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Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid"

Malopolanin  3 | 132  
6 Feb 2011 /  #1
Article about movie "Darling I Lowe Ju" depicting Polish women's naivete on Egyptian holiday.


Anna Blaszczyk excellent documentary was made before the dramatic events on the streets of Cairo, but it says a lot about Egyptian poverty. His heroes are the Poles holidaymakers in the famous resort of Hurghada. Invites you to the premiere of HBO

Husbands, wives who were playing alone on the Egyptian holiday, will be terrified. Similarly, mothers of adolescent daughters. Settle down for a life partner men who in the resorts on the Red Sea had a chance to pretend to be lonely. Produced by HBO documentary "Darling I Lowe Ju", as the title indicates, is about little love that Egypt become the participation of Polish tourists who.

This story has five characters: two young girls dreaming of finding true feelings on the holiday disco lady around fifty and two men. These last a few days lost illusions: Hurghada sexually don't go crazy. - Why do women behave differently here than in Poland - they ask themselves, sipping a beer on the beach. - What Egyptians are better than us? - Comment on another failure. Answer heroines of the film is simple. - Pole begins sentence of groans or asks, "What time is it?". And the men in Egypt are romantic. Muscled. Athletic. They have smooth skin. Well, this dark skin ...

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #2
Anyone who sets herself loose ... is easy ... stupid too, when lonely. 50 years old women going after 20 year old men and thinking its true love ... its foolish wherever she is. But then, perhaps its an exchange ... of some kind. But quite foolish indeed.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #3
Of course Arabs have no respect at all for polish women.Imagine that I as a Greek write this way and multiply it by 10fold to get the opinions of Arabs.
Ogien  5 | 237  
6 Feb 2011 /  #4
I didn't know there was a Polish HBO. I always thought this was something we got in America only lol. You guys get Boardwalk Empire?

By the way, that girl in the pink bikini looks and sounds like a tranny if you watch promo 2.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #5
You cannot imagine the bullsh1t these Arabs feed the polish women.They tell some huge lies which to me are totally obvious that they are lies and the polish women believe them!In fact they cannot believe their luck that there still exist such gullible women(western women have long configured them).

Basically it is the muslim culture as I have written before they get away with things for which in Balkans you would just be slapped and beaten instantly and here you learn that from a very early time.In their culture they don't get punished.
convex  20 | 3928  
6 Feb 2011 /  #6
And meanwhile in clubs and pubs all over Poland, Polish men and women are finding their life partners between choruses of Kumbaya playing from the speakers.

Stop the presses...people have sloppy drunken sex while on all inclusive holidays to resort towns?!?!? Say it ain't so.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
6 Feb 2011 /  #7
Of course Arabs have no respect at all for polish women

they don't respect women at all to begin with
Ogien  5 | 237  
6 Feb 2011 /  #8
That was not my quote.
Crow  154 | 9463  
6 Feb 2011 /  #9
Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid"

idiotic title just nicely provoke for the idiotic reply

Ratko Mladic: "Arab mujaheedines are easy and stupid"
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #10
I guess I know one of the reasons why. Women like nice words. Polish men are often not the best at it. When a young girls hears "You are beautiful" or "You're so young and cute", "You're intelligent" and she likes the guy who says the words, she can easy fall in love with him. Just because of words, or just because of the way he looks at her.

Polish men will rather expect something more from her: better look, better social skills,... they are demading often. I am not sure about that...I just met in my life men who expected something really very special from their girlfriends.

I think men from other countries just accept women and adore them, look up to them, etc. But sometimes it last just for a moment. A moment long enough to fell in love with an Egiptian macho...
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #11
idiotic title just nicely provoke for the idiotic reply


Ratko Mladic: "Arab mujaheedines are easy and stupid"

Crow ... Ratko is not such a hero. We can have a new beginning without him!

hen a young girls

Read the article ...

A moment long enough to fell in love with an Egiptian macho...

First of all they are no more macho then we are ...

Secondly ... don't fall for these kinds of messages customized to fool people so that they can be just as sticky xenophobic racists like them.

You go Thailand ... and see what sex tourism among british women is like. Just browse in the internet how British and Australian women go to Thailand to hire men for sex tourism.

This is not something only in Poland. Just read the article and you will realize that these are old women, usually alone ... and they find a man who is ready and poor to sell himself for them.

Thats why keep your eyes open on who you love. An educated person, with decency ... is the person to go for. Not a race or a stereotype. The nature you can know by being friends with people first.

The greatest stupidity is the believe in articles such as these ... or to think that anyone is special or any other person is inferior...

REST ... your life ... say what you want believe that you like! ... lol
Crow  154 | 9463  
6 Feb 2011 /  #12

as i said

Crow ... Ratko is not such a hero.

he saved many Serbian woman, children and man from the hands of mujaheedines

We can have a new beginning without him!

in some new mosque?
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #13
I was in Turkey with a russian girl(very impressive) and all Turks tried to pick up her.All used exactly the same style.A peculiar look in the eyes like they are in the sky and a muslim philosophy summarizaing in:We are all human species we are all the same I love you you love me.''At first it was interesting later I had just to take my pen1s out balkan style to keep all the Turks off.

Simply by telling my Russkaya one or two words was enough to make all the turkish attraction creativity worthless.I guess the Poles by staying so far away from muslims do not posess the same weapons to confront them and either they get overjealous so by showing embarassment they confirm the turkish superiority or they act indifferent and so their women are easily approached and victimized.The solution is the western style of fixing the bill or the balkan style of firm hand and dominance.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #14
in some new mosque?

