Dobranocka, the nighty-nighty cartoon show for kiddies that has been around as long as Polish TV has been axed by TV boss Jukliusz Braun. The 7 PM show ended at 7,30 when the main evening news bulletin went on and kids were supposed to be sent off to bed. Braun argues that kids account for only 10% of the viewership. Which cartoons do you know and liked the best:
Bolek i Lolek,
Piaskowy Dziadek
Pomysłowy Dobromir
Pszczółka Maja
Pies Reksio
Jacek i Agata (the first Dobranocka -- a puppet show)
Bolek i Lolek,
Piaskowy Dziadek
Pomysłowy Dobromir
Pszczółka Maja
Pies Reksio
Jacek i Agata (the first Dobranocka -- a puppet show)
From the program 1 of the Polish Television disappearing "Dobranocki" but the decision of the President of TVP is criticized by adults. We asked children from kindergarten if they watching "Dobranocki". Replies: "No, because parents need to watch some strange news", "I must first ask the parents", "They rather say to me that we with the brother need to went out of the room at this time."