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You are Polish if...

marqoz  - | 195  
4 Mar 2010 /  #211
So, please cut the crap and start lightening up

Sorry, Seanus. You're right have a fun ;-)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Mar 2010 /  #212
I will have fun, or maybe a fun time :)

You seem like a cool guy Marqoz, keep up the posting :) This thread is intended as a wind-up but, in real life (where it matters), I don't dig but see the glass as half full.
Myszolow  3 | 157  
4 Mar 2010 /  #213
That's your pre-menstrual anxiety. (PMA)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Mar 2010 /  #214
Never heard of it but it seems that you know it well enough ;) ;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2010 /  #215
some people are blessed more then others;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Mar 2010 /  #216
Some might say ;)

you think Rambo or Rocky are the latest movies on the market. Oh, and Transformers too.

you talk about part 1 of Lord of the Rings when everyone else has finished talking about the third.

Just kidding!! Poland is actually ahead of Japan in this respect. America is usually first but I was shocked to see that Egyptian cinemas will air Salt before anyone else.
Myszolow  3 | 157  
4 Mar 2010 /  #217
Seanus you well know that everyone in Poland will have downloaded most films before they are released. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Mar 2010 /  #218
That's true, I learned that trick here :)
Nika  2 | 507  
4 Mar 2010 /  #219
That's right! I forgot!
So we have: Russians, Germans, Jews, gays, Ukrainians, Pakis, blacks, gypsies, Arabs and Martians.

f stop, you also forgot: Papuans, Saramaccans, Paramaccans, Eskimos, Mongols, Zulu people...
beckski  12 | 1609  
5 Mar 2010 /  #220
When you were a kid your family outing, was usually to a place without an admission cost.
Prime examples: Trips to the park, beach, church, visiting relatives (plenty of free food at other family member's homes!)
beelzebub  - | 444  
5 Mar 2010 /  #221
I'm Polish and it REALLY annoys me when people say "Polish" like "polish". Unfortunately many Polish people do it... :-(

I have never, ever in Europe or the US heard someone say it that way.

you walk into a shop and ask the shop assistant 3 questions whilst she is already serving sb.

What is that about? They think they don't need to wait behind everyone else. I usually interrupted them and told them where the end of the line was. Often I was dismissed with a "I just have a question"....to which I replied "yeah so does everyone else including myself...and we have been waiting for 30min". They still didn't get it.

Worse yet is the assistants/clerks whoever HELPS them...rather than pointing them to the end of the line.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #222
Yeah, I need a resident Pole to explain that one to me as it tends not to work that way in Scotland. Some old folk here think the sun shines out of their arse. Bloody peasants!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #223
Worse yet is the assistants/clerks whoever HELPS them...rather than pointing them to the end of the line.

I was in a post office line once when the assistant was obviously a trainee and was doing her (very slow) best, whilst a superior was screaming at her (but not helping). We'd been in the queue well over 30 minutes (and it wasn't a long queue). Some guy went straight to the front, with a coccky grin. The guy being served blocked him, I dived in for my turn and blocked him... and then gave him a look which said he was a brave guiy if he was going to try it. The glares of pure malevolence from the rest of the queue may have deterred him (of course, nobody said anything).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #224
you dress like Kenny from South Park and make about as much sense as him ;) ;) ;)

you look like you believe the 2012 Doomsday nonsense ;) ;)

you are competing for the position of Polish princess, even though such a vacancy doesn't exist ;) ;) ;) Sorry, too many applicants for that one!

you believe too much in your own convictions and rarely compromise. I've had to set students straight when I knew they were wrong.

you prepare some amazingly good food (my mother-in-law). The bigos she made was heavenly!!!!

you use respect language without really respecting the person you are speaking to. When I use it, I mean it.

Of course, all of the above can be challenged with the 'some do, some don't' or 'some can, some can't' etc etc. If I were to take that to extremes, I'd never write anything unless on a factual thread. (thinks maybe that would be a good thing) ;) ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #225
You are Polish if you are sharpening a knife while looking for Seanus's home address.
Myszolow  3 | 157  
5 Mar 2010 /  #226
You are Polish if you deny all of what Seanus wrote whilst

sharpening a knife while looking for Seanus's home address.

while simultaneously taking antibiotics for a non-existent minor ailment. ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #227
while simultaneously taking antibiotics for a non-existent minor ailment. ;)

and walking to the front of the queue in the post office to ask about his address.
5 Mar 2010 /  #228
you are competing for the position of Polish princess,

What do you mean by "competing"? This is positively vexing!!!

Me no understand

Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #229
Whatsoever could I have meant? Hmm...the mind boggles ;) ;)

Me oonderstand (sic)
Nika  2 | 507  
5 Mar 2010 /  #230
You are Polish if you deny all of what Seanus wrote whilst

Am I still Polish, if I only deny a part of it???

(please say yes, please say yes, please say yes)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #231
It's all a laugh.

I know Poles who have a GSOH. They are true gems!

Outline some virtues and you'll see that quite a few Poles have them.

They can help you when you need.

Geez, folk here must think I'm getting a BJ to write such favourable comments ;) ;)
5 Mar 2010 /  #232
Geez, folk here must think I'm getting a BJ to write such favourable comments ;) ;)

We don't think it: we KNOW ;)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
5 Mar 2010 /  #233
and walking to the front of the queue in the post office to ask about his address.

Leaving your car parked really badly...
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #234
Geez, folk here must think I'm getting a BJ to write such favourable comments ;) ;)

Oh come on, we're not swallowing that!
Nika  2 | 507  
5 Mar 2010 /  #235
My tego też nie łykamy!

Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #236
Maybe Seanus thought it was a ... tongue... in cheek comment.

I'm blowed if I know what's going on in his head.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #237
I try telling Polish women that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but they just blow me off. At which point I just say 'you suck'. Ach, I pull their leg and then they keep pulling mine ;)

you think saying kurwa repeatedly is somehow funny (some of the younger generation I mean).

you call yourself a Catholic but know not what it means.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #238
you call yourself a Catholic but know not what it means.

Having lived in Glasgow and Belfast, I don't think that's a solely Polish thing.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #239
Oh, I agree. It applies in the West but South Americans seem to be able to justify their faith.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #240
... if you think a 30 zloty bottle of whisky from Biedronka is actually worth drinking!

... you think mending each individual pothole, rather than just resurfacing the whole road, is actually a more economic proposal.

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