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How could I change her opinion about me?

Vawery  3 | 13  
31 Mar 2010 /  #1
Hi! I've got a problem that affects me every moment so I please you for any help, so glad for your comments.
I met a really beautifull polish girl when I went to England on summer, we stayed there for two weeks with another young people. The most unbelievable thing is that I falled in love with her in spite that I couldn't talk with him directly when we were there 'cause I'm timid, although I was always looking at her, so she realized about that. But afther this two weeks I got her e-mail direction (as I saw it in one list) I started to talk with her via e-mail and chat. At first, she was so surprised that I could get her direction. We started to talk about what we were doing in England, but soon she said me that she did not want to talk more with me 'cause she has boyfriend, in spite of that I was a long time telling her that I didn't care about that, 'cause I just wanted to know her better (however I was and I'm so in love with her). I tried hard to convince her about my real intentions but she was always so close with me and even blocked me on the chat and didn't respond at my mails any more. In addition I started to learn polish only for her the first day I returned home after my stay in England with her, so I already could talk with her in polish, but she wasn't surprised about my effort to be able to talk her. She just wanted that I stop trying to talk with her. In addition she had and has a wrong impression of me, I don't know exactely what she thinks about me but I'm sure that it is something bad 'cause she hates me. So the time has passed and I still in love with her, but I cannot talk her, 'cause she doesn't say anything when I send her e-mails (even I made poems for her in polish) The worst thing is that I cannot keep the connection with her because she don't want and also cuz we live separated for a thousands of miles. Even when I called her he just said me: Pierdol się! (F*ck off!).

After this crazy text that I've made, Could you tell me your opinion about what should I do to convince her to talk with me again and to convince her that I am not a bad person so she doesn't have to hate me: I just wanna know her better! As is not possible to be my girlfriend because she's got boyfriend, I just want to be friend of her!

Dzięki za wszystkich odpowiedzi!
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Mar 2010 /  #2
Check first if you wear skirts and not trousers.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
31 Mar 2010 /  #3
Just get over her my friend..move on..There are lots of lovely Polish girls without boyfriends.....just find another , you are chasing a lost cause with this one....
Krystal  5 | 94  
31 Mar 2010 /  #4
Oh Dear!

It is best for you to let her go. She told you she don't want to talk to her anymore. She don't want you.

Time for you to find someone who want you only. You will be happy with someone new.

There are plenty Beautiful Polish women around.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Mar 2010 /  #5
You can tell her you are Black,polish girls like Blacks.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Mar 2010 /  #6
We started to talk about what we were doing in England, but soon she said me that she did not want to talk more with me

She learnt you have no money.
Prove if you have money.
Or, do what she says.. (if you can!)
OP Vawery  3 | 13  
31 Mar 2010 /  #7
It is best for you to let her go.

yeah, I've tried that, but it's actually impossible for me, just because I've already put ALL my effort in her, so now I feel like I cannot let all of this without receiving nothing
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
31 Mar 2010 /  #8
If she was that interested you wouldn't have to chase so much. Everyone is right, let her go.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
31 Mar 2010 /  #9
you stalked her and she said NO. Very strange.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
31 Mar 2010 /  #10
I think almost every guy can say they have been in a position of being head over heels for some lass but it ending badly. You don't know what you have until you have lost it ;)
OP Vawery  3 | 13  
31 Mar 2010 /  #11
I think almost every guy can say they have been in a position of being head over heels for some lass but it ending badly.

True, but not every guy has done so much things for a lass as I've done. If the guy comes to a high limits, the lass should recognize him for what he has done, shouldn't she?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
31 Mar 2010 /  #12
the lass should recognize him for what he has done, shouldn't she?

Not really, if the lass isn't that interested, nothing the guy will do will impress her. Sounds like you had a fling and got in too deep. Just get out.
OP Vawery  3 | 13  
31 Mar 2010 /  #13
Yes, I noticed that nothing will impress her, but in certain limits it's already a question of Respect, isn't it?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Mar 2010 /  #14
what can you expect from a stranger? btw, i prefer the term socialist as it is more lovely and it is the nature of female humans. english isnt a human language? ps: i did a favor to this guy by mentioning a probability. and blamed males if you read carefully.. so, females, you should thank to this nomad by defending you more than you.
bullmcabe  - | 1  
31 Mar 2010 /  #15
The most unbelievable thing is that I falled in love with her in spite that I couldn't talk with him directly

thats not love its infatuation

we all get it when were in our teens but she is never going to be with you!
and friends would never be enough for you your lying to yourself!
any girl who would tell you to **** off is not the type of girl you want thats very rude
but most girls would get freaked out by someone emailing and texting them
not find it romantic or flattering
delete her email and phone number and move on
best of luck and hope you forget about her!
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Mar 2010 /  #16
but in certain limits it's already a question of Respect

If one has respect for himself he does not run after a pusssy.If a woman is dumb enough to reject my superior balkan charm,I feel sorry for her but I am not as altruist as to try to change her opinion.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
31 Mar 2010 /  #17
you are selfish... it's so important because YOU have feelings for her...
is it so hard to understand a simple word "NO"?

you hear this stories and then wonder why guys get offended when you call them whinners and pussies...

leave her alone... she made that clear...
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Mar 2010 /  #18
you stalked her and she said NO. Very strange.

Why? Maybe, he is a gentleman or god saved him. If he didnt stalk and didnt scare her away, she would stalk him and he would be in her cage now.
JulietEcho  3 | 100  
31 Mar 2010 /  #19
Do you think that Polish women are some sort of archetype that you hit over the head with a rump of pork and drag behind you to a cave?

