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Polish citizen in the UK: I made a mistake and now she won't forgive me, help!

polishmeknob  5 | 154  
2 Sep 2010 /  #31
Ooooooh, that was a mistake on her part. Bummer dude.
A J  4 | 1075  
2 Sep 2010 /  #32
private photos should stay private.

*nods in agreement*
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Sep 2010 /  #33

No. Your view is wrong. I think you're just being contrary. I could have written anything here and you would have opposed it somehow. Moving on...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
2 Sep 2010 /  #34
Im just curious to know what posting this on the internet is going to do apart from pi$$ his now ex girlfriend off even more (if she ever reads it that is) - not only do all of his mates know what she looks like in the nude to add insult to injury half of the virtual world now knows she sends dirdy pics to him!! Telling the world and his wife isnt going to really help now is it? Rather the opposite Id say!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Sep 2010 /  #35
pi$$ his now ex girlfriend off even more

yeah... every piece of her body was seen on the net and now she's discussed in details on forums (we can't be sure that's the only forum he asked for help)...lol
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Sep 2010 /  #36


Let this be a lesson to you ladies! No nudie pics for boyfriends!
(But you could post a couple here. We'll never tell. :] )
2 Sep 2010 /  #37
But seriously, in this age of googling, blooging, texting, youtubing, the whole enchilada, it's extremely important to keep private stuff private. Stupid comment said today or making idiotic stunts while drunk and filming it, for example, may stay with you forever.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Sep 2010 /  #38
may stay with you forever.

Yep. And now law enforcement and even potential employers check peeps' social networking sites...

Here's a story from today about Paris Hilton's coke bust and how her claim about borrowing someone else's purse is a lie. Seems she tweeted a pic of herself showing off the purse a month before...

Amathyst  19 | 2700  
2 Sep 2010 /  #39
And now law enforcement and even potential employers check peeps' social networking sites...

A recent incident in the new over here where a girl got the sack, she was slagging off her boss on FB..that'll teach her wont it :D

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Sep 2010 /  #40
that'll teach her wont it

It teaches me to never tell an employer I visit social sites!

Them: "Mr. Trener, you seem to have left this form question blank that asks for your social site addresses so we can check them..."

Me: "What's an internets?"
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
2 Sep 2010 /  #41
It teaches me to never tell an employer I visit social sites!

Indeed..To be honest, I hardly visit FB, it irritates me reading about how someone is about to have a cup of tea WTH are people thinking when they write such drivel?

Anyway back to the poor chaps plight...will he come back and tell us all he's beat the cr*p out of his school friend and has won the heart of his fair lady?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Sep 2010 /  #42
FB, it irritates me reading about how someone is about to have a cup of tea WTH are people thinking when they write such drivel?

yeah.... one of my friends posts everyday what he's having for lunch (big fat pictures)... when he didn't post for 3 weeks i was worrying he died of starvation....
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Sep 2010 /  #43
one of my friends posts everyday what he's having for lunch (big fat pictures)...

Gee! Who does that sound like around here?!! :D
pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Sep 2010 /  #44
well, i'm only glad he posts what's on his plate and not what follows in the restroom...
A J  4 | 1075  
2 Sep 2010 /  #45
No. Your view is wrong.

Check the statistics and compare them to the statistics of fourty years ago.

I think you're just being contrary.

I'm sorry, but I think it's quite the contrary. (I don't play any of this personal.)


I could have written anything here and you would have opposed it somehow.

It seems you like to shout a lot of things, but you usually refuse to explain yourself when I'm asking you really simple questions. You hardly ever elaborate on your comments. Sure, you don't have to. But don't complain about me, because I do explain why I say what I say, and that's good enough for me. If you want to verify everything, you will have to do that yourself, because I'm not a walking databank. I don't have time to search for all kinds of graphics and articles everytime I'm pointing out what should've been obvious to any person who possesses reasonable knowledge of the society he or she lives in. Sorry if that's too mysterious for you, but I have a good reason for the things I say, eventhough it might not always be what you or someone else would like to hear.


