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Typical Examples of Polish Parking Entitlement (post yours)

mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Jan 2010 /  #31
Polish people,


Good manners.

Pick any two, it appears there's no way to get all three together at the same time.
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Jan 2010 /  #32
haha, the illustrations are great
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Mar 2010 /  #33
I saw this beauty today and luckily had my Camera at hand :)

  • IMG_6890_1.JPG
time means  5 | 1309  
5 Mar 2010 /  #34
It's got to be a women driver.
convex  20 | 3928  
5 Mar 2010 /  #35
See you'd think so, but most women actually park pretty decently. It's just the mindless merging and stopping in the middle of the street that is problematic... Most assclown parking jobs that I've seen have been perpetrated overwhelmingly by men
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Mar 2010 /  #36
Most assclown parking jobs that I've seen have been perpetrated overwhelmingly by men

I second that.

It is the lack of thinking that is facinating for me, common courtsey, thinking about others in the hope that they might consider you, call it what you want. I think it is connected to Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland.

Although I will say one thing, no matter how bad you think it is here in Poland, it is worse in Lithuania. I think in Lithuania they just walk into you to have some form of human contact before they kill themselves

Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #37
The guy who, just cos he's got BMW SUV, thinks it gives him the right to open his door without checking the distance, while parked next to my car, and then leave his door open to catch the breeze and cause multiple dents with the corner of his door.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Mar 2010 /  #38
he's got BMW SUV

He's got a tiny winy ;)

It is an amazing time when people living in cities drive SUVs, I mean how much of a complete dick do you really have to be?

I have posted this a couple of times now and I promise I won't post it again until the next time.
, I just think it's great. This is from Ireland but it is appropriate for all dicks everywhere:

wildrover  98 | 4430  
5 Mar 2010 /  #39
It might be he is a visitor from the country...mind you , most of us out in the sticks can,t afford a BMW suv....and of course , when you get off the beaten track the Bmw is not much good when the going gets sticky...

I have a Jeep , and a few other off road machines , but to my suprise my huge organ has not got any smaller...it no longer works tho...!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #40
It might be he is a visitor from the country...mind you , most of us out in the sticks can,t afford a BMW suv....and of course , when you get off the beaten track the Bmw is not much good when the going gets sticky...

No, he was lounging around outside TPSA building, mówić-ing po Polsku. Possibly French, but even they aren't as arrogant as BMW drivers.
f stop  24 | 2493  
5 Mar 2010 /  #41
mean how much of a complete dick do you really have to be

we have much bigger asses here, and SUVs are too common...... but this might amuse you - an official Hummer H2 salute!


(check out some of the submissions)
time means  5 | 1309  
6 Mar 2010 /  #42
but most women actually park pretty decently

I second that.

I disagree with you both, most women are pretty poor at parking cars just like most of them cannot throw either. These are two (amongst others) things that women have not mastered yet.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Mar 2010 /  #43
most women are pretty poor at parking cars

Are you thinking of Spatial Orientation?

I ( I will not speak on behalf of convex) am talking about common courtesy and consideration for others, which women seem to have more of here.

These are two (amongst others) things that women have not mastered yet.

Writing their name in the snow with their pee?
FredChopin  - | 61  
6 Mar 2010 /  #44
Writing their name in the snow with their pee

That, and mastering the art of watching two programs on the tele at the same time.
time means  5 | 1309  
6 Mar 2010 /  #45
Are you thinking of Spatial Orientation ?

Maybe so. But that art of parking between two lines seems to be impossible for most Females. Maybe it is the thought of all those shops waiting to welcome them that puts them off?

Writing their name in the snow with their pee?

Good one :-)
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Mar 2010 /  #46
But that art of parking between two lines seems to be impossible for most Females.

you cannot think that, seriously. And if you do, why do you think that is?
I'm on quotes today. This one cracks me up:
“Why is this thus? What is the reason for this thusness?” Artemus Ward
time means  5 | 1309  
6 Mar 2010 /  #47
you cannot think that

It is true my dear F. Most women are not very good at parking cars it is just one of those things. Putting on a spare tyre and checking the engine oil are two more as well.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Mar 2010 /  #48
you cannot think that, seriously. And if you do, why do you think that is?

I think it is fun that you ask time means why he thinks women can't park but you do not ask me why I think women have more common courtesy and consideration for others :)

But don't worry women are good at other stuff, washing, ironing, making babies, knitting etc... :)
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Mar 2010 /  #49
But why?? Is it because they are not expected to learn, while guys would be ashamed not to? I just don't get it. For me, a flawlessly executed parallel parking is a point of pride.

I know! We have to leave something for you guys to be better at. ;)
time means  5 | 1309  
6 Mar 2010 /  #50
But why??

It is one of lifes great mysteries i'm afraid, one we may never know.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Mar 2010 /  #51
But why??


Sex ID,Spatial ability (BBC)

I really don't know how scientific these studies are, they seem to be more about statistics and tenancies rather than the scientific method.

Also I have to take in to account that men complain more while driving.

A friend of mine, who worked away from home all week, always made a special effort to be with his family on the weekends. Every Sunday morning he would take his 7 year old granddaughter out for a drive in the car for some bonding time, just he and his granddaughter.

One week in particular he came home sick, and on Sunday he was still battling a bad cold and really didn't feel up to going out for a drive at all. Luckily, his wife came to the rescue and said that she would take their granddaughter out.

When they returned, the little girl anxiously ran upstairs to see her grandfather.

"Well, did you enjoy your ride with grandma?", asked the sick grandfather.

"Oh yes, GrandPa," the little girl replied. "And do you know what? We didn't see a single dumb bastard or lousy **** head anywhere we went today!"

flawlessly executed parallel parking

Is there a translation for this in Polish? I doubt it :) :) :)
scottie1113  6 | 896  
23 Mar 2010 /  #52
Priceless! And oh so typical.
OP nauczyciel  
23 Jun 2010 /  #53
it's been a while

this a$$-hat wins for arrogance. should have a "disabled placard"
scottie1113  6 | 896  
23 Jun 2010 /  #54
I saw this beauty today and luckily had my Camera at hand :)

In the US, that car would be a Porsche. And when the owner returned, he would have two flat tires, and maybe the car would have been keyed as well.
Jimmu  2 | 156  
17 Oct 2011 /  #55
I always get pissed when I see cars parked over the lines, but then I remember times when the only place left to park was straddling a line and the cars that started the chain reaction were gone by the time I got back to my car. There's my car looking like some of these photos .....
pip  10 | 1658  
17 Oct 2011 /  #56
this subject is one of the things I hate most about Poland. People that park in handicapped spots or worse- in the median next to them so they are half on the road. My kids go to private school in Warsaw- the worst are the nouveau riche with their big ass suv's that park directly in front of the school blocking everybody. the first day of school some twat parked blocking the building next to the school and when the security guard asked her to move she said she wasn't because she was in a hurry. for what exactly, I wasn't sure- it was the first day of school.

time and time again the owner and principal of the school ask people to park elsewhere and they never do. I think I am going to start calling the towing company.....oh the satisfaction.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Oct 2011 /  #57
I think I am going to start calling the towing company.....oh the satisfaction.

when there has been a few accidents or complaints to the police... the police usually take action.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Typical Examples of Polish Parking Entitlement (post yours)Archived