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Is there Polish version of USA TV shows "Judge Judy" (or similar)? "Divorce Court" (or similar)? "Dr Phil" etc

Lri  4 | 39  
22 Mar 2019 /  #1
Any similar television programs in Poland? (Daytime non-fiction courtroom TV shows and talk shows)

Here are some sample videos of "Judge Judy": youtube.com/results?search_query=judge+judy

Sample videos of "The People's Court" (similar show to "Judge Judy"): youtube.com/user/PeoplesCourtTV/videos

Sample video of "Divorce Court" (random older episode): youtube.com/watch?v=HVPDI8mk6Hs

Sample videos of "Couples Court" (similar show to "Divorce Court"): youtube.com/channel/UCis8-aFFycLZgNI4bqNcE5g/videos

Sample videos of "Dr. Phil":

Sample videos of "The Steve Wilkos Show": youtube.com/user/SteveWilkosNBC/videos

Sample videos of "The Jerry Springer Show" (which launched Steve Wilkos' TV career): youtube.com/user/JerryJerryNBC/videos
jon357  72 | 23668  
22 Mar 2019 /  #2
Yes. She has a TV show and is called Anna Maria Wesołowska.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
22 Mar 2019 /  #3
But isn't that fiction? (as with actors and a script?)
jon357  72 | 23668  
22 Mar 2019 /  #4
Aren't most of those in one way or another? A fair few of Jerry Springer's guests were paid actors playing a role.

Anna Maria Wesołowska was considered a 'paradokumentalny serial' whatever that means.
OP Lri  4 | 39  
22 Mar 2019 /  #5
Thank you all for your quick responses. I searched on youtube for Sędzia Anna Maria Wesołowska and found a few short videos, most of them less than 0:30 length. Ms. Wesołowska seems like she's Polish equivalent of Judge Judith Sheindlin (a.k.a. "Judge Judy") and Judge Marilyn Milian ("People's Court").

Any Polish equivalent of Dr. Phillip McGraw (a.k.a. "Dr. Phil")? And Steve Wilkos? And how (un)popular would a Polish version of "The Jerry Springer Show" be? And which Polish celebrity or celebrities would best represent a "Polish Dr. Phil" or "Polish Steve" or "Polish Jerry"?

Oops I forgot to ask about a Polish version of Dr. Mehmet Oz (a.k.a. "Dr. Oz") and "The Doctors", here are random sample videos of both TV shows:

"Dr. Oz": youtube.com/watch?v=om6ifBwWLbE
"The Doctors": youtube.com/watch?v=s1hDsUiko_Q
mafketis  38 | 11277  
22 Mar 2019 /  #6
Aren't most of those in one way or another?

It's a matter of degree I think... Anna Maria seemed completely scripted with actors (cases loosely based on real ones, not necessarily from Poland)

Judge Judy - non-actors in a very staged and artificial setting (I lurve Judge Judy and think she's usually not nearly mean enough to the lowlifes in her court)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Is there Polish version of USA TV shows "Judge Judy" (or similar)? "Divorce Court" (or similar)? "Dr Phil" etcArchived