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It is more fun to have sex in Polish than in English. Discuss.

natasia  3 | 368  
31 May 2012 /  #1
Now obviously I had a problem here when categorizing this post - 'Relationships, Marriage' ? Or perhaps 'Sports, Recreation' ? But then I plumped for 'General Language', as this really is primarily a linguistic issue, although it will involve exploration of some other areas, shall we say.

I say that because I have a theory (and I'm sure I am not the only one to have stumbled upon this truth) that when speaking an adopted language, rather than one's mother tongue, one has the opportunity to re-invent oneself, and may find new resonances with this new language and one's personality/desires/world view/etc. ... which one has found hard to express in the mother tongue, which was inherited, rather than chosen. Language seems to me to be an expression of culture in the deepest, most intriguingly complex way. And so: I am a different person in Polish. And, interestingly, but perhaps rather worryingly, prolonged exposure (or prolonged periods of being a different person) have changed the way I am even in English ... I am more assertive, less patient, bolder, more self-aware, less of a ditherer ... and, whereas I think I would now feel rather self-conscious and affected having sex in English, I find it strangely, or otherwise, far more natural in Polish.

Am I alone in this?
(well, obviously not ; ) ... but in this slipping into another language and finding that less exposed, somehow, than sex in one's own language?

Ok. Answer that one.
Natasa  1 | 572  
31 May 2012 /  #2

You are not alone, I understand you ;)

Anyway, somebody said that sexual act is in some way communication with the whole (the rest of the) world (!)

Your line would be do you speak Polish? :D

Mine, well it is known. Since Bratwurst left there is nobody willing to be sexually harassed :((
pawian  226 | 27561  
31 May 2012 /  #3
Ok. Answer that one.

I am sorry, I can`t. My wife forbade me to participate in this thread. :(:(:(:(

Maybe later, when she goes to sleep.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
31 May 2012 /  #4
I'm Scottish, so I'm out of this equation. ;)
31 May 2012 /  #5
Polish is a sensual language, I can't deny it, but sexy? I'm not so sure. Sex is a part of that weird, lizardy section of the brain, and mine's kinda already gelled into what it expects to hear. I'm basically just looking for feedback, and the sooner that yes/no, there/not there message gets to me from my partner, the better it'll be for everybody.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 May 2012 /  #6
Polish is a sensual language

Wow, I've never read those two words juxtaposed next to each other!!! ...Polish-sensual ....I guess Polish's sexiness lies in the ears of the beholder :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
31 May 2012 /  #7
I agree, sounds very far from sensual to British ears. French sounds sensual, Italian maybe, but Polish - 'fraid not.
31 May 2012 /  #8
You guys are hung up on the Romance languages. Which are named after Romans, not the lovey-dovey stuff. There's definitely a whimsical, lyrical nature to Polish, which is very grounded and airy at the same time. It's like a sturdier French, whose lyrical sensibilities are much too twee for me. Note, I said that Polish was sensual, as in, pertaining to the senses, more than sexy. Hearing it makes me wanna have sex, but when I have sex, I don't necessarily wanna hear it.
OP natasia  3 | 368  
1 Jun 2012 /  #9
There's definitely a whimsical, lyrical nature to Polish, which is very grounded and airy at the same time. It's like a sturdier French, whose lyrical sensibilities are much too twee for me.

I could have said that myself. You are extremely very totally right (as Lola would say, if you know Charlie and Lola ...).

French is all twirls and slightly too-thin men, with garlic under their manicured finger nails. Polish has that amazing faux-Russian Dr Zhivago-but-not-quite-so-far Tolstoy-but-a-bit-nearer-and-they-don't-execute-royal-familes sort of thing going on ... and, shifting decades, Polish has a 1970s Slavic chic that just kills me.

There is something raw and noble about Polish, and the juxtaposition of that and startlingly humble surroundings is just delightful. Or perhaps I read 'Lady Chatterley' at an impressionable age and am now just transferring ...
rybnik  18 | 1444  
1 Jun 2012 /  #10
Hearing it makes me wanna have sex, but when I have sex, I don't necessarily wanna hear it.

I like this sentence.
OP natasia  3 | 368  
1 Jun 2012 /  #11
Me too. It is slick. But I would have to disagree with the second bit ...
Maybe  12 | 409  
1 Jun 2012 /  #12
I prefer it when the b*tch shuts up and keeps blowing, plus pillow talk, I prefer in a language I don't understand that way she can blather on and it doesn't stop me sleepin....

And what is this 'Sensual', i thought that was a make of Shampoo?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
1 Jun 2012 /  #13
whereas I think I would now feel rather self-conscious and affected having sex in English, I find it strangely, or otherwise, far more natural in Polish.

So I guessing you're a native English speaker who has learned Polish?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #14
It is more fun to have sex in Polish than in English

It's fun to have sex in any language as long as you're good in it.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Jun 2012 /  #15
It is very rare to hear polish sounds from girls of other nationalities.However tak and jeszcze can act as an order having to be obeyed with discipline.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
2 Jun 2012 /  #16
French is all twirls and slightly too-thin men, with garlic under their manicured finger nails.

Shame that you had to spoil a hilarious thread with such generalisations, but there is an element of truth in this (as in all generalisations - Pawian take note :p ) :)

Am I alone in this?
(well, obviously not ; ) ... but in this slipping into another language and finding that less exposed, somehow, than sex in one's own language?

I can't really say, not when it comes to Polish, anyway. To me, Polish is like an extension of English (or vice versa), so it's not foreign as such. But if I think of nations with hot women, I don't really think of how "hot" the language sounds.

For me, it's more about accents, or the tone of a voice - and that doesn't necessarily cross national boundaries.

