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So I got a call yesterday from those Polish teens who tried blackmailing me

3 Mar 2018 /  #1
Remember those girls I told you guys I met a while back near palace or culture who i thought were like 16 but they never told me how old they were amd one claimed 18 but I suspected they were lying? And I wanted to fuk them but they took me for a ride wanting me to just buy them alcohol and give it to them without any randavoo or at least us drinking it together? and how I left and got spooked because although if theyre 26 I could and would like to legally fuk them in Poland I cant legally profide alcohol for them without a fine or something.

And how they particularly the blond loud mouth and naughty mouth with sexi legs full of holes in jeans kept calling me with a blocked number and asking me to hang out with them and I went one more time and thats when they took me for a ride cause they had this kid with them they didnt tell me about, it was three that next time and this teen boy and i dont need to or want to hang out with no teen kids but girls is fine for me just girls. She claimed at the time if I dont give her the vodka bootle shell call the cops on me and accuse me of something or some crap and anyway i got spooked but later she called and her friend was talking that she was kididng.

But anyway fast forward all that as i had no contact with them sicne inf act i domt even know the blond sluts number who kept calling me but yesterday I got another call. This time she claimed thst they need huja or dick and want to have sex right then and there. I said you remember when you tried extorting me? and she said thwt they almsot ended up in bed with me thst night and eanted to meet. long story short i was in a coffee shop so couldnt talk and told her to call later and i never answered. So what do you guys think? is this some sort of a trap or trick and they want money from me or should i offer money for sex or just go with the flow or what should I do? I really need help with the female teenage polish chick mentality or else i womt ever end up in bed with one. I want to call her my teen slut like thwt amanda knox on that facial abuse got called by thst dude and these chicks or the blond seem like theyre jsut crazy enough for that to occur or at least crazier than knox or belle herself and at 16 or so.

Are there really Polish chicks who want dick so fast where they even asked if I wanted sex right there and then over the phone lol and I said I domt know cause I domt k ow you guys so well. they were yelling huj over the phone and cussig a bit too with their dirty little nasty mouths. I really think that website thst teen **** start participated in needs to come to poland and I need to run it or something.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Mar 2018 /  #3

Not the brightest chap.


This is linked to an academic network, which will require a login to use. Therefore, it will be simple to tie the post on PF to his personal login, and thus lead the police straight to him.

Not very bright, are you Mike?
Paulina  19 | 4558  
3 Mar 2018 /  #4

According to this site:


...he posted this from a music school in Warsaw...

Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I St. Nr 1 im. Oskara Kolberga w Warszawie

Address: Świętojerska 24

Could he be teaching there...?
O WELL  - | 150  
3 Mar 2018 /  #5
@ smsmsmsk ,would you like to meet me in Warsaw?PM me your email or contact please.Thanks.I just live cpl of blocks from there.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
3 Mar 2018 /  #6
teaching in a school?
I f***ing hope not.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Mar 2018 /  #7
Could he be teaching there...?

Probably not - academic networks tend to be quite misleading with location. I don't know for certain, but I'd guess that many educational places in Warsaw use the same network.

It's more likely that he's enrolled at some university or szkoła policealna and he's logging in using an account provided to him. A lot of them have access points in public areas in cities, especially those on the eduroam network.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
3 Mar 2018 /  #8
IP address please, Admin?

Gee delph, I am surprised a computer geek like yourself wouldn't know how to get someone's ip.# by now.
It's really not that hard.

A lot of them have access points in public areas in cities, especially those on the eduroam network.

Ah, now we know how it works for the sock puppets in Poland.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
4 Mar 2018 /  #9
Well, I definitely don't know how to get someone's IP address besides asking an admin of a forum or mods for it.
Do you, johnny?
O WELL  - | 150  
4 Mar 2018 /  #10
I remember once he wrote that he posts from his cell fone,also by the typos he makes seems he uses his cell.If cops stop and check him and his cell(I know Polish cops do that or they can do that)I am sure there will certainly be some illegal kiddy stuff on it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
4 Mar 2018 /  #11
Do you, johnny?

No, well except once when one member here made an unforgiving remark about my mother.
I can PM you his picture if you like.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
4 Mar 2018 /  #12
He has gone now you might not see him here again.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Mar 2018 /  #13
Hmm, interesting thread.

One has to wonder if birds of a feather don't flock together, so to speak.
O WELL  - | 150  
6 Mar 2018 /  #15
Dolno he is right,the history tells us about dangerous people in contact with Polish Catholic kids(or infact any kids)has to be checked and monitored at any cost.They should be treated or incarcerated so they dont ever ever get in contact of minors,not only in Poland but elesewhere also.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Mar 2018 /  #16
They should be treated or incarcerated so they dont ever ever get in contact of minors

I would agree with that but i didn't understand delphs comment at all it made no sense to me, maybe you could explain.
O WELL  - | 150  
6 Mar 2018 /  #17
I think the gentleman means that some pedos are lurking in this forum.Thats what I think he meant,I am not him ofcourse.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Mar 2018 /  #18
some pedos are lurking in this forum

Oh I see
jon357  72 | 23711  
6 Mar 2018 /  #19
One has to wonder if birds of a feather don't flock together, so to speak.

They do indeed. I'm surprised he posts that stuff here - a more appropriate place is probably the 'dark web' where all sorts evidently happens.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
6 Mar 2018 /  #20
@jon357, you'd be surprised what paedophiles and ephebophiles post on much, much bigger and much more popular public English-speaking sites than this forum. I know I was.
jon357  72 | 23711  
6 Mar 2018 /  #21
Very little would surprise me, though yes, that might. I'd probably find it more depressing than surprising. With hindsight, I'd rather be surprised.

I did hear of an American website called 4-something (I don't want to promote it here) that has a message board with things like that on - it seems odd that the site isn't closed down. Perhaps the authorities use it as a way to catch them.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
6 Mar 2018 /  #22
True, I did find it surprising, shocking and depressing. I hope you're right though - that it's a way to catch them, because other explanations would be too disturbing...

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