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Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Jun 2012 /  #31
He certainly comes across as having failed to notice a whole reading section at the library.
Englishman in P  
23 Jun 2012 /  #32
I can't believe what I read considering the the world today. What does it matter who you are with as long as you are both happy. It may mean that it's difficult to get on with some of your locals but then they are obviously not very inteligent. Why do people live in the past ? it's gone and if you had nothing to do with it what can you achieve by living by it. Move on. Look at what is about to happen in Ireland when our Queen will not only meet but visit Sinn Fein and shake hands. Peace is what we all should be trying to achieve. Unfortunately greed and jealousy and religion gets in the way.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jun 2012 /  #33
Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend?

damn, in the 21st century? LOL .
23 Jun 2012 /  #34
One might be surprised how hard it is to dismantle centuries-old barriers, yes, even now in 2012.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jun 2012 /  #35
It's not like bad things have happened only in Poland, my friend. We all have to learn to live with our past problems. The war is (long time) over, move on.
23 Jun 2012 /  #36
More easily said than done, unfortunately! Have Germans "moved on" with their past adequately, in your considered estimation? Just remember the proverb found all throughout your once-divided nation, round about 1990-'91: "Die Mauer ist weg, jetzt muss auch die Mauer im KOPF weg!" (The Wall's gone, now the barrier in our minds too must go!)

Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
23 Jun 2012 /  #37
One might be surprised how hard it is to dismantle centuries-old barriers, yes, even now in 2012.

But over the centuries it was pretty normal for Germans and Poles to mix and interbreed. You will hardly find two other nations in Europe that have mixed so much as Germans and Poles. So having a German or Polish girlfriend or boyfriend is like getting back to normal.
23 Jun 2012 /  #38
To me, as an outside visitor, it would almost seem like one neighbor causally glancing over the fence and seeing but another farm with slighly different-looking dwellings, yet familiar to the point of deceptively sameness. I often see such superficial similarities between Poles and Germans in particular, I have trouble fathoming how the Nazis could have considered them Untermenschen in the first place.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jun 2012 /  #39
More easily said than done, unfortunately!

no, it isn't. It's for you to decide whether you're willing to forgive or not. No one forces you to hate anyone.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
23 Jun 2012 /  #40
to mix and interbreed

God I hate that expression when speaking of people - just sayin
23 Jun 2012 /  #41
Ah, but there's where you're wrong, Vier Eigner! Hate is the scar tissue left behind by what others do to villify, shame and then destroy. Sound familiar? Forgiveness is the the exception, and not the rule. If someone murders your family for no reason at all and then the murderers of their accmomplices ask, "Why d'you hate..? Noone makes you into a hater!", these people are either stoned, stupid or just plain recalcitrant; their deeds make others hate them, what else???

I hate neither Poles, nor Germans, nor anyone else, as far as I can tell. I CAN though understand the tremendous difficulties many have in burying the hatchet, and you should as well!

Verstehst du, woraus ich hinauswill?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jun 2012 /  #42
Ah, but there's where you're wrong, Vier Eigner!

quit ridiculing (trying to) me if you really want to discuss. I could ridicule you for having backward ideas but I don't do it so keep it nice or be ready to carry the consequences of your nonsense behavior.
23 Jun 2012 /  #43
Vier Eigner, as English is not your first language, I'll cut you the minimum of slack. Apart from that, I fail to connect your last post with my or other posters' comments heretofore:-)

And yes, I most certainly do wish to discuss my statements seriously! Should you wish to do so off-line (in German language) at my private mail panlech31 yahoo I'd be happy to oblige:-)
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Jun 2012 /  #44
Vier Eigner, as English is not your first language, I'll cut you the minimum of slack. Apart from that, I fail to connect your last post with my or other posters' comments heretofore:-)

If it was somebody else, I'd give him a chance to call me, here in the states to end this bs but someone like you, who has a problem with Poles having German girlfriends or the other way around (which is as dumb as it gets), is also a potential psycho stalker and I'm not gonna waste my energy on arguing with you. Besides, I don't feel like I owe you any proof to begin with.
23 Jun 2012 /  #45
Again, I'm all too happy to continue in perfectly harmless Forum 'anonymity', should you wish to discuss any further. You seem angry, and I really don't know why. If you're mixed up about some topics, let's talk it up. That's what a forum's for.

