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Uptight Poles

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
10 May 2011 /  #181
Stop patronizing people. You fancy yourself sociology expert but I have a news for you: your observation skills and analytical ability simply suck. So take that into consideration when giving anyone advise on anything.

and since one does have to be a sociologist in order to observe people, eh?
you seem to be a little uptight- are you Polish;)?
Every time I read your posts I become really uptight - do you have any idea WHY?
sascha  1 | 824  
10 May 2011 /  #182
We have to conclude that there are tense and loose aspects to virtually every culture.

Generally i agree with you, but i travelled quite a lot and f.e. the more south in europe you go, the more loose the folks are. Logic to me. Sun. Valencia has 300!!! days of the year as 'sunny days'. How can you be uptight.

It's not only climate, but also, more of course culture what puts you uptight.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 May 2011 /  #183
Some do. Some appear to be backward but that was just my impression.
11 May 2011 /  #184
Your right it is upbringing, you and your kind were raised to be trash and Polish people raised to have honor and respect for other people.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
11 May 2011 /  #185
Polish people raised to have honor and respect for other people

except when those other people are not Polish, or if they're gay, or if they're not Catholic, or if they're more successful, or if they show interest in Polish women, or if they're smart enough not to believe in conspiracy theories about Osama or global warming, or if GK disapproves of them for any other reason... oh no, no respect for THOSE people!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 May 2011 /  #186
LOL, superb retort! It speaks a million words :)
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
11 May 2011 /  #187
First, I wanted to answer you sarcastically ItsAllAboutME then I thought I wouldn't go down to the level of your comment and I will tell you something seriously.

Have you ever wondered how it is the users of Apple computers or of the LINUX operating systems are so nervous about the PC/Windows? The answer is: The feel they must be doing SUM TIN WON themselves ;-) The PC/Windows users are simply not interested with other computers and operating systems, feeling quite comfortable.

Now, majority of Poles don't care about other religions. I've never heard Polish Catholics saying anything bad on Luteran, Protestants, Anglican, Buddhist, name some religions yourself. This dates back to the ancient "golden freedom" and the religious tolerance (the latter dating back to the Warsaw Confederation of 1573). On contrary, English intolerance against Catholic dates back to Henry VIII, about the same era. While I yet have to see some kind of anti-Anglican demonstration in Poland, the "Vicars & Tarts" parties seem to be one of English favourite pastimes. And that devilish Pope... Oh. The only exception I can see is declared antisemitism of part of Poles, which is amusing in the country in which there are almost no Jews. Still, there are lunatics in every country, and I would not say the listeners of Radio Maryja are representative to Poland; no, they are jeered at by most of the Polish youth. Have you ever heard of the "mohair berets"?

When it comes to gays, the Polish golden freedom is: "Live and let others live". That is, nobody would really say anything against gays if not the gays were loudly and visibly fighting for they rights. I'd say to gays: Love whomever you love but do it in privacy. No, gays must organize their Parades and advertise their way of life loudly. This is what most of us Poles hates.

What's the problem if a foreigner shows interest in Polish women? Polish women are the boss; they decide whom to choose, not Polish men. See how chauvinistic you are ItsAllAboutME? Don't pin that to the Poles. Read threads of jarnowa, oh poor, frustrated man. He is clearly told by Polish women they choose nice men, Polish and foreigners. He seems to know better whom they should choose. A wonderful example "supporting" your case.

Although Poles are absolutely not free of prejudices, shall we believe in all those conspiracy theories? Or, global warming, gosh, I felt the global warming couple days ago, with a snowfall in May, a snowfall to cover my blooming cherry tree.

