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Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas?

OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
24 Jul 2012 /  #61
trust me there are plenty of young attractive doctors in the medical field. tall ones too LOL you will be working along with him so you will still see him :)))

Oh, don't think I don't know there are sexy doctors. I would turn into a crazy anal woman and that is not happening. If I had a bunch of kids (which is what would happen) I would not have to work and I would sit around watching my rug rats at the park and changing diapers. No wife of a doctor will work because with his salary it's unnecessary, but its really a trick, you have a worse life that way than you would just having a small family and working lol. I will not let it happen, no way, I want someone who isn't tied down by their work, its not my type at all.

Being an administrator in an office, you will not be working alongside with the doctors very much, more like reading over someone's medical record on the phone.

Raleigh? I don't know, Polka, these are no backward little towns - it is supposed to be a research center, has many high tech companies, decent schools... Duke University!Are you over 18?

I've been there many times because my sister is a graduate of duke and duke law. We used to drive there every summer and graduation. There is just something about it I hate, I don't know what it is. I like Duke, but there is just something about the Raleigh/Durham area that turns me off.

Am I over 18? ROFL I'm 20 and have already been through two years of college.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
24 Jul 2012 /  #62
I never claimed "racial superority" to a hispanic

Yes you did.

I just notice that in general hispanics tend to be less well off than anglos physically, monetarily, and intellectually.

You claim it,but,clearly lack it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Jul 2012 /  #64
this seems oddly familiar... didn't we do this about a year or so ago? There was a girl here complaining of a lack of eligible bachelors, she had a strict father and listed being white as one of her proud accomplishments?
25 Jul 2012 /  #65
this seems oddly familiar..

Sadly, it's too common. Not just the queasily familiar race stuff, but this notion that you can engineer romance. American Idol's premise is that you can choose a pop star via committee, and The Bachelor's premise is that with the right house of honeys, you're only just a single one-on-one date away from ever-lasting love. It's ludicrous.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
25 Jul 2012 /  #66
What makes you believe I think I can engineer romance? I never said anything about that, you just assumed that because I said I like to watch the bachelor. It's entertaining to watch these ridiculous scenarios of different kinds of people competing for "love" on tv.

Most people wouldn't date someone who was black or Asian, they just wouldn't admit it. I guess I don't inhibit myself on internet forums as much as other people do. The majority of people feel exactly as I do, they just won't admit it, whether they don't want to associate with certain people because they're from a different walk of life, ethnicity, crowd etc. People like isthatu just want to have everything censored so it seems different.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Jul 2012 /  #67
Ah.. the majority.. I'm beginning to see what you mean by backward small town mentality.

You are grouping two completely different sets of characteristics that should not get mixed up: ones we can do something about, like the 'crowd', education, even economic status, and one that is completely beyond our control, like ethnicity or color of eyes.

In the matters of finding a mate, it is accepted that "looks" have a lot to do with what we find attractive, but believe me, most people would feel silly admiting that they only like to associate themselves with tall, blond people, for example.

OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
25 Jul 2012 /  #68
tall, blond people

I'm not sure if that's what you think I mean, but that's not what I said. I don't care about hair and eye color, I just care that I have something in common with and I can relate to the person enough. I am just attracted to tall men, that's all, it's a whole different thing. I am looking for a serious relationship, and I want someone I think I could be able to connect with in a spousal way on a deep level. I can't connect with an asian or a mexican or an African-american this way I'm sorry. I can't even connect this way with most anglos. I would probably even go on a date with a nonwhite person, just to find more connections, but I find it a cruel and immoral way to lead someone on, because I know I will never feel anything serious for this person. I don't think it's right to go out with someone unless you really like them in a physical way, because it will never go anywhere. Some girls do this with dorks or guys they don't like, maybe to get a free dinner, but I think it's wrong. It's just like when guys ask to get in your pants on the first date, I believe in sparing people their dignity.

What about all the pop culture labels like dork, nerd, slut, jock etc.? Those are pretty constant and unchangeable. The fact is, humans will always separate themselves into groups and discriminate, it doesn't matter what it is.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Jul 2012 /  #69
like I said, romantically you're free to be as unreasonable as you want, it's the heart that chooses, not head.

