There are a lot of slappers around. Did you know that when a chartered plane from certain parts of Norther Europe which shall remain nameless arrives in the south (Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc) 40% of the women will have slep with the locals in less than 24 hours! True.
Not exactly.This is not true.People who travel to these destinations are boys and girls who want to get laid,drink and have fun in hot weather.Girls and boys travel for the same reason and boys pick up the girls who arrive.Locals have less chances.They mostly get girls who come and like to stay and work there.
Machine code gets you the girl. The problem is that will not make either you or her fall in love with the other... For that the only solution I know is to first only approach the women you think you could fall for (otherwise is all a very umpleasant business some time later), and hope she falls for you. This is the bit you cannot control. Thus the need for some traffic to produce a certain number that you could fall for AND that will fall for you. A numbers game...
Oh nothing really, I've been replaying the couple of opportunities I've had to speak with her and they didn't come across as very natural. Its okay, I understand that it will be difficult at first but as I make conversation with more girls it will be better.
On the point for her rating that we discussed yesterday, I would probably bump it up to an 8 now. There was an oldish man flirting with her today in work.She seemed to enjoy the attention. It pissed me off no end but its a valuable lesson I guess.
What about first impressions? If you feel the first meeting didn't go down well is there still hope?
Not every relationship starts out as love at first sight. I was reading about a married couple yesterday and the woman said she didn't even like him at first.
There are a lot of people who are married who weren't attracted to each other at first. But it definitely isn't easy to make someone like you if they really don't.
Ha, the old bloke at work. It depends on who he is of course. The age difference on the other hand is not as big an obstacle as it seems with the right guy (as we discussed earlier).
What I recommend you do is invite her out to go somewhere with you away from your colleagues so you can have a bit more space to operate.
If you blow it, then there is no harm done and your mind will be at rest. The worst thing in my opinion is having the girl there the whole time being hit by other guys and you thinking that perhaps you should make your move... that will give you a heart attack.
I suppose that making the move and watching the result is ultimately more rewarding even if you fail. You get a bit of practice.
But it definitely isn't easy to make someone like you if they really don't
Thats something I'm beginning to understand. In the past I would maybe try too hard to make someone like me. It doesn't work like that. I'm looking more to the future now instead of worrying about what has gone before.
You can even tell her you were jealous by watching the old guy flirting with her because you wanted to do the same thing! Now to say that to a woman while looking at her in the eyes without blinking with a very big smile from a close distance is MACHINE CODE.
She might respond in the same way if you do the same thing.
Mmmm, maybe. I have noticed something which I can work on. I do come across to other people, not just girls, as quite serious. I have been told I don't smile enough (I'm a bit self concious of my teeth, there okay but not great!) The old man is a friend, I don't think he was playing for something, just creating a nice, jovial, light atmosphere.
Your right, I'm focusing too much on what she may not like about me. I should be concentrating on my many good qualities. Old habits die hard I'm afriad.
Ken, she will metaphorically see you coming from a mile away. If you are interested in her there is no point hiding it after the first encounters, because she will already know. Better to be totally brutally honest about what you want from her and never try to hide or apologize for your carnal intentions. You will be surprised how many times the woman admires a direct approach and you can walk away with a positive outcome. She will think you have balls, which is more than most men in that situation will have. That is why my previous suggestion might be ok.
Thanks Lobo, Theres alot I must mull over. Heading out now with a few friends. Its an opportunity to put a few things into action we discussed before, like starting conversations with girls I don't have interest in. Its tricky with my mates, I think I need new ones to be honest. All there are interested in is playing poker and getting very badly drunk. Its an all male preserve. Not too many opportunities there. I guess I need them as a kind of safety blanket, I couldn't walk into a bar on my own, not knowing anyone. I would quickly move to the corner and try to blend in with the wallpaper!
A bar on a Saturday night is not a propiscious place to succeed. Girls with all their deffences at maximum strenght and an enormous amount of competition... a Tuesday at luchtime will get you the girl.
Just ask her, what the worst that could happen, only two answers yes or no.
Normally this would be correct. The only problem is that the answer is not pre-determined. Getting a yes or a no will depend entirely on how he asks... that is the snag!
Shopgirl, if you go back a few pages it is all explained. If you have any further queries please feel free to ask.
What does this mean "machine code"?
Sorry, just in case you really are not a computer girl, Machine Code is a very basic language used by experts to really program the basic parts of a computer directly. It is quite difficult to learn and very non-intuitive (unlike a high level language which is easy - Visual Basic) but because it is actually controlling the machine directly can be very efficient.
So, in the example of the joke about the old man, looking in the eyes, close proximity, you are talking directly to her animal program, her inner subconsciousness which at that precise time is evaluating you as a potential sexual partner (irrespective of what the conversation is about). That is why I called it Machine Code.
So Ken, from your comment I gather you didn't score...
Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her