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My Polish GF cheating on me? need polish speakers help in the conversation

united_fan28  2 | 15  
21 Feb 2013 /  #1
hi i know this is a little lame but i have reason for it...i am worried my gf is cheating on me with a guy from her work...this guy is really sniffing around her and messaging her on facebook and calling her outside of work etc....she has been coming home from work later than usual also....i decide to take a look at her facebook messages with this guy as i could not risk being made a fool of as i feel she is already taking the **** a bit in our relationship not helping paying bills etc and seems to start being bored in our relationship things have changed dramatically ...please read a conversation below and help me please if you think she is doing something with this guy thank you. it would help if someoine could explain to me what is going on in the conversation theres lots of slang in there

hehe widzialem wkur... kibol xD


my gf
dobry jest, napewno cpie XD pzdr do jutra


cpie cpie heheh


my gf
o siemka



co tam ?

my gf
a spoko, zamulam, kac morderca dzisiaj

wczoraj niesmiertelnosc mi sie wlaczyla i wypilam za duzo browakow

a ty jak tam?




ja to dzisiaj odpoczywam 2 dni baletow ale kaca nie mam

w sumie troche wczoraj umieralem ale szybko sobie z tym poradzilem xD

my gf

a gdzie balowales?

w manchester


wszedzie po troche a wczoraj to juz w domu


my gf
spoko, to pogadamy jutro bo blokuje Ianowi laptop... pzdr

do juterka

Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Feb 2013 /  #2
she is already taking the **** a bit in our relationship not helping paying bills etc

Do you think that Polish women came to the UK for you to feck them for free? what kind of world you live in?
OP united_fan28  2 | 15  
21 Feb 2013 /  #3
...we were together 1 year already...so yes i do expect free...as relationships should be 50/50 ....anyway i was hoping for an educated answer but i guess you have not got that.....
Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Feb 2013 /  #4
i was hoping for an educated answer but i guess you have not got that.....

you paste here some nonsense conversation of two uneducated polish chavs and you expect an educated answer, I start liking your sense of humor xD
OP united_fan28  2 | 15  
21 Feb 2013 /  #5
so i agree they are speaking slang but by no means is she uneducated ...so are you going to carry on giving nonesense comments and be rude? or help please? that is all i wanted...not grief...dont comment please if your not planning on helping your just making yourself look like a prick anyway it is not nice hepefully a woman wil see this post as guys are clearly just going to take the p.i.s.s
Lenka  5 | 3524  
21 Feb 2013 /  #6
You shouldn't be reading her messages!!!
And one thing- I won't translate it but thee's no implication she's cheating on you.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Feb 2013 /  #7
something about having hangovers......
have u tried google translate?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Feb 2013 /  #8
You shouldn't be reading her messages!!!

Well said Lenka!
OP united_fan28  2 | 15  
21 Feb 2013 /  #9
@Lenka like i said i could not take a chance of her doing this to me that is the only reason i read the messages, her recent strange behaviour contributed to me doing this,....i just find it strange when she is saying "kisses" when they are ending thre conversation and "seee you tomorrow" like they cant wait to see each other or something.....thank you for your reply though......
Sopot Kamionka  - | 26  
21 Feb 2013 /  #10
Wow, that is something!

Why? Do you want to control a Polish girl?!
Just forget it. Flying a fighter jet could be easier! :D
Lenka  5 | 3524  
21 Feb 2013 /  #11
i could not take a chance of her doing this to me that

I can understand that but instead of talking to her you decided to cheat on her (you violated her trust) .
Where you can see the kisses? Because I run trough it couple of times and I can't see any.
OP united_fan28  2 | 15  
21 Feb 2013 /  #12
pzdr = kisses on translators
Lenka  5 | 3524  
21 Feb 2013 /  #13
That's a good one :)
Pzdr= pozdro=pozdrowienia=regards
OP united_fan28  2 | 15  
21 Feb 2013 /  #14
lol i guess these online translators are rubbish then :) thanks for the replies pozdrowienia ;)
Lenka  5 | 3524  
21 Feb 2013 /  #15
Just stop spying and talk to her instead. You can see how misleading it can be.
TommyG  1 | 359  
21 Feb 2013 /  #16
hi i know this is a little lame

Actually mate it's very lame. You have also previously started a thread about this: polishforums.com/relationships-marriage-36/this-cheeky-bastard-flirting-gf-63457/

Although there is no actual evidence that your gf is cheating on you, I wouldn't be surprised if she is.
She's probably looking for a better bf who isn't so jealous and doesn't spy on her conversations and post them all over the internet...

You need to grow. If you're not happy then finish your relationship with her; while the choice is still yours to make.

Good luck! :)
Ironside  50 | 12878  
21 Feb 2013 /  #17
blood alcoholics all I can say

.as relationships should be 50/50 .

wait till you get married.

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