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Uptight Poles

PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
14 May 2011 /  #211
If Poland wasn't so devoutly Catholic, they may not have been invaded at all.

Hmm well why did Poland beat the asses of Orthodox Russians & Protestant Germans & Swedes so often?

There were multiple times where Poland had beaten Russians & Swedes both at once.

Like in the Battle of Klushino & The Deluge.

I think it is more surprising that Poland even stood up to so many constant invasions & Having such a vulnerable area in the center of Europe.

Our Orthodox Cossack (Ukrainian) neighbors had similar circumstances of Invasions but they never had any power like Poland did

Catholics are generally more conservative I think on average than Protestants & Orthodox.

I actually think that may explain why Poland actually beat their asses numerous times in history despite being massively outnumbered.

The Catholic Holyleague with Jan Sobieski came together to beat Turkish ass!
southern  73 | 7059  
14 May 2011 /  #212
Actually very few nations were interested in conquering Poland and the reason is the climate and the lack of resources.

Back to the topic, please.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
15 May 2011 /  #213
On topic: Has anyone heard of "jolly Germans", "jolly Swedes" or "jolly Swiss" or "jolly Fins"? Are Russians easy-going people? Why pin everything to the Polish?

There was never any religious war in Poland. On the other hand, there were many wars between countries of the same religion. The opinions of CP are crap.

Southern, Poland used to be conquered several times, I could mention the Partitions and the WWII. If you put up silly opinions, elaborate them please.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
15 May 2011 /  #214
On topic: Has anyone heard of "jolly Germans", "jolly Swedes" or "jolly Swiss" or "jolly Fins"? Are Russians easy-going people? Why pin everything to the Polish?

I don't really get why Westerners are much harder on Polish people.

Westerners are way more criminal oriented, the women way more slutty, the people way more unhappy & uptight.

yet, they blame it on Poles?

I don't understand Westerners LOL I think they are idiots for the most part.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 May 2011 /  #215
Some are and some aren't, PMoc.
pawian  219 | 24792  
17 May 2011 /  #216
Poles are still uptight because of traditional upbringing. When kids shout at public places like home, street or school, they are told off: Shut up, you are not in the forest. But when they go to the forest, and shout, they are rebuked again and told: You mustn`t shout in the forest.

So, in comparison to kids from Western countries, Polish students are well-mannered and well-behaved. That must be connected with some uptighness later on.
I observe Western kids and teachers when they come to Poland for school exchanges. They are real barbarians.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 May 2011 /  #217
Westerners are way more criminal oriented, the women way more slutty, the people way more unhappy & uptight.


What's that, you little halfbreed racist? Still hurting that your grandparents ran away from Poland instead of defending this glorious homeland?
Midas  1 | 571  
17 May 2011 /  #218
Westerners are way more criminal oriented, the women way more slutty, the people way more unhappy & uptight.

yet, they blame it on Poles?

I don't understand Westerners LOL I think they are idiots for the most part.

PolskiMoc - weren't You banned a short while ago or something for posting pretty much the same nonsense as above?

"Criminal oriented" - Poles are often considered ( an ugly stereotype that unfortunately can be traced back to some criminal activity of the Polish shortly after the fall of the iron curtain ) thieves in Germany and Austria. Car thieves, to be more specific.

So here I am telling You what I told one German about 15 years ago after he made a general comment about all Polish people being criminals - "Shut Your hole, You sir don't know shit".

the women way more slutty - Of course. That's why frenchforums.com or italianforums.com is simply swamped by these ads from gentlemen originally from third-world countries that are offering Italian or French women a place to stay in the U.K. if they are "nice" to them. And that is also why no such ads can be found on polishforums.com.

people way more unhappy & uptight. - yes, especially Swedes, Norwegians and the Swiss. Damn, these are some uptight and unhappy bastards, the whole lot of them.

You are not adding anything to the topic with Your crude generalizations.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Jun 2011 /  #219
There's a good word in Polish for the American/Western loud, loose & casual slob chic (including Brit-style laddism). It is CHAMSTWO!
legend  3 | 658  
4 Jun 2011 /  #220
haha 10/10.

Hahaha. What's that, you little halfbreed racist? Still hurting that your grandparents ran away from Poland instead of defending this glorious homeland?

yaya accusing him of being racist (typical nonsense).

UK has the second highest overall crime rate in Europe, and that violent attacks have increased by 77% between 1997 and 2009.[6]

In England and Wales, there were 880,000 "Violence against the person" crimes in 2008-9, equivalent to 16 per thousand people.


compared too:

Crime in Poland is lower than in many countries of Western Europe.
The 2005 surveys placed Poland below the European average, with victimisation rate lower than in Ireland, England and Wales, Iceland, Northern Ireland, Estonia, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden and Norway.[1] Newer studies (2009) report that the victimisation rate in Poland is constantly decreasing...

and dont get me started on USA.
they have like a bizillion people in prison.

so in summary PolskiMoc was right.

Westerners are way more criminal oriented,

Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Jun 2011 /  #221
It's great being in amongst some older Poles in a big garden. They are so laid back and are happy to let the world go by. They are far from uptight, esp after some lovely Polish krupnik vodka. It's brilliant to see such people not being uptight and enjoying the abundant food, drink and nature around them. Poland has a lot of that!!
Ogien  5 | 237  
8 Jun 2011 /  #222
I went out with a friend of mine last night to a street festival, she was unhappy about my smoking, told me not to smoke. I told her to relax. She got upset and left, because I would not change my habits for her.

