Ok, serious now. Here we go:
What differences is there among Polish girls and British girls as girlfriends?
The British women might be fat and uglier
- very true. Also, Polish girls are generally more loyal, hard-working, better domestically, better cooks and much more fun. IMHO
Why do some people think Polish are better?
- because of those differences.
what are the girls like as partners?
My advice is to conduct your own research. But don't date a Polish girl as a 'trophy'. Find a good girl and treat her right.
If you're a decent guy you'll find out that in a relationship Polish women are very good partners.
British girls don't commit easily and will not stay in an unsatisfactory situation. There are plenty of Polish women who will be totally ruthless in walking away if a relatively better prospect comes along!
I think that's supposed to be the other way around. However, a lot of decent British girls have complete losers for boyfriends and will put up with it (because they love him and he's their 'one') A decent, Polish girl will not tolerate your crap, so will have no problem in finding someone better. I believe that self respect is an admiral quality in a girl - to walk away than be walked over.
Look, if you're a British guy wanting a Polish girlfriend don't just expect to 'pick one' and have her fall in love with you, get married and live happily ever after. You may be ready for something serious, but chances are she's younger than you and can take her time in finding the perfect man for her. A decent, pretty girl will always have plenty of options - regardless of nationality.
All I'm saying is date around, have fun and don't expect anything. Live your life and enjoy the ride....