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What is wrong with Poznan?

WhyMedSchool  6 | 35  
6 Jan 2012 /  #1
I welcome comments to this post because in my opinion no other city in Poland has citizens with such undeserved pride in their city. There is nothing special about Poznan at all, and on top of that, it has so many issues that make it an annoying place to live. Please consider the following:

- Why do pedestrians need to press a button in order to get a signal allowing them to cross the road? Was having the pedestrian signal change automatically with the traffic lights something that Poznan city engineers didn’t consider? It is only like that in pretty much every other city in the entire world! Absolutely ridiculous.

- On a related note, why does the traffic light for a car turn green seconds before the pedestrian signal? Does nobody understand how dangerous and stupid this is? Every day I see cars that start to make right hand turns having to slam on their brakes as pedestrians step right in front of them because of their delayed signal. Stupid stupid stupid.

- This is a city that decided it would be a good idea to do every road construction project it could think of simultaneously essentially bringing all road traffic to a grinding halt. Brilliant.

- I can’t think of a city in Poland (including Warsaw) that has ruder and angrier citizens than Poznan. Why this is I would love somebody to please explain.

- This is a city that only now is starting to put ticket dispensers on their trams and buses. Come into the city on a Sunday? Good luck finding a place to purchase a billet and then risk getting caught by the conductors if you take a tram or bus – very fair system for citizens and tourists alike.

So there is it, what is wrong with Poznan and why doesn’t anything get done about it???
6 Jan 2012 /  #2
Why do pedestrians need to press a button in order to get a signal allowing them to cross the road? Was having the pedestrian signal change automatically with the traffic lights something that Poznan city engineers didn’t consider? It is only like that in pretty much every other city in the entire world! Absolutely ridiculous.

I see that you haven't lived in the UK.

I can’t think of a city in Poland (including Warsaw) that has ruder and angrier citizens than Poznan. Why this is I would love somebody to please explain.

Clearly it is a hold-over from the days when the place was called Posen.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Jan 2012 /  #3
Why do pedestrians need to press a button in order to get a signal allowing them to cross the road?

in most places pressing the button makes no difference. the sequence of lights has already been decided. don't know about poznan though. the signal button may be to aid blind folk as it has an audible warning. but then again, one would hear it anyway.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jan 2012 /  #4
There is nothing special about Poznan at all, and on top of that, it has so many issues that make it an annoying place to live.

Oh yes. The fact that it allows in almost anyone to study medicine provided they pay the fees is a great example of what's wrong with it. The same university also barely bothers to disguise the fact that people on the English-language courses have a far less demanding course than those on the equal Polish language course. And of course, we don't bother to talk about the sheer arrogance of many of the American students there.

- Why do pedestrians need to press a button in order to get a signal allowing them to cross the road? Was having the pedestrian signal change automatically with the traffic lights something that Poznan city engineers didn’t consider? It is only like that in pretty much every other city in the entire world! Absolutely ridiculous.

Erm... I can see that you're not particularly well travelled. Pressing a button is normal in the world. Whether the buttons actually do anything is a different story, but there is clear scientific research showing why buttons = good. Apparently there is a strong "reassurance" factor with pushing the button.

- On a related note, why does the traffic light for a car turn green seconds before the pedestrian signal? Does nobody understand how dangerous and stupid this is? Every day I see cars that start to make right hand turns having to slam on their brakes as pedestrians step right in front of them because of their delayed signal. Stupid stupid stupid.

Again - obvious that you're not well travelled. This is the normal way for European traffic lights to operate. This isn't America.

- This is a city that decided it would be a good idea to do every road construction project it could think of simultaneously essentially bringing all road traffic to a grinding halt. Brilliant.

Better to have several months of pain, than to spread the pain for years. I hate it too, but when everything is finished, it's finished. And normally, it only adds about 10 minutes to the commute if you actually know the city.

- I can’t think of a city in Poland (including Warsaw) that has ruder and angrier citizens than Poznan. Why this is I would love somebody to please explain.

Yes, we are particularly rude to dumb American medical students who are effectively buying their medicine degree. Much of it is due to the arrogance, false self confidence and shocking lack of knowledge that they exhibit. I've seen one clown in late May struggle to buy beer from Piotr i Pawel - LATE MAY.

- This is a city that only now is starting to put ticket dispensers on their trams and buses. Come into the city on a Sunday? Good luck finding a place to purchase a billet and then risk getting caught by the conductors if you take a tram or bus – very fair system for citizens and tourists alike.