As long as YOU don't come from one of those so called "cultures" where you simply purchase one you like with three camels; you approach them as any other human being: with respect, understanding and reserve. Sadly, you seem to be lacking all of them...
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Apr 2010 /  #20
in "cultures" where you simply purchase one you like with three camels

price of camel is around 1000 Euro. 3 camels = 3000 Euro. Indeed, this is not enough to purchase one. Must be 30,000 Euro or even more.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
2 Apr 2010 /  #21
Start dancing on balkan klarino and your problems will be solved.

nomaderol  5 | 726  
2 Apr 2010 /  #22
Wonderful. This can change my opinion.
Mouth watering.
Watching her live costs 30 Euro.
Touching her live costs 30,000 Euro.
Wallet watering.

Ps: as i said in other thread, if we were men, we could make all females look like that. See music, dance, etc are feminine things.
Barr_2009  1 | 252  
2 Apr 2010 /  #23
never got any better with the Polish girl I knew recently, she never spoke to me again, really difficult girls, damn stupid is what I've seen, I'm afraid to be truthful. Another recently blocked me for making a simple joke recently. Most difficult, hard to communicate with girls I've ever come across and that is saying something. Actually I speak to another recently in Krakow, I'm actually going to probably meet her, as I just want to see now, how many of these creatures can act the same way. I'll be nice, and simply try to be her friend, let's see what happens. lol
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Apr 2010 /  #24
Stop stalking her! .......and get over it!

Emotional life has its many ups and downs. Be an adult and enjoy the good stirrings while accepting and dealing with the negative ones as well. It's called 'life'.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
2 Apr 2010 /  #25
Vawery: Even when I called her he just said me: Pierdol się! (F*ck off!).

How much clearer do you want it? :) My boy, forget her - she is not interested in you and she will never be. In fact she doesn't make any effort to make it seem that she is. Easy peasy to say goodbye to her. It would've been different if she was pretending to like you, but she doesn't even do that. Let her go, she probably won't come to you in about the next 2000 years, so find yourself a nice chickadee and be happy with that one. Don't know where you're from, but I am sure there will be some very nice young ladies there. Young ladies who are worth your while more than this bimbo. You're wasting your time and energy on this. Go out, find yourself a nice female, even if it's for one night only. Usually this is enough to forget all about bimborimbos like that.

Good luck, but really, stop approaching her. If there would be anything growing it'll have to come from her, but I doubt it ever will.


M-G (drink yourself to oblivion and make sure you don't have access to your phone and if you do, erase her number and email address)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
2 Apr 2010 /  #26
Some girls are under their controls of fathers or brothers or fellow town guys.. or, simply pimps. They are being protected against the guys without money. Therefore, they can't speak with you even if they want to do so. Eh, these males have fed them their girls for many years, and how dare! you are smart to think they will leave them for free without making profit? Males hate that.. and these girls are used to be fed in their grass like lambs. You have more greens?
Barr_2009  1 | 252  
3 Apr 2010 /  #27
yeah it's all life, I wasted my time with an absolute time waster, who was pretending to be interested in something with me, then even denied that. Some girl on this board said a while back she was a time waster and I wish I listened then, and I'd told her to Feck off, but I gave her chance, and all I could do in the end when she stopped talking, was to send her an e-mail telling her what I thought of her, being a timewaster, selfish, etc.

One thing I've realised from some experiences this last year, I have to stop analysing myself and how I behave, because I try to be decent, and I've realised it's perfectly natural for people to fall out, and fight. It's human, and I have to stop feeling bad about that if it happens.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
3 Apr 2010 /  #28
absolute time waster, who was pretending to be interested in something with me

Actually, in your story I can find nowhere that she pretended to be interested. Ok, you talked about what you did in England, but that doesn't seem anything else than fetching up memories, nothing more. If I spent a nice day with a female friend somewhere and she mails me to rake up memories, I will certainly reply to her and share the memories with her, but that doesn't mean I want to start sth with her. And as for time waster, I don't think she is a time waster. If there is one time waster in this story, then it's you yourself; you're wasting time on a female that wasn't interested in you in the first place and made no efforts to make it seem that she is. After all, you said yourself that you found out her email address - she didn't even give it to you herself. This means that she never gave you a second thought and like her, if somebody would do that with me, I would be surprised too. Just be glad she had the decency to reminiscen the time with you (as part of the group) in England. That's already more than you could've hoped for.

Now, follow my advice and find yourself another female who IS interested in you and don't waste your precious time wailing over this girl. It had never a chance, but since you were infatuated with her, the fact that she responded to your (kinda obtrusive) email, naturally gave you hope, given your mindset. Forget about it and go along your merry ways in finding another girlfriend. You will see, there are plenty of really nice girls out there who DO want to spend time with you. Good luck, my friend.

Hint: if a girl doesn't give you her contact details by herself, it's usually a good measure to know that she is not interested in you. If she was, she would've gone out of her way to get you those details. You shouldn't try to get her details by a u-turn - it'll make you come across as scary and you don't want that.


M-G (hm)
Alx123  - | 180  
3 Apr 2010 /  #29
Grow some self-respect. Do you know how badly Polish girls used to beg for foreign c**k? Go to Poland, meet other girls, and get some perspective. She sounds like a low class girl anyway.
Barr_2009  1 | 252  
3 Apr 2010 /  #30
Actually I knew her 7 months, meeting for that time, and she gave me her e-mail, telephone number, home address. I was just meaning after 7 months, she started dating someone and didn't want to even give me her new number and address as she moved. The reason I felt she was a time waster was because she was once asking what I thought to her and asking if I want to kiss her, we did then kiss. Then she just changed the next few months and started being funny with me, teasing. That's why I felt she was a timewaster. Only I was annoyed at her attitude with me, so I sent an e-mail telling her that, because she wouldn't even speak by phone in the end, so I just sent e-mail but got nothing back.

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