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What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex?

OP Dice  15 | 452  
27 Dec 2007 /  #61
If we keep out of Germany

That's the thing. They don't "keep out of Germany", or France, or GB, or Ireland or most other countries where they can make a buck. If they could make any money in Israel, there would be millions of Poles in Israel too. There are millions of Polish all over the world, moving in without the language, the culture, etc.

Everywhere they go they are being helped by tolerant people who are open to other cultures and helpful to foreigners. And yet here, on this board, all I read is: "Those f-ing Germans" "Those f-ing Jews" "Those f-ing Muslims". What gives?
Krazy Kaju  2 | 35  
27 Dec 2007 /  #62
Quite on the contrary.

Poles do "keep out" of Germany, England, etc.

Most Poles today in the UK and in Ireland are just day laborers who are not permanent residents. They're just filling a job void in those countries and making a buck - and then returning to Poland.

Same for most of the Poles in Germany, France, and the Scandinavian nations.

As for the Poles who do become permanent residents, they usually assimilate to the dominant population. Although Poles still practice their traditions and culture, you don't see long picket lines of Poles demanding that Germany or Ireland or whatever nation pass this or that law.

On the other hand, Germans and Jews are actively demanding that we pay them to take our land because of "social injustice." Furthermore, Germans have historically been unwilling to assimilate in Poland. All that we can expect, based on experience and on the opinions of the German "Bund," is a strong foreign but anti-Polish residence in Poland, if we let these people in.

This is completely contrary to how Poles have either assimilated or just "pass by" (i.e. are laborers, not permanent residents) their host nations.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11693  
28 Dec 2007 /  #63
Most Poles today in the UK and in Ireland are just day laborers who are not permanent residents. They're just filling a job void in those countries and making a buck - and then returning to Poland.

Erm....there must be millions of now Germans with polish roots who came for work and stayed!


Just an example:

"...Polish immigration to Germany

For the rising Ruhr district it became scarcely with good workers in the middle of 19th century . As part of the Kingdom of Prussia, it had become within short time a supplying pole, along with the beginning of industrialization at 1840. There was enough coal, which was there to the dismantling, also metals was manufactured. Therefore people looked for a solution. Chiefs recruited starting from 1870 purposefully in East Germany, but mainly in Poland, workers who were ready, to leave their homeland for a good money. They were allowed to carry their family with them, partly those were also simply enterprising loners.

They came from all parts of Poland, among other things "Masuren". As a Slavic people with Slavic culture and language they left traces in the entire Ruhr Area until today, some went back again, but most remained. Many people in Ruhr Area have Polish ancestors, often also Polish surnames. ..."

isthatu  3 | 1164  
28 Dec 2007 /  #64
Poles do "keep out" of Germany, England, etc.

Laugh,I nearly wet my pants :)
Dice has some great points,keep the 1970s style bigotry back in Poland if you want,we had enough of it already here in the UK. G' you are a classic bigot buddy,face it,you simply dont realise how old fashioned and out of touch you come across to "westerners".
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Dec 2007 /  #65
G' you are a classic bigot buddy

WTF ??

there must be millions of now Germans

Do you know that few centuries before there was huge German immigration to Poland ?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
28 Dec 2007 /  #66
Why the hell are you talking to me here ? Are you looking for problems ?

er,because its a forum......free speach,and besides I was merely replying to your question.Look back on a few of your posts on this thread,then tell me with a straight face that you are not a bit of a bigoted person, an example of 1970s atitudes being carried on in the 21st century.

Are you looking for problems ?

lol,who are you Robert Deniroski?
Krazy Kaju  2 | 35  
28 Dec 2007 /  #67
Laugh,I nearly wet my pants :)
Dice has some great points,keep the 1970s style bigotry back in Poland if you want,we had enough of it already here in the UK. G' you are a classic bigot buddy,face it,you simply dont realise how old fashioned and out of touch you come across to "westerners".

