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I fancy a polish girl from my school!

Buddy  7 | 167  
30 Jan 2008 /  #31
Take hr on a date and try and learn some polish phrases.
Take her for a coffee and cake, maybe ice cream.
"czy chesz isc na kawe" "lubisz ciasto" "robisz lody"
These shuld lit a response. hope I've been helpful.
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Jan 2008 /  #32
30 Jan 2008 /  #33
"robisz lody"

yeh skip this one - he is trying to get you in trouble
plk123  8 | 4119  
30 Jan 2008 /  #34
30 Jan 2008 /  #35

he is a young kid you old goats;P
matthias  3 | 429  
30 Jan 2008 /  #36
addz you got it man, plane ticket canceled.
just remember I can rebuy the plane ticket anytime.
El Gato  4 | 351  
30 Jan 2008 /  #37
he is a young kid you old goats;P

He's gotta learn some day...

30 Jan 2008 /  #38
He's gotta learn some day...

sure, as long as he doesn't talk about it on the first date;)
El Gato  4 | 351  
30 Jan 2008 /  #39
Better to speak your mind early, and then work towards the goal, instead of working toward a goal and making her guess what that goal is. (goal = sex)

OP addz93  3 | 22  
31 Jan 2008 /  #40
I know about the er, sex thing guys... they do teach us that....

and actually, i'm kind of falling out of love with the girl - she's just not, y'know... I just wish I could speak polish.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
31 Jan 2008 /  #41
and actually, i'm kind of falling out of love with the girl - she's just not, y'know

what?! are you serious? why?
plk123  8 | 4119  
31 Jan 2008 /  #42
he joined the PF.. that'll do it everytime. :D
1 Feb 2008 /  #43
I pussied out... I just looked at her n i couldnt say anything so i just said hi...

haha if I was her you would already have no chances dude
michal85  - | 15  
1 Feb 2008 /  #44
i'm kind of falling out of love with the girl - she's just not, y'know... I just wish I could speak polish.

Don't tell her that you are already in love. You are more in lust. Love takes time to build and it's not instant. But you are just attracted to her.

Be confident, decisive and mature because thats what she wants to see in a man. Also, don't be needy for her attention.

You are acting like a boy by wussing out. Don't do it again ever!
matthias  3 | 429  
1 Feb 2008 /  #45
First Michael is right, its not love, its lust.

First of all you put this girl on a pedestool and you don't have realistc image of her. you built her up in your mind, that.

then you lost interest, that always happens because shes does not live up to image you had in her head. don't overanalyize and don't fanatize.
Michal  - | 1865  
1 Feb 2008 /  #46
Yes she is in my school and my year. We went on this walk together and she kept smiling at me and laughing at the things I said but she couldn'tnreally understand me too much. I was just wondering if you have any translations of things like do you want to go out at the weekend, you are beautiful and anything like that. Thx for rplying.!

Sometimes a lack of understanding can bring people together as well as keep them apart. I know this from personal experience. Sadly as the expression goes, as that glitters is not gold' and there will be serious issues of difference of culture. I would never suggest to anyone that it is a good idea to get too close to a Polish girl and that goes for members of my own family too.
1 Feb 2008 /  #47
I would never suggest to anyone that it is a good idea to get too close to a Polish girl

Including Polish guys?
matthias  3 | 429  
1 Feb 2008 /  #48
lol shawn, you so f*cken funny, always joking around.
Michal  - | 1865  
1 Feb 2008 /  #49
Sadly, I have never gone out with a Polish guy, I have never been invited out! However, but I know polish women well from my old Moscow days. They can be very nice on their own but when they get together you see how two faced they are and my God, how klicky too!
matthias  3 | 429  
1 Feb 2008 /  #50
Michael your tending to generalize, but a good number is sneaky, money hungry, and two faced. However i don't have a problem with that. You can easily use that to your advantage.

