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Should I ask a slightly older Polish Woman out on a date?

30 Jun 2014 /  #1

So theres this Polish lady I work with. Neither of us live in Poland and I am not Polish, but she is.

She's slightly older than I am (she's 24-25 and I'm 20) but we're both interning at the same place.

I was wondering if a Polish lady would care about this age difference? I do currently live with my parents but thats only because I'm on my summer holidays right now (hence why I'm interning for a short period). When I go back to university, I stay on my own.

We talk every now and then, I'm always the one who initiates the conversation, not her, but when we talk we don't stop talking haha.

Anyways, I was wondering if some Polish people could gimme some input on this,I want to ask her out but I don't want things to be awkward if she rejects me since I have to work with her for 2 more months (I'm fine being friends with her so yeah, she seems like a chill person too). Any advice would be appreciated!
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
30 Jun 2014 /  #2
just ask her out as a friend and see what happens next - I don't think the age difference would matter to her as such :-)
30 Jun 2014 /  #3
just ask her out as a friend and see what happens next

Exactly what I think.
jon357  72 | 23706  
1 Jul 2014 /  #4
Exactly. Good advice from both Magdalena and Harry.

In the scheme of things, the age difference is tiny. And don't worry about living at home or being on an internship; both are more normal in PL than GB.
OP Historian  
3 Jul 2014 /  #5
i asked her out but she said she was really busy the next couple of weekends and that she would let me know in 2 weeks if we could go watch a movie through Facebook, but we are remaining as friends. Anyways i guess she was not interested, so yeah. Thanks for the advice though

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