No... WHY???!!!???!!!?? ... Why mosque? .. New beginning means a constructive beginning.

We need to keep our heads together. As Slavs ... as people who can bring a positive change in the world by giving a message of peace and love ... not of hatred and war.

Anyways ... signing off ... spent alot of time here today :D ... after a very long time.
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Feb 2011 /  #15
At first it was interesting later I had just to take my pen1s out balkan style to keep all the Turks off.

Then they p1ssed themselves laughing and you woke up.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
6 Feb 2011 /  #16
That was not my quote.

I quoted southern, I don't know why it shows you, sorry about that
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Feb 2011 /  #17
they don't respect women at all to begin with

How do you know?
Crow  154 | 9463  
6 Feb 2011 /  #18
The solution is the western style of fixing the bill or the balkan style of firm hand and dominance.

well said. Those are only two real ways for man to keeps control. i myself, combine those two methods. Still, woman is eternal secret... and its ok, as long as man, at least, keeps control over itself, his own life and his own income.
chichimera  1 | 185  
6 Feb 2011 /  #19
Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid"
idiotic title just nicely provoke for the idiotic reply

Crow  154 | 9463  
6 Feb 2011 /  #20
No... WHY???!!!???!!!?? ... Why mosque? .. New beginning means a constructive beginning.

well, its easy to you to talk.

Serbs were directly attacked. Ironically, strong Serbian resistance for centuries, keeps Poles deluded in false safety. Plus, Serbians are clear with fact who are their enemies and who (if not friends) at least have similar interests. Poles on the other side, surrounded itself (in mind-blowing alliance) with false friends and even mortal enemies.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #21
The point is to control the frame.In Balkans if sb wants to steal your girlfriend he simply makes you lose control of the situation.In this way you appear totally ridiculous to the girl.For example you go to a bar and the barman refuses to serve you thus showing the girl that you are inferior.So in every time you get challenged.There is noone who will help you but lots who will create obstackles.Having this in mind a person has to keep control.

In Turkey and arab countries this is very easy as they simply lack the intelligence to make you lose control of the frame because they don't know the level of game played.They are also pussies and prefer the muslim method which I described.So it is not a big deal.

With a Serb and a Romanian it is different because you will feel a notification by a tap on your back and you know that a two meter monster with huge hands stands just behind you.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #22
Lodz the Boat
First of all they are no more macho then we are ...

I don't know any of them so I can't make comparisons. I also don't know you enough to tell you if you are macho.

This is not something only in Poland. Just read the article and you will realize that these are old women, usually alone ... and they find a man who is ready and poor to sell himself for them.

I am Polish and the article is focused on Polish older women. Besides, age is not very important. Older women need to be told they are wonderful even more than young girls.

Thats why keep your eyes open on who you love. An educated person, with decency ... is the person to go for. Not a race or a stereotype. The nature you can know by being friends with people first.

Well, decency is often relative. You can be with a decent women for years and after it,... a disaster. She was a liar who cared only for your wallet and nights with you, nothing more. A surprise, isn't it?

People just make mistakes. Some are good liars and perfect actors.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #23
Some are good liars and perfect actors.

They are not good liars.If you want good liars you have to travel to Sicely.They are the world's champions in lying.They lie so well that you give them congratulations when they manage to deceive you.World class con artists.

In the case of Arabs we talk about totally primitive blatant lying just based on the good intentions of the victim.There is no quality.

Here you see what happens when sb tries to cheat a Sicelian.
noreenb  7 | 548  
6 Feb 2011 /  #24
In the case of Arabs we talk about totally primitive blatant lying just based on the good intentions of the victim.There is no quality

Well said Southern.
6 Feb 2011 /  #25
Article about movie "Darling I Lowe Ju" depicting Polish women's naivete on Egyptian holiday.

Nothing new under the sun. Ever saw "Shirley Valentine" or "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"? Flocks of middle aged women from rich countries going on Caribbean vacations looking for "love". The only new element in this story is that Polish women can afford those fancy vacations now and behaving with equal naivete.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #26
Yes,sekstouristky.It is interesting that they avoid doing this in Greece clearly not liking the dominant balkan style.
In general Greeks are not interested in satisfying foreign MILFs with money as it was the case in the past.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
6 Feb 2011 /  #27
Arabic men can be charmers. I've met a couple during my college years, but to consider them a potential husband based on the sweet bs? The girls gotta a have a very low self esteem or simply look for adventure. Nothing wrong with adventure as long as nobody gets hurt.

Some Egyptians/Arabic can be quite good looking too, but the specific smell of their skin is a turn off (for me). It might be the spices they use? Perhaps the smell of garlicky polish sausage on the blond's breath would stop the Egyptians' short in their declaration of love! :)
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #28
Arabs smell a lot because of their sweat.You can smell them meters away.Polish women sometimes smell if they smoke and drink a lot but generally they have sweet slavic smell.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
6 Feb 2011 /  #29
Arabs smell a lot because of their sweat.You can smell them meters away.

Well, I've encountered more than a few Polish guys who could knock you out at 50 metres with their armpits.

One guy was a caretaker/janitor at a local school and he lived in a little glass kiosk at the door of the school. You could smell him from outside the door. I bet the teachers used to threaten naughty kids with half an hour in his fish tank.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
6 Feb 2011 /  #30
sweet slavic smell

Other special aromas which are the identifying signatures of slavic and not so slavic people?

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