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Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive?

Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Sep 2013 /  #152
Ola Szwed. Very nice lalka.
12 Sep 2013 /  #153
She isn't Cuban. She's Polish, born and bred.
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Sep 2013 /  #154
I know she's not Cuban, but I thought the name would speak for itself.
12 Sep 2013 /  #155
Making assumptions when it comes to names and nationalities can get you into a lot of trouble. Erich Zelewski could easily be mistake for being Polish, what with a name like that (along with being born in Poland and having Polish mother), but he was actually the Nazi bastard who destroyed most of Warsaw. Similarly, a bloke with a name like Frédéric François sounds like he should be 100% French but saying that can cause a fight in certain pubs here.

Anyway, back to the topic "Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive?": if the Polish man in question is standing next to our resident North American racists, any woman will find that Pole attractive.
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Sep 2013 /  #156
Erich Zelewski

Well, Erich is not Polish, Ola/Aleksandra is ;)
Anyway, it was obvious I was talking about a 'coloured' Polish lady. There are more, but I can't remember their names...
Blintz  - | 5  
30 Sep 2013 /  #157
I think it is possible. I wouldn't say for certain. My father is 1/2 Polish, and my mother is from the Caribbean, mixed with white, African and Chinese. So I look interesting.
21 Oct 2013 /  #158
I am a dark skinned black woman living in the USA who is in a long term relationship with a half polish/half german man. I am not considered multiracial as both my parents identify as African American, though I am sure everyone in this nation has some mixture of races in their ancestry. I cannot speak for the experience of anyone else, but there are people on this planet that look at the quality of a person's character and do not consider race in their coupling choices. I happen to be one. If the original asker of this question is interested in my opinion, I would say get to know some African or African American women and if you're interested in someone that you meet, ask her out. If she says no, move on to another woman. Beauty is really in the eyes of the beholder. Some men prefer thin, fair skinned blonde women. Some men like big butts and they cannot lie. Some guys like a nice pair of legs. We can't judge one another based on our personal preferences, all we can do is accept it and move on with our lives.

I dont know where you are gathering your information. My father and all my uncles on both sides of my family as well as my cousins and brothers are very hard working men, those with children are present for their families and most are college educated. I feel this is an unfair assessment.

I agree it depends on the person. I would encourage everyone to read up on Loving vs Virginia. Its a great story about two people in love in a time when it was illegal to love as you choose. Many people saw what they went through and decided to "stick to their own". When I go out with my bf, we still get crazy looks from crotchety old men and black couples alike. Everyone just needs to get over it. The world will eventually remix itself.
5 Jan 2016 /  #160
I am not attracted to Poles at all. i am a mixed races woman and I experienced mostly unpleasant behaviour. Polish men do not respect women and look at the people of colour as on an inferior human being. Many of them are quite narcisstic and have this Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde personality which can charm you in the beginning but once they win you over true colours come out. They are not gentlemen and treat a women with lack of respect. In general, men from Eastern Europe are not a good choice for a partner for a person of any race Arrogant, aggressive, weak-willed and spoiled rotten by their over-protective mothers.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Jan 2016 /  #161
I am not attracted to Poles at all.

And vice versa
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
5 Jan 2016 /  #162
spoiled rotten by their over-protective mothers.

And Fathers who are MARRIED to their over-protective mothers.
72% of Black children are born to un-wed mothers who can't afford to spoil their children.
When a Polish man is looking for a Black woman he is looking for a trophy to get all he can.
When a Black woman is looking for a Polish man she is looking for a sugar daddy to get all she can.
So if the Polish man can keep the cash flow going to a Black woman she is very attractive to a Polish man.
5 Jan 2016 /  #163
MY2 CENTS : men from Eastern Europe are not a good choice for a partner for a person of any race Arrogant, aggressive, weak-willed and spoiled rotten by their over-protective mothers.

You see your limited experience as a general law here, which is unwise of course even for a person of mixed origin

BTW, to represent your limited experience as a general law, you have to have personal relationships with several millions men and their number must be growing or use statistical

kaz200972  2 | 229  
5 Jan 2016 /  #164
When a Black woman is looking for a Polish man she is looking for a sugar daddy to get all she can.

Bit of an outlandish statement I think.
Polish men are rarely sugar daddies in the USA/UK and black women are not generally considered trophy wives either. We are just talking about two average ethnic groups that could be attracted to each other or might not be. Attraction really does depend on the individuals involved!
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
5 Jan 2016 /  #165
When a Black woman is looking for a Polish man she is looking for a sugar daddy to get all she can.

And when a Polish lady is looking for a black man? I'm waiting for your answer.

If you seek to upset the poster then you should channel your nonsensical comments back to her, and not to the entire black race. She came out of nowhere, only God knows for what reason, just to attack Poles on here, but you should remember that not everyone in her race share the same sentiments as her. Her comments shouldn't give you the yardstick to bring the entire black race into disrepute.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Jan 2016 /  #166
not everyone in her race share the same sentiments as her

You mean the same racial prejudice as her? You're right, not everyone.
nothanks  - | 626  
6 Jan 2016 /  #167
Indeed, the women usually carries the stereotype of "money grabber" especially in Europe where Social programs allow for child birth and/or University studies.

