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Typical for the Poloniandists

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Sep 2012 /  #61
It's just a sad fact of life that many of the so-called Polonia in America are nothing but descendants of racist village peasants from lands which we don't speak of in civilised circles. They carry on the proud traditions 100 years later, such as Jew-hating.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
20 Sep 2012 /  #62
Delphiandomine,how much interaction have you had with American Polonia,other than on here?
f stop  24 | 2493  
20 Sep 2012 /  #63
It's just a sad fact of life that many of the so-called Polonia in America are nothing but descendants of racist village peasants

now there is a statement worthy of those "nothing but descendants of racist village peasants"! Don't you see the irony??
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Sep 2012 /  #64
Delphiandomine,how much interaction have you had with American Polonia,other than on here?

A bit - I had an interesting interaction with one chap who was as racist as it gets. He came to Poland to "escape the blacks", constantly talked about how much money he had and how stupid Poland was for making him get a residence permit, and generally moaned and complained about absolutely everything here. He was, unsurprisingly, a medical student.

Generally speaking, they don't do too well here.

now there is a statement worthy of those "nothing but descendants of racist village peasants"! Don't you see the irony??

Yes, I fully accept being racist towards backwards village American peasants who abuse the good name of Poland for their own personal agenda. :)
20 Sep 2012 /  #65
I fully accept being racist towards backwards village American peasants who abuse the good name of Poland for their own personal agenda. :)

Are peasants a race? Or a class?

And the people who tarnish the good name of Poland for their own anti-semitic personal agenda are most certainly not a race, so you can't be racist against them. Although they might qualify as a separate species. Are you speciesist Delph?
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Sep 2012 /  #66
Does stand to reason that the majority would be of lower class stock, from small, poor towns & villages etc..
f stop  24 | 2493  
20 Sep 2012 /  #67
Yes, I fully accept being racist towards backwards village American peasants who abuse the good name of Poland for their own personal agenda.

Who?? I don't know any. What "personal agenda"?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
20 Sep 2012 /  #68
f stop,neither do I,delphiandomine,I understand that you may have run across some Amreican Polonia that have fit your description,but to assume that most or many are like that,what do you base this on?I think that if you spend some time in the U.S. and meet many,you would find that it is quite the opposite.As for many or most coming from poor or uncivilized areas,what do you base this on?
20 Sep 2012 /  #69
What "personal agenda"?

Perhaps an anti-semitic agenda based on hatred of Jews? Perhaps somebody who posts here, claims on an almost daily basis to speak for Polonia and clearly has a passionate hatred for Jews?

Although I must underline that the person I'm thinking of does not live in a village and is not a peasant either.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
20 Sep 2012 /  #70
Harry,I don't think most of the American Polonia on this site intentionally try to hurt Poland's image regardless of how they believe.And even if this were the case,People shouldn't assume that all American Polonia is like this.
20 Sep 2012 /  #71
People shouldn't assume that all American Polonia is like this.

Of course they should not. But when they see a self-appointed spokesman for Polonia posting racist rantings about Jews and British people, they are not going to think more highly of Polonia (or Poland) and may very well think worse of both. Wouldn't you agree?

I don't think most of the American Polonia on this site intentionally try to hurt Poland's image

Most don't. But some might well try (particularly the pseudo-Polonia whose family were not Polish), or they simply not care a jot about what harm they do to the image of Poland as all they care about is attacking the hated Jew/black/whatever.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
20 Sep 2012 /  #72
Harry,If people were to base their opinion on how they perceive the few,then I would say that they are closed minded and don't represent the opinions of the whole of their people either.wouldn't you agree?
f stop  24 | 2493  
20 Sep 2012 /  #73
a self-appointed spokesman for Polonia posting racist rantings about Jews and British people

Let me see if I got this right: some "self-appointed spokesman for Polonia" said something racist, so from then on you attribute these racists opinions to most, if not all Polonia.

