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Withdraw Europe money in Poznan

ChannieJeily  1 | 1  
14 Feb 2017 /  #1
Hi all,

I am an exchange student for 6 months in Poznan. Unfortunately, I didn't bring enough cash to exchange in Kantors . I have already had a BNP account in France.

So, do u know how can I withdraw Europe money in Poznan or I can exchange the money from my account with a reasonable conversion fee?

I would be grateful if you could give me a little help.

Thank u.
Arabian master  
15 Feb 2017 /  #2
Just withdraw in euros and go exchange at an local kantor
OP ChannieJeily  1 | 1  
17 Feb 2017 /  #3
But I mean I cannot find any ATM can withdraw in euros :(
Kennyboy  1 | 42  
17 Feb 2017 /  #4
Unfortunately you won't, you're in Poland, we don't use the Euro, are there any ATM's in France that dish out the Zloty?
mafketis  38 | 11178  
17 Feb 2017 /  #5
I cannot find any ATM can withdraw in euros :(

then withdraw in zloties... is the rate that bad?
cms  9 | 1253  
17 Feb 2017 /  #6
Euronet cashpoints do this - but only in certain places. Check on their website but it is available in 2 or 3 places in each big town. But factor in your bus ticket and your time and you might be going through a lot of hassle for a few zloty benefit
Wincig  2 | 225  
17 Feb 2017 /  #7
Unfortunately you won't, you're in Poland, we don't use the Euro, are there any ATM's in France that dish out the Zloty?

Nothing to do with this. In Switzerland, where the currency is CHF, you can withdraw euros on many ATMs. And here in Turkey where I currently live, currency is Turkish Liras but you can still withdraw euros or USD from many ATMs.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
17 Feb 2017 /  #8
We Poles don't like Euro. We don't use Dollars too. We don't need those in ATMs.
17 Feb 2017 /  #9
Open a euro-denominated account at a bank in Poznan (Alior is good) and then transfer euro from France using transferwise. Take out the euro from the bank and go to the Kantor. Remember to close the account after using it.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
17 Feb 2017 /  #10
Btw. There isn't anything like Europe Money. There is EU Money or even just Eurozone Money called Euro.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2017 /  #11
You don't even need to use transfer, a normal SEPA transfer will work if it's Euro-Euro within the EU.
Kennyboy  1 | 42  
17 Feb 2017 /  #12
Wincig, I don't want to turn this into a bun fight but he's not talking about either Switzerland or Turkey, he's asking about getting Euro's out of an ATM in Poland and then going to a Kantor to change into Zloty, cms has got it right, just go to the nearest cash point, stick your card in and take out your cash, what a hassle just so you don't lose a couple of Zlotys' on the exchange rate, like cms said, factor in your time, bus ticket or petrol, is it really worth the hassle.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2017 /  #13
It can be more than a couple of złoty. For instance, ING were charging a massive 6% on foreign withdrawals, so withdrawing 5000 złoty would cost you 300zł.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
17 Feb 2017 /  #14
It can be more than a couple of złoty.

Love it. Wanna step foot on our dearest Polish soil? Pay for it! Stuff like that will keep serious weirdos from abroad just there. Abroad. Fantastic!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2017 /  #15
Actually, that was the fee charged by ING Bank Śląskie to Polish people using their cards abroad.

Nothing fantastic about that.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
17 Feb 2017 /  #16
Actually, that was the fee charged by ING Bank Śląskie to Polish people using their cards abroad.

It will keep Poles in Poland. And Poland needs them. Fantastic!!!

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