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Fell in love with a Polish girl, but find it difficult to approach her

3 May 2007 /  #31
Unfortunate but true Southern, its either sink or swim I guess when It comes to some relationships.
3 May 2007 /  #32
AVJoeUK it seems you are not experienced with slavic girls.If you date more than one,you will see things in a different way.Beautiful girls get a lot of propositions all the time.And if the morals are weak many possible situations may arise.There is no reason in women as there is in men.They act driven by their feelings.Chick logic is impossible for us to understand and slavic girls are completely overwhelmed by emotions.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
3 May 2007 /  #33
slavic girls are completely overwhelmed by emotions

An your an expert on the subject????
3 May 2007 /  #34
I am not an expert.It just seems to me western girls have a thicker skin,they are not so emotional.
dourbest741  2 | 29  
3 May 2007 /  #35
I don't know how to respond to this either. My last romanian girlfriend was very offensive when telling other men to go away.....actually got them so mad they almost got physical with her.....and then she turns to me and says......"Ya....you are the man....you must do something." I mean loyal is good but dead loyal is bad. I've got to say though, ever since I 've dated this polish girl.....things haven't been too exciting then again my life hasn't been endangered either. ;) To each his own I guess.

angel eyes  1 | 131  
3 May 2007 /  #36
It just seems to me western girls have a thicker skin,they are not so emotional.

Thats like saying all brown dog,s bark the same.
C,mon now get a grip in all fairness how can you tell what a person is feeling. All women are not the same.Just like all men are,nt. Do you have a great knowledge of women from all over the world? Or are you basing your opinions on hear say?
sparrow  2 | 243  
3 May 2007 /  #37
Quoting: Ken Noddy
I have considered saying 'Jestes tak piekna' Is this a bit too much, too soon?

Get to know her first. It just doesn't sound believable since that's the first think you're gonna say to her. And that's a really obvious thing to say as well, come up with something more original if you want to impress or just use a few Polish bits to introduce yourself.

"Nazywam sie <your name>" stuff like that..

All in all talking Polish to her isn't the most important, just try to get to know her.
If you know her name, what kind of movies she like, what kinds of food & what she does in her free time then you know you're doing well :) Just don't make it sound like an S.A.T. for her !!! :-)
3 May 2007 /  #38
With polish girls you need to be very,very simple.No complicated at all.Smooth talking and she will take care for the rest.
Casimir  2 | 45  
3 May 2007 /  #39
Quoting: Ken Noddy
A very interesting point you raise here. Can a man be just good friends with a woman and want nothing more than friendship? Now, be honest fella's!

Yeah, I'd really like to hear more mens' opinions on this.

A lot of men are horny assh*les who are shallow as hell, but it is possible.
This is why leagues are established lol.

Go talk to her.

Ella es la nina que siempre busco.
3 May 2007 /  #40
And a lot of toughing.Polish girls always let you tough them.I like their skin.They have super legs.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
3 May 2007 /  #41
toughing or touching southern...?
3 May 2007 /  #42
Tough of course.Polish girls let you tough them everywhere even on beach when they are topless they may let you tough them even if they meet you for first time.They are like bombs with their beautiful boobs,legs,smile,green eyes,if you are among polish girls you feel overwhelmed,totally high sensations.

Sorry touch.Anyway you understand what I mean.
Casimir  2 | 45  
3 May 2007 /  #43
They are like bombs with their beautiful boobs,legs

Whoa, raunchy...I agree...
witek  1 | 587  
3 May 2007 /  #44
I know I must summon the courage to talk to her, I don't want this opportunity to slip by.

just flash some cash $$$, maybe pull up to work in a newer BMW to show off

Polish girls love $$$
3 May 2007 /  #45
Do not flash cash.Do not be a loser.Just kiss and touch.Polish girls like contact.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
3 May 2007 /  #46
just be yourself and you cant go far wrong:o)
3 May 2007 /  #47
If you are yourself you will screw up.Be like bold russian guys.
angel eyes  1 | 131  
3 May 2007 /  #48
If you are yourself you will screw up

Why pretend to be someone he,s not.?
Great confidence booster your givin the poor guy!!!!!!!!!
witek  1 | 587  
3 May 2007 /  #49
Do not flash cash.Do not be a loser

if you have cash to flash then you are probably smart and not a penniless loser
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 May 2007 /  #50
I'm nothing but a twisted, cynical fool.

Thanks for being so honest. It helps to know what men really think. Women can be friends with a man and have no romantic feelings whatsoever, especially if she grew up with brothers. The reason some women like to have male friends is because male friends don't treat them as bad as some women friends do. Female friends sometimes criticize or try to compete, even without realizing it. It's just a natural instinct, I guess. That whole thing does not exist with male friends.
witek  1 | 587  
4 May 2007 /  #51
friends sometimes criticize or try to compete, even without realizing it. It's just a natural instinct, I guess. That whole thing does not exist with male friends.

haven't you heard about the kok blocker?
sparrow  2 | 243  
4 May 2007 /  #52
Polish girls let you tough them everywhere even on beach when they are topless they may let you tough them even if they meet you for first time..

You must be the emperor of generalisation. You're not describing Polish girls here, just slappers. This has nothing to do with nationality.

Thanks for being so honest.

You can be wary but it's a bit presumptuous to assume automatically they're after more. I've had friendships with girls just because I was interested in the same things they were or the other way around.

As far as girls having friendships with guys..

"A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy. "
4 May 2007 /  #53
Yes,I describe slappers.Women are everywhere the same.In Europe,in Eastern europe,in Middle East and in Africa they are all the same.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
4 May 2007 /  #54
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink .......say no more Squire.....

I think we've found the person who this Python sketch was based upon
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
4 May 2007 /  #55
sod off you southern twat

My sentiments entirely.

There is always one rotten apple in a barrell.

You give men a bad name.
sparrow  2 | 243  
4 May 2007 /  #56
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink .......say no more Squire.....

Haha, I love that sketch, got them all on dvd! :D

I even have this marvellous t-shirt

Yes,I describe slappers.

Great, send me some contacts.

Good luck AvJoe, let us know how it goes :)
4 May 2007 /  #57
Big broad brushes, no individuality in those 20 million plus Polish girls, yeah right.

Not that I could (my Polish wife asked me out) but bite that bullet Ken and ask the girl out. Ya might feel s**t if the answer is wrong but ya won't die wondering.
Hueg  - | 319  
4 May 2007 /  #58
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink .......say no more Squire.....

If only he would go, eh know what I mean etc
OP Ken Noddy  2 | 161  
4 May 2007 /  #59
Love or lust?

There seems to be a bit of confusion between the two. Do we believe we're in love when in reality we are only lusting after someone. What is love? (That was a song back in the 90's wasn't it!) The phrase 'love at first sight' can't be true love. When you meet someone for the first time and there is an instant connection it feels like love but it's more a realisation that here is an opportunity for something special to occur. Surely love is something that is built up as a relationship progresses, as the bond deepens so to speak. How can you love someone if they don't love you back? There can be a great respect for that person and an understanding that they could be one of those special people in your lives but unless the feeling is reciprecated it isn't the real thing.
4 May 2007 /  #60
Here the subject is how it is better to approach a polish girl.
Not how you marry a polish girl.
Nor how you fall in love with a polish girl.
Not how you approach girls in general.
Not if there is friendsip between men and women.
What is the best way of approaching a polish girl?That is the question.
I gave the answer talk to her,kiss and touch her.This is superficial approach?
O.K. then talk to her about Kant,Hegel and the Constitution law.probably she is more interested in that.

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