Maybe I'm confused also.

It might also interest you to know that I have nothing against Poles having German or Germans having Polish girlfriends etc. Kindly don't misrepresent me even if you don't understand the gist of what I'm saying entirely:-)
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
23 Jun 2012 /  #46
God I hate that expression when speaking of people - just sayin

Hahaha! Get your point!
24 Jun 2012 /  #47
at Peter - you are remarkably ignorant, go and read a little and then pass judgement on what gerry has said. Gerry is correct and any geneticist will tell you the same thing. Advantages acquired through thousands of years of separate living of groups will be lost if such groups interbreed.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 Jun 2012 /  #48
Poland has had a continuous human and humanoid occupation for at least 800,000 years.

800,000 years ago, man looked like this

He lived in African. Like ALL modern humans

This is probably what the first Pole looked like, when man moved out of Africa, around 100,000 years ago

Out of Africa man

That fit your stupid racial purity theories?
kondzior  11 | 1026  
24 Jun 2012 /  #49
No Peterweg, you get it all wrong.
We are superior thanks to our Neanderthal blood.
It is scientifically proven be science:

peterweg  37 | 2305  
25 Jun 2012 /  #50
he look like hamilton

And you, of course. Although the last Neanderthals were in Spain, there is a surprise.

No Peterweg, you get it all wrong.

That image is completely wrong. Modern humans left Africa 80,000 years ago and ALL modern humans descend from them.

But you know that, scumbag.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
25 Jun 2012 /  #51
Modern humans left Africa 80,000 years ago

Agreed. But the continent has not been left empty, you know...

and ALL humans descended from them

Except for the ones, who did NOT left the Africa. They had no chance to interbreed with Neaderthals.

By the way, have you ever heard about en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Transracial_Adoption_Study - Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

But you know that, scumbag

Now, that's what I call a convincing, reasonable argument.
You are baiting me into flamewar, or what?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
25 Jun 2012 /  #52
You are baiting me into flamewar, or what?

Are you trying to claim that ridiculous image you presented was part of some sort of scientific debate?

I am not getting into a conversation with you, crackpot.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
25 Jun 2012 /  #53
Are you trying to claim that ridicules image you presented was part of scientific debate?

Your knowledge seems to be a tad outdated. The reading is hard?

I am not getting into conversation...translated = lalalalalal I dont hear you

wildrover  98 | 4430  
25 Jun 2012 /  #54
so what are you doing on this forum, I'm not trying to be cocky, just curious

For the last eight years i have lived in Poland...
2 Mar 2013 /  #55
First of all Polish people are the same white rase as Germans. They have the same blond hair and blue eyes. Some have brow hair, green eyes like Germans too. We lived 1 000 years in the same Christian latin culture, mixing each other from centuries. We are very similiar. It is not weird or strange for a Polish guy to marry German girl if they love each other. I think many of people on this forum have never been to Poland or even dont know how Poles look like!!!
jon357  72 | 23528  
2 Mar 2013 /  #56
First of all Polish people are the same white rase as Germans

Nothing beautiful in that statement, 'beautygrafia'. Nothing intelligent either.
Piorun  - | 655  
2 Mar 2013 /  #57
An opinion of a misanthrope is showing its ugly self through your words, nothing intelligent in your statement either.
jon357  72 | 23528  
2 Mar 2013 /  #58
A misanthrope or the total opposite? Perhaps you agree with the nonsense about 'white rase'.

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