Were you smoking around her? Considering the harmful effects of second hand smoking, I would be a little irritated as well. I'm an American by the way.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Jun 2011 /  #223
Ogien, society permitted it for so long. I think only Scots and Jews are fans of passive smoking due to the free fumes side of things ;) ;)

I see your point but you can't blame sb for merely exercising their rights. You can always ask them to blow the smoke away from you.
milky  13 | 1656  
8 Jun 2011 /  #224
I think only Scots and Jews are fans of passive smoking due to the free fumes side of things ;) ;)

Getting pissed on Christmas Eve causes lots of problem for me and my Polish side of family but I persist.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Jun 2011 /  #225
There has to be tolerance. Smokers were just exercising their rights. Society partly contributed to their addiction. It's like governments contributing to mass immigration. There has to be reasonable tolerance. However, people are people and will defend their corner to the hilt.
milky  13 | 1656  
8 Jun 2011 /  #226
Society partly contributed to their addiction.

Especially during WW1 and WW2, and it (the wars)also caused a lot of alcohol addiction, as AA was set up at the same time to deal with (cover it up)it. AA helped to put the blame on the individual rather than society..(Bill and Bob)
Ogien  5 | 237  
8 Jun 2011 /  #227
Ogien, society permitted it for so long. I think only Scots and Jews are fans of passive smoking due to the free fumes side of things ;) ;)

Why Scots?

I see your point but you can't blame sb for merely exercising their rights. You can always ask them to blow the smoke away from you.

I think in America (or at least my state anyway) we have a more negative view of people smoking around others than in Europe. The education system greatly emphasized the consequences of passive smoking when I went to school.

The OP said it wasn't her business but when her health is at risk, I would say it is her business. :-)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Jun 2011 /  #228
Well, culture plays its part. I also believe that avoiding harm to others is important. However, that has to be balanced with tolerance and conferred rights. There are always solutions and compromises need to be made.

Scots because we are stereotyped as stingy ;)
sascha  1 | 824  
8 Jun 2011 /  #229
Scots because we are stereotyped as stingy ;)

Not only you. Germans too ;)

Well, culture plays its part. I also believe that avoiding harm to others is important. However, that has to be balanced with tolerance and conferred rights. There are always solutions and compromises need to be made.

I really don't get all this discussion about Poles being uptight. That contradictory in itself. They are slavic people who are very rare in that 'state'. ;)
9 Jun 2011 /  #230
What's that, you little halfbreed racist?

I think the word "half breed" is possibly one of the most racist terms you could come up with, if you thought about it, which you obviously haven't, much.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Jun 2011 /  #231
You'd be surprised, sascha. It depends where you find them. Road rage is an increasingly evident phenomenon here and it is caused by many uptight and impatient people looking to get somewhere faster. Germans tend not to be like that.

Some can drift through life, yes, but they tend to get caught out sooner rather than later.
sascha  1 | 824  
11 Jun 2011 /  #232
Germans tend not to be like that

then i advise you to visit frankfurt, hamburg, munich or berlin in rush hour. you'll see freakin' borg losing the temper-chip.

poles never made that impression to me. maybe it has to do sth with the changes in society in the last couple of years? ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jun 2011 /  #233
Maybe you are right, sascha. However, there are quite a few uptight Poles but society permits a lot of slackness and bumbling here. If you gibber on in a friendly, Polish way then the chances are that you will not be so uptight. Worries tend to be self created here.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
12 Jun 2011 /  #234
Seanus: Scots because we are stereotyped as stingy ;)
Not only you. Germans too ;)

I ask pawian and Alexw68 (and Delphi?) to close their eyes now.

-- Who are Posnaners? Scots exiled from Scotland for being too stingy.
-- Who are Cracowers? Posnaners exiled from Poznań for exactly the same!

Very, very old joke but...

In Warsaw, you give 50 zloties to a bartender and say "reszty nie trzeba" (no change needed)
In Kraków, you give 50 zloties to a bartender, he gives the change back and it is up to you to give a tip.
12 Jun 2011 /  #235
-- Who are Cracowers? Posnaners exiled from Poznań for exactly the same!

hey, watch out, mister ...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
12 Jun 2011 /  #236
Yes, I know Warszawa is a village up north of Słomniki ;-))))))))))))))

(Sometimes I wonder why you do not live in Cali, Bzibzioh).
12 Jun 2011 /  #237
Yes, I know Warszawa is a village up north of Słomniki

I don't suffer Warszawa envy.

(Sometimes I wonder why you do not live in Cali, Bzibzioh).

Keep wondering; you definitely need a hobby.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
12 Jun 2011 /  #238
I don't suffer Warszawa envy.

Hopefully, yet your approach suggests it is true what they say about Cracowers in the second place ;)
12 Jun 2011 /  #239
... and what they say?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
12 Jun 2011 /  #240
They say Cracowers are very uptight, and we are back on topic. This must, however, be a stereotype since Pawian proves that what they say about Cracowers in the second place is untrue.

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