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Filipina married a Polish man, need more advice

meagan  - | 18  
23 Oct 2010 /  #61

This was her original post:

hello to all filipina who are married with polish man can u please tell how or any idea how polish men treat their wives? how are they being a husband and father.. need advice please as my fiancee asked me many times when are we getting married.. thank you guys

And her next story was she found out that the Polish bf is a married man and with kids.

Upon discovering he's a married man,she is still wishing and hoping that the man will

divorce his wife so he could marry her.what a hell of thinking was that!.How could she manage

to destroy one's family!Supposed to be when she's in a right thinking she will just accept the

fact that she was once's fooled by a married man.Not in this forum seeking an advice and

won't belive on other's advice at the end.Look at what u have said to her earlier,

she puts an alibi showing she is still right.Will you still waste your time giving the best

opinion to a damn personality like her!?She has no mercy,she wants to rub other's husband.

If she really love him,she should let him stay hapilly with his Beautiful Polish wife and Cute

kids.For when his bf is happy she is happy too.and for DEEPLY_INLUV:

you should stop ruining the Polish man now that you discovered he has

family and not went into divorce.

Please dont break a family!
OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
23 Oct 2010 /  #62
Hi Meagan. thank you for your message. My goodness if i know he is still married i would not continue this relationship with him and just ignore him. It is not in my nature to push myself to someone it is him who wont stop contacting me. So may times i kick him out of my parents house to leave me alone but he wont.. ALL I KNOW NOW IS HE IS DIVORCED AND NO WE ARE NOT MARRIED YET... NOT INTO GETTIN MARRIED YET.. LATER IT WILL HAPPEN ONCE HE IS DONE IN HIS SCHOOL. I know i am not fantasizing it is real Meagan...he was with me for 4 months 24hours a day he just have to come back for work and his study. And it does not matter what origin we came from coz this can happen to any race and maybe even worse. And no he did not fall in love with me because i spread my legs for him he is very respectful to me and i am not what you think. I behave well enough just my destiny that i fall inlove with this man. I am strong enough to face the whole thing even if he and i will not be togetehr in the future. Meagan I will let you know in the future how is everything if u are still interested... (smile)..
meagan  - | 18  
23 Oct 2010 /  #63
AHAHA you are so funny my dear!!!you are seeking for a help here in this forum.

Now that people share their best of opinions you doesn't care.So stop in this forum.

You're being laugh at here.You said in your original post the Polish man is asking you many times

to marry.That's what you are looking for ,marriage ,right?Then why not go for it!!

Then you said,He showed you a copy of his divorce paper but u have the idea of

it's genuineness.It's you who are saying it might be a fake one,if it's real or not.

It's you who are saying you have a doubt if he was saying the truth or not.

So in other words you dunno what is the real truth.

Now u have another story,you are saying you will get into marriage after his studies.

AHAHAHA...you know you are posting a TRUE LIEs STORY here.You are saying he was offering you marriage many times,then another story...he will study first.So His marriage proposal

is after his studies?When will he finish,will it be next year or after 5yrs.!!!!..............
all you know he is divorced.You dont have a proof that he's divorced.If he is divorced
why wont he not invite you to POland and live with him so you could stay together
as husband and wife.But i know for sure,he is not for you.....He has his own family
and you're just a mistress as i've read from other people who answered you.And again,
repeat it to you:you know already the answer to your question.Dont be so deaf to hear
the previous people who shares their best of ideas for you.You make an unending alibi.
You are blind to truth.ATOSHA"S message is LOUD AND CLEAR but you still can't get it.
You dont even accept that you're just only fantasizing!!!Not so easy to get into
divorced in POland.The man can't even afford it as you have said he is still leaving with his
spouse and kids due to money problem.How much more in applying for a divorce.Not
so easy in POland my dear,if you have much money maybe it is easier and faster.No enough
money,it will take time...it takes many,many years.It's not like america than you can do
divorce in a twinling of an eye.Poland values marriage a lot.

You are funny!!that's not love.It's aggressiveness!it's hallucination!!Selfishness.

