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Filipino guy with a Polish girl..

ynajane  - | 1  
21 Oct 2013 /  #31

I'm a Filipina and I used to have a Polish boyfriend and we were together for 7 months. We met in another country as exchange students and I was supposed to live with him next year in Poland but he broke up with me because of our cultural differences and he thinks that there's no job for me in Poland. He always insists me to be someone else that I am not. He would always compare me on how I behave and how his friends behave. He was really romantic, kind and thoughtful but when I came back to the Philippines, he started to doubt on our relationship and never shared it to me. When he came back to Poland, his life went back to normal and his friends keep on telling him that I will not get along with them because I am different and I don't speak Polish. So I believe that was one of the reasons why he broke up with me.

Don't get me wrong, I love Polish people. I enjoy being with them. I have lots of Polish friends but our relationship did not work out because he's not willing to work on our cultural differences. He wants me to be someone like his friends.

He, by the way, introduced me to his parents. We had a one-week vacation together and everything seemed to be normal that time. He is still a student so I assume that he is not mature enough to be committed.

I still plan to go to Poland in the future. :)
23 Jan 2014 /  #32
Hello! I also have Filipino boyfriend, and he is the best guy I ever meet! We met each other working abroad.. On the begining we didn't think to be together, but after some time we spent more time together, we became good friends.. And one day we decided to be together! And we are so happy! Our time together is really full of happines and carles... Nobody was taking care of me before like me Filipino is doing now... He is crazy like me, spontanic, funny, and very handsome, I love his Asian eyes, pretty smile and dark skin... I hope we will be together for ever.. :) is there any polish lady here having Filipino boyfriend?
McDouche  6 | 282  
23 Jan 2014 /  #33
There are some [white] Polish guys with Asian girls but not a lot of Polish girls with Asian guys.

This is common for white/Asian couples in general. Here in the US, there are many white guys dating Asian women. It's not as common for Asian men to date white women (but it does still often happen!). An Asian friend explained to me that in his culture it's expected for the men to date Asian women. Maybe that's why?

I personally love it when people from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds date each other. It's a healthy sign of a peaceful environment and genetic variety is something all humans should strive for as it is for the best for the offspring.
enkidu  6 | 611  
23 Jan 2014 /  #34
Here in the US, there are many white guys dating Asian women. It's not as common for Asian men to date white women

I think it is a final proof that size matters. Obviously - Asian women like European size. And White women are unimpressed with Asin tiny dingy-wyngy.
23 Jan 2014 /  #35
In my work place they are few white girls dating with Filipinos. They are very nice guys, kind, they know how to take care of woman. In my case I can't say thy my Asian have 'small equipment'. Actually, before I started to date with him, many people, especialy my Polish friend were talking about this, that Asian have small. But I think it's not true, not in my situation ;)

Btw is here any Polish girl having Filipino boyfriend? I would like to meet some girls and share expierience :)
Englishman  2 | 276  
23 Jan 2014 /  #36
Filipinos are mainly Catholics, culturally even if they're not observant, so have a lot in common with Poles. One factor for women to consider is that Filipino men are almost all circumcised, which is rare in Poland.
SingleFemale  2 | 55  
24 Jan 2014 /  #37
One factor for women to consider is that Filipino men are almost all circumcised

All of them are by the time they reach adulthood.

which is rare in Poland.

Really? I didn't know that.
24 Jan 2014 /  #38
I had met Filipino guy. He was perfect 4me. Funny, intelligent, charming, well-equipped(if Uknow what i mean :) but unfortunetly he forgot told about his wife and kids. It tore my heart apart. Heh, life is a beach. I still think that Filipinas as a nation is very nice and friendly people. I try pick up and keep only this good memories :) Tagalog is very funny language. Every time I hear it its make me laught. Guy is gone but I still try to learn Tagalog :) ikinagagalak kitang makilala kayo. And trying to find someone who can teach me Tagalog! If any can, please write mail : fidofil@wp.pl. Thans from advance.
SingleFemale  2 | 55  
24 Jan 2014 /  #39
There are a- - - - - -s and j- - - s from the world over, unfortunately. They abound everywhere, whether it be in the Philippines, Poland or UK. But yes, Filipinos as a whole are a very nice and friendly people.
24 Jan 2014 /  #40
There in Filipines people getting married very young, and guys always have this strong responsibility to support family. Especially when they have kids, a I know lot of them have more than one kid. But actually what I can say, polish guys can learn from Filipino guys how to take care of pregnant women and also after. Because unfortunatly in Pl many of them just run away... Filipinos are also very hard working people but still smiling and they are nice to others. One thing I really hate... gossping, making stories about others, and jelousy... This is disaster.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Jan 2014 /  #41
One thing I really hate... gossping, making stories about others

You mean like you just did about Polish guys in your post?
24 Jan 2014 /  #42
You didn't understand my comment. I wanted to compare, but i didn't want say that all polish guy are like this, and all Filipinos are taking care of family etc. I just noticed that even when Filipino doesn't want to be with woman, he will take care of baby, most of cases is like this. But for example they can learn from Polish guys how to be more confident for example at work or how to be more relax if somebody make joke about them, because they are sometimes so serious, and Polish guys are more relax in this case, have more sense of humor :)
SingleFemale  2 | 55  
25 Jan 2014 /  #43
But for example they can learn from Polish guys how to be more confident for example at work or how to be more relax if somebody make joke about them, because they are sometimes so serious, and Polish guys are more relax in this case, have more sense of humor :)

Filipinos in general have a very good sense of humor, even in the face of adversity. You probably met the serious but rare types....
Snowflake  - | 71  
25 Jan 2014 /  #44
There are a- - - - - -s and j- - - s from the world over, unfortunately. They abound everywhere, whether it be in the Philippines, Poland or UK. But yes, Filipinos as a whole are a very nice and friendly people.