Who's the bigger fool?
20 Sep 2012 /  #74
F-stop, care to quote where I attribute that gentleman's posts to most of Polonia? He claims to speak for Polonia; I don't say he does (or think he does).
BBman  - | 343  
20 Sep 2012 /  #75
It is mostly Am Poles who are constantly trying to tell Poland Poles how to live, who to vote etc. and are not afraid to show their anger, even fury, when we make other choices.

The vast majority of "am poles" don't meddle in polish affairs. Only a tiny number of them try to, like polonius (who by the way is a nut). The others are the "fresh of the boat" type who are in the US illegally, who constantly complain about life in the US yet wont return to Poland. Again very small in numbers. 11 million strong Polonia? I bet most are 2nd + gen americans of polish descent, an ancestry that they rarely claim to have let alone try to involve themselves in a foreign country's affairs.

No, they are not. That people such as you who claim to be Polonia come out with such utter bollocks is just one of the problems that self-declared 'Polish' people cause Poland. Of course some Poles are racist but some of every group will be deeply unpleasant individuals.

If you were able to speak Polish and actually had some close Polish friends/family then you would be more exposed to prejudice in Poland (you can't hear it on the streets/cafes/trams etc., it tends to come out in private discussions).

They then come here and read the foul bigotry displayed against Jews by people who claim here to speak for Polonia and therefore conclude that the rubbish by the likes of Yitzhak Shamir is actually understatement.

Oh no a couple of bad apples out of a large pool of people. I guess i can generalize all brits as being naked drunks who **** in public based on british stag parties in eastern europe.

And? We should be made to feel forever in the debt to a few morons across the pond because of a few parcels that mostly contained junk anyway?

"We"?? LOL You're not Polish, you're a brit.

This post really shows how truly stupid you are and completely unaware of polish history. The 80s were a difficult time in poland, anyone in poland can tell you that. Poles who left Poland sent packages and money which helped a lot because polish stores were largely empty. There was no such thing as junk in 1980s Poland, you moron. Anything and everything was valuable, things were sold and traded regularly.

You're no better than Poles in Poland, no matter how hard you try.

I'm not better than anyone. Where did i say otherwise?

The only explanation I can think of is that those angry ones (delph, for sure!) are not happy living in Poland, and are jealous at those who still feel the connection but don't have to live there.

Sadly all of this british nonsense on PF boils down to jealousy. They are failures - they have failed at finding meaningful employment in the UK and therefore chose to leave for a foreign country to teach english. This gives them a sense of accomplishment and puts them in a position of power, a position they could never attain back home. Unfortunately, deep down inside they are not content and as a result overtime they have developed grumpy attitudes. They essentially channel all of this anger on the internet, specifically PF (they can't speak Polish either, even after being in Poland for years on end, so they have chosen to troll an english speaking forum about poland).

The other issue among the brits on PF is the US. Brits are inherently anti-american (i'm not too fond of the US either, however for the most part i'm indifferent towards the US - i most certainly do not hate americans) and The animosity vs the US is based on * surprise * jealousy of their former colony out performing them in virtually every aspect. Brits do not take kindly to being anything but 1st, so this is a tough pill to swallow.

The above 2 factors result in brits like delhi and harry.
21 Sep 2012 /  #76
Thanks for that BBMan, perhaps you can excuse my reply until I get to a computer? My daughters are still awake but why waste their time on racists like you?
pawian  219 | 24806  
21 Sep 2012 /  #77
Sadly all of this british nonsense on PF boils down to jealousy. They are failures - they have failed at finding meaningful employment in the UK and therefore chose to leave for a foreign country to teach english.

Come on, going to another country and settling there for good is far more difficult and requires much more guts than staying in your own, no matter what local difficulties you experience..