When he came to see you 4months,it was the time you got pregnant.After meeting him on a dating website,then came then you widely open your legs.Isn't not that you widely open your legs.If you didnt, supposed to be you are not in this forum telling to people.

you are preggy.Is that how you say you behave well.If you behave well you didnt open up your legs to a stranger.

I do believe on the previous answers here that LIE story you are saying here wont go far.
You're just waiting for nothing.He is studying you say?many beautiful girls in the university near him why wont he waste his time going to see you there.....he's done with you.

personal comment removed
OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
23 Oct 2010 /  #64
Hi again Meagan, ok as you wish I will stop right here sorry but you sounds so angry. I wont say anything anymore. thank you Meagan.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Oct 2010 /  #65
Ignore her..both Atosha and Megan are probably the same person! Both new to the forum and just wanted to drag you down.

You take care of yourself and that baby growing inside of you, what will be will be.

meagan  - | 18  
24 Oct 2010 /  #66

I am not like DEeply-inluv who's a destroyer of a family man.She was just thinking of herself,

not thinking of the welfare of the family who wil be going to suffer in the long run.

About Atosha,she's with DEeply-inluv experience before that's why she was making it

as an example for her,advising her to move on ,but Deeply-inluv answer was negative,doesn't

bother to take Atosha's example.... so why does she needs to post up here when she's not

considering other people's real experience and besides it is a very good example to heed.She

insist of what she knows is right!!! and for me,same with Atosha's side of saying just move on,

dont bother to wait for the married man in POland coz he got a family....so let him stay with

his wife and children.How could a man being divorced when he is still leaving with his wife and children.....the reason a man divorces his wife is for him to freely leave his wife and do

whatever he wants....including of going to his new gf/wife!?I bet the Filipina was lying.

Yeah I am new in this forum.What's the difference between old and new member

in this forum?



Yes that's good don't say anything anymore 'coz the more you talk the more

you lie.I know lots of Polish nice guys in New York and they're really good,and Filipino

nurses too.Polish and Filipinos have similar values when it comes to family.In Poland,

they value marriage very much,and same in your country i bet, right??So please

stop arguing to people here that the polish man loves you very much,if he loves you

very much why he didnt say he is a married man when he went there in Philippines to

see you.Now that you are pregnant ,why does he not come to be with you.

Checking well on your stories,u 1st met 2009 and he is still married.then got pregnant now,

then you were saying he is divorced already.Whew!!! applying for a divorce

in Poland takes only a few months.??.That is impossible.Poland is Poland,it's not like

America.Divorce in Poland takes years not months.........

In your 1st post(2009),you said he was telling you many times to marry when you're not yet

pregnant at that time.Now that you're pregnant(2010),you're saying you will both marry but

after his studies.Whew!!Confusing!if you are telling the truth why wouldn't you say yes

to his marriage proposal before when you were not yet pregnant at that time So you don't

need to wait after finishing his studies.

I know and I believe He is a married man and won't leave his family in exchange to a mistress

like you.Hope that is clear............give birth and be a single mother while waiting for

the right person for you........But not to a married man again,okey.COZ I HATE A GIRL

OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
24 Oct 2010 /  #67
Thank you Amthyst, God knows that I am not lying what I share in this furom I just want to share my story and want to hear other people opinion and advices whatever it is, maybe it is just mis communication I apologize for that, but its ok and it does not mean that I will stop being a member on this website because someone told me to stop posting here. I like PolishFurom! Yes Amthyst you are right WHATEVER WILL BE WILL BE. BE HAPPY AND FOLLOW WHAT YOUR HEART SAY.. LIKE WHAT my bf told me last night that time will tell! Thank you guys!
meagan  - | 18  
24 Oct 2010 /  #68
let the polish married man to answer your post in this forum and we will see how

he reacts to your messages here.FOLLOW WHAT YOUR HEART SAY ...even in the wrong way!!!

You are totally a different filipina....a hard headed filipina.Aspiring other's property!!

If you're satisfied with the man telling you,then why r u in this forum seeking for an advice.

