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Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend?

25 Jan 2012 /  #1
I know times have changed since WW2 but would other Polish people frown upon this? Not Jewish and Polish, just Polish.
milky  13 | 1656  
25 Jan 2012 /  #2
I know times have changed since WW2

are you sure you know.
OP polishguy7  
25 Jan 2012 /  #3
Why hasn't it changed milky? Please inform me. I'm clueless. :(
irishguy11  6 | 157  
25 Jan 2012 /  #4
I'am sure its acceptable for the majority, but my inlaws had a few issues when they built a house in the mountains about 3 hour drive from Katowice. There older neighbours thought that they were part german because they came from 30mins outside Katowice. It took them a while to win them over, but now they are part of the village.
OP polishguy7  
25 Jan 2012 /  #5
Thanks for the help. I really do hope so. I love my girl friend and just want it to be accepted.
Space Cadet  1 | 19  
25 Jan 2012 /  #6
I'm Polish and I've had a Prussian female pen pal for 10 years.
pawian  226 | 27561  
25 Jan 2012 /  #7
Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend?


But speaking German to your children, especially in the kitchen, is outrageous. Remember about it.
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Jan 2012 /  #8
Only if the German girl is ugly,bald and fat otherwise you will downgrade the German race.Just kidding.However usually only German men tend to be attracted by polsie kobiety the opposite situation is not common.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
25 Jan 2012 /  #9
There are some Polish people that won,t like your girlfriend if she is not from the same village or town as you...

Don,t worry about it... be happy with your lady...

I am an Englishman in love with a Russian...
25 Jan 2012 /  #10
Can't speak with any authority about Polish guys with German girlfriends, spouses etc., but as an American in Poland not all that long ago, I found German got me a lot further than English when my C-Level Polish skills would fail me and I was lost for a word. More often than not, I'd bluster out a frustrated "No, ale może pan(i) także rozumie po niemiecku?", with the result that certain people might turn around and respond in German!
26 Jan 2012 /  #11
poles and germans have been neighbors for +1000 years. The intermarriage rate has been quite high. I see no problem there. Go for it!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Jan 2012 /  #12
I am an Englishman in love with a Russian...

so what are you doing on this forum, I'm not trying to be cocky, just curious
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
26 Jan 2012 /  #13
Many Poles have some German ancestry (aka Gerpoles). The Polish-German intermarriage rate right now is extremely high.

As an American, I've had luck with many girls from different European nationalities. European women seem to love American men based on my experience.

the opposite situation is not common.

While it is true that German male and Polish female couples are more common than the opposite, it is absolutely false that Polish male and German female couples are not common.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
26 Jan 2012 /  #14
why would it matter?

over here, you can't even tell a German apart from a Pole (appearance-wise).

Their children will look beautiful regardless!

That's the most imporant thing about these relationships - the future offspring. <3
26 Jan 2012 /  #15
That's the most imporant thing about these relationships - the future offspring. <3

You scare the ever-lovin' crap outta me, man.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Jan 2012 /  #16
Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend?

Nope, you will be hung, drawn and quartered.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
26 Jan 2012 /  #17
You scare the ever-lovin' crap outta me, man.

buddy, lemme tell u sumtin okey...

in my office workplace alone, there are two beautiful ladies of german-descent. BOTH of them married black men and have 2 babies each. Not only do their offspring NOT look the least bit german, but the poor kids will be entirely confused about having a white mother when they get older. It's a real pity.

I'm all against interracial marriages, and I let it BE KNOWN, son! :D
26 Jan 2012 /  #18
I'm all against interracial marriages, and I let it BE KNOWN, son! :D

Stop putting smileys on unfunny things. It's creepy. Do you know the least thing about the importance in genome diversity for the health and propagation of human biology? I ask with an internal smiley in my head, because I know that you don't. Unless your name is Adam or Eve, you ARE an interracial offspring.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
26 Jan 2012 /  #19
Unless your name is Adam or Eve, you ARE an interracial offspring.



xD !!!!
26 Jan 2012 /  #20
This happened. You wrote this.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
26 Jan 2012 /  #21
I mean, like c'mon now... I grew up with more black friends than white, and even up to this day, I seem to get along far better with my black co-workers than white, yet I ain't goin around callin myself a white nigga ~

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jan 2012 /  #22
Not only do their offspring NOT look the least bit german, but the poor kids will be entirely confused about having a white mother when they get older. It's a real pity.

maybe they do look German? You just cannot see it cos you are so busy obsessing about their dark skin.
Mixed race kids look good, there is no doubt.
They will hardly be the first brown kids with a white mum will they?
how do you manage to turn this thread into yet more of your boring crap.
The question was "Is it acceptable for a Polish male to have a German girlfriend". It is clearly stated above.
not, "what does Shai thingy think about black and white 'race mixing'"

to the OP I am sure it will be fine, but perhaps the doubt is in your own mind?
what would your family think about it?
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Jan 2012 /  #23
Do you know the least thing about the importance in genome diversity for the health and propagation of human biology?

