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How easy is it to pick up a girl from a club/bar in Warsaw ?

26 Jul 2010 /  #1
Or maybe is it easier to pick up in a coffee shop or even from the street ?
No offense here...please be serious...
mvefa  5 | 591  
26 Jul 2010 /  #2
i dont think is easier/harder than in other places...If you are good-looking or rich, it is always easier.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jul 2010 /  #3
No offense here...please be serious...

Truthfully? If you have money, it won't be a problem - there are always idiots out there willing to be your girlfriend in exchange for being treated like a princess.

Otherwise? Forget it, the idiots aren't interested in poor people and the decent girls have no interest in randoms.
jablko  - | 104  
26 Jul 2010 /  #4
foreing guy with cash? all the ladies are yours m8
b8hoven  - | 4  
26 Jul 2010 /  #5
Post a picture of yourself and your bank statement and then you'll get more replies ;)
greenlulu7  - | 12  
26 Jul 2010 /  #6
who are girls, which you can pick up in the bar?

and isn't it a little chauvinistic?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Jul 2010 /  #7
The girls who are easy to pick up are usually the ones you want to put down very quickly....

Its much better to chase the girls who are not easy to pick up...they are the ones worth catching...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
26 Jul 2010 /  #8
I don't have the energy to chase or pick up girls these days :(
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Jul 2010 /  #9
you don't have to do a thing.... they chase after you...lol
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Jul 2010 /  #10
I don't have the energy to chase or pick up girls these days

Whats important is...do you have the energy to deal with the ones that catch you....?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
26 Jul 2010 /  #11
they chase after you

Yeah, has been a bit like that lately...phew ;/

Whats important is...do you have the energy to deal with the ones that catch you....?

Nope, you need a tazer gun to get me started :D
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Jul 2010 /  #12
Yeah, has been a bit like that lately...phew ;/

oh pleeese... every guy would be thrilled...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
26 Jul 2010 /  #13
haha depends. But I should be concentrating on work, not on other goals ;)
paulinska  9 | 86  
26 Jul 2010 /  #14
There are girls who come out with a sole mission to get laid.....those you don't have to chase/pick! So, how easy are you to get picked up/pulled?
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Jul 2010 /  #15
Polish girls are very easy to pick up if you look powerful Balkan.They melt.
IAMTruth  - | 9  
26 Jul 2010 /  #16
I believe that since Poland is a Catholic state, it is a lot easier than most countries.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
26 Jul 2010 /  #17
There are over 19 million Polish girls in PL, and everyone of them are different.

How difficult is it to pick up an English woman? American woman? Danish? German?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Jul 2010 /  #18
How easy is it to pick up a girl from a club/bar in Warsaw ?

If you have to ask i would suggest you have little chance of picking up anyone that you don,t have to pay 150 zloty for an hour with...!!!
Paulina  17 | 4537  
26 Jul 2010 /  #19
When a guy says a women is a slut...

*Whispering*: I know, but don't tell anybody that I know ;)

There are over 19 million Polish girls in PL, and everyone of them are different.

They are all different sluts :P

But paulina is a girl

Pfff, I'm a woman already! *stamping her feet*
espana  17 | 951  
27 Jul 2010 /  #20
How easy is it to pick up a girl from a club/bar in Warsaw ?

get 40 quit out of the wallet
OP Alberto  
28 Jul 2010 /  #21
What do you mean exactly ?

There are over 19 million Polish girls in PL, and everyone of them are different.

Gosh...so many polish girls...so little time

Polish girls are very easy to pick up if you look powerful Balkan.

I am not that ugly
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
28 Jul 2010 /  #22
There are over 19 million Polish girls in PL, and everyone of them are different

indeed. Many are under-age, and many are coffin-dodging :D

Gosh...so many polish girls...so little time

"19 million Polish girls" is not the same as "19 million Polish females"... unless you are some perv who likes shagging children or pensioners!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Jul 2010 /  #23
They will shun you most of the time. They are so far up their own butts, esp in Warsaw. Expect a night of chasing with no end result a lot of the time. That's just my guess as I never do and have never done that kind of chasing in my life.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Aug 2010 /  #24
It is very easy to pick up polish girls if you are reasonably attractive.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Aug 2010 /  #25
Failing that..you can just talk about it all the time in an effort to convince people you are actually getting some...?
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Aug 2010 /  #26
I have post photos.If you want I can post more.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Aug 2010 /  #27
Here is a girl i am currently having sex with...then again it could just be something i got off the internet...

  • Booby.jpg
time means  5 | 1309  
3 Aug 2010 /  #28
They will shun you most of the time. They are so far up their own butts, esp in Warsaw. Expect a night of chasing with no end result a lot of the time.

Hmm sounds like some sour grapes to me.

That's just my guess as I never do and have never done that kind of chasing in my life.

Are you sure :-)

Here is a girl i am currently having sex with

Nice :-)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2010 /  #29
Sour grapes? Nope, I've never tried. It never interested me.

Very sure :)

There's no thrill involved.
Midas  1 | 571  
3 Aug 2010 /  #30
A club in Warsaw?

Been a while since I went clubbing there ( not getting any younger with each passing year ), but generally speaking if You're a foreigner, know how to dress smartly and have dinero for drinks You are already halfway down the path of picking up a Polish girl.

During the banter throw in some remarks about business deals you are involved in in Poland, tell her how You are leaving in a few days or so and the night will be likely to end on a positive note.

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