So I would never, ever need Sildenafil with women from (white) South Africa, Spain, Italy, Newcastle or Lancashire (particularly north of the M60. Yonner girl fetish!? lmao). I could tell you a few tales about girls from Bury or Padiham, but I won't, because you don't deserve it. Besides, this is a family forum ;) lol

Whereas I would need a CRATELOAD of little blue pills if she comes from the south-west, Liverpool, Ireland, the USA or Australia. :0 Nothing against the people (apart from whingeing Aussies of course) it's just the accents. Each to their own, I guess.

Surprisingly, Polish accents do nothing for me, either. If she's Polish, I want her to speak Polish - which is great :)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2012 /  #17
but in this slipping into another language and finding that less exposed, somehow, than sex in one's own language?

Well, always remember not to talk with your mouth full!

Mosley, the motor-racing chap reckoned he got his S/M dominatrixes to speak German because the "harsh sounds" suited the role playing. I should imagine it can work in other languages...

Like... Russian:
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jun 2012 /  #18
I'm Scottish, so I'm out of this equation. ;)

oh all you have to say is slap that dupa baby.. lol

then you are in the equation.. and you spoke polish!!
OP natasia  3 | 368  
2 Jun 2012 /  #19
Well, always remember not to talk with your mouth full!

no, you're right - very rude to do that, and i am English, so try to be polite at all times ...

with such generalisations

actually it was a small, particular detail from a French exchange when I was 15 ... the French girl's father smelt of garlic and took me on the TGV from Paris to Evian, and gave me only a ham sandwich WITH NO BUTTER IN IT to eat ... I was so distressed at the barbarity of a ham sandwich without beurre that I thought I would go and cry in the very fast wc, which, to my utter horror, was just a hole in the ground (and the ground was going by at 500 km/h visible through that hole ... or so it seemed to my disorientated self).

oh, i tried to like it in France. I sort of did. But it was all a bit more earthy than I had expected. I like Poles. They are very clean. All over.

And I find Polish a very sexy language. As it is an acquired language for me, it is something in which I can lose myself, without shame ...

As for whether one or another accent/language is more or less conducive in the bedroom ... I think it's just the speaking a language not your own that is good. Although I have to say I'm also not sure about Liverpudlian ; )
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
4 Jun 2012 /  #20
oh, i tried to like it in France. I sort of did. But it was all a bit more earthy than I had expected.

You're knowledge and travels in France must be so so so limited if that's your view, the jazz clubs, the parks, the bars the restaurants the food and wine the culture is overwhelming and takes your breath away, from the chic boutiques and the promenade in Nice, to the million ££ yacht's in Antibes, not foregetting the history in Boulogne and Marseille, the French know a thing or two about a thing or two! I would strongly suggest you go back now you're an adult :)

But back to the original topic....Why would I want someone wittering on in a lauguage I didnt understand whilst performing the most inteminate acts between a man and a woman? I personally rather enjoy knowing what my other half is saying to me ;0)
OP natasia  3 | 368  
5 Jun 2012 /  #21
.Why would I want someone wittering on in a lauguage I didnt understand whilst

well no, I meant in a foreign language which you also understand and speak. I was talking more about you expressing yourself in that language.

And as for France, I was joking.
5 Jun 2012 /  #22
And as for France, I was joking.

I ain't joking. Those fellas get pissier than a wet hen if you don't speak French. They expect everyone to, and with correct pronunciation, to boot. I'm American. Make some allowances, or we'll bomb you for you oil. I kid (I don't kid). A sexy accent is great, a whispered exhortation, yeah why not; but I don't wanna hear a whole lot of anything, really. If she's not grunting or cursing, then I'm doing something wrong. As for tactical directives, like I said, Polish words for the human anatomy are laughable, NOT alluring. If I wanna say turn over, you like that, I'm ****ing you, etc, it probably is more exciting for my WIFE to hear it in English, according the prevailing thesis of this thread, as she is Polish and would be sex-talkin' in an exotic language for her, right? So, in the interest of being a giving, nurturing lover, both domestic and internationally, I will stick to English in the bedchamber.
terri  1 | 1661  
5 Jun 2012 /  #23
In my experience - men generally do not express themselves very much in any language, except to give commands.
Women - generally two or three words in any language are sufficient - 'yes' and 'more'
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2012 /  #24
There is also the order "na kolejne".
Rysavy  10 | 306  
9 Oct 2012 /  #25
Hearing it makes me wanna have sex, but when I have sex, I don't necessarily wanna hear it.

Heh..I must concur!! (Though I'd like to hear it. <_< >_> ^_^ cuz it means I made him forget english !)

And not slavic in general. I did not find my inlaws russian accents sexy, merely interesting. French is sloppy to me, I do not find it that romantic to hear, only the concepts of the archaic poets. Spanish passable if it is Antonio Banderas saying it , LOL.

I loved the soft sounds that are in the Portuguese, Basque and Boheme spoken in my households. Specially the higher tenor intonations of the Boheme men still around as I grew up.

I also like the accents of romanians and hungarians speaking english.

When I was still multilingual before my car wreck, I was not likely to say anything in a learned language like french while..um... occupied with a lover. And better the um... attentions, the less English I could remember. Even now laudable perfomance can still get phrases of Tsalagi, Portuguese or Boheme out of me when I don't barely remember it the rest of time. Some not fit for polite company. Though Tsalagi is big on metaphors.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 Oct 2012 /  #26
I did not find my inlaws russian accents sexy

I thought your future husband was Polish.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
9 Oct 2012 /  #27
^_^ My Lech IS Polish...

I am divorcee

My previous spouse was 1/2 Russian and first generation born in US.

(wont go into him much.lets just note that I fit ALL the criteria to be remarried RC)

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