 2010 /  #110
she just stopped talking and accused me of being too busy

OOHHH looney alert....even before you meet she is showing a jealous streak....its gonna be difficult , but my advice is back off , ignore her for a while....

I met a lady on the internet from Latvia who was beautifull , sexy , great fun , but she showed the same symptoms of jealousy your lady is showing...i chose to ignore them....

not long after she moved into my farm...things were great for two weeks...then the insane jealousy reared its head..got so bad i could not use my computer without getting accused of looking for another woman , and speaking to anyone of the opposite sex caused a major row......If she had stayed here any longer they would have been looking for her with sniffer dogs...i put her on a bus back to Latvia....

Since then , i have met a perfectly wonderfull Russian lady in Moscow , so don,t give up hope mate...they are not all loonies...the right one is out there for you....just keep looking....
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
17 Jan 2010 /  #111
OOHHH looney alert....

LOL sorry its not funny its just the way you have written it :D and the thing was i was talikng to her constantly.. she just didnt write back...think you could be on to something there, her laptop has broke too and im just waiting for her to ask me to get it fixed 300pln.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
17 Jan 2010 /  #112
LOL sorry its not funny

I can laugh about it now , but at the time it was a nightmare.....she still keeps writing to me asking me to visit her in Germany where she now works...she is very pretty , and has a great personality , apart from the jealousy bit....Sadly i think she cannot change the way she is , and will drive the next guy she meets up the wall....!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
17 Jan 2010 /  #113
Why not? i'm open to other cultures. :-) i have used the net for local girls and the ones who have been in touch are only interested in 2 things, 1 being money the other s**.

It's great you're open to other cultures. As far as your past net experience, a woman being interested in sex Andy is not a bad thing; in fact it's great... Just get her disinterested in the money part... Wear her out Andy so she can't even think about money but wants to sleep to regain her strength... ...and when she wakes up do it all over again... :)

I'm joking Andy. Well kind of...

Wish you the best!

My Russian lady tells me they have a saying in Russia.... The best way to learn a language...is to fall in love...

I like that saying, makes lots of sense
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
18 Jan 2010 /  #114
Well it's day 2 now and she has not been in touch so i think its time to give up, pack my bags and move on... thanks to everyone who has helped, offered advice and I will stay around as you guys seem a decent bunch of people to know ;-)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
19 Jan 2010 /  #115
Yeah...there are a good bunch of people on here...some idiots , but mostly decent people....sorry to hear your Polish lady didn,t turn out to be what you hoped , but thats life , i got led up the garden path a few times by Polish women , but they are not all like that , i have met a few really lovely ones....Strangely enough i have found my perfect woman in Moscow , sometimes you have to go a few miles to find the right one...

Would you like me to ask my Russian lady if she has any nice friends....?
OP Andy_McRae  1 | 35  
19 Jan 2010 /  #116
Would you like me to ask my Russian lady if she has any nice friends....?

thanks that would be really appreciated ;D
wildrover  98 | 4431  
19 Jan 2010 /  #117
Pm me with some details about yourself , and i will pass em on to my Ksusha....My lady is a teacher at a very exclusive school in Moscow , and her friends are also inteligent , respectable people....There are a few scammers over that part of the world , so you have to be a bit carefull on the Russian dating sites...Saying that , i met my lady on one of the better sites , and she is definatly the best thing thats happened to me in a long time...
asik  2 | 220  
20 Jan 2010 /  #118
The wildrover doesn't even know his Russian lady in person and after 2 months he already trust her with his (almost) whole life , plus offers to match-making with one of her girfriend's friend!?? - common people, that's really crazy.

No wonder scammers hands are full if people are so easy and naive these days.
f stop  24 | 2493  
20 Jan 2010 /  #119
ouch, asik, that's cold. I can't speak for others, but I am hoping this will all turn out as well for wildrover as he's hoping for.
asik  2 | 220  
20 Jan 2010 /  #120
but I am hoping this will all turn out as well for wildrover as he's hoping for.

How it turns out only time will tell and I wish him really really well - it's not the point here it's about matchmaking through unknown person.

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