lol shawn, you so f*cken funny, always joking around.
I think Michal is even more of a comedian than I.
Let's review the banter from above:
Sometimes a lack of understanding can bring people together as well as keep them apart. I know this from personal experience
In this post, he admits to a lack of understanding. He has taken much abuse in this forum relating to his translations. Some consider his knowledge of the Polish language to be limited to the old archaic Polish spoken in villages. The ability to look at one's own foibles, and to poke good hearted fun at them show's his good heart.
I would never suggest to anyone that it is a good idea to get too close to a Polish girl
This is funny from a couple of perspectives:
1) one gets the feeling that it could be dangerous, the Polish Girl could be contageous, rabid, or physically menacing at a moment's notice.
2) he offers advice based on his relationship, discussed openly in these pages, with his Polish wife. It is offered, I believe with the best of intentions.
When I replied that, maybe, a Polish guy could indeed get close to a Polish girl
Including Polish guys?
Michal came back with
Sadly, I have never gone out with a Polish guy, I have never been invited out!
Again, this is a reference to his self depricating sense of humor. We know (I think) that Michal is not inclined to date men, but may be tempted if the opportunity arose. Let us continue.
However, but I know polish women well from my old Moscow days.
Again, Michal makes reference to the fact that people seem to think that his knowledge is of ancient times, and adds to the confusion of his mysterious past (Is he Polish? Russian? or from some Orwellian farm?).
They can be very nice on their own but when they get together you see how two faced they are and my God, how klicky too!
At the end, he again stirs up the muck, and both praises and warns about the wiles of the enigmatic Polish woman.
In conclusion, cut him a little slack, he is a talented comedian in his own right.