And about this whole privacy thing? I don't get why people worry so much about their pictures and their reputations. Really. Newsflash: We're all scumbags in one way or another, we all do and say stupid things from time to time, and what is one picture of your naked self between trillions of hardcore pûrn movies on the internet? Do you honestly think people never saw a naked boy or girl before? Why the shame? What's so embarrassing about sending your boyfriend a few nude pictures? Don't married couples see each other naked at least once a month? I mean, what's the big deal? What's next? Are we going to feel embarrassed about having sex with our loved or liked ones? I'm sorry, but I really feel like that boy who's telling everyone the emperor is naked.

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #46

Too many words! Sheesh!

Some things are apparent. This is a silly message board, not a college thesis. One need not back with stats and studies and sources and links the claim that today's Hip-hop culture is some ugly stuff that negatively impacts kids. To say being exposed to ugly and violent things doesn't in any way impact those exposed to it is absurd. And, yes, H-h is worse than Jazz or Rock or Classical music. This is pretty commonly understood, over here anyway. We even put content advisories on CDs just for this reason.
3 Sep 2010 /  #47
Don't married couples see eachother naked atleast once a month? I mean, what's the big deal?

You seriously can't see the difference between being naked in privacy of your own bedroom and flashing your stuff for all world to see? Or you are pulling my leg?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #48
You seriously can't see the difference between being naked in privacy of your own bedroom and flashing your stuff for all world to see?

That's the kind of stuff I have to deal with every time he jumps me. :s
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 Sep 2010 /  #49
She's thinking i did it myself, pls help me
this is the girl i intend to marry after my final exams 2months from now
and she doesn't even want to talk to me. What should i do?

Is this for real? Why would she think you did it? Why would she not talk to you if she was really planning to marry you? There's something more going on here. It doesn't make sense.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
3 Sep 2010 /  #50
will he come back and tell us all he's beat the cr*p out of his school friend and has won the heart of his fair lady?

good question, will he come back period.. lol
3 Sep 2010 /  #51
will he come back and tell us all he's beat the cr*p out of his school friend and has won the heart of his fair lady?

maybe in his dreams .. :p
A J  4 | 1075  
3 Sep 2010 /  #52
Too many words! Sheesh!

Hey, I have more time on my hands at the moment than I would like to have, so I really don't mind a conversation.


Some things are apparent. This is a silly message board, not a college thesis. One need not back with stats and studies and sources and links the claim that today's Hip-hop culture is some ugly stuff that negatively impacts kids.

See, that's where you need to seperate a few things from one another. There are a lot of subcultures out there, and some things you call Hip-Hop have nothing to do with Hip-Hop, but more likely with the media. The Hip-Hop - not the mainstream - I used to listen to, promoted social awareness, freedom of the individual, freedom of expression, common sense, equality and positive thinking. That's Hip-Hop. What you call Hip-Hop, is what the big-shot media companies made of it. We call that Urban, Crunk, Rap, Gangstarap, whatever! So I agree with you, that culture sells materialism. (But guess who's behind it?) The underground Hip-Hop scene? I think you'd be surprised to find out how many values you might have in common with those guys and girls. Unfortunately, you bought into the stigma that the American media itself attached to Hip-Hop. (On purpose.) But if you took some time to listen to the words of some artists, you would see the difference between real and fake.

To say being exposed to ugly and violent things doesn't in any way impact those exposed to it is absurd.

Do you understand a bit of German?

To say his music is crap, or that his words have a negative impact on the youth, is total nonsense. These kind of lyrics could be highly educational for young people. See, that's the other side of the story.

And, yes, H-h is worse than Jazz or Rock or Classical music.

Oh yeah, the Rolling Stones were such a positive influence, right? Or how about James Brown? Should I compare every Rock artist to them? Or every Soul singer to James Brown?