My2cents described the typical White Male in Western Society from a middle class home.
6 Jan 2016 /  #168
I am not attracted to Poles at all.

You claim to be from Slovakia but you are preoccupied with thoughts about awful Poland and ugly polish men. Is Slovakia more racially tolerant than than Poland ? Though it is evident you do not like Eastern Europe as a whole.

Do you think that writing long heartrending posts will bring greater comfort and pleasure into you life than going back ( possibly to non -European) home ?
Janice Little  - | 3  
4 Aug 2016 /  #169
Im Afro American.
I dont know how I found this thread.....lol.

But I think it was because I was typing in 'Aboriginals from Australia" or something.

Now, I cant speak for ALL Americans or Afro- Americans but I'll say that most Black Woman stick with other Black men.
Mainly because we share a cultural bond that we can relate with each other with.
So because of that; many Afro/Black Americans dont go outside of their race.
But its not just that we only specifically stick with men of say, African backgrounds.

Its even rare for Afro/Black Americans to date men from Africa (I. E. Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa) because we too are culturally different.

Now, once agin, I'm not saying it doesnt happen, because Ive seen Black woman married or dating Africans/Asians/Hispanics and white men.

But im just saying its rare for us to venture out.
Now the question is,

"Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive?"
You know, it all depends. There is no true answer for that.
But I'll say if you're confident and forward (without being sexually aggressive and overly forward) with a Black woman, you'll atleast get a date.

We dont like when men beat around the bush with their affections. Because to most of us we find it unmanly.
We like you straight and to the point.
If you want to take a Black Woman out for a date, you dont hint to the question like,
"So Ive got two tickets to see this movie, but my friend backed out..... " and pause and wait for a reaction or response.

We dont have time for that ****!
What you do is say,
" Hey Denise, I was wondering if you'd like to watch this movie with me tonight, Id really like some company...."

Culturally, we dont play or beat around the bush. We get to the point with our intentions and motives, and if a man is hesitant with his intentions it comes off weak to us.

No hate towards anyone, just thought I'd throw in my two cents.
nothanks  - | 626  
4 Aug 2016 /  #170
In Western Civilization [and abroad] Black Woman are below white, latina, asian. Then you add the element of black men being promiscuous and/or prone to crime/prison. It is sad to see blacks in america not give up the african [african-american] tag by now.

Black/African Woman + Polish Man?

Pros: Polish Man wants a powerful woman to challenge and make him a better man/father. Our culture does not wash laundry in public.

Cons: The obvious, multiculturalism.

As odd as the pairing sounds, it is not unheard. An educated/grounded woman breaks any barrier
Ironside  50 | 13034  
4 Aug 2016 /  #171
Cons: The obvious, multiculturalism.

You mean different races. Multiculturalism is obviously something entirely different.
Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
4 Aug 2016 /  #172
Pros polish men have massive kielbasa in general
Janice Little  - | 3  
4 Aug 2016 /  #173

Lol......We think the same about Polish men in America.

Remember, when Polish came to America they were considered beneath Irish, Italians, and the Jews.

But, like I said, We Black American woman would prefer not to go outside our race.
But I do find it FUNNY you calling yourself superior, especially the way Poland is right now.

Your country is pretty much a third world country. No offense, but you know its true.
You guys barely got into the E. U.
But hearing a Polish Man claim he's superior just makes me laugh.

I'm not even offended.
My Grandmother was born in 1925. And she said as a child she used to pick potatoes with alot of Immigrant Polish people who were poor, uneducated and didn't even know the English language.

So a Pole claiming some sort of superiority is beyong hilarious. I would never date a Pollack because I see you as ignorant and uneducated.

I have a masters degree in chemical engineering, and would never date an immigrant who is non- american.
It has nothing to do with color really, I would just prefer to date an African- American man because they are better looking, or even any one really.... But only if they are American and maybe Canadian. Because America is the most powerful country, with the most powerful men.

Dont worry, an American would never date you. Black, White, Asian, or Hispanic. Just stick to the other White girls in Europe, you'll have better luck their than here in America.

Also, you may have better luck getting a peasant Chinese girl or Japanese/Korean bar maid then any Asian American here.
Seeing they too are highly educated and obviously passed you in status.
A Polish or European man? NO THANK YOU!
But if you are American, Canadian or British.....ANYTIME.
Powerful men in powerful countries ONLY!
Ironside  50 | 13034  
4 Aug 2016 /  #174
I'm not even offended.

Really? So how come you spew that racist garbage just because somebody said something on the internet. I would say you're very offended.

We Black American woman would prefer not to go outside our race.

If so.. why would you care if someone of a different races shared that sentiment?

when Polish came to America

They have been among the first settlers and were very respected. You mean to say when they came in numbers in the 19th century.

they were considered beneath Irish, Italians, and the Jews.

