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Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her

sparrow  2 | 243  
5 May 2007 /  #151
Quoting: sparrow

Why so?

Were they lovers or just best friends?
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
5 May 2007 /  #152
some of it is totally way off the mark

Can you give us some examples please, it would be great to get a different perspective on the situation.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #153
Were they lovers or just best friends

Well they,ve been engaged for 14 years!

someone always is in control

A relationship should be 50/50.I beg to differ with you Witek controlling relationships never really work in my humble opinion!
5 May 2007 /  #154
I found polish women weak and feminine.However they are strong in many situations and can lead.
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
5 May 2007 /  #155
its confidence that wins a woman over more so than looks.

This is something that would make me feel very positive about the future. In the past I have dug myself into a hole by convincing myself that everyone else is best looking than me and its just tough luck mate, your destined for a life of being alone.

Charm and confidence are things that can be improved upon and it has given me hope that with a lot of hard work and perserverance something good can happen.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #156
It is no surprise the jerks get all the hot women

a lot of girls like to sleep with their men friends

Chicks are totally unreliable.

they cry and blame all men.

In any case it is unwise to only play with one deck...

not difficult to bed…

All complete and utter nonense!

Im reckoning your confidence needs to be worked on first , be friendly, be polite dont come on too strong. Try look at it as just making a friend rather than a relationship. Nothing is beyond your reach.Worst thing you can do is put her on a pedastal. And remember that looks are not everything to a woman.

I found polish women weak and feminine.However they are strong in many situations and can lead.

You just completely contradicted yourself here!!!!!!!
sparrow  2 | 243  
5 May 2007 /  #157
its confidence that wins a woman over more so than looks. A man thet can make a woman laugh and keep a conversation interesting oozes charm which works wonders

A good looking man will make her laugh anyway because the girl will laugh & enjoy 'em whatever he say since she's got a "nice catch"
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #158

ok so now yor tellin me if a gorgeous looking fella walked up to me and started talking about dead fish for example i,d be interested and enjoy the conversation just cos he,s good looking. Pllllleeeeeeeeze dont make me throw up laughing!!!!!!!!!!
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
5 May 2007 /  #159
Thanks angel eyes, yes I see what you mean now. Alot of nonsense there, but a few pearls of wisdom have been thrown in along the way, I suppose its a matter of being selective and not taking everything as red.

Yes, I'm going to work on the confidence side of things first. One stage at a time.
Looks aren't everything to me either which I'm proud of. I'm not interested in having the most beautiful girlfriend, as long as we're happy with each other what more could you ask for. I see so many men with their 'trophy girlfriends' and I think to myself that is just silly.
5 May 2007 /  #160
I mean is some areas polish girls are weak and in some others strong.
Generally they are a lot more feminine than british girls for example although less than russian girls.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #161
'trophy girlfriends'

Exactly what good is a good looking woman if she,s the biggest b##ch you ever met. A kind heart, good personality is whats most important and i wish you the very best of luck. :)

polish girls

russian girls.

You must have gotten around a lot you seem to( think) you know women from all nationalities!:)
5 May 2007 /  #162
I started with mediteranean,moved to western,then czech,polish and now to ukrainian,russian.So I make some comparisons.
5 May 2007 /  #163
You must have gotten around a lot you seem to( think) you know women from all nationalities!:)

to say the least.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #164
he doesn,t seem to be able to hold on to a woman for very long and then he comes on this thread TRYING to give ADVICE omg ha ha!!!!!!!
sparrow  2 | 243  
5 May 2007 /  #165
ok so now yor tellin me if a gorgeous looking fella walked up to me and started talking about dead fish for example i,d be interested and enjoy the conversation just cos he,s good looking. Pllllleeeeeeeeze dont make me throw up laughing!!!!!!!!!!