It's the narrow field of people you said you like to "associate" yourself with that I was hoping you would reconsider. Among the different cultures you might find the tall blond travelers that can enrich your life.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
25 Jul 2012 /  #70
like I said, romantically you're free to be as unreasonable as you want, it's the heart that chooses, not head.It's the narrow field of people you said you like to "associate" yourself with that I was hoping you would reconsider.

No, its not as narrow as you think.

Among the different cultures you might find the tall blond travelers that can enrich your life

Actually, I don't really like blonde men that much. I'm actually not as attracted to my own physical type, although I am a sucker for blue eyes.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Jul 2012 /  #71
It's got to be pretty narrow if you think that every latino hitting up on you is trying to climb a social ladder. ;)
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
25 Jul 2012 /  #72
I don't really "think" that as seriously as you are making me out to, but it's still kind of funny because latinos like short white women. Anyways, I don't see them looking at other latino or black women that way. They're not thinking they're trying to "climb" on purpose, it's just an instinct they have. They like us physically because nature is telling them we're better for natural selection than their own women.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Jul 2012 /  #73
at least you should consider the possibility that you don't know what the majority of latinos like.
The truth is that overwhelming majority of them think that latin women are the hottest in the world.
25 Jul 2012 /  #74
I used to have my hair did by a Swedish chick. She said "blonde" wasn't manly. I dunno if this is a Scandinavian notion, because it's such a predominant hair color, or just her personal preference. I mentioned The Bachelor because it was relevant to my point, not because of your tv-watchin predilections.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
25 Jul 2012 /  #75
I don't think it has anything to do with being manly. I think blondes just don't like other blondes very much. I think if this wasn't true naturally blonde hair wouldn't be such a rarity. I think maybe it's a combination of different factors, with maybe the most prominent being that natural selection programs people to want good features that they don't have to add to their gene pool. Hair color can't really be "good" or "bad", its just kind of a psychological manifestation of these instincts. If you get more of the exact same features then the future generations are not as well adapted as they could be.

I think the reason Poland has such beautiful people is because they are so ethnically mixed. Having a makeup from lots of different physical features, but not so different it causes disproportion creates a physically attractive person. Indians are a bad example of this, with their different influences creating in general strange looking people.

I wasn't quite sure if you were claiming me to have these naive notions that you can engineer love or not, but it sounded like that's what you were insinuating so I felt like I had to defend my character.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
25 Jul 2012 /  #76
whether they don't want to associate with certain people because they're from a different walk of life, ethnicity, crowd etc.

I for one totally understand that. I think there that there is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to keep your ethnicity going and being proud of it. A black person can say that they are proud to be black so why can this not be the case for a white person? If they want to keep their ethnicity, culture and religious beliefs going, great for them. There is nothing racist or backward about that, you can mix with others and be friendly with them, but why do you have to get married to someone like that?

Muhammad Ali on racial integration

Wroclaw Boy  
25 Jul 2012 /  #77
I think im with F stop (i think it was her) who said "stop trying". Thats the best way to find a husband - worked for me in finding a wife anyway.

When you stop looking or more importantly when you stop giving a crap its like London buses they all turn up at once.

Muhammad Ali on racial integration

Caught a pic of the great one today on the front cover of the Daily Mirror, frankly i was a little shocked at his image. Hes over here for the Olympics.

  • Awesome fella
Barney  19 | 1791  
25 Jul 2012 /  #78
Indians are a bad example of this, with their different influences creating in general strange looking people.

There is nothing strange about Sitting Bull or Crazy Horse for that matter.
Native south Asians are pretty groovy too.

Best way to find a husband...ideas?
Marry the guy you like most...
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
25 Jul 2012 /  #79
I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.

Sadly, I wasn't surprised. She used that remark in her opening post, and immediately sounded like a big headed loser.
Wroclaw Boy  
25 Jul 2012 /  #80
Her posts are fairly common on here and "hell" in life in general. Shes just a little confused, a little young, likes the attention and doesn't know enough about the world and how it functions - to know better YET.