Decidedly, the Polish are not free from faults. No nation is. However, you should think your pack of nonsense better.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
11 May 2011 /  #188
tin uptight? Where have you been? Go to a tango bar and then tell me your impressions. ;)

I meant Latin Europeans. Not Latino Americans.
Latinos are laid back
But Latin Europeans like Italians are very uptight. Italians are always angry & uptight about everything.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
11 May 2011 /  #189
Latinos are laid back

Yeah, they actually are pretty friendly and laid back.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
11 May 2011 /  #190
Yeah so are gypsies sometimes.
doesn't mean they are generally good people.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
12 May 2011 /  #191
The English and other Protestant European countries are anti-Catholic due to the politics of the Roman Catholic Church which they are very aware of. For instance during the Spanish Civil War (1930's) approximately 5000 priests and nuns were killed because they constituted the fascists fifth column. The Roman Catholic Church was heavily involved with Mussolini and Hitler and were responsible for the harsh treatment of the Poles by the Nazi's during WWII. If Poles knew of the full involvement by the Church in WWII they wouldn't be so Catholic.
Softsong  5 | 492  
12 May 2011 /  #192
The Roman Catholic Church was heavily involved with Mussolini and Hitler and were responsible for the harsh treatment of the Poles by the Nazi's during WWII. If Poles knew of the full involvement by the Church in WWII they wouldn't be so Catholic.

Be that as it may....outside of the Vatican, The Catholic Church has played a very important part in Poland's history. If it were not for the Catholic faith, it may not have been possible for Poland to be Poland after the Partitions.

I believe that while the strong religious sentiments of the past may be declining somewhat now, most Poles are grateful for the way the Church supported them during the Partitions and during Communist times.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
12 May 2011 /  #193
Is there any way to answer this without Moderator's intervention? CP gives "facts". The posts presenting another view are deleted. Why? Is Chicago Pollock's post on-topic?

Instructions, please, Mods.

if you keep it ON-TOPIC - there will be no problem.
sascha  1 | 824  
12 May 2011 /  #194
But Latin Europeans like Italians are very uptight. Italians are always angry & uptight about everything.

Obviously you had bad experiences. Italians are really cool and laid back. Never had the impression they would be uptight. Look at their fashion, cars, design...hardly possible if you have a Stock im Arsssch.. ;)

Regarding polish people i can only say that i liked my time there and that even though we lost track a little bit, my old friends still contact me and i had only nice experiences.

Are there any local differences in Poland regarding being 'laid back', north-south difference? i never noticed that. Is it like that?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 May 2011 /  #195
Would it be fair to say that those who live in the east of Poland are generally more uptight? This is what I've heard.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
12 May 2011 /  #196
I'd be uptight too if I ever so often had my outhouse stampeded into smithereens by a bison herd...
13 May 2011 /  #197
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

This whole thread is generalizations.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
13 May 2011 /  #198
First, I wanted to answer you sarcastically ItsAllAboutME then I thought I wouldn't go down to the level of your comment and I will tell you something seriously.

First I thought I'd just ignore you but maybe I'll tell you something seriously.

Seriously, no clue what you're talking about regarding the Linux people. In fact, the rest of it doesn't make much sense, either.

Now, majority of Poles don't care about other religions.

Yeah, I know. In fact, they don't care so vehemently and so strongly, they'll drown you in holy water if you say there is no God. THERE IS NO GOD. YOUR GOD CAN KISS MY AMERICAN A*S. Now let's wait and see what happens...

nobody would really say anything against gays if not the gays were loudly and visibly fighting for they rights

I was replying to GrzegorzK, who said that Polish people, because of their Catholic religion, are not tolerant of gays. Now, you're saying, you are tolerant, if only gays would hide that they're gay, stay quiet, and conform to the rest of your norms... Very tolerant, indeed. Do you know what it means to live in a free country? It means that if you want to have public masses and carry around your Virgin Mary statues and do other medieval nonsense like that, the gays can do their parades. Freedom of thought means freedom for the thought you hate. Come to America. You can say all kinds of stuff here, and nobody can tell you to shut up.

What's the problem if a foreigner shows interest in Polish women?

I don't know, either, but GrzegorzK had a lot of problems with it, and then he was bragging his d*ck was bigger than mine... One can only hope so.