Good job dismissing my points out of hand even though I already explained the reasoning behind them (most Poles are migrant laborers, not permanent residents).

You truly classify as a moron.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Dec 2007 /  #68
on this board, all I read is: "Those f-ing Germans" "Those f-ing Jews" "Those f-ing Muslims".

So maybe you should finally move your head out of your ass and pay more attention to 99.99% of posts, which aren't about "Those f-ing Germans" "Those f-ing Jews" "Those f-ing Muslims" ? You "sir" from America came here with obvious intention to apologize and bash yourself somehow in the name of all Poles although you don't even now how to spell basic Polish words... You know what ? This is not normal behavior. Definately not. You better give up your obsession with Poles and help yourself before It's too late.

then tell me with a straight face that you are not a bit of a bigoted person, an example of 1970s atitudes being carried on in the 21st century.

I'm a green light for common sense... Anyway, the thing is... why the hell do you call me a bigot talking with some other guy ??
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Dec 2007 /  #69
As for the Poles who do become permanent residents, they usually assimilate to the dominant population. Although Poles still practice their traditions and culture

This is annoying for Westerners that you want to keep traditions and culture although you are white.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Dec 2007 /  #70
You don't need to look at Polish philology to see how important religion and culture are to Poles. Knowing ur previous postings southern, u wouldn't have said this as I've just read it. U seem to be smarter than that. Westerners don't have that much to be annoyed at
29 Dec 2007 /  #71
This is annoying for Westerners that you want to keep traditions and culture although you are white

Could you explain what you mean here, please?

You "sir" from America came here with obvious intention to apologize and bash yourself somehow in the name of all Poles although you don't even now how to spell basic Polish words...

I don’t know about the Polish Diaspora prior to WWII, but the 1940s Polish émigrés systematically helped their families back in Poland (once the war had ended and this became possible) by sending money, food, clothes, books, toys, tickets, various equipment, more money and of course medicines.

This was not done without sacrifice, but it was done with immense pleasure and in the firm belief that this help would lessen the hardships suffered by those “back home”, and would in some way add to their happiness.

The Poles abroad, while blending into their adopted countries and learning new ways (not always an easy task), maintained, at least in part, their Polish-ness. The Poles “back home” meanwhile, knew that should they ever find themselves in need, help from their émigré families would be immediately forthcoming.

Whether abroad or in Poland there was a unity of spirit. These people, wherever they were in the world, were all Poles.

Over time some of the émigrés started to forget the language. These things happen when there is no other Polish person to converse with or when there are no Polish books to read, for example. It’s life. However, an interest in Poland, a spiritual link with the country and a hope for her success does not necessarily diminish with the loss of language.

That is why the quoted comments above have a rather inelegant quality about them: were these émigré Poles only good enough to be Polish as long as they poured money and goods into Poland, by any chance? Are these émigré Poles not good enough, notPolish enough, to pass even a small criticism, now that things are getting better “back home”?
OP Dice  15 | 452  
16 Jan 2008 /  #72
Poles tagged as racists in London

if what I was saying wasn't true, then where do stories like this one come from? Things that make you go "hmmm..."
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jan 2008 /  #73
then where do stories like this one come from?

Some people just can't get over their victim mentality, others just want to stay in business. Maybe you should provide statistics showing the number of "people of colour" attacked by Poles and the number of Poles attacked by very tolarant and peace loving "people of colour", so we could verify, who is more racist ?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 Jan 2009 /  #74
Most Poles today in the UK and in Ireland are just day laborers who are not permanent residents.

Most of how many? Even 49% of a big enough number, while not being "most" can still be a lot. Just sayin

Germans have historically been unwilling to assimilate in Poland.

If you count military invasions then excellent point! If not then I have to wonder how many Germans have actually migrated this way recently and for reasons other than those directly related to armed conflict, e.g. economic. I'm not arguing, I'm really just wondering.