Genetic diversity is mostly theory, in any case prosperity of the human race is actually whats killing this planet.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
26 Jan 2012 /  #24
Mixed race kids look good, there is no doubt.

ahhh....sir, ARE U BLIND???!

their kids are BLACK!

my family would disown me for committing such an act.

I don't care if the mother of MY kids will be german, dutch, russian, polish, uki.. whatev... as long as they will have green/blue eyes, nice pale white complexion like my own, and dirty blond hair <3

but as the ol' sayin here goes, whatever floats your boat. :D
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
26 Jan 2012 /  #25
ahhh....sir, ARE U BLIND???!

their kids are BLACK!

so what?
are you blind? I am obviously not a 'sir', don't you see the female symbol? Or as I suspect are you so illiterate you don't know what it means?

Can we get back on topic now..;)
wodka007  1 | 1  
26 Jan 2012 /  #26
Black...Mix kids(black and white or white and black) whatever combination are beautiful in the eyes of God that created us.
Polish,Germans , . jews ,romans,e.t.c just to mention but a few are all human.
One need to be tolerant and acceptable to all race be it turkish. asians...that is the spices of life that we can do nothing about..but some can hit their heads on the rock and say no.no.no..that their cup to tea..

My point is I am all embracing and acceptable to all race, tribe, culture...Not because I have lived in a Multicultural soceity before but is because that is the reality that we cannot change..We have to be part of change and not against it.(pro-change not Ant-change

If we discrimate against other race why must we complaint when others discriminate against us?
what goes arround come arrounds..Dont do to others what you dont expected them to do to you does not matter if you are Black; white;mixed( with multiple racial combinations)

be nice.........
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
26 Jan 2012 /  #27
Genetic diversity is mostly theory

Genetic diversity is healthy and it's a fact. There are many cases which prove it.

For example, let's say "XYZ" is a disease common to northern European populations and is passed on through recessive genes. If a Swedish woman carries the recessive gene for "XYZ" and decides to have a baby with a black man from central Africa where the disease is non-existent then their offspring has 0% of a chance of getting the genetic disease. Sure, there is still a 1/4 chance the recessive gene will be passed on to the baby but at least it has no chance of having the disease active.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
26 Jan 2012 /  #28
HOW DARE YOU! I can't believe you would even think about dating a person from a 70 year old enemy, I mean, I am not even Polish and I am disgusted...I wish something terrible to happen to you and all your family...

...wait, no I don't. But I will give you some advice:

1. Unless you want stupid answers, don't ask stupid questions.
2. Don't feed the trolls, even if you aren't tolling, realise trolls will pounce on this.
3. I don't think there are many people in Europe as a whole who hold the german youth responsible for the war, so let's just let it lie.

4. Seriously, that's the question you asked??
22 Jun 2012 /  #29
You are rather ignorant jasondmzk... interacial mixing does not lead to positive things ... we have lived saparately for tens of thousands and sometimes up to a million years for a reason. We have adjusted and developed and progressed and distilled in response to specific conditions and pressures. With a few mixings one can undo a million years of genetic progress. So, no, mixing different ethnic groups is not a good idea. Hurray for diversity within the world. Diversity leads to technological advancement and the progress of other human groups. We grow appart and develop and then share the result with other groups that grow appart and develop and see other perspectives. Different facets that will become different species eventually.

Keep Poland Polish ... that is why it is called Poland the land of Poles, the indigenous group ... it is no longer the Polish Commonwealth, the empire that included other ethnic groups and nations, it is now just a People's Republic of Poland ... the people in this case are Polish and Polish means indigenous to Poland Others can visit and are most welcome to visit and spend some time, but they cannot stay and they cannot call Poland their land, since they are not Poles. Isn't this obvious? Poland has had a continuous human and humanoid occupation for at least 800,000 years. Developing the unique genetic traits it has now... why infuse something else and ruin the whole thing?

Imagine ... you have lions and tigers ... they are both from the cat family, felines ... now mix lions and tigers together and you will lose both. Lions prefer other lions and tigers prefer other tigers. It is rare to find a liger or a tigon, but tigon but it happens, so they can interbreed ... mixing is not desirable in nature, mixing does not lead to diversity of life, mixing does not lead to evolution.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 Jun 2012 /  #30
With a few mixings one can undo a million years of genetic progress.

You are remarkably stupid.

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