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How easy is it to pick up a girl from a club/bar in Warsaw ?

16 Mar 2018 /  #61
Im not really the chasing type, so I just visited neworleans.pl/ strip club in Warsaw. Then girl will chase you xD I like the place though. Girls are talkative and funny, so you can talk as well as enjoy the performances on pole. I say it worth checking.
jon357  72 | 23522  
16 Mar 2018 /  #62
Im not really the chasing type, so I just visited neworleans.pl/ strip club in Warsaw

The word in Polish is onanista

I say it worth checking.

If you fancy throwing away a shocking amount of money for something seedy and unsatisfying.

You can get a real woman for the night for a fraction of the price. There's usually some soliciting round ul.Poznanska.
Crow  154 | 9552  
16 Mar 2018 /  #63
How easy is it to pick up a girl from a club/bar in Warsaw ?

How easy? Well, if you aren`t dwarf, ugly, dark as czarnybog or obvious joke of a man, just pretend that you are Serbian. Polish girls love lunatics and Serbs fascinate them absolutely. Trust me.

Plus, as extra gain, if Poles around in pub thinks that you are Serbian, they won`t beat you for seduction of their girls. See, Poles are deeply territorial but they tolerate Serbs.
O WELL  - | 150  
18 Mar 2018 /  #64
so I just visited neworleans.pl/ strip club in Warsaw

Its right in the next building where I live in Warsaw,every sat/sunday early morning you can see the bouncers beating up the rowdy/drunk patrons,Infact some bouncers are my pals and there is a trick they play with foreigners after the thrashing whole crew is exchanged with another club in a bouncers operated cab,when the cops come the victim cannot identify any on the bouncers:)

Till you talk/laugh spend money is ok, as you touch the girl your ass is grass.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
21 Mar 2018 /  #65
I guess it really depends on what she weighs. But, seriously. The question you pose is highly multivariate. Are you looking to get laid or for a girlfriend that you can build something meaningful with? If the latter, forgo all bars and nightclubs. This seems to be universal. I haven't been to a disco in over 20 years and intend never to return. Perhaps on a holiday if I'm informed the theme of a place is very intriguing (i.e. doesn't revolve around women). All bars are the same the world over: booze, vomit, loud music, "dancing", and all with hopes of sex. isn't exactly a very stimulating environment for the neo-frontal cortex. The paradox is the more you are dis-interested in women (not un-interested), the more they seem to be attracted your way. But in all, I really like pizza. However, this doesn't mean I want it every day nor do I want it thrown in my face constantly 24/7 with a mandate that I must eat or pursue it. The world is full of wonders which offers more appeal than what exists within the limited boundaries of the inner thigh. If there is a woman who appreciates those wonders and wants to experience them with you, then...

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