I felt the global warming couple days ago, with a snowfall in May

oh, wow, yeah, that proves it... yup, it's a conspiracy, big as all hell and half of Texas. No doubt about it!
Did they come up with dictionaries yet in East Bumblef*ck... er.. I mean, Brwinow? Then look up "c-l-i-m-a-t-e." Then look up "w-e-a-t-h-e-r."

If dumb was dirt, you'd cover about an acre...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
13 May 2011 /  #199
*checking the topic... It reads "Uptight Poles". All right. Chances are we are staying on-topic*

Try to ease up, don't be so uptight, make an attempt to understand:
1. Linux people are mostly concerned how terrible Microsoft Windows is. They are very uptight. Windows users even do not see the presence of Linux.
2. Kraków people often say bad things on Warszawa, starting with: "Warszawa? Eh, are you talking about this village up north Słomniki?" Warsaw is one of major problems for a Cracower. While Warsawers think Cracow is just an extremely nice city, former capital of Poland and make no fuss about that.

3. People such as you perceive Catholicism as vice, danger, evil incarnated, are fighting against. While most of Catholic Poles even do not see other religions exist. Why should they care?

Now, majority of Poles don't care about other religions.

Can you see what you have just done? You've just offended Catholics without any obvious reason. You are so deluded. You're so uptight! Now tell me: Are the Poles uptight or you are, man?

Antek_Stalich: nobody would really say anything against gays if not the gays were loudly and visibly fighting for they rights.

You are doing it again. You offend Polish people, especially Catholics, and without any reason. How can you claim you are tolerant? Where is tolerance in what you've just written?

Regarding homesexuals, their parades and Catholic processions, you are mixing many different concepts, trying to equalize everything but without any analytical skills.

1. Corpus Christi processions in Poland are as much traditional (cultural) as much the turkey is traditional on the U.S Independence Day. Nobody forces you to participate in a Corpus Christi procession. Nobody can force me to eat turkey. Draw.

2. The gay parades? Well, I could mention controversy around Orange Walks in N. Ireland.

3. Approach of the Catholic Poles to the gay matters. In fact, no practicing Catholic can accept homosexuality. However, Poles are really tolerant. If you do not do things in the public, you are forgiven or at least not noticed. If you do not know it, it only shows your ignorance in Polish affairs.

Let us put lunatics such as Radio Maryja followers aside. They are moron about almost anything.

Antek_Stalich: What's the problem if a foreigner shows interest in Polish women?
I don't know, either, but GrzegorzK had a lot of problems with it, and then he was bragging his d*ck was bigger than mine... One can only hope so.

Typically, Polish men are not macho. If GrzegorzK has some problems, let those be his own problems.

"If you have doubts, look for where the money is hidden".
All this bullsh*t about global warming was just a nice opportunity for smart people to steal the money bank. You know, I've earned quite good money on that "global warming" hype. Money do not smell :-)

Do you believe in everything just because something is w-r-i-t-t-e-n? Don't you have your own mind? Occasional climate warming and cooling are natural phenomena. Down there in 14th century, Poland was making quite good wine. Later, the climate cooled down. Also, the first settlers to Greenland died out due to rapid climate change.

Now, Itsallsomethingsomething: Do you believe Poles are uptight? If you do, first ease up yourself. Wyluzuj poślady, kolego.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
13 May 2011 /  #200
Can you see what you have just done?

Yeah. I told you there is no god, and you get all up in arms about it. You're insisting on your religious beliefs, and I don't care. You can worship whatever you can possibly come up with, god, calf, or a gopher. As long as you're not making me do the same.

Nobody forces you to participate in a Corpus Christi procession.

Did anyone hold you at d*ckpoint to join their parade? Don't you get it? There is nothing more righteous, honorable, or commendable about your parades than theirs. You think throwing flower petals around makes your god happy. They think walking around in groups wearing flowery dresses makes them happy. They have an opinion, you have an opinion. The ONLY difference is, there's more of YOU than there is of THEM, so you think you can gang up on them and impose your morals on them.This doesn't make you right, it makes you hypocritical.

no practicing Catholic can accept homosexuality

. Guess what, no practicing gay can accept Catholicism. So you're even.