But If you're talking about hundreds of years ago, then I'm one of those folks who just dismisses anyone who talks with too much authority about what things were like back then, I always kinda think it's all just speculation based on sources that may be reliable or not.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jan 2009 /  #75
Germans have historically been unwilling to assimilate in Poland.

- I am not a fan of Germany, but I must object to the above statement. Actually, historical facts show that in the past the Germans assimilated very well in Poland. Many of them were good loyal citizens. They contributed a lot. Polish-German relations aren't entirely black and white. Does any of the Polish participants know that our great patriotic poet, Wincenty Pol, was 100 % German?

Hyacinthus  1 | 20  
28 Dec 2009 /  #76
"About the superiority of Polish Culture over the Muslim Culture",
"How dare those German bustards this and that... "
"Those damned Jews - 'enough said"

I'm not a Polish,but I have the same feeling
They tallked something really nasty back of a person who has different belief
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
5 May 2010 /  #77
Thread attached on merging:
Why you Polish have this inferiortycomplex

I realized this recently by meeting Polish who live outside their land, but when I visited Poland, I thought you were the same as russians over here in Tallinn .... I really thought you were better than russians, but you always try be something else. eg. two people I talked to telling me they town in German version when it was OStpreussen. Its not German no more. there many others I could keep on going for a day writing about examples.

SO, why this inferiorkomplex?
PS: also you see obseessed with Jewish, why??
vetala  - | 381  
5 May 2010 /  #78
Polishforums may seem like a good place to discuss Poles but it's not a good place to talk WITH Poles. The opinions expressed on this board come mainly from non-Poles or people with some sort of Polish ancestry who have never lived in Poland. My advice is to check the profiles of everyone whose opinion you're reading - if the answer for the question "Do you speak Polish?" is "no" or "some" then don't act like that person's opinion is somehow an opinion of a Pole or the entire Polish population.


PS: also you see obseessed with Jewish, why??

I've never even thought about Jews before I started posting here. All those conversations, guilt tripping and blame games now made me obsessed with Jews or rather with the thought that a great deal of Jews hate Poles and have a warped view of Poland and their opinion is only reinforced by the foreigners who keep posting antisemitic crap here and are for some reason assumed to be Poles which results in lurkers and newcomers wondering wtf is wrong with the Poles and their 'obsession' with Jews.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
5 May 2010 /  #79
It's all about competition and rivalry. That's why the Germans don't want to blend in like they do in America. It's like the Mexicans...they don't want to blend into America because they have all that Latino pride and see our nation as a rival of theirs. Germans have that kind of attitude in Poland. They think they are culturally superior because they speak a different language.
noreenb  7 | 548  
5 May 2010 /  #80
SO, why this inferiorkomplex?

What do you mean? Are we like any other nationality? Just...we are other nationality? Or am I wrong. Can you specify?

Polishforums may seem like a good place to discuss Poles but it's not a good place to talk WITH Poles.

Let's discuss. About what??? Inferiority complex of Poles based on...What? why do you think so?
I think that many older generarations have II World War in their memory as a very important heritage and a part of painful past we are proud of, especially older generations for whom it was a difficult time and fight for food and survival. (In short). Imagine: days without bread...

Days without good food...
Days when you can eat just bread.
People who are hungry. People who eat a "slice" of bread taken from the pavement.
And you are happy, that you found it...
Days that remind you that next day you may day...
and you are just 21.
would you like to fight?
Would you like to remember?
Would you like to fight "to the last drop of a blood"?
I would try for sure... if I lived those times.
to share with this found slice of bread next time with somebody who was more hungry that I was.
a bit of being pathetic. But I hope that you understood or imagined those situations.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 May 2010 /  #81
which results in lurkers and newcomers wondering wtf is wrong with the Poles and their 'obsession' with Jews.

