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Polish couples living out of wedlock?

Magdalena  3 | 1827  
26 Nov 2012 /  #91
You laugh, but when you consider the amount of collaboration seen by churchmen in other countries - isn't it scary to think that it could be used against you by a future regime?

Ever heard of parish records? ;-p
26 Nov 2012 /  #92
You laugh

And no I don't laugh. They create a folder in your parish about your baptism and other sacraments (communion, confirmation, marriage). When you commit apostasy I don't know if they distroy it or jusr adnote that you have done apostasy.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Nov 2012 /  #93
Are you a PiS paranoic? :)

Not really - the amount of civil disobedience by young people against a PiS regime would soon bring it down ;)

Ever heard of parish records? ;-p

Yep. Don't trust them ;)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
26 Nov 2012 /  #94
Yep. Don't trust them ;)

If it wasn't for them, there is precious little we would know today about our ancestors, actually. Given the amount of info the State holds about us anyway, parish records with their pathetic notes on births and marriages don't frighten me! ;-p
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 Nov 2012 /  #95
Children born out of wedlock are routinely discriminated against in Poland

Any examples or we have to depend on your spin?

Your obsession with me is vaguely touching and highly amusing.

Hardly an obsession, there is action and reaction. I cannot stand your made up stories presented here as facts.

Simple answer: I don't know.

So what was this discrimination story about? another spin build on your preconceptions, bias and hearsay!

Is it just me that's deeply afraid of the RCC

That is your problem - you are supposed to be enlighten individual not some superstitious kirk member.

If a Catholic weren't admitted to a school because his parents were Catholic, you'd be all over it and you'd be right to be.
You have a huge problem seeing other people's point of view, consider what I have said and tell me it isn't so.

Yes, I would!
No it isn't so! I can see others people's point of view, most of the times but it is hardly matters in this thread. Because it was Harry's spin nothing else as you know by now!

For me it was another lesson. I have learned foreigners do not understand Poland even after living there for years.
26 Nov 2012 /  #96
Any examples or we have to depend on your spin?

Yes, there is the one which we are already discussing. When I say "we", I obviously exclude you as you are simply posting personal abuse rather than engaging in debate, but then I suppose that that is all you are capable of.

another spin build on your preconceptions, bias and hearsay!

Nope, it was me telling a true story for the board to discuss. Or at least for those of us who are capable of discussing to discuss: obviously you can only post here your usual mixture of lies and personal abuse.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 Nov 2012 /  #97
Yes, there is the one which we are already discussing.

Oh you mean the case -you don't know where, you don't who, you don't what - some woman said something but you know for sure there was discrimination because priests involved somehow and they are bigots by definition.

Nope, it was me telling a true story for the board to discuss. Or at least for those of us who are capable of discussing to discuss: obviously you can only post here your usual mixture of lies and personal abuse.

Wait, where I read those words? -

Sorry (..) but something which is true cannot, by definition, be slander.

Damn right!
26 Nov 2012 /  #98
^ Please stop with the lies. I know where: south central Warsaw. I know who: a little kid and her unmarried parents. I have never said anything about a priest being involved, but are you going to let that fact get in the way of your lies? I somehow doubt that.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
27 Nov 2012 /  #99
Could you perhaps name the primary schools in south central Warsaw which are entirely funded by religious orders?

EVERY school gets subventions.If you want to start atheists school you will get one.

I am entirely certain that I heard the mother in question complaining (before her kid was denied a place) about the interview process.

No such thing in public schools(meaning-ENTIRELY founded by the state).

However, it was state funded, so Sean and I are paying the wages of those bigots.

AGAIN-you're paying for every school.

Which it could be.


They create a folder when you get baptised ;)


arry: “INFORMATION: I wish to inform you that X, son of Y and Z, residing at ABC Street, has resigned from Religious Education classes in this school year. Please add this information to the parish files and in future draw the appropriate consequences.” It’s then signed by the priest running the RE classes.

I resigned from RE and the only thing that happened to me is that priests are more inclined to talk to me.Even my parson told me that I'm right nor to take part in RE if I'm not certain and invited me to talk to him if I needed it.And I'm living in small town.
Barney  17 | 1641  
27 Nov 2012 /  #100
Its the same in Ireland north and south, east and west Catholic schools take all people Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, everyone. In fact some Catholic schools have a larger proportion of non Catholics than some so called integrated schools.

RE lessons are compulsory till 16 years of age, you can opt out but need parental permission to do so.

In Primary schools the only Catholic instruction is for First Holy Communion.

I'm sick of Catholic bashing, don’t like Catholics fine just don’t make stuff up.

If you want to talk about discrimination in education address the issues around non inclusive education.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
27 Nov 2012 /  #101
RE lessons are compulsory till 16 years of age, you can opt out but need parental permission to do so.

In Poland ( theoretically) you have to sign to attend RE.Because of so many children(or parents)
choosing to go to RE usually it means that parents have to write-out of it.

I'm sick of Catholic bashing, don’t like Catholics fine just don’t make stuff up.

Exactly.I have many issues with clergy but...
Barney  17 | 1641  
27 Nov 2012 /  #102
Exactly.I have many issues with clergy but...

Yeah, I have many issues with religion as well.

I have seen anti Catholic stuff so many times I know what it looks and smells like.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
27 Nov 2012 /  #103
I have seen anti

That's the the part that's annoying me.I'm trying to be fair (I sometimes fail since I'm not a saint) and never offend ppl that I don't know.
Barney  17 | 1641  
27 Nov 2012 /  #104
In Poland as everywhere people are people some however just see Catholic people. The bit I don’t like is that this view is seen as acceptable.
27 Nov 2012 /  #105
"subventions" for every school? Really? Care to tell us how much the American School of Warsaw gets? Or the British school? I'd be very confident in saying that they get bugger all.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
27 Nov 2012 /  #106
Care to tell us how much the American School of Warsaw gets? Or the British school?

I don't know how it works if the shool is run by foreign country.But the subventions are given to all types of private shools.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Nov 2012 /  #107
"subventions" for every school? Really? Care to tell us how much the American School of Warsaw gets? Or the British school? I'd be very confident in saying that they get bugger all.

I *think* the cash goes to any school that is approved by the Ministry of Education - so that would exclude those two.
27 Nov 2012 /  #108
I think one needs to follow the curriculum set by MEN, not a foreign country.

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