Its not often a person can carry such bigoted views (and this is not at all associated to polkatagalong) much further in life once they become more worldly knowledgeable. Unless one is fortune enough to have absolutely sound parents and surroundings its difficult forming PC (i hate that expression) opinions.
hola_chika  - | 8  
25 Jul 2012 /  #81
can find a guy who is move in or husband material,

dont compromise your standards =)
Olaf  6 | 955  
25 Jul 2012 /  #82
Best is to stop looking.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
25 Jul 2012 /  #83
Her posts are

All you said in post 86 was very well put.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
25 Jul 2012 /  #84
Sadly, I wasn't surprised

Glad you guys noticed this... How can you take this person seriously?
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
25 Jul 2012 /  #85
There is nothing strange about Sitting Bull or Crazy Horse for that matter.Native south Asians are pretty groovy too.Best way to find a husband...ideas?Marry the guy you like most...

No, I'm talking about Asian Indians silly.

When you stop looking or more importantly when you stop giving a crap its like London buses they all turn up at once.

It's so weird the way that happens isn't it? When I finally start seeing someone and I'm not looking very hard, they all come pouring in at the same time! It's really annoying.
Englishman  2 | 276  
25 Jul 2012 /  #86
I think the best way to find a wonderful husband is to stop looking for one, or rather to stop looking for someone who meets a very specific set of criteria such as ethnicity, age, type of hme town etc. Better to be open to new experiences and look forthe goodness in everyone. You might be surprised by what you find... and you might just fall in love with it too :-).
Natasa  1 | 572  
25 Jul 2012 /  #87
Causes that play a role, literature says, when it comes to success in interpersonal sphere, affection are

1. physical characteristics
2. personality traits
3. availability


I would add ses, social/economical (including background and education) status which seems to be crucial. Probably ranked as first filter. (Leftists wrote that handbook:)))

Not being among the prettiest, I had to rely on rhetorics and full adaptation to the interests of the men I was interested in. Everybody loves his/hers reflection ;)

Husband or the boyfriend, same thing...
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
26 Jul 2012 /  #88
I am surprised that so many people jumped in to give advice and so few commented on such a racist comment.


There's someone on here (someone who is punching WELL above his weight and knows it) who aimed a load of abuse at me for daring to state that I won't date dark-skinned women - which is a personal preference (like someone refusing to date fat women) and nothing else.

But this...

I have been approached by classy hispanics (no seriously don't laugh, guess they're trying to climb the race ladder)

never even got a mention from the aforementioned PC type.

But I'm not a reasonably attractive "Polish" blonde, so I suppose it didn't matter ;)

Nothing to "ugh" about, and most certainly there is nothing perverted about it.

Indeed, I had a 31 year-old girlfriend when I was 18! lol

My only hope of meeting somebody at work will be a young doctor someday, which I think isn't going to happen, because doctors have long hours and i require attention.

And therein lies the problem. You have answered your own question without realising it.

If you're in (or want) a relationship, it's not about you - it's about the two of you.

Until you understand this, you will spend all your time dating or attracting losers. But you're only 20, so you have plenty of time to learn.

When you stop looking or more importantly when you stop giving a crap its like London buses they all turn up at once.

Not really, I've given up looking and I still can't find anyone else lol! Then again, most women my age are already married or simply not available. Meh :(

I've seen some lame threads on here, but this one is one of the worst. It's got "me me me" written all over it.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
26 Jul 2012 /  #89
But I'm not a reasonably attractive "Polish" blonde, so I suppose it didn't matter ;)

I never said I consider myself "Polish", I have a Polish heritage, but I am not Polish, I'm American.
beckski  12 | 1609  
26 Jul 2012 /  #90
Honestly I think a good Polish-American would be right up my ally.

Depending on the individual, a Polish gentleman from the "Fatherland" may be up your alley too.

Guys in med school are BUSY, it's 8 AM to 12 AM 10 months out of the year.

I've been witness to that scenario. After a doctor's business is established, he eventually becomes married to his job.

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