Exactly (and sadly) right. Because of all this anti-semitic and racist crap here on PF, visitors will automatically get a negative view of Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 May 2010 /  #82
I think it's a little insincere for a foreigner to ask a Pole how behind they think they are in terms of development considering the stifling effect of communism. If I were a Pole, I'd be mightily annoyed at that question.

Some foreigners, esp Brits, seem to forget that communism was imposed rather than chosen. The Poles have many sharp cookies and they just need outlets to express/show their talents.
milky  13 | 1656  
5 May 2010 /  #83
The Poles were seen as the disputed bride of the two big powers on both sides since ever and then they get plunged into the web of the soviets. If you look back in history the jews went to the east because they were bet out of the then bigoted west. The poles were victims of constant brutality so l think they have need for our understanding not slagging..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 May 2010 /  #84
They just wanted to carve out a successful future after 2 harrowing and arduous wars. That was not given to them and now they are playing catch up. They ain't half doing a bad job of it either.
Zbyszko  1 | 25  
6 May 2010 /  #85
and then tell me what country doesn't look through their 'nationality' prism?

SWITZERLAND! Land of money and drear chocolates and gold efcourse!
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
6 May 2010 /  #86
Damn, I understand every other country out there might b e embarassad of some funny tradition or rituals (it is important to them, but might look funny to others, same in Estonia we have some weird things) - and SAME Estonia and Latvia weere both under communism, so was the czech, slovak and pothers!@!!

I meant that people will be saying they are from Breslau and not Wroclaw - why give a German name ?
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
6 May 2010 /  #87
Polish people can't get over the "Chosen Nation"

Western Europeans are not as Nationalistic because their history is "Genocide, Rape, Genocide, Killing, War"
Then maybe a few good things for profit then morre Genocide Colonialization ect ect.

Most countries have extremely tainted Histories. The few that don't generally didn't accomplish anything.
Poles we have both Accomplished much greatness & have done next to nothing bad. We are a Glorious people.
I am Polish American. The More I learn about Poland. The More I love Poland & the Polish people.
I think it is quite the Opposite. Polish people have a Superiority complex & Rather other nations have an Inferiority complex.
Poland is one of the Nations with the Least Tained History.
We did not have massive genocide, we did not have massive slavery.

Yet, We still were able to come up with some of the Greatest things.
We were able to beat off Ottoman Turks at Vienna Which saved Vienna. Able to beat off Tatars saving Europe.
We Taught the World that the Center of the Universe was not the Earth Rathe the Sun.
Even Polish Astronomers were the first to describe how the Moon circled around the Earth always facing the Same side.
Of course Alexander Wolczcan Discovered the first planets outside of our solar systems.

Modern Astronomy starts with Poles. The entire ideal of Space flight & Astronautical theory comes from a Pole.
The Oil Industry starts with Polish Ignacy Lukasiewicz. Which the entire modern world depends on.

Poles had the First Democracy outside of Greece that Influenced the Magna Carta, First board of Education, First Constitution in Europe.

The List goes on & on & on.
I am in love with being Polish.
Which is why I love Polish people.
frd  7 | 1379  
6 May 2010 /  #88
The List goes on & on & on.
I am in love with being Polish.
Which is why I love Polish people.

When you're talking about the good remember to take the bad into consideration, things such as Bereza Kartuska and jewish genocides and a few more.
asik  2 | 220  
6 May 2010 /  #89
for some reason assumed to be Poles which results in lurkers and newcomers wondering wtf is wrong with the Poles and their 'obsession' with Jews.

Thank you, you just expressing my sons! Who are...half Polish and half German....
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
6 May 2010 /  #90
^^^^^^ Nikolaus Kopernikus had as much to do with being a Polish as Obama with Adolf Hitler.

I don't want to argue much , but just look at the German east provinces that where robbed in 1945 , youre still using the same infrastructure. Look at what once was Breslau(Wroclaw) the city does not only comprise of the City square(IE. renovating the city square, but the rest looks like stalingrad in WW2.

you poles really know how to make things filthy and miserable looking.

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