This gives them a sense of accomplishment and puts them in a position of power,

Why not? I suppose that after so many years here, they are already running language schools ..... :):):)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #78
If you were able to speak Polish and actually had some close Polish friends/family then you would be more exposed to prejudice in Poland.

Your tiresome assumption that we can't speak Polish is nothing but the usual blind Polonia arrogance. Mine might not be perfect, but I can handle my own in meetings without needing an interpreter. Then again, the fact that your Polish family displays such prejudice tells us all we need to know about what kind of family you come from - the worst kind. Mine doesn't have such feelings, but then again, we aren't racist village dwellers too.

Oh no a couple of bad apples out of a large pool of people.

Haven't you read the garbage that the Polonia are publishing and saying in North America?

This post really shows how truly stupid you are and completely unaware of polish history.

I stand by what I said - most of what you sent was unwanted junk. The fact that you've got so defensive about it says the same thing - that you were sending your poor stupid cousins whatever cheap garbage you could find there, mainly because they would have no way of finding out. And Polish stores weren't largely empty during the 1980's - Jaruzelski solved that problem. A little heavy handed, perhaps, but the problem was solved.

Sadly all of this british nonsense on PF boils down to jealousy.

Jealous of what, a bunch of morons with an identity crisis in North America?

They essentially channel all of this anger on the internet, specifically PF (they can't speak Polish either, even after being in Poland for years on end, so they have chosen to troll an english speaking forum about poland).

So you like to think. Except that it's you getting all upset on here while we're laughing at the amount of stupidity that the Polonia produce. I was laughing tonight with some Polish friends about the Polonia - and they have the same attitude, that the North American ones are nothing but peasant emigrants.

Let's be honest - you're the one that thinks that Poland is inferior.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #79
delphiandomine,what is that based on that North American Polonia are nothing but peasant emigrants?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #80
The racism, the narrow minded thinking and the simple reality that people of means wouldn't have emigrated, especially in the early days of the 2nd Republic.

Their language, too. Are you familiar with the word "Busia" by any chance?

But actually, what makes them stand out the most is this belief that they are somehow better than ordinary Poles. Look at the posters on this thread - you can see a very nasty superiority complex running through them. BBman is a great example - he thinks that he's better than the rest of them because his Polish family are racist backwater village morons. Yet - in the very same post - he goes on to attack us.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #81
delphiandomine,actually I'm not,but you're generalizing way too much when it comes to American Polonia.You have the right to your opinion,I'm just curios as to what it is actually based on.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #82
Well, can you blame us when you see self proclaimed members of the Polonia posting all manner of hateful racist stuff on this site?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #83
delphiandomine,I mean it's your prerogative if you want to base this belief based on what you read here,but if you think this is representative of the whole of American Polonia,I have to say this is the wrong approach.
f stop  24 | 2493  
21 Sep 2012 /  #84
F-stop, care to quote where I attribute that gentleman's posts to most of Polonia?

No, I really don't care to do that at all. You guys spend entirely too much time digging up each other quotes, and I don't care to join that pack.

What I object to, and I believe you, along with delph and few others are the vocal culprits of, is constant condemnation of those that claim Polish heritage but are not living there.

Somehow, those that live in Poland, even though they profess to be having a jolly good time, are royally pi$$ed off at those that are not there.

We are not allowed to offer an opinion on what's going on in Poland, because, by God, we don't know current price of a fvcking beer!

And, of course, we are all descendants of stupid villagers, are republicans, racists, and call our grandmothers busia.
I think you guys should stop generalizing about Polonia, because you are insulting great many people you don't know a first thing about.

Well, can you blame us when you see self proclaimed members of the Polonia posting all manner of hateful racist stuff on this site?

AGAIN, address the poster then, not Polonia.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #85
f stop,well said.
f stop  24 | 2493  
21 Sep 2012 /  #86
Have you actually met any prominent Polonian, and by that I mean prominent and not just sticking out...? Say, someone awarded Polonia Restituta and diplomatic passport by the Polish government, fluent in Polish with close ties to his old country, say, halfway living in Poland, supporting a lot of charities and all kinds of positive projects in Poland, paying tax there due his business activities etc, I wonder....