It shows ,you are ruined and confuesed with the fmaily man that's why u r here.
OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
24 Oct 2010 /  #69
Hi Meagan, they dont live in Poland for a long time already and my bf is been coming back to be with me not just once or twice in one year... and it was my choice not to get married yet whats the hurry? and yes i am different from other women as i follow my heart and choose to be with someone whom i love than being with someone becuase of money, and have the luxury in life..thats does not make me happy! He knows what am posting here ask me to stop but hmm this website is very interesting hearing other people opinion about life, so common dont take it seriously its me who is in this sitaution. And thank you for sharing your part! Actually he is more excited to see our first baby and his son wants to have baby boy brother. Yes polish guy values so much with their family but too bad his ex-wife only concentrate her life with herself and the kids and just want him to work and to support for the family. she forgot that husband needs her attention, respect, care and love from the wife. Intimacy, respect is very important in a the marriage and if couples are lack of that marriage wont last. Needs two to Tango!
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
24 Oct 2010 /  #70
He knows what am posting here ask me to stop

How would he feel if he visits here and reads all this?
OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
24 Oct 2010 /  #71
he will be sad and angry, i think coz i dont listen to him.
meagan  - | 18  
24 Oct 2010 /  #73
* meagan
* xyla


He will be angry of course coz this filipina

doesn't keep her situation...she is posting here scattering news about her,her pregnancy

the polish man,the wife and about the kids.

YOu a woman form leyte?is not aftering money? A freind told me about you gys there,

you can't eat 3 times a day having a good meal.The reaons why you are on the

dating site was to find a foriegn man to get you out of your place.OH my,in your previous

post,you say he just came 4months last 2009....then now u r saying he goes there

to see you twice a year!!!

A good filipina nurse here say,a filipina who got pregnant without a husband is a shame

to the community.You want the polish guy to marry you ,now u r saying you're not in a hurry!!

O common girl!!!!Then you say they're not living in Poland for a long time now.If he is divorced

why he is still leaving to his fmaily specifically to his wife.What a LIE.

Send me a copy of the divorced papaer and i will check it by myself and i will

tell you it is a fake one...give me the number of the polish man and i will call him to tell

him you are gossipping about him....as i know u r a gossiper.

Remember you're just a mistress! You're not the answer to Him,you're just making

his family more misserable.

You are posting something rude about the wife,you'r enot sure of what u r saying.

if the man says that,you dunno if it's true or not;or u r making your own story.I'm quite

sure ,you are acting to be symphatized by other people in this forum.

And don't use the name of God in swearing.It is easy to say the name of God in swearing

if you are used to.

Polish are not gossipers,what a pity on his part,he finds someone who gossips everything.
OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
24 Oct 2010 /  #74
hi meagan, why are you so angry about it? my family does not depend on him. its just happen that i fall inlove with this person coz he is such a charming good looking gentleman. Guys Polish are nice people! What ever race we came from we have different situation in our life. Just cool off dont be so angry about it. I will let you know in the future what happen. Do not compare someone in what race he/she came from. Every is different and unique (smile)! coming to England soon to meet his ex wife and family! ( '_' ) i guess tha feeling of being inlove in their relationship fades! Thanks again Meagan for the responce nice name by the way!
meagan  - | 18  
24 Oct 2010 /  #75
I'm so mad about you 'coz you are pushing yourself to a married man!!!

That's how you were taught by your mother?Why wont you not give his England

Number or Poland Number,,,,gonna hear his side and know the real truth.LIAR!!!!
shewolf  5 | 1077  
24 Oct 2010 /  #76
Yes polish guy values so much with their family but too bad his ex-wife only concentrate her life with herself and the kids and just want him to work and to support for the family. she forgot that husband needs her attention, respect, care and love from the wife. Intimacy, respect is very important in a the marriage and if couples are lack of that marriage wont last. Needs two to Tango!

deeply_inluv, I hate to tell you this, but it's very common in the U.S. for a 45 year old man who has been married to the same woman for awhile to say these things. The truth is that they're just bored and they want a new woman. They act like a victim to convince the other woman (you) that it's okay. A man will usually look for someone who lives in his city. If he looked for someone overseas it's because it's easier to hide you that way.

His story about having to stay with his wife even though they're divorced can't be true. The government gives money to women who need it so that they can pay their bills and buy food, especially if they have children. That's why women come here to have kids.

If he had really told his wife about you, she would have left him and maybe taken him to court and sued him because that's what women do in the U.S.

