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Find a Polish girl using Internet

nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #31

Wrong? Count the number of guys from western world here on this forum and from poor places. Also, count the guys in poland from western world on the streets. You will see 9 of 10 are from western world. Speak reality.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #32
On the streets of Poland. Yes, but which city? And how can you know they are Westerns? In case you didn't know, not all Westeners look alike.

On this forum you won't find many men from poor places. I don't think they would allow themselves internet and their own personal computer.

As far as I am concerned, Polish women are not the most atractive of Europe. A couple of days ago I was talking to this Czech friend of mine about Polish girls and he said he found them more or less average. I kind of agree with him...

When Western men go for Polish girls, it's the same as if they searched for Russian gals: they want someone who is likely to look good, to be a household person ,to want a family and be less emancipated than their western counterparts.

Another bonus for Westerners is the fact that they are often rich in comparison to the girl they will marry.
Ogien  5 | 237  
16 Jan 2010 /  #33
sorry, i am not a rich westerner who will travel to poland and meet girls there.

You seem to have trouble grasping my point. I am talking about romance relationships. These are not legitimate over the internet.

Again, why do you want a Polish girl? Do you have an interest in Polish culture and you want to start a family that adheres to Polish lifestyle? If not, then stick to your own country's women.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #34

no, it is not really so.

9 of 10 western guys in poland are actually poors of western world who are mostly using that label of being a westerner. i am not against them going there to poland, much better than poorer girls of poland going to western countries. guys from western countries going to poland are sharing their wealth (even though not much) with the polish girls? reality is that such guys are very very very rare.. such guys from western world are going to poland as there are beautiful girls there in poland who will fit their budgets. ask them to share their wealths and live in poland.. no, they wont do that. if 1 of 1000 does this, i congratulate.

btw, guys, dont worry about this nomad being a competitior. i dont go anywhere applying visa as i am a global socialist. and, i wont go to poland. so, to prevent my activity, you should apply visa also to this internet thing. i wondering how you will do that, poor minds.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #35
i wont go to poland. so, to prevent my activity, you should apply visa also to this internet thing.

lol wouldn't it be nice to have a cyberembassy?

i wondering how you will do that, poor minds.

Although there is no such a thing as a cyberembassy, there surely is an IP ban ,which is the cyberversion of a deportation :)
mephias  10 | 296  
16 Jan 2010 /  #36
First of all polish girls are not so different than girls from any other nationality. Why you are especially searching for a Polish Girl. If reason is some rumours you heard, they are not true.

I do not live in Poland, so internet seems a good way to communicate with polish girls.

Generally internet is not a good way to start a serious relationship, but there are exceptions and you may be lucky.

Could I expect a real-world relationship someday by using these sites, or it is all about fun/chatting for site's members and being outside Poland would mean that there is no chance for me to find a polish girl?

It is all up to you and how important for you to find a Polish Girl anything is possible.

What things should I pay attention when I try to find a polish girl using fotka or other polish social sites?

You should be carefull about scammers. You should not get attached to someone who you did not see. And if you think you really like someone that you find there it is better to meet in real life as soon as possible.

Are polish girls positive to migrate to other countries in european union, generally speaking?

Some or some not (Where are you Seanus ? :) )

If there is a good chemistry between a foreign guy and a polish girl, is there a hope for the polish girl to migrate outside Poland?

In most cases Ending up in Poland is also a possibility. Is it ok for you.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #37
Although there is no such a thing as a cyberembassy, there surely is an IP ban ,which is the cyberversion of a deportation :)

rich guys dont understand the science and technology..
their dogs can do that if enough bone is given to them.
but, rich guys dont trust their dogs, hence they put visas to their dogs to enter their palaces.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #38
rich guys dont understand the science and technology..