I figured out what y'all are so pi$$ed off about! We don't "supporting a lot of charities and all kinds of positive projects in Poland". LOL money should have been my first clue.

Yea, I have about 100 other places in the world I want to see before Poland comes up for consideration again. But that does not mean that I have less of a right than you to express my opinion about it here, or wax poetic if I want, ...maybe about the times you were not there... ;)

And the racist thing, that's what everybody grabs for to prove that they're fighting evil. It's a butt of endless jokes here.

There are racists everywhere, but as far as Polonia goes, the reality is that US mellows most of them out, not what you assume, that it makes them worse.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Sep 2012 /  #87
But actually, what makes them stand out the most is this belief that they are somehow better than ordinary Poles. Look at the posters on this thread - you can see a very nasty superiority complex running through them. BBman is a great example - he thinks that he's better than the rest of them because his Polish family are racist backwater village morons. Yet - in the very same post - he goes on to attack us.

that pretty much right and applies to a certain group of people who immigrated. The funny thing is that it also applies to other nationalities. I am Ukrainian and my family in Canada behaves like that too. With some exceptions, but when I found out that one of my aunts went to Ukraine and while she was in the museum trying to tell the locals what language they should speak, I almost lost it. When they found out I was going back, they really felt sorry for me and keep asking when I am coming back. The truth is that whoever immigrated has to make the new host country look superior in order to reduce the stress and hardship of the process ( there is a term for that, which I can't recall). That applies to me, Delph and Harry as well, and anybody else. You will not tell me that making and building a new life in a new country does not require sacrifice.

Majority of Polish immigration was economical. There is no shame in it. Poland as a country did not provide enough for those people and they decided to take matters in their own hands. Kudos to them for being brave and taking the risk.

If you Delph and you Harry do not understand that, then I don't know who will. I am not saying that you are economical immigrants, but you had your reasons and that is your life, isn't it?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #88
AGAIN, address the poster then, not Polonia.

Not allowed to :)
21 Sep 2012 /  #89
actually had some close Polish friends/family

Could you perhaps advise as to the nationality of my Mrs and her kids? I was pretty sure that they are Polish but you clearly know better.

They are failures - they have failed at finding meaningful employment in the UK and therefore chose to leave for a foreign country to teach english.

I was actually invited to come here by the Polish government to train teachers. I understand that when you came here, you came to teach English and I also understand that you were unable to actually do that, but please try not to judge other people by your own failures.

Brits are inherently anti-american

I can assure you that only a very small minority of British people dislike you because you are American; all the rest have a healthy dislike of you for the simple reason that you are you, i.e. a deeply unpleasant racist individual.

No, I really don't care to do that at all. You guys spend entirely too much time digging up each other quotes, and I don't care to join that pack.

OK, so what you mean is that you cannot produce a quote in which I say what you claim I say (for the simple reason that I never actually said what you claim I said) but you are still going to claim it anyway. Don't you think that that is just a little bit pathetic?

you, along with delph and few others are the vocal culprits of, is constant condemnation of those that claim Polish heritage but are not living there.

Again I'd ask you to produce a single quote in which I condemn all persons that claim Polish heritage but are not living here, but of course you could not produce such quote (for the simple reason that I never actually said that) and so would claim that you choose not to.

I am not saying that you are economical immigrants, but you had your reasons

I can assure you that the only role money played in my coming to Poland was the question 'Do I actually have enough money to go there and do that?'
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Sep 2012 /  #90
I can assure you that the only role money played in my coming to Poland was the question 'Do I actually have enough money to go there and do that?'

it is not my business Harry. It is your life and neither you, nor anybody else should write a CV on PF to justify what they do with their lives. That's my take on it. See my point?

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