I don't know your situation but it sounds like he is using you. The things he says are fake and manipulation and the reason you believe him is because he's very good at it.

But now you're going to have his child so he needs to pay you some money after it's born, to support it.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Oct 2010 /  #77
His story about having to stay with his wife even though they're divorced can't be true. The government gives money to women who need it so that they can pay their bills and buy food, especially if they have children. That's why women come here to have kids.

This happens in the UK, but I knew a couple that lived together for a year after their divorce, simple because of financial reasons - large mortage and kids to support.

If he had really told his wife about you, she would have left him and maybe taken him to court and sued him because that's what women do in the U.S.

But they're not in the UK, they're in England and they're not American, different culture.

but it's very common in the U.S. for a 45 year old man who has been married to the same woman for awhile to say these things.

True, its the same all over the world, its called a mid life crisis.

A man will usually look for someone who lives in his city. If he looked for someone overseas it's because it's easier to hide you that way.

The Philippines is a bit far to go for a bit of slap and tickle though, wouldnt you agree? Unless this guy is quite wealthy and can afford to do it and judging by the OPs comments, he doesnt fall in that category..

Yeah I am new in this forum.What's the difference between old and new member

Coming on here and ripping in to a member who has been here for a while isnt good manners.

Yes Amthyst you are right WHATEVER WILL BE WILL BE. BE HAPPY AND FOLLOW WHAT YOUR HEART SAY.. LIKE WHAT my bf told me last night that time will tell!

I do hope for your sake he is telling the truth, but as you say, time will tell.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 Oct 2010 /  #78
"my Polish bf lie to me, he told me that he was divorced and no kids but turns up he has kids and wife and living in the same house and not divorce."

Cut him some slack. He honestly forgot he was married and had kids. That's because when he is with you - nothing else matters.

This condition affects many men who leave their homes for extended periods of time. It's normal.
Don't worry about it because when he is with his wife and kids then he forgets about you too.
See? It's a wash.

Oh this condition is called; Romantis Hornymantis. There is no cure.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
25 Oct 2010 /  #79
But they're not in the UK, they're in England and they're not American, different culture.

She originally said he lived in the US.

The Philippines is a bit far to go for a bit of slap and tickle though, wouldnt you agree?

And yet a lot of people do it, the email, instant message, and phone dating while they go on with their lives at home.
OP deeply_inluv  1 | 28  
25 Oct 2010 /  #80
Hi Guys, just want to say thank you for everything for your advice and opinion really appreciate, To Meagan thanks a lot, please don't take it too seriously. About him supporting me i don't care about it I can work to support the child. Will see you guys next time, its time for me to go back to my parents soon coz they don't want me to work anymore will have to take good care of my pregnancy so will be going home to my parents they want me to stay with them as I live by myself. Am just lucky to have a parents like them and being the only girl in the family is the big plus. (smile) I do really feel my parents support and love. will see you sometimes here again. Take care everybody!
Atosha  3 | 42  
25 Oct 2010 /  #81
Atosha and Megan are probably the same person! Both new to the forum and just wanted to drag you down

I don't know who Megan is but I am real and I live in England, and as for dragging deeply_inluv down she done that to herself.

It is not in my nature to push myself to someone it is him who wont stop contacting me. So may times i kick him out of my parents house to leave me alone but he wont

It is in your nature cause you are trying to do that by getting pregnant to trap him. Also you said he stays with for 24hours a day for 4 months straight how is that possible!!!!

its time for me to go back to my parents soon coz they don't want me to work anymore will have to take good care of my pregnancy so will be going home to my parents they want me to stay with them as I live by myself.

So why does he stay at your parents house when he visits? are you ashamed of where you live? and why is he not with you whilst you are pregnant and soon ready to give birth to his child so you say?

Actually he is more excited to see our first baby and his son wants to have baby boy brother. Yes polish guy values so much with their family but too bad his ex-wife only concentrate her life with herself and the kids and just want him to work and to support for the family. she forgot that husband needs her attention, respect, care and love from the wife. Intimacy, respect is very important in a the marriage and if couples are lack of that marriage wont last. Needs two to Tango!

Who told you this? Is this a dream your having or you listening to his crap again.

