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The unacceptable side of Polish culture

OP jdthebrit  2 | 50  
1 Jan 2013 /  #31
Your grandmother used to fight in bars, then?

Lol - that's good. I meant I am entitled to comment on Irish culture as I might be a Brit but also have Irish blood...........

I take it as read that you are a Tafffy? :)
berni23  7 | 377  
1 Jan 2013 /  #32
smoking cannabis

:D So much for widening your horizon.
Tied some alcohol at least? ;)
pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Jan 2013 /  #33
The Polish police warns people not to intervene but call. There were a few incidents last year when accidental guys took action and got hurt in result.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
1 Jan 2013 /  #34
I don't hold a grudge against the OP for this thread. He's just still under the shock about witnessing that, hey it was just a few hours ago. Give him a break. I probably would be equally shocked to witness it

I'm impressed by this assessment. Before anyone responds they should at least read this response.
OP jdthebrit  2 | 50  
1 Jan 2013 /  #35
The Polish police warns people not to intervene but call.

Lol Pawian. The police in this country couldn't give meaningful advice to a ten year old, and in this case what was one supposed to do?

Just watch? No cops anywhere - on the busiest night of the year?

As so often, somebody had to police it for them, while they play with their cars and drive up and down Zaleze preening their wings and doing **** all :))
Zibi  - | 335  
1 Jan 2013 /  #36
I was in a similar situation in NYC, way back when. Except I was a Pole and reacted, they were Americans and did not. Go figure! Local precinct cops were my friends after that :)
OP jdthebrit  2 | 50  
1 Jan 2013 /  #37
Nice one Zibi - there is no such animal as local community police here - only animals.
antheads  13 | 340  
2 Jan 2013 /  #38
interesting thread, good on you jd for stopping a potential maiming. And of cours the circumstances and andrenaline excuse you calling polish people cowards etc.

I'm curious as to what the mechanics where to th fight being stopped, what happened after the guy punched you? did his friends try and have a go as well? are you trained in martial arts that you had the confidence to step in? Give us the gory details.
Cali  - | 56  
2 Jan 2013 /  #39
Talking about some indiff just look at the recent NYC subways killings: remember the Asian guy being pushed down on the tracks? The poor guy was tryina climb back BUT no one pulledem up! At the same time, other guy was snapping pics of him while he was trying to get himself outta the pit and later sold those pics to the Post! Tha's f...ing unbelievable! Was he Polish? nope. The pushed guy was Asian; the guy who did the pushing was black; the photographer was Indian; and the rest, who was watching the (reality show) drama, was a mix of whites and Hispanics.
2 Jan 2013 /  #40
I am saying that Poles - through no fault of their own probably - are used to standing around - and being criminally passive - and letting the police or special forces deal with public disorder. This comes from communism times.

This was not some girl getting attacked or raped it was two guys kicking the **** out of each other. Why on earth would you step in, its the job of the straz or police to sort this **** out.I would never step in to a fight unless it was someone I know who was involved. It is not cowardice it is common sense, one of them may have had a knife or gun.

Do you not recall the story inn the press two years ago of the Polish chap in London who did exactly the same as you did and ended up dead.
nasadki  - | 43  
2 Jan 2013 /  #41
This was not some girl getting attacked or raped it was two guys kicking the **** out of each other. Why on earth would you step in, its the job of the straz or police to sort this **** out

I gotta agree, no need to try and play hero if it is two men going at it. Sometimes 2 guys have to come to blows to work things out.

I grew up in a rough neighborhood of an old steeltown in the US and you never try to jump between 2 men fighting with a crowd watching, especially if you dont know what the story is, trying to break it up could be seen as you jumping in and then whoever those guys are affiliated with and are watching might jump in. Then you get curb stomped(or worse) for trying to stop 2 guys you dont even know from fighting. Of course America is a lot different I guess because of the fact everybody has a gun nowadays.....Not worth it at least in my opinion, but good on jdtheBrit I guess. They could of used him this summer to help stop the fights at the Euro soccer matches.

And also the people watching might of been gambling.
OP jdthebrit  2 | 50  
2 Jan 2013 /  #42
interesting thread, good on you jd for stopping a potential maiming. And of cours the circumstances and andrenaline excuse you calling polish people cowards etc.

I'm curious as to what the mechanics where to th fight being stopped, what happened after the guy punched you? did his friends try and have a go as well? are you trained in martial arts that you had the confidence to step in? Give us the gory details.

You're right of course Antheads - there is nobody as courageous as the Poles.

Anyway, the guy was practically insensible on the floor and the second was putting the boot in for what seemed a full minute, as well as kneeling there and pummelling him.

Not difficult to put my body between them as they were somewhat paralytic..... and my action was fortunately seen as concilitary. There was a third guy holding a coat too. When I got whacked I reckon it was crossfire - then somebody called the police and the hospital laddies.