Again, totally normal in much of Europe. Anyway, if you arrive at Dworzec Glowny or Dworzec PKS - there are plenty of places to buy tickets. Actually - on a Sunday, you can buy tickets pretty much everywhere. It's not our fault if you ask for a ticket after being here for months.

So there is it, what is wrong with Poznan and why doesn’t anything get done about it???

I think it's called "going to a poor EU country to receive medical education because you were too stupid to get it in the US".

Mods - I apologise for the harsh tone of this post, but these American medical students in Poznan really are dumb as ****. Most of them *****, complain and whine about Poznan - and I even know one case where one of them tried to get daddy to bribe a professor at the university because the professor dared to fail him. I've seen a hell of a lot of bad behaviour from them - and even the Asian community in the university has little to do with them. I'm friends with a few of the Asians, great chaps - and they ridicule the Americans for being morons who don't even bother to learn some of the language.

I've got no ******* time for any of them.
6 Jan 2012 /  #5
in most places pressing the button makes no difference. the sequence of lights has already been decided.

Actually in many places it does make a difference: when a wide major road and a less important road meet, the lights on the major road will be red for a shorter time if the button hasn't been pressed (as there is no need to allow enough time for people to cross).

Actually - on a Sunday, you can buy tickets pretty much everywhere.

For example, on the bus or tram....
OP WhyMedSchool  6 | 35  
6 Jan 2012 /  #6
Oh yes. The fact that it allows in almost anyone to study medicine provided they pay the fees is a great example of what's wrong with it. The same university also barely bothers to disguise the fact that people on the English-language courses have a far less demanding course than those on the equal Polish language course. And of course, we don't bother to talk about the sheer arrogance of many of the American students there.

Sigh, your assumptions and angry tone in your response proves my point and shows that I struck a nerve in a Poznan citizen with much undeserved city pride who also has much anger and rudeness within haha. Also you can talk as much smack about the school as you want, but my post has to do with the dumbness of the city of Poznan and not the University.

And on a side note - most Polish medical students cheat their way through six years of education and become terrible doctors with only a select few who actually care about their patients and do their part to learn what is necessary. Polish students need to pass a SINGLE exam at the end of their six years in order to become doctors where as those who want to practice in the US need to pass an 8 hour basic sciences exam, a 9 hour clinical knowledge exam, a clinical skills practical exam and another exam (Step 3) after that - so please don't even try to compare the competence of Polish vs. American doctors.

Again - obvious that you're not well travelled. This is the normal way for European traffic lights to operate. This isn't America.

Is this really your response?? Just because it's done a certain way doesn't make it the correct way. The European system is dangerous! Walk in to the ER rooms in your city hospitals and talk to the doctors to know the truth about the dumbness of the traffic lights in Poznan. You're pride in your city is blinding you to the problems it has.

Yes, we are particularly rude to dumb American medical students who are effectively buying their medicine degree. Much of it is due to the arrogance, false self confidence and shocking lack of knowledge that they exhibit. I've seen one clown in late May struggle to buy beer from Piotr i Pawel - LATE MAY.

You are particularly rude to EVERYBODY, Polish people especially. In fact, most foreign students of non-Polish origin get treated much better than those of Polish descent and the consensus is that Poznan is by far the worst for this behaviour.

I think it's called "going to a poor EU country to receive medical education because you were too stupid to get it in the US".

You have really done nothing but prove my point entirely, that people from Poznan are angry, rude and can't tolerate any criticism of their city. Truth be told, I came to Poznan to study medicine because getting into a Canadian medical school is amazingly difficult, and the opportunity to study in Poland with my Polish wife seemed like a great experience. As a smart Canadian I was able to write my first US Medical Licensing Exam and get a passing mark better than 90% of American medical students who took the same exam. I am actually well traveled, and may have exaggerated a bit with the "every city in the world" comment due to my frustration with the simple task of crossing the road in this city without getting hit by a car Every Single Day... but I digress.

Truth is that I love Poland and Polish culture. I have been to every major city in Poland except for perhaps Szczecin and Bialystok and loved them all. Poznan for me is the exception to the rule.

You obviously like your city and I'm happy for you and your ignorance, because once you see how it is like outside of Poznan you may never look at it the same way again...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jan 2012 /  #7
I think we're seeing a perfect example of the "I pay, therefore I am" arrogance that many foreign medical students (except Norwegians and Asians, funnily enough) display in Poland.

Truth be told, I came to Poznan to study medicine because getting into a Canadian medical school is amazingly difficult

I'm really struggling not to write what I'm thinking here. Generally though - the arrogance of the student is in exact reverse proportion to the ability of the student to get into medical school in their own country.
OP WhyMedSchool  6 | 35  
6 Jan 2012 /  #8
I think we're seeing a perfect example of the "I pay, therefore I am" arrogance that many foreign medical students (except Norwegians and Asians, funnily enough) display in Poland.