Example is the golddiggers, you don't actually have to spend money. You just make it seem you will and after they f*ck you once you move on to the next golddigger. No need to feel bad because its not like their honest, moral, and deserving girls.

good rule is don't treat a girl better or worse then she treats you and you should be fine.
Michal  - | 1865  
1 Feb 2008 /  #51
Love is blind and you can end up being very hurt indeed. if you are very wise you can see over the top of this as I always do now. I will be nice to a Polish girl but I always stay in control of my own feelings. Fall in love with a Polish girl? Who, me? Not on your life!!
matthias  3 | 429  
1 Feb 2008 /  #52
Love is blind, No lust is blind. Its easy to control your feelings. I guess it depends on your beliefs but I believe we choose who we love. Maybe you are not 100% in control of your feelings, but enough to make the right decision.

If you can't then you have lack of self control. Not saying sh*t like that never happened to me. But I learned from it.
1 Feb 2008 /  #53
lol shawn, you so f*cken funny, always joking around.

I think Michal is even more of a comedian than I.

Let's review the banter from above:

Sometimes a lack of understanding can bring people together as well as keep them apart. I know this from personal experience

In this post, he admits to a lack of understanding. He has taken much abuse in this forum relating to his translations. Some consider his knowledge of the Polish language to be limited to the old archaic Polish spoken in villages. The ability to look at one's own foibles, and to poke good hearted fun at them show's his good heart.

I would never suggest to anyone that it is a good idea to get too close to a Polish girl

This is funny from a couple of perspectives:
1) one gets the feeling that it could be dangerous, the Polish Girl could be contageous, rabid, or physically menacing at a moment's notice.
2) he offers advice based on his relationship, discussed openly in these pages, with his Polish wife. It is offered, I believe with the best of intentions.

When I replied that, maybe, a Polish guy could indeed get close to a Polish girl

Including Polish guys?

Michal came back with

Sadly, I have never gone out with a Polish guy, I have never been invited out!

Again, this is a reference to his self depricating sense of humor. We know (I think) that Michal is not inclined to date men, but may be tempted if the opportunity arose. Let us continue.

However, but I know polish women well from my old Moscow days.

Again, Michal makes reference to the fact that people seem to think that his knowledge is of ancient times, and adds to the confusion of his mysterious past (Is he Polish? Russian? or from some Orwellian farm?).

They can be very nice on their own but when they get together you see how two faced they are and my God, how klicky too!

At the end, he again stirs up the muck, and both praises and warns about the wiles of the enigmatic Polish woman.

In conclusion, cut him a little slack, he is a talented comedian in his own right.
matthias  3 | 429  
1 Feb 2008 /  #54
shawn lmfao : )

that was the best and funniest post ever

I guess I owe Michael some credit.
1 Feb 2008 /  #55
and my fingers hurt.
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
1 Feb 2008 /  #56
Ask her out already. You don't want to know her to long and have her consider you Just Friends. When a woman smiles at you like that she is thinking " when is going to ask me out?"...

So ask her already. The worst thing she can do is say no.....
OP addz93  3 | 22  
1 Feb 2008 /  #57
i'm so confused! i changed my mind again and now I love (sorry matthius - LUST) after her even more than before. I saw her giggling when I walked into the room, I said hi and she just smiled at me.. she's really sweet - but i'll take it carefully guys!
1 Feb 2008 /  #58
i'll take it carefully guys!

yep...and be careful...you don't want a broken heart :)
shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Feb 2008 /  #59
i'm so confused! i changed my mind again and now I love (sorry matthius - LUST) after her even more than before. I saw her giggling when I walked into the room, I said hi and she just smiled at me.. she's really sweet - but i'll take it carefully guys!

She knows you like her. It's probably written all over your face. Why don't you make a move? Ask her to have lunch with you or something.
OP addz93  3 | 22  
2 Feb 2008 /  #60
yeah, i'm just gonna do it next week. it's getting sorta painful now if y'know what i mean. I will let you guys know how i get on though by wednesday so wish me luck... again!

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