It was very long time ago. Ancient history.
But something must be in fact that Polish and Filipinos are attracted to each other. I like theirs specific sense of humor.
I'm looking for someone who want do some (Polish) or English-Tagalog language exchange on skype with me. My skype is " Kocio Psocio" . Don't hesitate to write.
SingleFemale  2 | 55  
26 Jan 2014 /  #45
But something must be in fact that Polish and Filipinos are attracted to each other. I like theirs specific sense of humor.

Then it must be a good combination then, Polish and Filipinos(notwithstanding their cultural differences). But then it takes two to tango, i.e., it takes 2 people to make a relationship work, not just the attraction or the sense of humor.

A Polish man I know had a dry, warped and twisted sense of humor that at one point I was so annoyed with him and ready to give him a slap if he hadn't told me immediately he was joking. He had the sense to tell me later on that it's not the standard Polish sense of humor; it's just Him having that dry sense of humor. You just couldn't tell whether he was joking or not. So there.
Snowflake  - | 71  
26 Jan 2014 /  #46
Face is only a face, but it matters what is behind it.
19 Mar 2014 /  #47
Hi i am filipino guy . And i have a girlfriend polish girl too . We are 1year in a relationship now .and i want to share this .because filipino are very sweet and respectfull . I went to their place to meet her parents and now she planning to go here in the philippines to meet my parents. Please give me advise .is this is the right time to ask her about marrying? How do u survive for a long time relation?thnx
3 May 2014 /  #48
looking for filipino married to polish

I met my Polish Husband through internet site and we've been Married 8 yrs, we survived with long tern relationship before we got Married.. Go for it kabayan.. Im from Crakow taga saan ang Girlfriend mo?
another filipin  
3 Nov 2014 /  #49
I am new to this dating scene, i never dated a polish girl before. Any tips? I am also a filipina :)

Snowflake  - | 71  
4 Nov 2014 /  #50
Nope, just be honest and good luck!
30 Jan 2015 /  #51
Can you give me some tip if what kind of documents we should bring in poland because my polish boyfriend an i are planning to be married this up coming months.pls help us!
Crow  154 | 9556  
30 Jan 2015 /  #52
Filipino guy with a Polish girl..

go tell it to her father
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
1 Feb 2015 /  #53
Is there any other Filipino-Polish couple out there?

I know dozens of Filipino Polish couples, but usually is Filipina Girl and Polish guy.

(Maybe the more introspective nature of many polish males are attractive to them).
magandang babae  
18 Jul 2015 /  #54

lovevboat, there are some polish girls with Pinoy boyfriend :)
In the beginning I was little afraid because of all the stereotypes people and society put in our heads, i also never dated an Asian.

After few dates i could only laugh about my fears. I was never treated like this, not even by my polish boyfriends (usually people say they are gentleman and blah blah) My men is sweet and caring but he is not weak and depending.

And just a short comment on he size, in the first place it is how u use it, and the 2nd i mean stereotypes are not true....

i'm v happy to share,
20 Jan 2016 /  #55
hi. Im a filipina and i have a polish boyfriend. We met thru facebook, and im glad i met him His the sweetest, His the nice guy i met online a respectful god fearing man. Soon he will coming here in the phillipines to visit me. Im so glad to find this site to read and share about filipino/polish couple. =) Thank you.
28 Apr 2016 /  #56
Dzein dobry :)

I met a Polish girl on twitter she's 14 and I'm 18.
It's a great to know her.She taught me how to speak Polish,I taught her Filipino :) :D I admit it so hard to speak Polish but I'm trying to do my very best.. I'm practicng reading Polish surnames etc.hehehe

She is so kind,beautiful,clever,thoughtful etc.

And we're building a better FRIENDSHIP and beyond ....

Kocham cie--Polska <3
5 Jul 2017 /  #57
Hello! I bit old topic but I thought I would contribute as I enjoyed reading everyone's story above.
I also date a Filipino guy, I am Polish girl myself. We both live in the UK. TBH when we first met I'd have never imagined we would end up like that( we met online as well). We've been together nearly 7 months now, and I feel like we are getting stronger every day. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had, hands down. He's very caring, charming, intelligent. I've been always quite independent girl myself, but as everyone mentioned, they do take it as a priority to provide for the family/in a relationship, but guys please by careful who you chose to provide for! His Ex gf was using him for flat/money for the whole duration of the relationship, she has never contributed anything and then cheated on him toward the end of the relationship. Ruined his contacts with his family as well. He has got some trust issues because of that but we're working on that together.

I feel like we have a good balance of cultural exchange, both of us are very open about learning about each other cultures. He loves polish food, and I've known before how to cook some Filipino dishes as my precious bf was also Asian-but not Filipino. We both enjoy cooking, and trying new things lol

I've met his family pretty quickly ( I guess it's just a Filipino thing ? I think they are pretty close with their moms), and everyone is really lovely and accepting,we visit them regularly every week.
nothanks  - | 626  
6 Jul 2017 /  #59
we visit them regularly every week.

How do Filipinos manage to import their entire families to foreign continents? Was he in the British military (common story in the USA)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2017 /  #60
Madziaks15, glad to hear that you've found true love with him!

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