Just because I'm a student in Poznan doesn't make my criticisms any less valid - you're assertions that it somehow does is ridiculous.

A traveler, permanent citizen or student will all experience the same things that I have mentioned. You are not doing anything but shooting the messenger and because why? I'm wrong about what I've said about Poznan having some serious issues? So far you've done nothing but prove me right.

I'm really struggling not to write what I'm thinking here. Generally though - the arrogance of the student is in exact reverse proportion to the ability of the student to get into medical school in their own country.

You're ignorance is not surprising so I thought I would help you out a little by referring you to the following article:


"The acceptance rate for first-time applicants in Canada is under 30 per cent."

Thus I am studying medicine in Poland and getting great experience with some excellent Polish doctors. In the mean time, I have to deal with the city of Poznan and it's lovely inhabitants and problems.
AntV  3 | 670  
6 Jan 2012 /  #9
As a smart Canadian

Delphian, I think you owe us Americans an apology :)
6 Jan 2012 /  #10

Could you please state your educational history and/or accomplishments which allow you to judge the curriculum of the medical school in Poznań?

Also, what is your current employment? Are you originally from Poznań?

It is crystal clear you despise North Americans, at least Americans and Canadians (not sure about Mexicans) and don't bother to differentiate amongst them. Do you similarly despise/look down upon the medical students in Poznań who come from the UK and Ireland?

Are you aware the vast majority of Asian students in Poznań graduate without having bothered to learn more than say, 5 sentences in Polish?
BLS  65 | 188  
6 Jan 2012 /  #11
I've got no ******* time for any of them.

This statement is obviously untrue since you spend an inordinate amount of time ranting about "them" in this thread.

Delphian, I think you owe us Americans an apology :)

Seems like you stepped in it regarding the American bashing, considering the original poster is from Canada. Like AntV, this American is waiting for an apology - however, I won't hold my breath. Guys like you are far-too-common on the internet - making outlandish statements based on prejudice and hatred yet NEVER owning up to the mistakes you make.

You are obviously dissatisfied with your life - please stop punishing us forum members for your unhappiness.
6 Jan 2012 /  #12
" Do you similarly despise/look down upon the medical students in Poznań who come from the UK and Ireland?"
The Irish veterinary students in Warsaw can be a touch tiresome.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
6 Jan 2012 /  #13
What about the fact that the op thinks that mexico is in north america? The op did not have the guts to go for the exam in their own country(30% pass rate to get in to class). They then give out about the pass rates of the course they take in a different country.

If the op wants to go back to Canada as a Doc, then they will have to pass a conversion test.
mafketis  38 | 11214  
6 Jan 2012 /  #14
the fact that the op thinks that mexico is in north america?

Mexico is in North America (geographically even if culturally it belongs more to Central/South America.

As for the OP, as a longtime resident of Poznan, I have to say the complaints about traffic lights are just dumb. They're no worse (often better) than other countries in the region. A very trivial thing to expend so much worry over. One thing he needs is to master 'the look' a withering gaze that pedestrians can bestow upon drivers that will stop most of them even when they have the right of way.

The questions about road construction are connected to Euro 2012, everybody hates it but is putting up with because a) there's no real choice b) the assumption/hope is things will be better by spring.

Poznanians are not _ruder_ than Poles in other cities but they are more standoffish. Look up Prussia and remember Poznan used to be part of it.

The ticket issue is only really important the first day or so when a person is unprepared and arriving blind. After you know what the system is there's no excuse for being caught out. If you're too cheap/disorganized to buy a sieciówka then if you're out of tickets try to buy one from a fellow passenger (Polish skills are needed for this though).
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Jan 2012 /  #15
speaking about traffic/pedestrian crossings. How many of you noticed that the little red and green men are individual to each country.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Jan 2012 /  #16
what is wrong with Poznan and why doesn’t anything get done about it?

your little 'complaints' make Poznan sound rather similar to London...what's the problem?..;)
7 Jan 2012 /  #17
Irishguy- I am not the op. However, I can assure you that Mexico is in fact a North American country.

As for the "conversion exam" you speak of for the op to return to Canada, are you referring to the MCCEE? I'm sure the op knows and understands the requirements to practice in whichever country they are hoping to go to after graduation.

Personally speaking, I find the people in Poznan to be much ruder than the people in my Polish hometown.
BBman  - | 343  
7 Jan 2012 /  #18
Yes, we are particularly rude to dumb American medical students who are effectively buying their medicine degree. Much of it is due to the arrogance, false self confidence and shocking lack of knowledge that they exhibit.