Yeah ,that's why poor people are so capable whenever they sit at a computer...it's also the reason why people who are poor are better at using computers and technology than rich people are. Yeah, I forgot!
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #39
True. That's why you too are here. On the net.
jl1  - | 6  
16 Jan 2010 /  #40
It has an astonishing amount of profiles of polish girls.
My intention is a long-time relationship with a polish girl. I read a lot about polish girls and I admire them!

as far as i know it's a site for underage teens

he said he found them more or less average.

well Polish girls are much prettier than Czech girls and less stuck up
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #41
That's why you too are here. On the net.
Reply Quote Report

Your posts made no sence, you knew that?
Ogien  5 | 237  
16 Jan 2010 /  #42
as far as i know it's a site for underage teens

This is true which is one of the reasons why I'm concerned about this whole Internet dating thing.

well Polish girls are much prettier than Czech girls and less stuck up

This is your opinion and you are only enforcing a rumor about Polish girls which is why so many foreigners are blindly looking for them.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #43
This is true which is one of the reasons why I'm concerned about this whole Internet dating thing.

whats the difference between talking and/or seeing picture of a gal/guy on the net and off the net, say, in a bar or on a street first? not difference at all. you dont understand initiation of relationship.? if you mean real relationship which starts directly in bed, go to brothel. even there, you chose picture first. at least, internet gives this option of talking first without seeing the pictures.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #45
so, for you, pictures are important. dont worry, you are not alone, majority of people do this also off the net.

and, off the net, words are fake. we see true faces (of words) here on the net better.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
16 Jan 2010 /  #46
we see true faces (of words) here on the net better.

Pictures are important...for the curious ones.

But yes, the good thing about internet is that people dare to be themselves.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
16 Jan 2010 /  #47
ell Polish girls are much prettier than Czech girls

I agree with this.

and less stuck up

Maybe but czech girls are more stable and far more reasonable.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #48
Pictures are important...for the curious ones.

But yes, the good thing about internet is that people dare to be themselves.

Words are not important at all? When words became meaningless and unimportant we see top model-like girls with their small minds are being paid by rich guys much, much much more than knowledgable educated guys like engineers, etc who working a lot for rich guys. Who are idiot fools here? Ha, guys?
OP cool11  3 | 18  
16 Jan 2010 /  #49
as far as i know it's a site for underage teens

I doubt about it. You can choose the age range. So why it is only teens? There many women, not teens, over 20s'.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
16 Jan 2010 /  #50
the thing with people you meet online is that as you get to know them personally, even though you think you know and like them already based on what you found out about them over the internet, you realise you don't know them at all. at first it's the little things that start bothering you, their sayings, their habits, their way of life which you obviously didn't get to experience. then you see the whole picture, you learn they are not what they made out to be, there are a lot of but's and if's. on top of all that, if you approach this with some sort of expectations based on their nationality, supposed mentality and things you heard, you are in for a massive disappointment. and i mean massive. if you are prepared to go through all this, and i can guarantee you will because everyone i know who tried online dating including myself did not meet the ONE first time over, or second, not even third time. it takes a long time, if you are to get lucky at all. people don't walk around with their personal 'profiles' written all over them so you don't have expectations about them like you do after chatting to them online for a bit and absolutely loving what they write about themselves. if you want someone to eventually move to a foreign country after meeting you online then boy, welcome to the world of pain and disappointment! i would recommend either looking around and finding a decent woman, be it Polish or not, or going on a vacation to Poland and seeing for yourself if a Polish woman is really what you would like.
OP cool11  3 | 18  
16 Jan 2010 /  #51
JustysiaS I really find importance in your thoughts.

Your doubts seem to have a real base.
The problems is that every coin has two sides.
You get something, you loose something.

It is impossible to have communication with many people in the real world, especially if you live in another country.
Internet provides such connectivity and ease of use. You can communicate from your desk. No money, no time lost.
What is better? Not having such try at all? Refuse the approach using internet due to our fears of getting knowing the right person?

As someone said above, I am not rich, most of us are just normal people. Is it better not to have a chance to approach some girls through their profiles, because we do not have the money/time to go to Poland and do such a searching?

Is it all or nothing?
And who can tell that even somebody come to Poland for a month, that will find the 'perfect' person?

So, I think internet facilitate the process for us, to our benefit.

Of course, real world meetings are irreplaceable. I agree on this.

After all, the possibility of failure in a relationship could always happen in any case, even if you know the other person for some time.

At last, I think internet just facilitate the way someone can communicate with the other person. No guarantee for a successful ending, as it happens in the real meetings too.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
16 Jan 2010 /  #52
I am not rich

Polish girls won't be interested then, sorry. Lol.

On a serious note though, you can try but you can't expect the 'woman of your dreams' to come to you if you get on with her online. What if you do meet someone like that, how can you possibly make it work if you have no time or money to make it work??

