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Brazilian-Polish couple in London - not getting married for permanent visas

DebRosa  1 | -  
2 Apr 2015 /  #1

My name's Debora, I'm a Brazilian living temporarily in London, and I'm dating a Polish guy. This is not a post about Poland in any way, for he doesn't want to go back to Poland. But since it's about a Polish citizen, and about human beings with typical human struggles, I figure we might find some help from his fellow countrymen, or anyone else from this forum who might be willing to give well-intentioned advice. :)

We know each other for five months now, and have been together for more than three, but I came here for my PhD studies and have to return to Brazil at the end of May. Even though it is little time, we want to be together. For him to go to Brazil is a bit absurd, since he's well-established here for many years, and has a good job; besides that, he doesn't know a word in Portuguese and, to be very honest, I love my country, but it does not offer the best job opportunities; and in any case he would have to support himself for some time there (without being a citizen, how??), before applying for Brazilian citizenship. We do not want to get married just for the sake of getting permanent visas; so we would rather try other options first. I would move to London, and I'm trying to apply for the Portuguese nationality, but, from all I've read so far, it is virtually impossible, in my case.

We are not going to do anything illegal to be together, though. There has to be a right and honest way for such an unlikely couple to work out in this pathetically divided world. We're willing to try other countries, and he considers Canada, but that would mean a fresh start for both, but I'd rather stay in London for the time being, if possible.

Anyways, I would appreciate any advice you might come up with. And thank you for your time and kindness.

Looker  - | 1129  
3 Apr 2015 /  #2
It depends only on both of you - how much determined you are, and how much you are going to sacrifice to be together. It's not an easy decision but it should be done rather sooner than later, because a 'remote' relationship is rarely successful. You already know what are your options. Unfortunately as you have noticed you both in Brazil equals slim chance for a good financial stability. So either Poland (if he really has a good job here) or UK (or Canada?) - it seems that your man is ready for new challenges, so why not to try? Maybe give him a free hand, if he feels than he can make it even in Canada.. but of course he should be familiar with all the difficulties he may experience to get a job in new country, find a place to live, etc.

Good luck!
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
3 Apr 2015 /  #3
and in any case he would have to support himself for some time there (without being a citizen, how??), before applying for Brazilian citizenship.

What is his profession? Depending of his profession, it cannot be all that difficult to a Pole to find a job in Brazil (despite the economic downturn of the country). Also there are a lot of places in Brazil that doesn't ask for english speaking.

There has to be a right and honest way for such an unlikely couple to work out in this pathetically divided world.

Sure it is. As you, i am also a Brazilian dating a Pole separated by almost 6000 kilometers, despite i visit her every month.

My plans to solve that are in something like 1 years and a half i plan to open a business (i am still doing the market research to decide which country, of course Poland is one of them) and she thinks about be my partner at it.
14 Apr 2015 /  #4
Isn't there a way you could try something like "spouse visa", even though you are not married?

Coz, if I am not mistaken, this is possible in the NL, maybe in UK as well?

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