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Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive?

Meowmeow  5 | 57  
7 Jun 2011 /  #91
^^^^ south american women are sexy
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
7 Jun 2011 /  #92
Ouch!! Gille, what you said is true often but not most of the time. If you go the mall, club, or beach you'll see that most of the time white American girls are the prettiest there, that's a fact.
gille  - | 6  
7 Jun 2011 /  #93

the thing is and I dont mean to generalize but Southern's comment annoyed me and I feel the reality must be said at least so he can get off his horses...

In Colombia or Brazil or Argentina or even here in Europe to find a rather pretty girl you just need to go out and walk around (not every girl will be pretty but a good number of them will be and chances are a good number of them will have the nice personality to go with the looks)

America on the other hand is like the UK..... you need to go to specific places where plastic surgery and money abound like Malibu, Beverly hills, The expensive areas of Miami etc. etc. because otherwise if you walk around mainstream America, somewhere in north carolina or iowa or texas you'll find the average Jane is often rather ugly, very unsophisticated and lacking in class and usually overweight..... plus there is a sick obsession with dying their hair blonde even if it looks very unnatural!!!

Which is what I find tremendously funny.... because usually some U.S males with racist pro-white views like Southern think that your average next door all white Britney spears after she gained all the weight looking U.S chic is God's gift to men!!! sorry is not!
Midas  1 | 571  
7 Jun 2011 /  #94
Why is it that white American men especially the ones who've never been out of the USA

Southern is kept around as a sort of curiosity and his opinions are rarely shared by other forum members ( I only agree with him on a few things ). Oh, and btw he doesn't happen to be American.

Racist much?

Or, should I say, anti-American in the very least?

Still pissed off about them killing off Pablo Escobar who was turning Colombia into a paradise?

Because, for real, You make so many generalizations it isn't funny.

I've met beautiful, classy white women who were raised in U.S.. And I've met skanky, easy and cheap women born and raised in South America ( and vice versa, to be fair ). Not to mention that with the well known "horizontal butt explosion" issue South American women are really last ones who should tell other women about weight issues.

So You're really painting with a broad brush, lady.

the thing is and I dont mean to generalize

Well, perhaps You don't mean, but You sure as hell do.

In Colombia or Brazil or Argentina to find a rather pretty girl you just need to go out and walk around (not every girl will be pretty but a good number of them will be), in America you need to go to specific places (Malibu, Beverly hills, The expensive areas of Miami etc. etc.)

Again a broad generalization.

Lady, basically, think before You write and try to keep that Colombian temper in check.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
7 Jun 2011 /  #95
I know gille, that's what i said about being in back in Poland I couldn't believe how many pretty, thin girls you can find just walking around on the streets.

America on the other hand is like the UK.

You're right to a degree. In better neighborhoods, and especially in the suburbs girls have the money to take tare of themselves, dye hair, tan, dress nice, go to the gym, watch what they eat. Those fat unattractive girl usually are married women who no longer feel a need to be sexy, or some trashbag from the intercity.

Which is what I find tremendously funny....

I wouldn't deny it. I've seen so many pretty Latinas in Florida and in Puerto Rico so i know you have gorgeous girls. But girls like this are pretty

cheesymac  4 | 60  
7 Jun 2011 /  #96
Get off your horses there my little redneck friend..

trashy, racist response... seems like you were made fun of by white american boys to have so much disgruntled hate towards them...
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
7 Jun 2011 /  #97
Please there are ugly white women and same goes for every other race. There are beautiful black, latina e.t.c women. What I see here is people who don't find dark skin attractive and by that Are calling everyone one ugly cause of their preferences, so is biased. I see really ugly un-kept polish women in London, as I do see the same with british and other races.... You either get good genes from your parents or you don't.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
7 Jun 2011 /  #98
Yeah Aboriginals are just as beautiful as the rest of us.

gille  - | 6  
7 Jun 2011 /  #99
oh please polski.... most polish men are FAR from looking good!

Polish women that's another story, here in Poland the women look better than the men (I am not a lesbian though and not all polish women are pretty anyways)

Most polish men don't even give me bad thoughts.... they are either skinny and pale with big heads, pale and fat with big heads, muscular and pale with big heads and very homogeneous features!

I am not miss universe material but I am anti-racist and any one who tries to put others down based on beauty usually gets a piece of my mind (I've travelled quite a lot all over the world) and I've seen my share of quite ugly folks all over the world, especially in fabled Europe where everyone thinks they're all stylish, in shape and beautiful!
Midas  1 | 571  
7 Jun 2011 /  #100
oh please polski.... most polish men are FAR from looking good!

I need someone to re-paint the walls white in one of my properties in Lodz which I'm currently having renovated.

You seem extremely skilled with a broad brush.

How much would You charge?
gille  - | 6  
7 Jun 2011 /  #101
Quite a lot....

by the way, it's funny how people on this board make broad generalizations like black women are ugly, aboriginals from australia are gross etc.... but when I interfere and touch close to home then I am generalizing!!!!

I've been all over the world and trust me.... I can easily name many countries that have very very very but very ugly individuals, especially western countries where beauty is certainly very overrated.
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
7 Jun 2011 /  #102
Polski you're a plain racist, some small groups of people have very pronounced features as their gene pools are very limited cause they don't breed out of their race.

And respect for the aborigines, they live in lands that would kill most people. I am beginning to lose any respect I have for Polish men, as it seems racism is rife, but clearly denied and throw back into people faces.

Polski I hope your daughters and sons marry black men and women...maybe then you will have more respect for a fellow human being.
Midas  1 | 571  
7 Jun 2011 /  #103
Quite a lot....