You seriously can't see the difference between being naked in privacy of your own bedroom and flashing your stuff for all world to see?

She didn't flash her stuff for all the world to see. She flashed her stuff for her boyfriend. That someone else who pretends to be a friend can't respect their privacy is not their fault, or is it?

Or you are pulling my leg?

I'm not pulling your leg. I'm just being a mature guy, who points out the obvious. To me it's just amazing how so many grown up men and women can create such a fuss over someone's nudity. I would hardly call that shocking. I guess I don't get why it's something anyone should be ashamed of? It's natural, you know. We all know what a woman looks like, and we all know what a man looks like, don't we? I really don't see why I should laugh at someone's nudity or sexual interests with all my pathetic friends. It's none of my business, and I do have that respect for someone else. So I guess most of those people who preach about respect and decency all the time, are a little two-faced. Have the decency to let someone else live her or his life. I guess that's the thought I was trying to convey in my previous post, because I wasn't exactly talking about flashing your stuff in public.

That's the kind of stuff I have to deal with every time he jumps me. :s

I never jumped you. You have an opinion, and I'm trying to communicate with you because I think you don't see the whole picture in some cases. (Which doesn't mean I disagree with you on everything!)

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #53
Do you understand a bit of German?


It's not just me. Our society recognizes the harmful influences of the Hip-hop culture. There is very good reason most of Hip-hop CDs today come with parental advisories and age sales limits. Same reason sex and violence movies come with ratings and age restrictions and have for years...
A J  4 | 1075  
3 Sep 2010 /  #54

Too bad, but I'm sure someone who does can verify what I've told you. There's absolutely nothing negative about these lyrics. Quite the contrary.

It's not just me. Our society recognizes the harmful influences of the Hip-hop culture.

There you go again. The things you describe have nothing to do with the Hip-Hop subculture, but more with the subculture the media pushed. (Crunk, Gangstarap.) I guess there are three things which always sell; Food, sex and violence. You know that. It has nothing to do with the youth of today, but more likely with human nature. (For better or worse!)

There is very good reason most of Hip-hop CDs today come with parental advisories and age sales limits.

I remember I would buy actually them *because* that sticker was on the album cover. (Yup, young and rebellious!) Anyway, Hip-Hop is not Gangstarap. Sure, it sounds almost identical in some cases, but Hip-Hop stands for something. Gangstarap simply doesn't. (There are actually more genres of rap music but nevermind!)

Same reason sex and violence movies come with ratings and age restrictions and have for years...

Fair enough, but how old were you when you first discovered your dad's hidden playboy magazines? (Or something similar!) I think you know you can't shelter your kids from everything forever, and kids aren't always exactly angels either. So that's why I don't think stickers have much effect. I like to think that parents who discuss everything with their kids at the right time, and the right moment, have more influence.

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #55
I think you know you can't shelter your kids from everything forever, ... So that's why I don't think stickers have much effect.

Kinda beside the point. It's still a parent's and society's job to try and sheild kids from harmful and age-inappropriate influences. And these things about which we speak have been identified by society to be bad influences.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
3 Sep 2010 /  #56
my girlfriend took naked pictures of herself with my fone


but i didn't know
not until my course mate saw them n my fone and he made a pic slideshow
and now it's all over school.


She's thinking i did it myself, pls help me
this is the girl i intend to marry after my final exams 2months from now

O o
You should fix it up!
Even after my few minutes rolling on the floor I feel sorry for you
waqas  - | 1  
13 Sep 2010 /  #57
am very confident, happy and satisfied with my life and job, but i feel like something is missing... someone special in my life. I am looking for someone with who i can share my life, thoughts and success with. I am looking for a friends who is confident, smart, responsible and caring. Someone who is beautiful inside more than out.

Like it so far? :) if u wanna know me more, feel free to email me. at waqas.real.love@gmail

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