If you do not do things in the public, you are forgiven

. How magnanimous of you! Lucky them! They should drop to their knees and sing their Hallelujahs, right? You know, I'm sure they care as much about your forgiveness as you care about theirs. So get over your righteousness and "tolerance."

Do you believe in everything just because something is w-r-i-t-t-e-n?

No. Do you read much at all? Or do all of your ideas come out of your a*s? Or did the priest tell you what to believe about it, too?

you offend Polish people, especially Catholics

if you find truth offensive, it's not my problem. and, btw, doesn't your manual say, "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Consider yourself smitten. Now, write something back and get the other cheek ready...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
13 May 2011 /  #201
You must be joking.

As long as you're not making me do the same.

Exactly! Why do the gay people try to do the same to me?!

If you do not get it, you are a hypocrite like hell.

In the country of dominating Catholic population, minority rights need to be protected. However, nobody has ever said the minority has the right to dominate the majority. It is not how democracy works... Have you ever considered the real meaning of the word "democracy"?
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
13 May 2011 /  #202
Can you elaborate on how they're dominating you? Anyone jumping you, telling you to bend over and be gay?
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
13 May 2011 /  #203
Be that as it may....outside of the Vatican, The Catholic Church has played a very important part in Poland's history. If it were not for the Catholic faith, it may not have been possible for Poland to be Poland after the Partitions.

Here, check out the full story of the Catholic Church's history:


You can find it on netflix also.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
13 May 2011 /  #204
You can find it on netflix also.

would that be in the documnentary or the horror movie category?
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
13 May 2011 /  #205
Should be in both. Actually if you watch this series (which incidentally comes from Vatican documents) and fast forward to the 1930's fascist movement, it makes perfect sense (i.e., the 1930's fascist movement was the 20th century version of the Inquisition).
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
13 May 2011 /  #206
Can you elaborate on how they're dominating you? Anyone jumping you, telling you to bend over and be gay?

Can you elaborate on how Polish Catholics dominate you when you are staying in Poland? Do they attempt to christen you? Do they spray holy water onto you against your will? Are you dragged into churches?

I come to the conclusion you've never been to Poland; or, you know Poland very superficially.

Why I do not like gays manifesting their homosexuality?

English subtitles are there.

On-topic: Do you believe Poles are uptight? Or you are?
Softsong  5 | 492  
13 May 2011 /  #207
Here, check out the full story of the Catholic Church's history:

I am not Catholic, myself. But, I did do a lot of research in college on the role the Catholic Church played in keeping alive the idea of Poland.

The Church has a lot to answer for, Inquisitions, etc. I am aware of its history as well as the Concordat between Hitler and the Vatican. I have not looked at your link, yet. I will do it, however, just wanted to make the point that I am not naive about the Catholic Church, or religion in general.

My only point is that there is a positive role the Church played in Poland. Prussia was mostly Lutheran, Russia, Orthodox. Those countries each took big chunks of Poland. The Catholic Faith kept the Polish people culturally Polish. No denying this, and during Communism, the Church gave hope.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #208
So please establish the connection between the RCC and uptight Poles then ;) ;)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
14 May 2011 /  #209
If Poland wasn't so devoutly Catholic, they may not have been invaded at all. The invasions didn't happen in a vacuum. Roman Catholicism emphasizes sacrifice and suffering. It cherishes quiet contemplation and believes that the material world has no value so that one attains virtue through poverty. In the devout Roman Catholic world civil law (if it exists) is subservient to Church law. The individual and his relationship to God is supreme, no room for the community here.
Softsong  5 | 492  
14 May 2011 /  #210
The same thing was said of Christians and the Roman Empire.

Interesting theory about Poland and Catholicism. However, that is all it is, a theory. We can never go back and see what would have happened if the Protestant Reformation had gained a strong hold in Poland.

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