But they're not in the UK, they're in England

Ha ha are you having a laugh the UK stands for United Kingdom and England is one of the country's there. I Live in England, where abouts does your so called boyfriend live? perhaps I can go and look for him and let his wife know that you said hello.

Don't let him get away with telling you lies ect, make him pay for you to come here to England and then you will find that he makes the most excuses for you to stay where you are. When is your baby due? I hope he is there to support you but you and I both know he will not.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
26 Oct 2010 /  #82
She said he lives in the US...

I am engaged with a Polish man but he lives in the US.

She explained that he lied and said he was single and then later admitted he was married but he showed her a divorce paper. If she's guilty of anything it's for believing him. She doesn't need to be talked down to.
Atosha  3 | 42  
26 Oct 2010 /  #83
She doesn't need to be talked down to

If she cannot take constructive feedback then she shouldn't have posted the whole of her private business.
Softsong  5 | 492  
26 Oct 2010 /  #84
Point is that she did not know he was married when she fell in love with this man. So, she is not guilty of doing what you, Meagan say she has done. She became involved with him and then found out he was married with a family. Now he says he divorced and wants to marry her. It seems she wants to believe him, but knows it may not work out the way he says, or they way she hopes.

She wanted some advice to see if anyone had something encouraging or some warning. Posters who have advised her that he is stringing her along are probably correct. Time will tell...but OP seems like a sweet person, so I hope people stop being so mean spirited to her. Just my two cents.
Atosha  3 | 42  
27 Oct 2010 /  #85
my Polish bf lie to me, he told me that he was divorced and no kids but turns up he has kids and wife and living in the same house and not divorce. Does he has any reason to lie to me because I told him that I prefer to meet someone with no kids? Please advice

wait a minute you wrote this Oct 11, 10, 16:41 but on Dec 2, 09, 14:06, 10 months earlier on a thread called How will i explain to him I'm not ready to marry him. you wrote:

we will get married but not this time. i know in my heart that he is the one i want to marry but i just want to spend more time so u know in the future if the real colors will come out no regrets and will not cost him money for the divorce.... hehehehe

Lies you knew he was married and not divorced, he never lied to you.

You should be ashamed of yourself lying about your situation, you knew he was married from day one. So from December 2009 till October 2010 you were laughing saying if the real colors come out no regrets and will not cost him money for the divorce. You are a skank looking for people to feel sorry for you and this proves you got pregnant on purpose. All you are doing is looking for people to feel sorry for you and some nice woman on here that may have felt sorry for your situation is probably the mans wife. SHAME ON YOU.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
27 Oct 2010 /  #86
Lies you knew he was married and not divorced, he never lied to you.

You should read what she said again. She meant she wanted to know him better before marrying him or else there would be a divorce between them if things didn't work out and it would cost money. She wasn't talking about the divorce with his wife.
meagan  - | 18  
27 Oct 2010 /  #87
she is not guilty of doing what you,

She still likes the man after finding the real thruth that he's not really divorced.She feels
she'll be a perfect wife for the polish family man.

Yes polish guy values so much with their family but too bad his ex-wife only concentrate her life with herself and the kids and just want him to work and to support for the family. she forgot that husband needs her attention, respect, care and love from the wife. Intimacy, respect is very important in a the marriage and if couples are lack of that marriage wont last. Needs two to Tango!



This was Her decision after knowing the man was married.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
28 Oct 2010 /  #88
This was Her decision after knowing the man was married.

Do you mean the part where she said ex-wife?

This conversation will never go anywhere. deeply_inluv has already left.
meagan  - | 18  
28 Oct 2010 /  #89
Do you mean the part where she said ex-wife?

Scroll it up again and check,both were posted on October 24.
MountainMan777  - | 9  
3 Nov 2010 /  #90
Lot of Filipina ladies are desperate to marry a American or European guy for a greencard. You said you had a relationship with a married guy. That is adultery.. I know many Filipinas are Catholics.. Does that bother you at all? I think it is healthy advice to avoid marrying a man with such low morals as this. If he was having an affair with you, what makes you think he won't do the same after you marry him? And what inspires you to be with such a deceptive and dishonest person?

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