Americans, norwegians, swedes (there's one on this board actually), africans, indians, etc...

Not just americans, limey!

I bet you could find some dumb brits buying their med degrees in PL too. However i think most are actually too dumb to buy a degree as they are would prefer to get sh!t faced in krakow's rynek then run around naked & and give the local population a headache.

press a button in order to get a signal

We have this in canada too, its not a bad idea.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
7 Jan 2012 /  #19
Mexico is not part of northern america, It depends on who you ask, maybe border control will say no.#
7 Jan 2012 /  #20
Polish students need to pass a SINGLE exam at the end of their six years in order to become doctors

What are you talking about? As far as I know Polish medical student needs to make 1 (or 2?) year apprenticeship after graduation (apart all those summer practices they took in the period of those 6 years study) which is finished with an exam (LEP).

It was recently to be changed due to the shortage of doctors.

so please don't even try to compare the competence of Polish vs. American doctors.

But he wasn't comparing American doctors who were educated in the USA with Polish ones. He was comepring Americans who are studing English medical course in Poland.

Are you originally from Poznań?

As far as U know he is from Scotland.
mafketis  38 | 11214  
7 Jan 2012 /  #21
Mexico is not part of northern america


There is no geographic barrier between Mexico and it's northern neighbor the US. They're on the same continent, North America.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jan 2012 /  #22
Sigh, your assumptions and angry tone in your response proves my point and shows that I struck a nerve in a Poznan citizen with much undeserved city pride who also has much anger and rudeness within haha.

No, actually - your posts are an excellent example of the arrogance of North American students in Poznan. They *****, complain and whine about absolutely everything - yet - when you suggest to them that they should just leave if it's so bad - they get even more arrogant. The fact that the majority of them are only there because they couldn't get into medical school in their own country only adds to it - they know they're stuck here because they simply weren't good enough.

The medical school here is infamous in North America for "accepting anyone with the cash".

Your attitude towards Poland is pretty obvious from this post. Again - par for the course with North American students. Put it this way, I'd rather have a Polish doctor than some dumb NA student who bought his medical degree from the same place.

The European system is dangerous!

You do realise that they'll tell you what you want to hear, simply because you're a cash cow for the hospitals and universities?

The system works in Europe without any problems at all. If you can't cross the road properly, then I suggest stopping drinking.

Truth be told, I came to Poznan to study medicine because getting into a Canadian medical school is amazingly difficult, and the opportunity to study in Poland with my Polish wife seemed like a great experience.

Again - arrogance. The fact that you couldn't get into Canadian medical school says it all - you just came here to buy an education. And that's why you hate the city - because every day, you're reminded that the only reason you're here rather than in some nice Canadian city is because you failed. Exactly the same reason why most of the NA students whine, ***** and complain so much - they know, deep down, that they're failures.

I am actually well traveled, and may have exaggerated a bit with the "every city in the world" comment due to my frustration with the simple task of crossing the road in this city without getting hit by a car Every Single Day... but I digress.

You are? So - why are you criticising a system which is found throughout Europe and works for everyone? Even countries with a high emphasis on road safety have the system!

Just because I'm a student in Poznan doesn't make my criticisms any less valid - you're assertions that it somehow does is ridiculous.

Actually, it does make them less valid, because it's an excellent example of the attitude that you and your ilk have. It's nothing but whine, ***** and moan - oh, and drink. The fact that I had to intervene to stop a bunch of drunken jackasses in the BP petrol station from abusing the cashier a while ago was the icing on the cake.

I'm wrong about what I've said about Poznan having some serious issues?

You'd find those same "serious issues" in any place you lived in - because the serious issue is with you, not with the city.

"The acceptance rate for first-time applicants in Canada is under 30 per cent."

As I say - not good enough to get in, so you came here to a university that's regarded as a joke in NA. I know several doctors who teach there, and all of them say the same thing - that the standards for Polish students are dramatically higher than the ones for you.

Delphian, I think you owe us Americans an apology :)

I totally apologise - no American would ever be dumb enough to mix up "your' and "you're".

After you know what the system is there's no excuse for being caught out. If you're too cheap/disorganized to buy a sieciówka then if you're out of tickets try to buy one from a fellow passenger (Polish skills are needed for this though).

I bet any money that if the system allowed you to buy tickets from the driver, he'd be complaining about the trams/buses being held up.

Ah, Canadians, such fun!