I think internet just facilitate the way someone can communicate with the other person. No guarantee for a successful ending, as it happens in the real meetings too.

that may be true but meeting people online causes more problems such as distance, risk of disappointment at first meeting, manipulated pictures, martial status, age, anything. there are still too many people out there who use the internet to conceal the REAL ME and make up this virtual persona. be careful.
OP cool11  3 | 18  
16 Jan 2010 /  #53
JustysiaS, useful advice indeed.

I did not said that I am a poor man, I said I am not rich. Above the average level in any case at all.

After all if a girl is attracted only from money then I did not want her at all!
I understand the joke but I wanted to comment on this.

I have money/time to come to Poland but I cannot do it often! I think I cannot depend on this!

By the way, do young polish people know english, generally speaking?
frd  7 | 1379  
16 Jan 2010 /  #54
I think internet facilitate the process for us, to our benefit.

It might be true but only for people who have previous "real-life" dating experience. They know what they want and are able to speak freely about it. If somebody is trying find his/her "first love/shag" on the internet being an introvertic loner there's a really really big change of disappointment on both sides.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #55
people, if you are discrediting the internet so much, why are you talking on the net. dating or friendly talk or just opinion exchange or whatever you are doing here on this forum. are you all fakes? internet is just a tool, not different than any other tool like car, etc..

just think that the number of thiefs off-the net (you call the real world) is equal or more than the people on the net.

also think other things. for example, disabled people who have one legs who can not move like you so easily from place to place. internet giving a chance for them.

i can tell more pros than cons about the internet as a tool. people are educating themselves easily and faster.

think also that you would not have been educated by this nomad if there wasnt this internet.:) (mod, ban all these internet complainers.)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
16 Jan 2010 /  #56
I have money/time to come to Poland but I cannot do it often! I think I cannot depend on this!

well then how do you want to have a relationship with a Polish girl who lives in Poland? aren't you a bit selfish expecting of her to be happy with a long distance relationship, or having to move to your country? are you prepared to move to Poland?

By the way, do young polish people know english, generally speaking?

not as fluent as you perhaps but most young people will speak communicative/basic English. so the language barrier could be another obstacle and you have to narrow down your search to people who speak fluent English because it's very hard to make a relationship work when you don't understand one another. body language just won't last lol.

If somebody is trying find his/her "first love/shag" on the internet being an introvertic loner there's a really really big change of disappointment on both sides.

there are too many people like that online, they don't know what they want and there is no chance they will give you what you want.

people, if you are discrediting the internet so much, why are you talking on the net.

we are not saying don't use it, just use it responsibly and sensibly and be careful. too many weirdos like you out there.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
16 Jan 2010 /  #57
we are not saying don't use it, just use it responsibly and sensibly and be careful. too many weirdos like you out there.

ok, an advice to you.. when a person speaks personal most likely she/he tells about herself/himself.. (my guess is that: big majority of people on the forum thinking you are a weirdo... ) No, i not advicing you to restrict yourself. Go girl, behave freely, this is internet which amplifies their voice of female world and you know that i support this.
Ogien  5 | 237  
16 Jan 2010 /  #58
Polish girls won't be interested then, sorry. Lol.

So are Polish girls gold-digging sluts who depend on a man to provide for them? If this is true, I'll be sure to stay away from them.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
17 Jan 2010 /  #59
i can assure you that you will find gold-digging sluts in every country, not just Poland. i made a joke, hence the 'lol' at the end.

ok, an advice to you.. when a person speaks personal most likely she/he tells about herself/himself.. (my guess is that: big majority of people on the forum thinking you are a weirdo... )

i don't really say anything personal i just express my opinions and i'm pretty sure that a weirdo is the last thing people will think of me. now when it comes to you and your pathetic posts full of self pity, poor people skills and socialist bullsh*t, you're definitely in the running for the online weirdo of the year award. stop being so condescending you lousy turkish fecker and stop following me around the forum, i'm not interested in debating with you and having you hijack every thread i post in just to preach to me. f*ck off.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
17 Jan 2010 /  #60
Are polish girls positive to migrate to other countries in european union, generally speaking? If there is a good chemistry between a foreign guy and a polish girl, is there a hope for the polish girl to migrate outside Poland?

I'd say that most people from the East wouldn't mind living in the more Western countries of the EU. And the Polish girl might want to stay in Europe...or are you thinking of taking her to...what was your country of origin?!

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