So I scarpered quick as I didn't want the police busting Johnny foreigner!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Jan 2013 /  #43
Which is more stupid, the OP or the responses it got?

Forgive me, I was slightly drunk when writing that :)))

Two weeks ago I was the victim of an attempted robbery, driving on foreign plates - so a gang thought I was rich....

Wow, they got a lot of luck thought, after all you might get angry and feck them all up into pieces :)))

I am British and i am calling a relatively large percentage of Poles out as cowards.

Yes, pink brave man, it's what we've been know for across the whole world :))))

He's just still under the shock about witnessing that, hey it was just a few hours ago. Give him a break. I probably would be equally shocked to witness it.

Come on, just look at the crap guy is writing here, some folk stories about his grandma, overall immature masturbation and all of the rest, more likely dude got pushed and humiliated by some drunk kids, run away and now he's healing his wounded "pride" with this pathetic "I'm a tough guy" stories.
OP jdthebrit  2 | 50  
2 Jan 2013 /  #44
I know it's your second language Grzegorz and you have to be complimented for that, as my written Polish is nowhere near your level.

However, you can only sink to the usual Polish insults about homosexuals - try to use a little more intelligence when debating the next fight you witness - and film on your Apple - and then go home to mummy's house and enjoy your furtive self pleasuring session..... not quite sure if you want mummy to catch you red handed or not.....

Others, on the other hand, take this subject seriously - even if my OP was offensive - the question of what one is supposed to do when the police abdicate their responsibilities and do not do their job - policing drunken revellers.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jan 2013 /  #45
only me and other Poles were telling them off to stop doing it on many occasions while the English sat there pretending they don't see what's happening.

maybe only the Poles knew the smell of hash :-)

We both know however that a lot of Irish lads actually know each other personally - and correct me if I am wrong - but they will actually fight bare-fisted IN the pub, and they dust themselves down afterwards when half the bar is wrecked (why are there little furnishings in London Irish bar) and then buy each other a drink.

True, but what about the other poor people in the bar trying to have a quiet drink?

I was in Salthill, Galway on two occasions when I saw a gang chase some other lads (out of towners, I guess) and kick the cr@p out of one of them, on the pavement. Along with a girl whipping him with the belt buckle (stuff he'd probably have paid good money for another time). It wasn't until one of them kicked the boss's car that the bouncers of a local club came and and proceeded to maul one of them.

Meantime, nobody did anything. I eventually walked up to the guy who was kicking the prone body, and said, "I think you'd better go... cops are coming". Then I checked the body was ok. It was him I apologised to.

Another time, I was living in Salthill and saw a fight kick off across the road from my bedroom window. again, someone ended up on the floor getting his own personal performance of Riverdance on his head by an entire cast, for well over a minute. The Garda turned up on that occasion, after the body had lain still for a couple of minutes.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jan 2013 /  #46
City rock pub on Chorzowska

City rock? Jaysus chap why the fuq would ya go there? Crap food, crap atmosphere. Sure it's not even a pub to be fair.

Mariacka's where it's at.
I wouldn't have gotten involved tho, no way Jose. Call the psy alright, but no way would I ever go into a fight that I've nothing to do with.

I've lived in Kato now for a good while and only ever seen two rows, and one of them was 2 yanks on Patrick's Day a few years ago the other was a riot outside Pomaranca or Lemonada (whichever one is on Mariacka), looked organized tho, group of hooligan lookin lads went at it with the security, I was across the road in Lorneta with a pint looking out on it. Voyeurism is a terrible thing (so I'm led to believe), but seeing a few hools getting the bollix knocked out of them was probably the highlight of that particular Saturday night.

If it doesn't involve you you're better off walking away, no point being a hero just for some false sense of duty that you feel towards others that wouldn't even dream of helping you if the situation was the other way around.
ifor bach  11 | 152  
2 Jan 2013 /  #47
Come on, just look at the crap guy is writing here, some folk stories about his grandma, overall immature masturbation and all of the rest, more likely dude got pushed and humiliated by some drunk kids, run away and now he's healing his wounded "pride" with this pathetic "I'm a tough guy" stories.

I'm with you on this, Grzegorz.

It's all simplistic, wanna-be hardman, masturbatory fantasy stuff, the kind of thing that's kinda excusable in a none too bright teenager, but pretty pathetic for some presumably 40+ guy who claims to have been over 20 years in Poland.

My experience of 'tough' guys, is that they generally just do whatever it is necessary for them to do, and leave out all the bragging on the internet.

Please ignore any stupid generalisations he makes about Poles. He's speaking for himself, not Brits generally. I'm quite sure you've got your own fair share of internet warriors in Poland too.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 Jan 2013 /  #48
It just sounds like a bar fight to me. Plenty of those here in Warsaw and plenty more out in the sticks. Good that somebody intervened though

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