Well dead fish might be a bit extreme..but basically yeah.. that's how girls are around here
Maybe I should move to England :)
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #166
Maybe I should move to England :)

maybe you should my friend cos where ever you are at the moment ,it,s not giving you a healthy opinion of women:)!!!
5 May 2007 /  #167
he doesn,t seem to be able to hold on to a woman for very long and then he comes on this thread TRYING to give ADVICE omg ha ha!!!!!!!

well, I have noticed that a long time ago, but he just would not STOP:)

Well dead fish might be a bit extreme..but basically yeah.. that's how girls are around here

sounds like you are jaded and regardless of moving or staying you will get the same results: null

I am just guessing that there has to be a change made on the inside and you can put this advice together with discarded poetry books.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
5 May 2007 /  #168
change made on the inside

I agree ,maybe if he started listening to women instead of judging them he might get somewhere:)
5 May 2007 /  #169
women are human beings too;)
sparrow  2 | 243  
5 May 2007 /  #170
I am just guessing that there has to be a change made on the inside and you can put this advice together with discarded poetry books.

I actually listen what you said & your advice, no need to assume I don't appreciate it :)

I agree ,maybe if he started listening to women instead of judging them he might get somewhere:)

I can't listen to them if they won't talk ... And I don't judge them at all. I'd go out with absolutely anyone no matter what they look like.
5 May 2007 /  #171
A lot of wisdom from the girls here.
Yes the story of the older guy with the younger woman is the perfect example of how the right self confident personality with a great sense of humour wins the day. I can testify to having seen this many times.

Ken, the fact that you are quite interested in this girl also gives you an edge. After all you are more motivated. Just keep it light.

But ultimately, it is unlikely that this is the girl that you will marry...(it can happen of course).
So my advice is to join some activity where you can meet lots of females and this will provide you with the basic traffic required in order to start using your approach (what ever that will be) and get you a girlfriend.

And for that I don't mean hobbies with a lot of men.
I mean something like dancing, drama, etc you get my drift?

That way you kill two birds with one stone. You get the confidence and the girls all in the same place!
5 May 2007 /  #172
I do not give advice how to keep women but how to approach them.
5 May 2007 /  #173
And finally, if I am allowed, of all the activities that I can think of nothing beats dancing (Tango, Salsa, CeRoc, etc). This is because not only do you meet the girls but you also have a legitimate reason to ask them to come closer to you and talk to them. Also when eventually (after many months and perhaps years) you become a good dancer, that by itself can be so sexy to a woman that half the work is already done even before you open your mouth! I have had girls you have asked me in front of their boyfriends if I would take them home... because I am a good guy I will always decline such a suggetion but it just shows the power of the thing. People here are not operating at a rational level, it is all pretty basic instinct and that is the level that you need to operate at if you ever want to be successful with women...

In other words forget the Visual Basic and go straight to the machine code
5 May 2007 /  #174
Yes basic instinct,body language,tone of voice,eye contact is the most important.Not so much what you say but how you say it.

I am jeakous of people who can dance well.Polish girls are phantastic dancers,they move during hip-hop beat like dancers from the MTV.Among european countries only in Poland girls dance like that.
5 May 2007 /  #175
try dances which are LED!
This means where the man is the leader and the woman the follower (Tango, Salsa, etc). This makes the follower follow the leader for the whole dance and gives the follower (in the hands of a good leader) an amazingly pleasurable experience which is extremely addictive!
5 May 2007 /  #176
I do not have good rhythm sense.Besides polish girls mostly dance hip-hop,rap and pop.
Maybe black people would have a good time.
5 May 2007 /  #177
I don't know if Polish women go particularly for black people, I haven't seen it happen. In any case when you become a good leader it is actually possible to have a good dance with a novice follower, who just turned up for the night...
5 May 2007 /  #178
I have seen british and norwegian girls going crazy with black people,in Poland I never saw anyone.I believe the advantage of black people lies in their dancing ability.They just dance and hit every girl on the dancefloor.
5 May 2007 /  #179
machine code again
5 May 2007 /  #180
If you see black people leading british girls to the bar toilet or kissing a girl while another girl touches their thigh,you might get crazy.Just animal,basic attraction does wonders.In Czech Republic also some girls like blacks.I think in Poland they might face problems with polish guys.The same in Russia and Ukraine.It is good to be white in these countries definitely.

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