Hey that as well might be true. However they were considered above blacks. lol!

an African- American

What's that? You're an American black and you should be proud of it rather than spew racist rants. Shame on you.

Your country is pretty much a third world country. No offense, but you know its true.

No, its is not.

But if you are American,

Bah, maybe he is an American Pole? what's then? lol!

Janice Little  - | 3  
4 Aug 2016 /  #175

I dont spill racism. Just facts.
And if you're upset about it, dont cry, but accept how people and most Black-Women view you. LOL
And yes, your country is a third world country.

I've visited it on several occasions for business.
You have some cities that are progressive, but your villages....another story.

Also, of course other Europeans were above Blacks in America.
That's why I didn't exaggerate the fact. I speak truth.
Poles were not pioneers in America.

Poles were the remainder of immigrants entering into this country.
You want to talk about pioneers?
Black Americans built this country, and the Chinese built most of the West Coast.
Most of you Poles came to America and did not spread out nationally.

Mainly living in the east coasts of America and Chicago.
If anything, you stayed stagnant in American history and had little to less of a significant role in American history.

Dont talk about pioneers and make it seem like you had a big role. Because your people didnt.

You seem offended by facts. And that's what I gave.
You just dont like my response.
That's fine....but know the difference between a racist. I never said I disliked whites.

But, im not fond of Polish men for sure. And your response and the response by @nothanks is a prime reason I look down on you Poles.

I tried being nice on here, but ignorance doesn't die out with a people when theyve been educated by their uneducated parents.
Im Done.......
Enjoy replying to a post where you will get no further response.

My point has been proven.
So please, in the future, Polish men stick with Polish women and Black American Woman stick with American men.
By the way, here in America Black- Americans use the terms African-American/Afro-American and Black-American interchangeably.

But of course, you wouldn't know that because you are ignorant and uneducated...Sucks to be you huh?
Ironside  50 | 13034  
4 Aug 2016 /  #176
I dont spill racism. Just facts.

What facts? What you present as facts are not actually factual.

And if you're upset about it, dont cry,

If anyone stared crying and ranting it was you, just because @nothanks posted something that you didn't like, you start ranting about Poland and Poles. Are you sure that you're new here?

Seems that this forum have a problem with a pest, a resurfacing troll.
So, either you're so insecure that you grossly overact to something someone said on the internet.
Do you even know if he is Polish? I have no idea who and what that guy is.
So, what that says about you if you are a genuine new poster here and not a troll?
Nothing good.

but accept how people and most Black-Women view you. LOL

As matter of fact they don't. Mostly because they don't care one way or the other.

And yes, your country is a third world country.

No, is it not. That is no factual.

I've visited it on several occasions for business.

Really? So in your opinion Poland is a third world country. Good for you. Do you want a golden star?
Nah, you don't deserve one.

Poles were not pioneers in America.

Well, facts say otherwise. Obviously you wouldn't know that would you!

Poles were

Please, don't talk about something you obviously have no idea about. Its boring!

You seem offended by facts. And that's what I gave.

No, you wanted to give an offence but in reality you have proved your ignorance as to facts. Good day to you.

You just dont like my response.

No, I don't like your attitude. Other than that you can say whatever you want. Thing is I can do it too and I'm using this opportunity to call you on your BS.

I never said I disliked whites.

You said that you preferred men from within your own race. That doesn't necessary makes you racist but given your rants about Poles it sure has given me a hint as to your real feelings.

Now you say you aren't racist....I don't really care if you are.

And your response and the response by @nothanks is a prime reason I look down on you Poles.

That is a lie. I have responded to you only after your rants anti-Polish BS. Are you telling me that some remark made by nothanks about whom you know nothing set you off in this ugly way? It means you're not a nice person or you're just a troll.

Enjoy replying to a post where you will get no further response.

Good, we don't need your kind here.

My point has been proven.

In your dreams.

...Sucks to be you huh?

No, thanks. Go with this offer to whomever else. I'm not interested.
Veles  - | 197  
5 Aug 2016 /  #177
@Ironside, I am surprised you even talk to that troll. :p
Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Aug 2016 /  #178
But, im not fond of Polish men for sure.

That good for you because Polish men almost never find black women attractive, in fact black women are considered the least attractive from all the races according to surveys. From my personal experience as a Polish man I can say, even if you rarely see physically attractive black woman she still has big mouth and temper issues so what's the difference?

You have some cities that are progressive

You mean cities that are developed, progressive can be political ideology so called far left.

I look down on you Poles.

I don't look down on any nationality, probably because I'm not racist like you.

So please, in the future, Polish men stick with Polish women

Up your, I'll stick to any women I want, whether you like it or not.

Enjoy replying to a post where you will get no further response.

6 Aug 2016 /  #179
Janice Little

ignorant and uneducated.

Your posts are full of spelling and grammatical mistakes; one would expect better from someone who claims to have a Master's.

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