(incidentally, met plenty of drunk American medical students who go wild when they discover that they can drink beer at 18 as opposed to 21)
pip  10 | 1658  
7 Jan 2012 /  #23
Listen, as a fellow Canadian- this is not directed at you specifically- but Canadians have become fat and lazy just like our cousins to the south. Why should everything be handed to you because you are Canadian. Yes, some things about living in Poland are frustrating, specifically the roads and stupid drivers, but Canada is not perfect either.

Yes, getting into medical school in Canada is difficult and then once you are there it is hard work.--do you want to be a 60% average or a 90% average dr.?

Are Poles rude- hell yes but no more than any European country- and definitely not as rude as Americans.
Living and learning abroad with give you first hand experience when you work in Canada with so many immigrants- you will be better prepared.
Stop whining- you are acting like an over entitled American who thinks that the world owes them something because you have that nationality.
You are Canadian, proud and humble- start acting Canadian.
7 Jan 2012 /  #24
complain and whine about absolutely everything

The truth is that every immigrant complains after spending some time in a foreign country. Also Poles in America or Canada complain. It's more a psychological phenomenom regardless nationality. After some time he will get used to the way of living in a new country, if not then the better he graduates the university soon.

Funny thing is that in this psychological phenomenom people tend to complain about the small things. Traffic lights are a great example! Who would bother to start a thread because of traffic lights who change too quickly or because those silly buttoms who you don't even need to push in many places to make the lights change? Only a person who starts to miss the home. It makes people irritaded about all the small things which differ in home.

PS As for the buttoms. A few years ago they were rare and used only in places where they were really needed (on straight roads). Now I see they install it as a standard even in places where they are useless (crossings). I have no idea why. Maybe an EU requirement?

PSS Poznans are no more ruder than anywhere else in Poland. If you find people rude there, it means you would find them in other places too. You're just longing home, that's the reason you're annoyed with everyone and thinks they are rude.

I bet any money that if the system allowed you to buy tickets from the driver, he'd be complaining about the trams/buses being held up.

I don't know about Poznan but in other cites there is an option of buying it at the driver's. They are more expensive however (to make people buy it rather in other places, preventing that way holding and interupting a driver too much). I like it more that system because it makes the buses faster and the stops denser. Also there are many newsagent's open on Sundays.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jan 2012 /  #25
Exactly the same reason why most of the NA students whine, ***** and complain so much - they know, deep down, that they're failures.

Generally doctors exhibit such a feked up irrational and opposite logic that no matter how hard you try to persuade them despite the evidence you may bring they remain in complete denial.I would say that many doctors are hard supporters of irrationalism over rational as display of freedom and nature.

Even your right to write in this way is disputed since you don't face any consequences for this.
hythorn  3 | 580  
7 Jan 2012 /  #26
I will laugh my ass off when your student loan funder wakes up and realises that your course is not worth a damn and stops funding

hopefully they will do it when you are in your third year, you arrogant pr!ck

this has already happened to one American medical student who I know. I felt sorry for him as he is a nice guy.
if the same thing happens to you, I will laugh long and hard
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
7 Jan 2012 /  #27
I welcome comments to this post because in my opinion no other city in Poland has citizens with such undeserved pride in their city.

You sound like a Scouser who can't accept that Manchester is superior :D
mafketis  38 | 11214  
7 Jan 2012 /  #28
The truth is that every immigrant complains after spending some time in a foreign country.

Yeah, it mostly doesn't bother me. Lord knows I did more than my fair share of complaining early on. Back then the differences between NAmerica and Poland were much more extensive and so I aimed at bigger things than traffic lights (ever try making a long distance call in the early 90's? hooo boy!). But I did complain about things that don't bother me now.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jan 2012 /  #29
Funny thing is that in this psychological phenomenom people tend to complain about the small things.

I think you're absolutely spot on. It's nothing to do with the buttons, and everything to do with the person.

Funny thing is, he could criticise Poznan for many things that are actually valid - but it just shows that he has no idea what's actually going on in the city if he chooses to focus on such insignificant issues.

And anyway, if it's so bad - Poznan has an airport that's 7km away from the centre. I'll even buy him a ticket - even on Sunday.

I don't know about Poznan but in other cites there is an option of buying it at the driver's.

Honestly, in most parts of the city, you can buy tickets easily. I suspect it's more related to the fact that he's been here for ages and still can't buy tickets from the shop.
Ant63  13 | 410  
7 Jan 2012 /  #30
My only critisism of Poznan is the footpaths but once you have busted up your big toe a couple of times, you learn.

Oh yes I almost forgot the learning curve with trams. Hold on tight people or you might be putting your hand in a suprised persons lap in an attempt at not falling on the floor. Young ladies don't smile when you do this. Very embarrassing.

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