Give me an hourly rate.

but when I touch close to home then I am generalizing!!!!

Jewish here, You haven't touched my home base yet.

it's funny how people make broad generalizations like black women are ugly,

And I always tell them they're really dumb when they say that.

So why should I treat You any different?

I am beginning to lose any respect I have for Polish men

You don't really have any of it, so how can You lose it?
legend  3 | 658  
7 Jun 2011 /  #104
i find that when it comes to black people its usually the half black / half white mixed ladies who are more open to white men.

someone mentioned south america I think and I agree their women are nice looking.
George8600  10 | 630  
7 Jun 2011 /  #105
Yeah Aboriginals are just as beautiful as the rest of us.

here are some aboriginal models:
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
19 Jun 2011 /  #106
Yeah I am sure those are pure Aboriginals.

They look like Iranians from Northern Iran or Afghanis.

That is how mixed they are LOL

Polski you're a plain racist, some small groups of people have very pronounced features as their gene pools are very limited cause they don't breed out of their race.

Bushmen have the highest genetic diversity & I wouldn't say Bushmen are beauties either.

The Hottentots (Khoikhoi ) are a mix between Bushmen & Bantu.

They are no beauties either.

Some of them look like beasts


I am sorry to disappoint Polski but all DNA traces back to africa.... So polski baby you got some black blood in you :)

Yeah & If you trace the genes back further they go back to Apes in Africa.

Apes are equal.

Then trace as far as you like & it will go back to Pond scum.
31 Dec 2011 /  #107

I am a black (Africian American) female and i find Polish men VERY attractive. Of course i live in the states,currently in Indianapolis and having several male Polish friends i feel fortunate. I know they find me attractive after getting to know me, i feel when they first met me i wasw just one of the guy. lol. I am looking forward to spendsing some time in Poland in 2012 my friends are returning home. My fear is off the charts but i am going to to plan the trip and do it with an open mind. Is there any suggestion for me as far as how to get over my fears of not being accepted in the community, what area's will i be banned from, is there any race wars going on against black's? I know my friends will care for me i just sont want to put them in any bad situations.

10 Apr 2012 /  #108
Yes. I am a black woman and I am dating a polish man. He is the best guy I have ever met and I love him with all of my heart. I can't speak for all, but if two people really love each other color isn't an issue. I don't see a white man when i look into his eyes. I see the best man on Earth and I thank God everyday for him. Hope this helps.
16 Sep 2012 /  #109
Ofcourse we do! Hi! I'm not the stereotypical black girl. I'm educated I love learning about different and unique people, especially Europeans! :) Also I know tons of black who fit the same exact discription!
Litgirl  - | 5  
4 Nov 2012 /  #110
I'm a black girl and I live in London/Essex. I guess I would say that I find Polish men attractive. Not for any physical reasons specifically but because they're ballsy. If they find me attractive, they look right at me and smile. They'll come up to me and actually *gasp* TALK to me. And they're funny and charming too! This has happened to me on numerous occasions.

It's refreshing. Especially when I'm surrounded by English guys and their 'I like you so I'll just sit here and stare at you for 10 hours and hope for the best' attitude. So tedious.

So... Polish guys out there who are into black ladies, keep doing what you're doing!
Nacjonalista  4 | 95  
4 Nov 2012 /  #111
Thank you but stick to black men honey. Miscegenation leads to the ultimate destruction of true diversity.
Litgirl  - | 5  
4 Nov 2012 /  #112
I don't care about miscegenation. There are enough people in the world trying to maintain 'racial purity'. I let them get on with it. I care about being happy for the little time I have on this Earth.

So... if a man makes me happy and I make him happy, I don't give a damn about his race, height, etc. If he's not into me because of the colour of my skin, he can just walk on by. No hard feelings. To each his own.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
4 Nov 2012 /  #113
Thank you but stick to black men honey. Miscegenation leads to the ultimate destruction of true diversity.

You should be grateful that a lovely black girl would even think about you and your race!
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Klu Klux Klan don't accept Catholics but don't cry I'm sure you'll find some nasty little

racist organisation in Poland or wherever you are living!

So... if a man makes me happy and I make him happy, I don't give a damn about his race, height, etc.

Good for you, I hope that the Polish men you meet will be much nicer than Mr Nationalist there!
Nacjonalista  4 | 95  
4 Nov 2012 /  #114
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Klu Klux Klan don't accept Catholics !

You clearly know nothing about the modern Klan but I will end it there as to not derail the thread.
Litgirl  - | 5  
4 Nov 2012 /  #115
Good for you, I hope that the Polish men you meet will be much nicer than Mr Nationalist there!

Thanks :) I'm sure they will be, I've already met some charming cuties! Sadly, as with all races/nations, there'll always be a few nutcases knocking around stinking up the joint.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
4 Nov 2012 /  #116
You clearly know nothing about the modern Klan but I will end it there as to not derail the thread.

Seems like I will have to 'stand corrected' on that one because apparently they do accept Catholics in some Klans now!
Hopefully the Pope will give some edict on how Catholics should steer clear of this type of organisation and point out that miscegenation has never been a sin

and is quite a healthy biological precedent!
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
5 Nov 2012 /  #117
American women only find wealth and comfort attractive. That's why American men marry foreign (non-western) or not at all.

Aaaaaaaaaand we're off!
4 eigner  2 | 816  
5 Nov 2012 /  #118
American women only find wealth and comfort attractive.

you like to generalize, do you? I could say the same about women from any other country too.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
5 Nov 2012 /  #120
Tell me more

nope, it's against my religion. Besides, I'm too tired tonight.

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